The Grey Range Podcast

28 Episodes
Well, 2025 has sure started off with a tailwind! By the time this episode airs, Donald Trump will have been the 47th President of the United States for a couple of weeks, The Canadian Liberal Party will be most of the way to choosing their new leader, and the rest of the world is likely trying to hang on by its fingernails as the big wheel spins faster and faster. I imagine it like an old school playground merry-go-round. If you were ever on one of those as a kid, then you know the trauma.
In this episode, the World’s Greatest Co-Host, Lucas Orich, and I sit down and try to ring in the new year by attempting to make sense of the chaos. We discuss Technocracy, as written about by Canadian Conservative Member of Parliament, Leslyn Lewis in her Substack piece, The Historical Context Behind the Threat to Canadian Sovereignty which explores some of the older ideas of the North American Union and its links to Elon Musk. We also talk about a Ian Carroll’s 2025 “State of The World” post on IG, which I think sums up the start of 2025 quite nicely, even if it is a few weeks old by the time this podcast comes online.
Check it out here:
I might have to think about getting these out faster. The world is developing at breakneck speed, and it’s tough to keep up for a small show that does it all in house.
Or maybe not. Fuck it. We’ll keep rolling.
Welcome to 2025!
As always, we hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did while making it.
If you did enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow. This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
We have a webstore!
We have shirts, hats, a few other cool things, and more stuff coming.
A great way to support the podcast!
“Angels for Lions” is a piece from my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, which is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon. "Children of The New Unknown", my first collection, is still available on both platforms as well.
You can find us on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see. - DJR
What do you do when the world seems to push back at every effort you put forward? How do you reconcile your dreams, your plans, and your goals, when the very fabric of the reality you inhabit seems to resist your every move? How do you overcome the obstacles that seek to thwart your progress?
Well, you don’t quit.
No one knows the pressure of resistance quite like Mike Davison, owner of Barton’s Big Country and Barton’s Back Alley Range in Grande Prairie, AB. An avid shooter and firearms instructor with his friend and right hand man, (and my intrepid co-host) Lucas Orich, Mike joins us back on the podcast to discuss the most recent round of Order in Council firearm prohibitions, how the past 5 years of government attacks on the hunting and shooting industry has affected his life and business, and just what it takes to remain resilient in the face of seemingly insurmountable opposition.
Of course, as always, our conversation veers wildly into strange and uncharted territory. We do our best to honor Mike’s mom and not curse, with only marginal success, but we do remember to remedy an unintentional omission from our last podcast with Mike and talk about his current wife and family, albeit briefly. (Hi Cynthia!)
We had a blast recording our last podcast of 2024. Thank you for staying with us. We plan to bring even more great stories with great people in 2025.
As always, we hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did while making it.
If you did enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow. This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
We have a webstore!
We have shirts, hats, a few other cool things, and more stuff coming.
A great way to support the podcast!
Mike Davison in on Instagram (@mikeybeanstalk) and can be reached at Barton’s Big Country in Grande Prairie, AB. Head on down and talk to him about all your hunting and shooting needs. No better way to secure your freedom than to exercise it.
Barton’s Back Alley Range firearms training schedule for 2025 will be released soon on their website:
They are on Instagram: @bartonsbigcountry and @bartonsbackalleyrange and Facebook under the same names.
“Legendary” is a piece from my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, which is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon. "Children of The New Unknown", my first collection, is still available on both platforms as well.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
The world is an uncertain place. These days it seems even more so. We inhabit a strangely dystopian present, where we no longer so easily carry the blind trust in our institutions and our social fabric that we once did. Some of this can be attributed to the downstream effects of the COVID pandemic and the seemingly endless rollout of draconian statutes, crackdowns on free speech, and the knowledge that each of us now has about how fragile our society is. We are acutely aware how quickly neighbors can be turned against neighbors for fear of being targeted by the government, or the media, or the mob.
So, what remedy exists for this malaise we find ourselves in? For many, the antidote to fear is knowledge, and rightly so. Since the beginning of human existence we have been seeking the warmth of the fire and the security of the group. Food, water, and shelter are necessities for human survival, but so is social contact. So is community. That’s where people like Ernie Doble step in. For some people, it’s not good enough to just want a solution.
One of the core philosophies of the Old West is, “Do what has to be done.” And for some men, hearing the people that they care about express their fear and concern at the state of the world is a call to action. A duty to be fulfilled. Ernie Doble is no stranger to doing what must be done. He's a businessman who has run a successful engine repair shop here in the Peace Country for many years. But we were less interested in trucks and more interested in what first got him started with organizing courses that teach skills related to homesteading and preparedness.
