The Fire You Carry

Everyone carries fire. It is inside of you right now. It may be a spark; it may be embers; or it may be full-blown, raging flames. It may have been given to you by someone; maybe passed on from fathers, mothers, grandparents, coaches, or friends. The fire may be acquired from tragedy and difficulties in your own life. Or it may be passed on to you from someone distant; someone you don't even know; but still they have left a mark. These are the things we talk about on this podcast. We, ourselves, have felt this fire. We continue to strive to become better men, husbands, fathers, friends, and citizens. This podcast is the result of our own journey, of our own discoveries; and it is our hope that you will come along with us and discover your own fire. We are constantly interviewing men we respect; men who have kindled their own fires. They may be successful in the workplace, exemplary as a husband or father, or simply set an example in how they stay fit at any stage of life. We are firemen, and we often focus on issues that we face daily: Trauma and PTSD; from how to stay fit when your life might depend on it; to learning how to be present as a husband and father even when we're gone from home a lot of the time. What we are learning applies to the military, law enforcement, EMS, and even UPS drivers. The principles that make anyone a successful man are universal truths that do not change based on a job description or a phase of life. Come, stoke the fires that you carry, and dare to kindle some new ones.

181: Sobriety, with John Estrada.

In this week's episode, Kevin and Nole are joined once again by John Estrada. John last came on our show back on episode 40 to talk about fatherhood, and we had an excellent conversation on the subject. Today John is back to talk about his sobriety. He stopped drinking back in October and together we walk through the difficulties, the benefits and the mindset behind the decision. Regardless of where you stand on alcohol this episode will be of benefit to you as the perspectives that John brin...


180: On Post Traumatic Stress & How Nole Has Been Failing To Deal With It Properly

In this week's episode, Nole shares his recent struggles with Post Traumatic Stress and his failure to deal with it in the ways he knows work. Kevin also shares his perspective on dealing with similar struggles, and we delve into what we know works when dealing with difficult times in our lives. Often, there is a separation between what we know we should do and what we actually do. Nole has been in that place of late, but it's time to go into the storm and start doing the hard things because ...


179: The Ranger Creed

In this week's episode, Nole talks through the Ranger Creed, why it exists and what it means in his life now, so many years removed from his time in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Nole's time in Ranger Battlaion shaped a lot of who he is as a man today and the Ranger Creed was a part of that. Through this episode Nole explains how he has continued to carry this creed in his life through changing his perspective on it so that it applies to his life now, as a civilian. Big thank you to My Epic ...


178: Tribute To A Great Man, Leon Broussard III, Pops.

In this week's episode, Kevin and Nole discuss Pops, Kevin's stepdad. As you know, Pops recently passed away. In honor of him and the amazing legacy he leaves behind, we thought it would be fitting to talk about just a few of the attributes that made this man who he was and discuss how we could implement those into our own lives moving forward. We also discuss how to grieve as a man and the importance of doing so. We even get into the difficulty and importance of saying "I love you", in other...


177: How To Prepare & Make It Through "The Tower" (Fire Academy, Police Academy, Basic Training)

In this episode, Kevin and Nole get into what it's like to go through "The Tower". The Tower, often called a Fire Academy, is a very unique training experience that can be difficult to navigate successfully, so with this episode, our goal is to give you some tips, tricks, and insight that can help you be successful and enjoy the process of getting hired as a firefighter. This episode will also be helpful to those of you going into law enforcement or the military, as the initial phases of trai...


176: Leap Of Faith, With Josh Smith.

In this week's episode, Nole is joined by Josh Smith. Josh is a friend from Hume Lake and this episode focuses in on Josh's journey of faith and the lessons learned through it. The primary focus is on trusting God, and taking "leaps of faith" as He calls us into things that don't make sense to us, and resisting the temptation to rely on our own strengths or experience. This one hits me right where I'm at in life right now and I personally got a lot out of the conversation. I know that you wil...


175: The Importance Of Competition, With Jim King, Vice President Of The California Police Athletic Federation.

In this week's episode, we are joined by Jim King, Vice President of the California Police Athletic Federation. Jim is a retired fireman passionate about the incredible benefits available to everyone through sport & competition. In this episode, we talk through some of the amazing ways competition can benefit those of us in the first-responder communities. However, the benefits are not exclusive to those of us serving in those careers; they exist for everyone. Jim also talks with us about...


174: Brady Mclean, Go Fast Don't Die.

In this week's episode, we are joined by Brady Mclean of Go Fast Don't Die. Brady thought his life had essentially come to an end at age 28 after going through a divorce. This experience deeply shook Brady and forced him to reconsider his life's story and take stock of whether or not it was one he was proud to tell. One of the things that rose from the ashes of this time in his life was Go Fast Don't Die. Put simply, Go Fast Don't Die is a motorcycle brand that encourages those who don't thin...


Bonus Episode: LACoFD Day Of Prayer, 5/2/24 10 AM

This is a unique joint episode led by Captain Andrew Lawrence of A Warriors Perspective Podcast. Captain Wilk and Chief Gaytan join Captain Lawrence to discuss the details of the Department Day of Prayer coming up on May 2nd at LAO. Last year was the first time this event had been held in department history, and it was outstanding. This year will be even better, and we want to see you with us as we pray for the people we serve our leadership, and one another. So join us for the second annual ...


