Speaking your truth vs. Being an Asshole and Self-Expression vs. Performance
In the episode we are going to dive the difference between expression and performance and speaking our truth versus being an asshole saying whatever you want, whenever you want.
At our core as humans, we want to be safe, and being seen and heard are two core ingredients for us to feel safe. This core need to be safe can lead is in the direction of performance, to put on a mask, to put on a show that we believe allow us to not just be seen but be accepted. Performance is critical tenant of perfectionism. If you put on the perfect performance we will be accepted by everyone, we will be a part of the group and therefore safe, connected and loved. To express is to allow what is truly inside of us out. To do you, to do me because it is true to us.
With expression comes the need to be aware of why we are expressing. A core yoga philosophy is Ahimsa before Satya meaning non-violence before truthfulness. To express to allow what is truly inside out is beautiful, but to do it with an intention, consciously or subconsciously, to hurt or cause harm needs to be called into check. If you are "speaking your truth" to try and make someone feel bad or get back at them, maybe you need to find a different outlet to express your truth.
Regardless of where you are on the journey of self-expression, hopefully you can continue to reclaim your power over the critics inside and out, stay open, and feel free to be you.