In this interview, Ernie tells us how they went from a group of local, like-minded people whose skillsets revolved around canning, butchering and preserving food, or firearms and physical security, to, reaching out to subject matter experts in bushcraft and wilderness survival, trapping, and other skills necessary to the preservation and protection of life to share their knowledge. As the demand for these types of courses grows and the community that gets built up around them expands, we were happy to sit down with Ernie and talk about his experiences with preparing for a “fallen world”, and what it all means to him.
As always, we thank you for spending your time with us, and we hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
We have a webstore!
We have shirts, hats, a few other cool things, and more things coming. A great way to support the podcast!
Ernie Doble is reachable through the “Community Homesteading and Preparedness” FB page. That’s the best place to learn about upcoming courses, instructors, or events in the Peace Country. Check them out at the link below:
“A Trail West” is a piece from my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, which is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon.
"Children of The New Unknown", my first collection, is still available on both platforms as well.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
"Black death negative..." That's how it starts. Those are the first 3 words in my new collection titled, "Whiskey Painted Holocaust". And what better way to dive into the new book than to line up 3 bottles of fine whiskey and bourbon and get 2 of my homeboys to join me in reading a few pieces while we get half in the bag.
This collection of poems, stories, soliloquys and other oddities, is taken from work I produced in 2017. “Whiskey Painted Holocaust” is my sophomore effort at self-publishing a book. The first offering “Children of The New Unknown” was a learning experience, but this time I felt more like I was creating something I wanted to create, rather than casting ideas into the ether and seeing what returned.
Writing has always produced strange benefits for me. As we discuss in the podcast, it is as much therapy as it is art. It is an exploration of the real-time sense of oneself. A chance to take a snapshot of the soul and an opportunity for a reckoning with who we really are.
I am blessed beyond measure to have 2 friends like Kenton Osterlund and my co-host, Lucas Orich, to join me on what I can only described as an “ill-advised adventure”. After all, are there any scenarios in which getting drunk on camera and broadcasting it to the world is a good idea? I guess you’ll be the judge of that. We had a good time.
As always, we thank you for spending your time with us, and we hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
And there’s a webstore!
We have shirts, hats, a few other cool things, and more things coming. A great way to support the podcast!
Kenton Osterlund is on Instagram: @kentonandrew17
The pieces that Lucas, Kenton, and I read on this episode are the title piece, “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, “Post Trans-Humanism”, “On Killing”, “The Dagger, The Yoke, and The Flail”, and “Poet”, are all available in my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, which is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon.
"Children of The New Unknown", my first collection, is still available on both platforms as well.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
What does it mean to live a life full of adventure? What separates those who climb mountains, travel unnamed rivers, and leave the life they know behind to sail unknown seas, from those who seek the calm, secure comfort of hearth and home? Well, if anyone can give us a hint, it’s Ben Brochu of Hinterland Outdoors.
Ben was born and raised here in the Peace Country of Northern Alberta, and from a young age he found his way into the vast wilderness, seeking the unknown spaces far from the paved roads and secure confines of what so many of us choose to call our reality.
Over time, Ben has been a Pastor, a Wildlife Officer for the Municipality of Greenview, and most recently has ventured into outfitting, doing guided hunting and fishing trips out here in the Grande Prairie, AB area. His YouTube channel and social media accounts are full of his adventures in our beautiful wilderness areas, many successful hunts, and great stories. Is that all? Of course not. A few years ago, Ben and wife and 4 kids spent 5 months living aboard a sailboat down in the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. A journey they documented on the YouTube channel Hinterland Sailing. My wife and I have watched some of their adventures and they are great entertainment for the whole family.
This was such a great conversation. Ben is soft spoken, but his knowledge of the Northern Alberta wilderness, wildlife ecology, and animal behavior, as well as his Faith and passion for the outdoor lifestyle, color his adventures and make me remember how blessed we are to live in such an amazing place. Don’t take it for granted. Get outside. Maybe go hunting. Maybe go with Ben. I can’t imagine a better guide.
As always, we thank you for spending your time with us, and we hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did enjoy it, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
And there’s a webstore!
Shirts, hats, a few other cool things, and more things coming. A great way to support the podcast!
Ben Brochu can be reached through his Instagram account: @hinterland_outdoors
And on Facebook under “Hinterland Outdoors”.
I highly recommend checking out his YouTube channels here:
Hinterland Outdoors - YouTube
The piece I read on this episode, "Broken Comfort" is not available anywhere.
However, my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust”, is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon.
"Children of The New Unknown", my first collection, is still available as well.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Do you own a pistol?
