Could NYS residents be forced into quarantine camps? Part 1
A NYS regulation was recently deemed invalid as it related to Isolation and Quarantine procedures. But this regulation may be appealed soon.
Come learn about the regulation and hear the primary source documents such as the wording in the Public Health Law, the regulation that was found to be invalid, the State bill it is said to have similarities to and more.
And then you voice your opinion on whether you would have sided with the position of the Judge or if you believe the regulation was well crafted and a necessary step.
And remember this is a safe place to voice your opinion without anyone judging as this site does not take a position on this issue but rather want to provide some resources so you can think critically on the matter and learn to discuss it in your own words rather than in the narrative of others.
We at "Tell Me What You Really Think" believe that all in elected office work hard to craft regulations and legislation that they believe are in the best interest of their constituents but they cannot do it alone. If you disagree with something they have penned let them or others know. Only by working with each other can we create a better world in which to live.
Oh and if you find issue with any of the sources we provide or can give more clarity on the matter please write and voice your opinion. We are learning just as you are and welcome the chance to elevate our own understanding of the issues at hand. Your comments and suggestions will be read in future podcasts to help frame this conversation better.
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