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The Fasting Method Podcast

The Fasting Method Podcast

Author: The Fasting Method

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The Fasting Method Podcast is your source for the science of intermittent fasting, offering the best advice and most compelling insight on what it takes to lose the weight for good.

Co-hosted by world-leading fasting experts, Megan Ramos, Nadia Pateguana, N.D., and Terri Lance, Ph.D., each episode takes a deep dive on a range of hot topics, and answers listeners' questions about fasting.
192 Episodes
Episode #190 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by Coach Heather Shuker to discuss ways to get back into fasting for folks who may be struggling after not having fasted for a while.  Terri and Heather discuss the video/board game analogies to illustrate how you may be out of practice, but that does not mean you are back at the beginning completely. Just like in video games, when you lose a life, you don't have to start over from the beginning. You can pick up where you left off and continue progressing. The same applies to habits and goals - you don't have to start from scratch if you've fallen off track. (01:31) It's common for people to return to healthy habits like fasting after a period of time away. It’s a bit like dusting off an old video game or board game - you may need to relearn some of the mechanics, but you don't have to start over completely. (06:53) If you want to stay proficient at something, you need to stay in the game. The key is to be patient with yourself and focus on consistency rather than perfection. Small, daily steps are more important than trying to achieve your goals quickly. Showing up and making the effort consistently is what leads to long-term success. (09:23) The importance of maintaining support systems and communities, even after reaching your goals. Just like in addiction recovery, continuing to participate in the Community can help you stay on track. (10:22) The danger of too much too soon. A great indicator of success is that you keep showing up. (18:23) Focus on the process rather than just the outcome, and remember that getting back on track is about dusting off old skills, not starting from scratch. (22:40)   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #189 In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community: I’ve been fasting for six months and was surprised to discover on my annual screening that I am in the early stages of iron deficiency. I am post-menopausal, typically eat red meat twice a week, and fast twice a week. I have been restricting my protein intake but have been taking iron supplements. Should I take iron supplements when I am fasting and are there other things I should consider with fasting as a way of life? [02:03] I recently found out I have high histamine, either from diet and/or not being able to process it. I was wondering if longer fasts, say over 24 hours, would help to get rid of high histamine and settle my body down? [05:37] I can physically feel when I am losing weight. I feel a mild tingling on the back of my thighs and glutes. It doesn’t really bother me and I look forward to the sensation as I know I am headed in the right direction. Is there a name for this sensation and is it a cellular, biochemical function? I like to think of it as fat cells dissolving! [09:41]  What are your thoughts on dry fasting? [12:58]  What is the allowable ketone level while fasting for two to three days (on a strict ketogenic/carnivore diet), and at what level should you break your fast? [15:36] If you have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of extra skin, how much dietary protein do you *really* need to eat during your meals? Don’t you want your body to scavenge that extra protein? Does it make a difference to fast with water, salt, and magnesium only, as opposed to using fasting aids such as bone broth? [17:47] How does fasting affect blood circulation? [20:16] Please can you explain the difference between autophagy and chaperone autophagy? [21:30] Can you please explain what is happening when you take vinegar to reduce the impact of blood sugar spikes after eating? [23:02] I don’t seem to be able to get beyond 50 hours when doing longer fasts. Is there a reason for this or is it just that 50 hours is my sweet spot when it comes to fasting? [27:43]   LINKS: Fasting for Kidney Disease - Surprising Benefits #106 Bitesize: Is ADF Fasting Better?   Please note that you need to be a member of the TFM Community to submit questions to the Q&A webinars with Dr. Fung but you can submit questions to our regular Q&A episodes here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #188 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by TFM Community member, Sooz, who shares her amazing health journey transformation.