If you answered, “No”, then I am sad for you. Sad, and a little disappointed. I’m especially sad if you live in Canada, where the sale and transfer of ownership of pistols and numerous types of rifles, shotguns, and other firearms was recently banned. But that’s a topic for another episode. (Actually, we rant about it on every episode. This one, too!)
If you answered “Yes”, then guess what? First of all – You’re awesome. Second of all – You need a holster. A holster is to your pistol what a rifle sling is to your favorite hunting rifle. It’s your pistol’s home. Not your waistband, or your pocket, or (god forbid) locked in a safe for all eternity. Maybe you get a holster and take a training course from some guys I know? I dunno. Just sayin’.
In Canada, the government does not exercise its ability (some would say, “duty.”) to approve Authorizations to Carry (ATC) outside of very specific circumstances, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a cool holster for your pistol. A cool, custom kydex holster, made locally from an honest tradesman and his savage and wonderful family. That’s where Preston Tourigny has stepped in to fill the need.
Preston is the owner and craftsman behind Martial Controls, a Grande Prairie, AB based custom kydex holster and accessory business. Observing a need for high quality custom kydex gear in Northern Alberta, Preston applied his curiosity and ability to take on new challenges and learned to build kydex molds to create holsters, knife sheathes, and just about anything else your imagination can dream up.
In this episode, we dive into the adventurous spirit that led Preston to Alberta from Vancouver Island, BC, take on a trade as an electrician, get married to a wild Alberta horse girl, start a family, and eventually, to start his custom holster business, “Martial Controls.” We had a great conversation that went deep into the best parts of life and living.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
Preston Tourigny can be reached through his website and through his company Instagram account: @martialcontrols
The piece I read on this episode, "The Always Fading Light" is not available anywhere.
However, my new collection “Whiskey Painted Holocaust is available in our webstore, as well as on Amazon.
"Children of The New Unknown" is still available as well.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Well, here goes another one.
Lucas Orich and I are back for another fun episode of The Grey Range Podcast, where Lucas debriefs his experience at “The King of 2 Mile” long distance shooting competition. He fills us in on the highs and lows, gear used, lessons learned, and the overall experience of shooting his first ELR (Extreme Long Range) rifle shooting competition.
As usual, we veer wildly off course and get into how these types of experiences shape our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Oh, and we talk shit about Taylor Swift, which is either a new high, or a new low, depending on how you take it. We thought it was a good time.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, the writing, and our upcoming webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
The KO2M or “King of 2 Mile in Canada” is a long-distance shooting competition hosted by Rob Furlong’s Marksmanship Academy, who operates out of their home range in Southern Alberta. You can check out details of the competition and other offerings on their website.
The piece I read on this episode, "Growing Season" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find the podcast on social media at:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Hey, everybody.
What is the point of struggle? Does God test us with pointless, horrible events in our lives, or is there truly a plan for us? In my life, I have learned that I wrestle with my own purpose and finding meaning in my life, not as a symptom of some illness that afflicts me, but because I think that struggle is built into our DNA. I think we are creatures designed for conflict with a universe that is fraught with challenges. Challenges we are uniquely equipped to understand and overcome. We are creatures created with glorious purpose, and to understand that purpose, we grapple with the problem that is existence itself.
In this episode are honored to welcome a great friend of the podcast, Pastor Travis Hansen, back into the studio for another great conversation. Pastor Travis details some of the struggles that his church has faced in the last year, tests of Faith, and his experiences joining a mission trip to Myanmar, a country in the grips of a violent civil war, and how the struggle in his life has reinforced his belief that following in the path of Jesus Christ is our highest calling.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
Pastor Travis Hansen can be found delivering the message of Jesus Christ and preaching God's Word every Sunday morning at Generations Church.
IG: @genchurch
We have a new website!
You can now check out the podcast, my writing projects, and our upcoming webstore at
Check it out and let us know what you think.
The piece I read on this episode, "A Lighthearted Chat With an Angel" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Hello World.
This planet is a savage and wonderful place. Somewhere, right now, someone is fighting for their survival against another human being, or group of human beings who wish to do them harm. The planet itself is against us. The Earth has been trying to eradicate humanity for a few hundred thousand years, but we persevere. What is the value of training and preparation? Does it pay the dividends that it purports to, and what role does it play in our society?
Interesting questions for an interesting time.
In this episode, Lucas and I weigh in on these questions, as well as the loaded topic (pun intended) of firearms ownership in Canada, firearms training, and our opinions and beliefs around civilian firearms ownership in general. I'm sure we got some things right and other things wrong and would love to hear about it in the comments! Also, if you would like to see more episodes like this one, let us know.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
((Oh! And stay tuned to the end of the episode for a sneak peek at something special!))
