The Being huMAN Podcast

<p>A podcast about just that "BEING HUMAN". How can we all be a little bit more of the human being we really want to be, that true us, that authentic inner us? How can we disconnect or stop trying to hard to be the human being we think or we were told were were supposed to be?Here are some tools, concepts and some inspiring stories to help us all on our way on our journey of BEING HUMAN</p>

Branden Collinsworth: A mission of love and achieving TRUE greatness in life

Today we are joined by my true brother from another mother, Branden Collinsworth. Branden lives life spreading one of the most authentic missions of love I've ever witnessed. He is the founder of Warrior Retreats, a Nike Master Trainer, and one of the top mindset coaches in the world.One this episode we are going right into the depths of what sparked Branden's mission of love. Before this mission, Branden will also share his journey from the projects of Las Vegas to greatness both the false g...


Breaking the addiction to success and toxic corporate life

In this episode we are going to dive into my inner world of not feeling like I belonged and how that tied my sense of self to success, being successful, and belonging to the group that was successful.This started early in life with making honor roll as kid, to making sports teams as I got older, to a relentless anxiety filled pursuit of success in the corporate world. This addiction to success led me to disregard my own needs in lieu of the needs of my coach, my boss, the company. I lived in ...


Tara Meegan: Unpacking Tantra and living a fuller life of presence

Today we are joined by friend, Tantra teacher, and leader of the Embodied Awakening Academy, Tara Meegan. On this episode, we are going to unpack a power practice that has a lot of charge to it and that practice is TANTRA. As Tantra has become a marketing buzz word in the new age spiritual community, it is rooted in some pretty epic ancient wisdom with a simple focus of navigating the fullness of the human experience while honoring all that we are. One of the main areas that has sup...


Embracing the Full Spectrum Living and Finding Peace in Pain and Pleasure

On today's episode we are talking about full spectrum living, finding peace in high points of life and the low points. We will dive into the 3 reasons why is it so challenging to embrace the positive, happy, joyful, and "good" times in life as well as the negative, sad, sorrowful, and "bad" times in life


Nina Camille: Experience Freedom and cultivating a life of honesty, intimacy and vulnerability

Today I am joined by friend, boss babe entrepreneur, creator of Experience Freedom, and all around incredible human being Nina Camille.We are going to dive right into my favorite topic CONNECTION and how Nina fell in love with connection and why she was so bad a connection. From there we will discuss the beauty of intimacy, what intimacy means, and why we as humans can be so scared of true intimacy.From there, we'll tackle how to truly experience freedom in life. Why do we where mask? H...


Marc Laws: Yoga, Partnership, Fatherhood, Presence and Purpose

Today I am joined by the brother from another mother and OG yoga homie from London Marc Laws. Marc is an epic yoga teacher, loving husband, dedicated father, all truth speaker, and the ONLY human being I have ever met who enjoys riding public transportation around London.On this episode we are going to dive right in to the what made Marc fall in love with yoga. We are then going to dive into Marc's dedication to both his wife Amanda and their son Sage, which is truly an inspiration. With so f...


Getting Uncomfortable and 3 the super powers that discomfort unlocks

On today’s episode we are going to get comfortable getting uncomfortable, embracing discomfort, and understanding how discomfort is a fundamental human need. It is only through physical discomfort that own body can maintain strength let alone get stronger. It is only through mental discomfort that we learn and avoid cognitive decline, and it is only through embracing the uncomfortable full spectrum of emotions that we can live our fullest lives.Through embracing and even seeking discomfo...


Jade Joselyn: Loving LOVE, not receiving love, and lessons learned while stripping

Today I'm joined by friend, personal trainer, female transformation coach, and all around lovely human being, Jade Joselyn. We are going to talk about all things LOVE related. Jade will tell her inspiring story of loving love even when you are raised recieving little to no love. Her journey of loving herself as well as men has had its high and lows and many lessons along the way. From her time a stripper, hating men and not even able to afford bus fare all the to life as a womens coach a...


Speaking your truth vs. Being an Asshole and Self-Expression vs. Performance

In the episode we are going to dive the difference between expression and performance and speaking our truth versus being an asshole saying whatever you want, whenever you want. At our core as humans, we want to be safe, and being seen and heard are two core ingredients for us to feel safe. This core need to be safe can lead is in the direction of performance, to put on a mask, to put on a show that we believe allow us to not just be seen but be accepted. Performance is critical tenant o...