173: Seriously Wounded In Ukraine, With Gio Roman

In this week's episode, we are back with Gio Roman once again. This time he's telling us the story of his second trip to Ukraine. This trip is quite a bit longer and is brought to an end when Gio is seriously wounded in combat. Don't miss this story of courage and survival. Big thank you to Gio for sharing his story with us. Please support Gio by following the link below to purchase one of his patches, or send him a donation to help with his medical bills through his Instagram account. Big th...


172: In Combat During The Early Days Of The Ukraine War, With Gio Roman.

In this week's episode, we are joined by our friend Gio Roman. When Gio heard that Russia was invading Ukraine, he knew he wanted to help. Within days of the invasion, Gio was on the ground, acting as a medic for a Ukrainian unit composed of both native Ukrainians and other foreigners who had come to help. Gio eventually returned to Ukraine, and the story from that trip will be released next week. Big thank you to My Epic and Facedown Records for the use of their song "Hail" in our podcast!ht...


171: The Bad Night Protocol, With Captain Evan Halquist.

In this week's episode, Captain Halquist is back to discuss how to best approach a day following a bad night of sleep. This protocol comes both from actual science and his own personal observations while working at one of the busiest fire stations in the world. Whether or not you work as a fireman, this protocol will benefit your life and improve the quality of that life if adhered to. There is great information here, so be ready to take some notes! Links to some things mentioned in the episo...


170: Not The Solution, With Jeremy Stalnecker

In this episode of The Fire You Carry, Kevin and Nole are joined again by their good friend Jeremy Stalnecker. Jeremy is one of the founders of The Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation, an author and podcast host. The topic today is suicide. We approach this difficult topic from the perspective that there is hope and there is a solution for those of us who would seek to put a stop to the tragic toll that suicide is taking, not only in our department and the broader first responder, military veteran...


169: Our Culture Is Killing Us & What To Do About It, With Captain Evan Halquist.

In this episode of The Fire You Carry, we are joined again by Captain Evan Halquist. Evan came on the show today specifically to talk about something he is very passionate about, the fact that so much of what we are doing as men today, thinking that it's beneficial, is quite detrimental. With this knowledge in hand, we address the ways we can adjust our lives and start to change the culture around us, to obtain better outcomes for us and the men around us. Listen to the end for a reading of a...


168: Getting Those Around You To Start Executing "Extreme Ownership"

In today's episode, it's story time! We share multiple stories highlighting some principles of taking "extreme ownership". Specifically with a mind to demonstrating it for those around us and thus making it part of the culture that we are in. If you enjoy fireground/firehouse stories, this one is for you. Terms like "leading by example", "extreme ownership", "leaders eat last" and so on, are ingrained in our culture. But how often do we know what they mean, how to implement them, ...


167: When Is It Ok To Not Show Up & The Norwegian 4x4

We're back with a new episode! In this one, we delve into some of our current training protocols, including Kevin's foray into the dreaded Norwegian 4x4, and yes it's as brutal as it sounds. We also discuss determining when it's ok to not show up for something you said you would, or something you know would be good for you. Don't forget to check out the links to the Fire Up Program below and get signed up for one of our classes this year. We're only doing 2 more so don't miss out! Big th...


166: We Need Your Support! Come Spend Time With Us March 3rd While Support Two Outstanding Non-Profits!

In this week's episode, Kevin and Nole are joined by Jon Engle of Hold The Line to talk about the details of the joint fundraiser we are doing on March 3rd at Escape Brewery in Redlands. We have some really great stuff to raffle off, live music, and a great time to hang out with our friends and families. We need you guys to show up and we would love to see you out there! Big thank you to My Epic and Facedown Records for the use of their song "Hail" in our podcast!


165: In Defense Of The Family

In this week's episode, Kevin and Nole talk about some of the more common marriage and family issues that come up during the Fire Up Program along with some of those they've experienced in their own marriages and families. The institution of marriage and the family are both under attack in our world today and we as men need to be doing everything we can to strengthen those relationships that we have been charged with leading, and in order to do that we need to be aware of the most common issu...


165: Tim Kennedy, Experiencing The Worst While Still Living The Best. *Repost Of Episode #47*

This episode was recorded when we flew out to Texas in July of 2021 to spend a couple of days with Tim and record this episode. Tim was kind enough to open his home to us and include Kevin and I in his workouts on the mornings that we were there. In this wide-ranging episode, Tim shares some of his war stories with us, we talk fitness, and being a better man, and we even discuss the pros and cons of driving a minivan.MyZone facility code for The Fire You Carry: CALIFUS001Get $60 off a MZ-Swit...


164: The Division Inspection, Why It's Good, Why Nole Hates It & Why You Should Do It In Your Personal Life

In this week's episode, Kevin and Nole explore the ins and outs of the dreaded division inspection. We talk about why it's a tradition in the fire service, why it's good and bad, and why we think it's something we should implement in our personal lives as well. Thank you for listening! Don't forget to follow the links in the show notes and join us in Discord to continue the conversation. MyZone facility code for The Fire You Carry: CALIFUS001Get $60 off a MZ-Switch Heart Rate Monitor!ht...


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