The piece I read on this episode, "Atrocity" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Hey everyone!
Lucas and I are back in the studio for Episode 18 of The Grey Range Podcast, talking shit and drinking a couple cold Coors Banquets. In this episode we talk about a few things that are coming down the pike for the podcast, as well as catching up on our summer adventures. We touch on a few of the summer’s hot button issues, like the fire in Jasper, Alberta (my hometown), the Summer Olympics in Paris, the riots in the UK, the effects of uncontrolled immigration, and finally, a topic we actually know something about – shotguns.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, and leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
The piece I read on this episode, "Old Lizard Man" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Castbox and Apple Podcasts.
Lucas Orich can be found on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Lucas is Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering high quality firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
You don’t have to look too hard to see that there’s something wrong with the world. Tent cities and hopeless addicts have become part of the urban landscape in every North American city, but I think we all share the uncomfortable knowledge that it goes deeper than that. Few people these days need to look very far from themselves to encounter addiction, or mental health issues. None of us need strain the limits of our imagination to find some kind of trauma, or distress, or fear inside of our own lives that we would like an escape from. Sometimes we get lost in our escape and we can’t find our way back. We become the unmoored ships, floating between dark alleys and roadside easements, city parks, and shelters. Society ignores us like ghosts, because we reflect the reality in which they, too, exist. The part of each of us that we do our best to ignore. The part we run away from. To the bottle, to the needle, to the pipe, to the grave.
But there is hope.
Real hope.
There are people like Mel Siggelkow and the staff at Rising Above Ministry, who have taken on the mission of not only helping the homeless and the addicted find a way out from the depths of their despair, but to restore them to their lives, broken, but healing, and one day, whole again.
Mel Siggelkow is a Executive Director of Rising Above Ministry, a faith-based addiction center here is Grande Prairie, AB. Mel and his family moved to the Peace County, originally so that Mel might take on the responsibilities of traditional pastoral ministry, but as their church grew, they soon found that their own destiny was intertwined with that of the local itinerant community. From this, Rising Above Ministry was created to serve the homeless and the addicted, not just to get them a bed, or get them sober, but to restore their dignity, offer hope, and recovery into a new and productive life.
Rising Above is doing great work.
May God bless them, and those like them.
Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
The Book of James. Verse 1:27
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
"Mel Siggelkow began Rising Above in 2007 as a ministry through the Church he was pastoring in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Mel and his wife Liz have been married for over 30 years and have raised three amazing kids. Both Mel and Liz were raised in strong Christian families and were modeled a lifestyle of compassion. Those seeds have grown and the passion to help people is what keeps them so engaged with a ministry like Rising Above."
If you, or someone you love is in need of treatment, or addictions counselling, or if you wish to donate or provide support to their programs, you can reach Rising Above through their website at:
Rising Above Ministries - Welcome (
They are also on Facebook and Instagram at: @risingabovegp
The piece I read on this episode, "Fireflies" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find the podcast on social media as:
Facebook - @thegreyrangepodcast
Instagram - @greyrangepodcast
X (Twitter) - @greyrangemedia
The Grey Range Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
My stalwart co-host, Lucas Orich, is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
How important is it that we are connected digitally? Do the fiber optic cables that run into our homes, the cellular tower networks, and the fields of energy that carry our data entwine with our lives in ways we haven’t yet started to understand? Have these technological connections woven their way into our social, cultural, and commercial lives so intrinsically now that we might not recognize the world we inhabit without them? With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, is how we view the world and interact with it changing?
If you ask Jeremy Durand, owner and operator of Creativibe, a Grande Prairie, AB based digital marketing and solutions company his opinion, the answer would be a firm, “Yes.” Or should I say, “Oui.”
Jeremy Durand immigrated to Canada from France 7 years ago, following the call of adventure. He landed in Vancouver, BC and after a few years of working warehouse jobs, he met the woman he would come to marry, and they decided that a change of venue was in order. They chose to relocate to Grande Prairie, AB and to hear Jeremy tell it, (who, I might add, has fantastic English for only speaking it for such a short time) it was a change of culture and values that he and his new wife were looking for that brought them across the Rocky Mountains to the Peace County. A desire to experience a change of pace from the urban rat-race. A place where people still held on to such things as respect and hard work.