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #187 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by Coach Bethany to discuss best practices they have gleaned from their clients and Community-member success stories: Consistently showing up for Community and coaching meetings, even when struggling. [02:38] Avoiding the habit of finishing others' leftover food, wasting food, or consuming gifted food, and, rather, recognising it as ‘not your food’. [05:20] Tracking food intake for a couple of weeks to increase awareness of unconscious eating habits. [07:57] Defining clear, measurable metrics of success, such as clothing fit or body measurements, rather than relying solely on the scale. [10:33] Setting both interpersonal boundaries (with others) and intrapersonal boundaries (with oneself) to support fasting goals. [13:17] Accepting and embracing the ‘in-between’ phase, where progress is being made but final goals have not yet been reached. [15:40] Scheduling fasts in advance and planning around social events to maintain consistency. [19:08] Comparing consistency in fasting to other areas in your life. [24:14] Immersing yourself in the topic of fasting to stay motivated and inspired. [25:47]   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #186 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by Coach Heather to talk about 7 common mistakes fasting beginners make when they are excited about the power of fasting. Neglecting to manage electrolytes. [02:25] Trying to string one-meal days over and over instead of alternating fasting and eating days. [07:20] Trying to increase fasting intensity too quickly instead of building up gradually. [10:00] Considering fasting a ‘magic eraser’ without making necessary dietary changes. [14:50] Telling everyone about fasting before establishing a consistent practice. [18:33] Trying to go it alone instead of joining a supportive community. [21:06] Failing to have a plan. [26:04]   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #185 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by Coach Bethany to talk about the importance of establishing and returning to your fasting foundations or the framework structure you have put into place.  They emphasize that having strong foundations or a solid framework is integral to navigating life (stressful times, vacations, holidays, etc.) and your fasting lifestyle (fasting and eating healthy foods). Terri and Bethany use the analogy of building a house to illustrate this concept - starting with laying a solid foundation. [03:08] Then building a strong frame - TRE (time-restricted eating) [06:07] Go back to the fundamentals - focus on the basics first, such as making healthy food choices and establishing consistent eating and fasting patterns, before attempting more advanced fasting regimens. [08:15] Don’t try to "make up" for periods of going off track by drastically increasing fasting or using fasting in a punitive way as this can be counterproductive. Instead, go back to the fundamentals and rebuild the foundation. [11:18] Don’t try to out-fast a poor diet. [18:38] Balance and patience is important in developing a sustainable fasting and eating routine, rather than quick fixes or extreme measures. [22:32] Don’t compare your journey to other peoples’ experiences. Trust the process and take your time. [27:47]   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #184 In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community: Can fasting help with tinnitus and sleep apnea? [09:24] Is distilled water okay to drink? [17:41] Convenience is sort of necessary for active, working people, but getting food from restaurants is not always a good option. What kinds of foods/restaurants are best for simple, no or low-prep foods for someone who does not want to cook or finds cooking to be problematic because of portion-sizes and clean-up? [21:29] Can I use spices like green cardamom pods, cloves, and fennel seeds during fasting days to combat bad breath? My coach said it’s OK to green cardamom pods but I wanted to know if it can be extended to other spices? Are there any I should specifically avoid? [20:55] Could you please talk about how we should change our dietary fat consumption as we progress through the fat-loss journey on LCHF, specifically from the angle of supporting healthy endocrine function. If we define the different stages of fat loss in terms of how much adipose is needed to lose (more than 50lbs, more than 20lbs, less than 20lbs), would dietary fat requirement increase as we progress through these stages, as we would need more dietary fat to support endocrine function? [22:30]  I am in perimenopause and have just started HRT. My MD is very supportive of my desire to use fasting as part of my goal to lose fat, lower A1C (I am pre-diabetic) and apoB. She recommended I have full labs in six months to make sure my body has adjusted to HRT and we’ve had enough time to adjust dosage if needed. Does six months seem like an appropriate time frame to wait, and how regularly after that should we repeat these labs? [26:29]   Please note that you need to be a member of the TFM Community to submit questions to the Q&A webinars with Dr. Fung but you can submit questions to our regular Q&A episodes here:   LINKS #147 (Constipation): #76 (Constipation): #180 (Longer Fasts): #45 (Gallbladder): #20 (Gallbladder):   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #183 In this week's episode, you will hear a solo episode by Terri, the Analogy Queen.  