The Ænigma Project

Discussing the paranormal, close encounters with the unusual and interactions with the supernatural.

The Mothman

“Mothman” is perhaps one of the strangest creatures ever to grace the legends and myths of America. The creature is a cryptid said to have been seen in Mount Pleasant, West Virginia in the mid 1960's. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated November 16, 1966, titled “Couples See Man-Sized Bird … Creature … Something”..The creature was first spotted by 5 men digging a grave at a cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia. Was this really some form of mutant animal? Or could a more scientific explanation shed light on what these men thought they saw? Many others believe they too saw the Mothman creature, from firefighters to tourist. But could their fear of a large flying creature cause them to see something that wasn’t there?.Tune in and we’ll tell you about some of the stories surrounding these strange sightings. Along with what it could have been if it wasn’t a mutant. And what the local authorities had to say about the many strange events and a few disasters that have been attributed to the mysterious Mothman.


Samhain and Halloween

Whether you pronounce it Sow-ween, or the Americanized Sam-hain, it’s still the biggest holiday on the Pagan Calendar. It’s the start of the New Year and honors the year that has passed. It is the time when the veil of forgetfulness is lifted between the physical world and the spiritual world. It’s a time of celebration! But how did it get started and how did it evolve into Halloween? Join Paul, Sushi and Spring as they discuss.


Ghosts Ghouls and Goblins

Join Paul Cagle, Spring and Sushi as they discuss Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins. What are ghosts? Do all cultures believe in the things that go bump in the night? Why do we like to be scared? Join our hosts as they discuss these topics and play Truth or Tale.


October Free Form Show

Join Paul, Sushi and Spring for their monthly Free Form show. On this episode our hosts discuss if ectoplasm is real, whether or not you can capture a ghost and more. You can also send your questions or comments to The Free Form show is a lot of fun and our hosts always come up with something fun to talk about.


SPECIAL: Interview With Mac McHone on Ghost Nation

Join Paul as he talks to Mac McHone about the first episode of Ghost Nation. Mac's group, East Tennessee Paranormal Project, was involved with an investigation in White Pine, TN that led Jason Hawes and his team to investigate. Download, listen and enjoy!


Haunted Ships

Haunted ShipsIt's October so it's time for ghosts and spooky stories! Join Paul, Spring and Sushi as they discuss ghost ships, haunted ships and true tales of hauntings on the high seas. They also discuss the Flying Dutchman, the QE2 and the Delta Queen. Download, listen and enjoy!


The Amityville Horror

Yes, the Ænigma Project is back and ready for more paranormal goodness! Join Paul Cagle, Spring Wolf and Sushi as they discuss The Amityville Horror. Horrible murders, a family that only lived in the house for 28 days, accusations of demon worship and alleged paranormal activity all on one episode. Download, listen and enjoy!


Naked Ghost Hunting

Join our hosts Spring Wolf, Sushi and Paul Cagle with special guest host Eric Aldridge as they discuss Naked Ghost Hunting. What are the reasons for naked ghost hunting? is it effective? Where would you sit while ghost hunting​ naked? Listen and find out!


The Dibbuk Box Interview with Jason Haxton

Hey Everyone and welcome. This is an interview that I did several years ago with Jason Haxton the care-taker of the Dibbuk Box (this box is what the movie The Possession is based on). Jason discusses how he came to be the care-taker of the box, what sorts of paranormal events he has witnessed from it, and why he believes it was created. This was an amazing interview with a LOT of insight and knowledge into the phenomenon. Check it out. You can find out more about the Dibbuk Box and Jason Haxton at Paranormal Witness also did an episode on the box based on Jason's book. This is a truly amazing topic.


Brazilian Scientists Study Psychics

Join Paul Cagle, Spring wolf and Sushi as they discuss Brazilian Scientists Studying Psychics. The Institute of Psychology is Sao Paulo Brazil recently studied 10 pshychics. Did their study finally provide the answer to the age-old question: Do psychics really talk to the dead? Tune in this evening and find out what the study discovered. We’ll share our analysis of their technique and outcome, along with the thoughts and comments of those who join us in the Ænigma Project chat room.


Karma Around the World

8PM EST on the Ænigma Project. What is karma? Are there different forms of it? How does it differ around the world? Join us on the Ænigma Project as we discuss Karma Around the World.


The Legends of Stull Cemetery

Join Paul Cagle, Spring Wolf and Sushi as they discuss the Legends of Stull Cemetery. For over a century, the legends around the Church and it’s cemetery have collected a variety of legends. From a location for local witches to gather, to a Gateway to Hell where Satan himself travels between worlds twice a year (on the Spring Equinox and on the Christian observance of Halloween).


Astral Projection, Out of Body and Near Death Experiences

Third time is the charm, right? Lol. What is Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences (OBEs)? Do you go to the same place that you go when you have a Near Death Experience (NDE)? How do you have an out of body experience? Join Paul Cagle, Sushi and Spring Wolf as they discuss the similarities, differences and methods of each. You can join our hosts in the chat room and share your questions or comments on the topic or you can send them to and listen in to hear them discuss.


July Free Form Show

Join Paul Cagle, Sushi and Spring Wolf as they participate in their monthly Free Form show. Our hosts will pick several unusual topics or questions that they are interested in and discuss live on the air. You can also send your questions or comments to, and then tune in live to hear what they have to say. The Free Form show is a lot of fun and our hosts usually come up with something unique and fun to talk about. You don’t want to miss it.


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