The Awakened Pregnancy Podcast

The Awakened Pregnancy Podcast is your guide to building a connection to yourself as you journey into motherhood. No matter how your story has unfolded so far, pregnancy is your invitation to go deeper, to connect to yourself and truly come alive.Join your host Conception, Pregnancy and Motherhood Coach Kate Caddle, alongside her captivating guests, as she shares on everything from the best diet for conception, to mastering your mindset for birth, to astrological predictions and everything in between. From pre-conception to motherhood, this Podcast is for the mama or mama to be, that knows deep down that this is just the beginning for her.

Episode 88 : Preparing Your Body Nutritionally for Conception and Beyond, with Day One Fertility

This week I’ve invited Jacq and Britt of Day One Fertility onto the podcast to help us unpack pre-conception health - with some added info on pregnancy and postpartum too. With 5 children and 20+ years experience in the health industry between them, Jacq and Brit know a thing or two about nutrition, optimising fertility and parenting! But when they first started out, they too felt the overwhelm and lack of credible resources to truly feel empowered by nutrition for fertility. They value ...


Episode 86 : The Sacral Secret : How to Have a Powerful Birth and Supported Postpartum with Alexandra Wiatr

Alex first dropped into my orbit about 12 months ago when I worked with her in a one off session, as her coach, during her second pregnancy. Naturally I followed her journey through pregnancy and into motherhood with baby number two, and so beautifully we have landed side by side in the same coaching program with my beloved coach Ellie Swift.I’ve wanted to have Alex on the show for months now but saw the space to honour her energy and that I knew she would have so much to share on this side o...


Episode 85 : IVF, Pregnancy, Placental Abruption, Late Term Loss, Birth and Life as a Mother to One on Earth and One in Heaven with Dani of My Darling Hart

In this week's episode I speak with Dani of @mydarlinghart. Dani is the kind of human that I watch in awe, knowing that what she has navigated must have broken her in ways most of us will never understand and yet, she manages to shine in the reality of her life and all that she has been through. Dani is a 34-year-old wife and mama, who resides in Newcastle NSW. She has two beautiful daughters; Bonnie Hart in the stars and Inka James, who was born earthside this past Valentine’s Day. Dani has ...


Episode 84 : The Top Challenges my Clients Feel In Conception, Pregnancy & Motherhood

This week on the podcast I’m giving you an inside look into what is challenging my clients the most, when it comes to their own experience of motherhood, pregnancy or conception. From struggling with how long it’s taking to conceive, to knowing how to make the best choices for your motherhood path, this episode will help you to move through the top challenges I see, with as much ease, flow and connection as possible. I offer practical tips, and truthful insight on how your daily cho...


Episode 83 : The No.1 Habit to Adopt when you Want to Fall Pregnant

After Episode 82 where I spoke about the most important things to STOP doing if you want to get pregnant, it felt only natural to share what I believe to be the most important habit to adopt when trying to conceive. In this episode I cover… + The most common challenges I see through conception or fertility challenges + The best way to support yourself through conception and how to adopt the habit+ How to avoid decision regret with self connection+ How to live in alignment through challen...


Episode 82 : The 5 Things I Regularly Support My Conception Clients to STOP Doing

It’s been the longest time since I’ve recorded a solo episode, and it’s so fun to be back here sharing with you in this way. When it comes to conceiving, many of my clients are focused on what they need to add to their lives to get the result they most desire. Supplements, self care practices etc, but often the key is in letting go. What is it that you most need to let go of in order to move closer to what you desire? In this episode I’m sharing the 5 things I regularly support...


Episode 81 - Breathwork for Conception, Birth and Motherhood with Nicola Laye

Nicola is a mum, wife to a mind reader *yes really*, beach lover, chai latte drinker, women's empowerment advocate, and breathwork practitioner with over 24 years experience.Breathing has now become Nicola’s absolute passion, providing coping strategies for when life gets tough, she knows this all too well with two small children and her own business. Nicola facilitates women’s breathing workshops, couples connection breath classes plus one to one breath coaching, Nicola facilitates Women’s B...


Episode 75 : IUI Cycle Number Three

Hello! And a big welcome back. It’s been a while between episodes! If you have been following along on social media you will know that my husband Michael and I, decided to engage a fertility specialist late 2021 with the intention of starting treatment in 2022. I have been sharing our experience on Instagram up until the end of our second unsuccessful cycle, and my intention to take a month off, but had left it at that. In today's episode I fill you in on my time off and ...


Solo motherhood by choice with Hayley Williamson

Today’s episode is something different to what we’ve had before. Our guest is a past client of mine whose story I am really excited to share with you. Hayley Williamson is a photographer, and a single mother by choice to her beautiful daughter Neve who was born in august this year. Back in 2018 Hayley was diagnosed with estrogen dominance which led her down a path of balancing hormones and lifestyle. During those 12 months she had also spoken with a GP and gynecologist regarding her AMH ...