Because her brain works in analogies, she wanted to share some recent images she has been using in her work with fasting clients and the TFM Community, and encourage listeners to apply these concepts to their own fasting and healthy-eating journeys. The key analogies include: • Time-restricted eating (TRE) is like a rectangle, while fasting is like a square - TRE is the foundation, and fasting builds upon it. [02:30] • Fasting is like riding a horse - the hardest part is getting started, but if you keep going it gets easier. [06:26] • Driving with sudden acceleration and braking is like an inconsistent fasting/eating pattern - it's better to gradually adjust your pace. [11:24] • Overfeeding dogs with scraps is like constantly snacking or "free-feeding" - it's better to have set meal times. [13:45] • Fasting aids or training wheels are tools to help build your fasting skills, but you should eventually be able to fast without them or only use them when you need to. [19:40]   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #182 In this week's episode, Terri is joined by Coach Heather for a discussion about a common struggle for so many fasters - getting beyond the 24-hour fasts to do an overnight fast.  They highlight how to navigate this physically as well as mentally.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #181 In this week's episode,Terri is joined by TFM Coach Bethany who shares wisdom to help listeners assess if they might be interfering with their goals by overtraining or avoiding exercise due to beliefs that drive either of these extremes. Tune in to find out what the most common signs of overtraining are and what you should do about it.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #180 In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community: We’re getting more questions about children and insulin resistance. Of course the parents should always check with their pediatrician, but could you speak on what type of diet a child could be on if they start showing signs of a metabolic issue, especially if the mother had gestational diabetes while carrying them? [01:47] If someone lost their sense of smell during COVID, but could smell during a five-day fast, would it be a good idea to keep at it, hopefully, for a permanent restoration of their sense of smell? [04:56] I can't quite make myself fast for more than 24 hrs. In the last three, months I've started eating once a day, mostly every day, with 17 to 24 hours fasting in between. Would I be able to completely reverse the type 2 diabetes if I stick to this way of eating? [08:10]  Dr. Fung, in one of your videos you suggested eating your protein and fat ten minutes before eating carbs. How many grams of fat or protein are required? [12:10]  Could Dr. Fung discuss Carnivore as  an elimination diet, and what his thoughts are about adopting it as a long-term diet? [18:22] I have a CGM and my BG goes up about after my first meal, plateaus at that higher level, goes up even higher after the second meal, and then slowly returns to the original level overnight. Does this mean that my meals are too close together? Should I wait to have the second meal only when my BG returns to the original value after one meal? [23:06] Is it important to have a ketone monitor or CGM? Are blood ketone monitors more accurate? [25:25] It seems to me that just getting one blood test (fasting glucose) to determine if you're pre-diabetic or not could be very misleading, given the variability? [27:39] Why and how do non-caloric, sugar-free, natural sweeteners, such as Atevia and Truvia, raise insulin? [29:26]   LINKS Dr. Fung’s YouTube video, Why Food Order Matters:   Please note that you need to be a member of the TFM Community to submit questions to the Q&A webinars with Dr. Fung but you can submit questions to our regular Q&A episodes here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #179 In this week's episode,Terri is once again joined by Coach Heather Shuker. They discuss ways that we interfere with feeling motivated vs ways that we can help foster motivation.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #178 In this week's episode,Terri is joined by TFM Community mentor Lisa Enns who shares her health and weight-loss journey. This is a great episode to remind all of us of the longer-term reality of the ‘fasting and eating well’ approach.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #177 In this week's episode,Terri is joined by Coach Heather Shuker. They discuss what actually motivates the brain and why this makes relying on motivation to fast and make healthy food choices complicated.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #176 In this week's episode,Terri is joined by Coach Heather Shuker. The two jump into a topic they both love--motivation! They discuss how relying on motivation often leads our attempts to crash and burn or smoulder slowly.