Mike Ikilei: Comfort in Violent Environments, Coaching, Combat Sports, and Entrepreneurship

Today I'm joined by friend, coach, owner and founder of SOMA Fight Club, and all around character Mike Ikilei.


The Yoga and Wellness Industry

On today's episode, I am just going let it all out on my thoughts on the yoga and wellness industry.I love yoga and have so much compassion for all those in this space, but oh man sometimes this shit is so frustrating. As capitialism, ego, and a disconnection for the core essence of yoga shape much of what is seen and known as yoga, it leaves me feel sad and disheartened at times, so let's talk about it!


Myrah Penaloza: Nature, Fashion, and Spirituality

Today I am joined by friend, devoted wife and mother, designer, yogi and so much more Myrah Penaloza. The creation of her brand that now bares her namesake, Myrah Penaloza, began when she met my husband Robindra and he looked her in the eyes and said "I believe in you". She's always been into fashion and bringing her love for Kundalini Yoga and fashion together has been a dream come true.On this episode we will discuss her love of nature an how everything in the world can be tied back to the ...


A Message of Compassion and Empathy for Israel and Palestine

In a time of great sadness as the events of the last 48 in Israel and Palestine unfold, I had a choice, a choice that I am privileged and entitled to even be able to make. My choice was to ...1) turn it off, delete Instagram for the next couple weeks or month, stay off Youtube. I can just put my head in the sand and ignore it until the next new cycle2) I can play the let's share meme's and videos adding intentionally or unintentionally to division of the world3) I can speak on this matte...


Inclusion: Using compassion and empathy to find inclusion in a divided world

Inclusion and need to be included and connected to human beings is a DNA coded requirement of being a human. In this episode, we will explore why and how this core human need combined with scarcity create separation and division, and how we can use compassion and empathy to create inclusion in a divided world.


Justin Sidelle: How Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu cultivates resilience and healthy ego on and off the mat

Today I am joined by Justin Sidelle friend, amazing human being and founder of Rituals Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu based here in Canggu Bali at Wanderlust Fitness Village.


Yogi goes back to the gym

You don't look like a yoga teacher is something I get a lot. But what does a yoga teacher look like? What does a yogi look like?The answer for me is someone who is committed to their practice, the practice of connecting to ourselves, atman - true self, to in return connect on a deeper level to everything else around us, brahman - the infinite universe.What this practice is may look like the varying styles of yoga we see on the mat: vinyasa, power yoga, ashtanga, hatha, yin, kundalini, etc. Ea...


Russell Simmons: Hip Hop, Spirituality, Yoga and Entrepreneurship

Today I am joined by hip hop mogul, producer, writer, fashion icon, entrepreneur, yogi and friend, Russell Simmons. He co-founded the hip-hop label Def Jam Recordings, created the clothing fashion lines Phat Farm, and is currently developing GDAS Health and Wellness Resort in Bali. We will jump right into the cultural phenomenon that is Hip Hop. Why did he fall in love with hip hop? What is Hip Hop? We will dive further into the connections between hip hop and spirituali...


Being a "REAL" Man ... Lost again in a world of SHOULD DO'S

I am proud of my journey to evolve into the man I am today. For most of my life I let society tell me what being a man meant. My focus on winning, needing to be seen as a winner, and most importantly not seen as a loser disconnected me from my true self. It took hitting rock bottom before I finally listened to my therapist's advice around introspection. Now I sit 5.5 years into this journey, and I feel lost again. Men are being pulled into these two poles. One side is saying don't be tox...


Carla Asister: Loving family, empowering women through fashion and supporting herself through OnlyFans

Today I am joined by friend, fashionista, founder of Anna The Label, creator of the Bali Garment Factory, Only Fans star, and all around beautiful human being inside and out Carla Asister. Carla shares her truly inspirational story that started growing up in a small impoverished island in the Philippines watching mom work tirelessly to support their family. It was her love for her mom and her family that led her to travel alone at the age of 12 to Manila in search for work in hopes being able...


Belonging and the core human need for connection

We are DNA coded for belonging. We as humans yearn to belong for belonging is a very special type of connection, so we look to feel a sense of belonging for deep down it represents safety and love.As the need to belong is core to our being, we must find peace in times closeness as well as in times of spaciousness, for both of these will happen in our life. If we don't find this peace we risk our authenticity and integrity in exchange for attachment, connection, and belonging.


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