From one to two : How to support your family when a new baby comes along with Parent Coach Alex Emms

Alex has worked in primary schools for the last 10 years as both a classroom teacher and Behaviour Advisory Teacher where she was trained in coaching both parents and teachers in behaviour management strategies. It was through this training, some extensive research and becoming a mum herself (Abel 3 yrs and Ari 9 months) that she decided to start offering Parenting Coaching to parents with children school age and younger. This age is the biggest leap in development and if we can help children...


Business, motherhood and integrating self work with Kelle Howard

Kelle Howard is an interior designer, creative director, stylist, speaker and mentor that somehow still has time for daily meditation. She has consciously created a business and life she once dreamed of, including a six-figure interior design empire; a large and loyal social media following; Bajo el Sol, her globally recognised home; a series of brand partnerships and collaborations; a digital course, Behind The Brand; and a 12-week Soul-Led Mastermind. Just to name a few. Kelle is guided by ...


Pregnancy, the fourth trimester, conscious habits and moving countries in the pandemic with Habit Coach Heanney Banks

Heanney is a women's wellness and habit coach living on the Gold Coast, Australia. She is also a loved-up wife and dedicated mama. Heanney is passionate about sharing the power of weaving conscious habits and rituals into our every day, and her tried-and-tested method has empowered women to create a life they truly love.Through one-on-one coaching, group coaching programs and her podcast Conscious Collective, Heanney guides women all over the world on how to release guilt and fear, transform ...


What Astrology Can Tell us About the State of the World, Parenting and Ourselves as we Move into the New Earth, with Tiffany Victoria

Tiffany Anderson is an Astrologer, Cosmic Channel & Conscious mother of 4. She specialises in Cosmic Timing, Vibrational Mastery and assisting with Soul Awakening, and in this week's episode we unpack parenting and life in this new earth.As you will likely hear, and feel, in this episode Tiffany and I recognised a deep connection through many synchronicities and similar intuitive downloads. As always, the conversations I have with the most depth, are with the people I vibe with the most, ...


The top pregnancy regrets and how to avoid them

Working with many pregnant women over the years and then speaking to them once they’re in motherhood, I have received a lot of wisdom on enjoying pregnancy and what really matters. In this episode I walk you through the most common regrets from pregnancy, as well as a series of powerful questions to help you avoid them and enjoy your pregnancy experience. I also share a short list of my postpartum must-haves to support mama. Whether you are pregnant or want to be soon, this episode is a must ...


How to care for your pelvic floor through conception, pregnancy and postpartum, with Katherine Baquie

If you didn’t know much about the pelvic floor and the importance of maintaining it, you will likely become aware of it throughout pregnancy and postpartum. In today’s episode I’m speaking with Katherine Baquie, in the hopes of having our burning pelvic floor questions answered. Katherine Baquie, is the founder of FitNest Mama, proud mama of 3, and a perinatal physiotherapist. She has over 16 years of professional experience guiding mamas through their pregnancy fitness journeys and post...


How to Master Vision casting for powerful conception, pregnancy and birth

One of the first things I teach my clients either one on one or in my group program, is how to create a strong, clear and powerful vision. While a vision can often drop in with instant clarity, it’s important that we understand how to build on that, creating a tangible reference point for what we wish to call into our lives. In this episode of the podcast I show you exactly how to create a vision statement whether you are calling in conception, powerful pregnancy or an incredible birth.If you...


Welcome to Season 3

Welcome to Season three of the Awakened Pregnancy Podcast!In this little bonus episode I share with you what you have to look forward to for this next season of the podcast, as well as a few exciting changes. A short, sharp snapshot of what’s to come here on the Awakened Pregnancy Podcast.Access the show notes for this episodeTo circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.Find more on this episode and connect with Kate here.


Episode 79 : Pregnancy After Loss with Braydan Robertson

Back in episode 48 I spoke with Braydan when she shared her heartbreaking story of loss at 11 weeks pregnant while on holiday with her family. In this episode we fill in the gaps in the story, and Braydan shares that at the time of recording she is 30 weeks pregnant with their little miracle babe. Pregnancy after loss is like nothing else, it’s such a mish-mash of emotions, and truly requires a day by day approach, which Braydan echo’s so beautifully throughout this episode. If...


Episode 78 : How to manifest from a calm nervous system with Connie Chapman

Connie Chapman is a Life Coach, Writer, Podcast Host and Speaker, helping big-hearted women discover a new way of living; one that is guided by their hearts, fuelled by their intuition, and filled with love.She is here to guide you on the journey of turning inwards; of coming back into connection with yourself and discovering the power, wholeness and love that exists within you.As you peel back all of the old layers of fear, limitation, lack and struggle, Connie believes you will be able to s...


Episode 77 : Recurrent loss, immune protocol and powerful birth with Natalie Rolland

Natalie Rolland is a mother and wife based on the Gold Coast, and owner of Altered Sense. I discovered Nat online when she was about halfway through her pregnancy, and quickly learned that she had a challenging experience to get to that point. I always find it so refreshing when I see women share their truth with such kindness, vulnerability and strength. In this episode Nat and I discuss her experience of fairly straight forward conception x3, followed by three miscarriages, back to bac...


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