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #175 In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community: Is sauerkraut OK for fat fasting or olives only? [03:10] What happens to the body weight set point when we are under stress? [04:11] I recently listened to a podcast from a few years ago where you and Dr. Peter Attia discussed insulin resistance. You said you had evolved your thinking about it and that it was not like a lock and key that didn't fit, but, instead, more like an overflow situation. You described it as a suitcase (the cell) already filled to the point of overflowing with shirts (the glucose), and it just couldn't hold any more, you just couldn't stuff anymore in. You also said that it is hyperinsulinemia that drives metabolic syndrome, not insulin resistance. Is that your current view? [12:13]  Does an enema stimulate insulin? For example, a coffee enema with kefir, whey, or other added probiotics. [16:00]  When we exercise, our bodies will pump out blood glucose to help with the energy needed. For an insulin resistant person doing hard, aerobic exercise (such as HIIT or run/walk), does the raised blood glucose need insulin to process it? [17:31] When a person is doing regular exercise routines, do they need to replenish glycogen stores after a workout or does the body do this on its own? [19:22] I read an article recently about SGLT inhibitors which said they can stimulate autophagy. Is this true? [24:33] Protein requirements are so confusing. If a person has a lot of weight to lose and they have a lot of excess skin (which is protein you want the body to use to minimize all that loose skin when you are done losing weight), how do they know how much protein to eat? Would they need less protein the more weight they had to lose? Does eating less protein force the body to use the loose skin? Does eating too much or too little protein have consequences? [27:40] I have read some things that say 8 ounces of animal products per week is enough and more than that has negative effects (insulin resistance, elevated bad cholesterol, and other things), and so getting more protein from legumes, nuts, and seeds is a good idea. Also, the type of animal products makes a difference; it is not just the processing, but whether it is organic, pasture-raised, regenerative, etc. I think that it can be easy to interpret that, since saturated fat isn't as bad as we thought, we might eat more animal products or not-so-healthy animal products, and, while it might lower insulin and promote weight loss in the short term, there can be other long-term effects that are not so healthy. Can you comment? [34:19] LINKS The two podcast episodes Lisa mentioned were: GLP-1s Episode #163 - Fasting Q&A with Dr Jason Fung: Order of Fat Burning, Fasting With a Gastric Sleeve, BMR Fluctuation, GLP-1 Drugs, and More Hair Loss Episode #163 - Fasting Q&A with Nadia Pateguana, ND: Children and Snacking, Food Intolerances Since Fasting, Meals to Break a Fast, Hair Loss, and More   Please note that you need to be a member of the TFM Community to submit questions to the Q&A webinars with Dr. Fung but you can submit questions to our regular Q&A episodes here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #174 In this week's episode,Terri is joined by TFM member Kimberley Seitz who shares her health and weight-loss journey. Terri is blown away by Kimberley's mindset transformation and can't wait for our listeners to enjoy listening and be inspired.  LINKS: Sonya Renee Taylor on The Body Is Not and Apology The episode of Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us, mentioned can be found here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #173 In this Fasting Q&A episode, Megan Ramos answers some of your fasting questions: Why is it that, when I am consistent with fasting and diet, my PMS and period symptoms (cramps, headaches, and backache) are lessened? Is it to do with insulin? (Jenna from Michigan) [01:30] I keep hearing mixed answers about fasting for PCOS. Some say it’s really beneficial and then others tell me to eat 5-6 small meals a day and not to fast or have coffee on an empty stomach because of the cortisol response. Can you clarify please? I feel better when I fast. I’m still only fasting 14-18 hours per day and trying to stick to TRE but I’m afraid I’m making it worse with my cortisol response. Help! (Amy from South Dakota) [02:45] I’ve been trying to heal my PCOS with ADF for about six weeks now. I have started spotting occasionally and sometimes have shorter periods. Could this mean that my body is healing and trying to self-regulate and get my cycle back to normal? (Sarah from Maryland) [08:12] I take vitamin D daily because my levels were low a few years ago. They have since returned to normal. Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, do I have to eat something with it on my fasting days or can I take it without and still get the benefit? (Beth from Nova Scotia) [09:47] Should you eat dark chocolate every day? I read a study that says, “The research findings suggest that eating 48g of 70% dark chocolate each day may help lower fasting glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance.” I’ve also heard that dark chocolate reduces LDL cholesterol. Do you agree with this? (Michelle from British Columbia) [12:17] I need some mindset help! I am 53 and spent most of my 40s gaining weight. I spent hours and hours every day unhappily thinking about my weight. My doctor told me about TFM and, after four months of TRE and 24,42, 48-hour fasting, I reached my goal weight. I was looking forward to the mind freedom but it’s been nine months now and I am still consumed by thoughts about weight and fasting. I eat whole foods, little sugar and processed foods, and fast 24-48 hours three times a week with TRE the rest of the time. I just want the mental freedom that so many people talk about. Help! [14:46] I’m a 40-year-old female and have lost 53 pounds following different protocols but mostly intervals of OMADs 3-4 times a week and 2MADS for nearly two years. Recently, I’ve also added one 42-hour fast a week. I’ve noticed that I’m just not hungry. I end up eating based on the planned windows which are scheduled around workouts and a busy schedule. Should I wait for hunger and so extend my fasts further? I feel more like I *want* to eat than *need* to eat. (Michal from Israel) [18:25] I keep hearing that fasting is different for men and women and that women can actually gain weight if we fast at the wrong times. I am a 48-year-old woman. Is this accurate? [20:33] Do you have any tips for fasting when you have ADHD, specifically, the lack of dopamine and how food can be a source of dopamine. What other ways can we get dopamine, especially in the immediate and easy way eating provides? [22:39]   Please Submit Your Questions here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #172 In this week's episode,Terri and Coach Amy Wiesner discuss the important of using this time of year as a time to get solidly on track before heading into the holidays or other stressful times.   Transcripts of all episodes are available on the Podcast page at Please Submit Your Questions for the Q&A episodes here: Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Episode #171 In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community: 1.  Imagine that I dress the carbs that I eat by adding acid and fat so that my BG spike is minimized. What happens to all the fat that I added? Don’t the carbs send the signal for insulin to go up and, consequently, for all the fat I added go directly into body fat? If so, should I minimize the amount of fat that I dress carbs with and mostly just eat them with acid, like vinegar or lemon juice? [01:55] 2.  What eating strategy would you suggest for an insulin-resistant or pre-diabetic person? In other words, do they need to low carb to get out of the pre-diabetic range? [08:32] 3.  I am struggling with getting my blood sugars down to a normal range and am stalled in my weight loss. I have lost 150 lbs and gotten off insulin and other oral meds. I feel like my way of eating is on point 95% of the time and I am fasting 24-48 hours or longer 2-3 times a week. On my last extended fast, my blood sugar didn’t come down until day 3 and then started going up every day. By day 5, my blood sugar was 189. I broke my fast with whole, low-carb foods and my blood sugar came down to the 140s where it likes to live these days. I'm wondering why, so far into my journey, things would start going wonky. I do have a lot of personal and family stress happening right now. Could that be generating enough cortisol to be negating my diet and fasting or are there other explanations that could be contributing? [16:44] 4.  Do you have any evidence (empirical or otherwise) on fasting, autophagy, and reduced carbohydrate intake for people with ADPKD (Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease)? [20:23] 5.  Can patients with gallstones fast? Does it increase the risk of gallstones? [24:57] 6.  I know seed oils are not recommended but what do you think about cold pressed niger seed oil? Avocado oil is not readily available in my country, and I cannot use butter or animal fat everyday as there are a minimum of 180 religious fasts a year. These fasts prohibit dairy products and meat, so we are basically vegans during these fasts. [30:36] 7.  Why do some people (who have never missed a meal in their life and suddenly start a multi-day fast) get very high ketones and have to break their fast? [34:32]   Please note that you need to be a member of the TFM Community to submit questions to the Q&A webinars with Dr. Fung but you can submit questions to our regular Q&A episodes here:   Transcripts of all episodes are available at on the Podcast page. Learn More About Our Community: Join our FREE Facebook Group: Watch Us On YouTube: Follow Us on Instagram: @fastingmethod   This podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. You should always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before doing any fasting, changing your diet, taking or adjusting  any medication or supplements, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. The use of any other products or services purchased by you as a result of this podcast does not create a healthcare provider-patient relationship between you and any of the experts affiliated with this podcast. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.