Jeremy’s company, Creativibe offers web-based solutions for businesses, such as website building and development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and graphic design, among other things. What I found intriguing is that this pursuit is not Jeremy’s vocation scholastically, or formally –his abilities with websites and e-business are self-taught. Seems to be becoming something of a theme here on The Grey Range. Self-made people.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
Jeremy Durand can be contacted through his website:
Creativibe is also on Facebook and on Instagram as @creativibe_gp
The podcast will be retaining Jeremy’s services for the rollout of our new website, so you’ll get to see his handiwork first hand, but I highly recommend you head over to his website and check out his work. He is a truly gifted professional.
The piece I read on this episode, "Solitary Disconnect" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". If you want a copy, you can pick one up on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
My stalwart co-host, Lucas Orich, is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Self-made people intrigue us. Individuals who aren’t
hemmed in by the gates and fences of the world, who indulge their seemingly insatiable curiosity to whatever ends may come, inspire us. The type of people who see possibilities and potential where others see barriers and obstacles are the kind of people whom we tend to want to imitate and follow. They’re generally positive people. Quick to laugh, and fun to be around, while not being too enamored with either themselves, or anyone else. To them, curiosity and discovery is their own reward.
On this episode of The Grey Range, we are fortunate to
sit down with Josh Pøpøvitch, a young man from Fairview, AB who makes his living in construction, but spends the rest of his time creating useful and beautiful pieces from steel, wood, leather, and bone. In addition to doing
custom knives, steelwork, leatherwork, furniture, and some light taxidermy for his company, Spartan Industries, Josh is also the creator behind the “this_tactical_redneck”
Instagram channel, where he showcases his creations, his love of the western lifestyle, fitness, and the ever present “Sunday Gunday” posts.
Thank you, Josh for coming into the studio! We had a great time!
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment.
That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
Josh Pøpøvitch can be found on Instagram at @this_tactical_redneck.
Be sure to check it out every Sunday for the ever present
#SundayGunday posts, where Josh and his friends let freedom ring with all kinds of cool firearms.
Josh is also the proprietor of Spartan Industries out
of Fairview, AB. He does custom knives, metal work, leather work, furniture, taxidermy, and just about anything else you can imagine.
Spartan Industries can be found on Instagram at:
The piece I read on this episode, "Assholes and
Cockroaches" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". It’s available on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG,
Twitter (X), and FB.
My stalwart co-host, Lucas Orich, is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range,
offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
There have been a few unexpected takeaways since I started doing “The Grey Range Podcast.” Maybe it’s the hours of editing footage and watching cuts over and over, but it has occurred to me that one of the biggest things that I have gained out of this whole exercise is an appreciation for the trust that our guests put in me to take care of their story.
When someone comes in and sits down in the studio, I don’t think they know what they’re going to say, but once the conversation is over and the cameras are off, whatever story they have told is left with me, and I have found this to be a very profound honor. To be able to give people a platform to tell their story seems kind of important. Something almost essential to our human experience.
On this episode, we had the great privilege to have in the studio, none of there than my good friend and co-host, Lucas Orich’s father, Ken Orich. Ken spent his lifelong career working for Alberta Forestry, with the bulk of that time spent fighting wildfires in Northern Alberta. Ken is a thoughtful and intelligent man, and this conversation was just a short glimpse into his life, his experiences, and his passions.
We cover his early life in Lethbridge, his time in the Crowsnest Pass, and some harrowing experiences involving fire and helicopters, just to name a few. To have both father and son able to relate some of their lives and what they have shared together is truly why I started this podcast. It was enlightening and heartfelt time that I am honored to have had the opportunity to host.
Thank you, both.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
Ken Orich retired from the Alberta Forestry is 2008, and spends a great deal of his time volunteering for the Helen Schuler Nature Center in Lethbridge, AB. You can check them out at the link below.
Birding Walks with Ken Orich | Helen Schuler Nature Centre (
The piece I read on this episode, "Eyes That See in Color" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown".
It’s available on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
My stalwart co-host, and eldest son of our guest, Ken Orich, Lucas Orich, is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Everyone has a path, and not all paths are clear and evident when one first starts down it. Such is the life of our most recent guest, Dustin Goodheart. Dustin has been a friend of mine since high school, and as it is with most folks, you drift apart and lose touch over time. But when we reconnected a few years ago, the place Dustin ended up intrigued me, so I wanted to have him on to tell his story.
From being raised all over Northern Alberta, to finding his own little slice of Heaven up in the Peace Country, in this episode we talk about where food comes from, raising livestock and still only eating elk, life in the country and the predators that come with the territory, parenting, marriage, chute-dogging (google it), and yes, we even talk about otters!
I was very happy to be able to have this conversation with an old friend and I am humbled and grateful that he chose to come in and share some of his life with us. I think that everyone holds some wisdom, something they’ve figured out that no one else has yet, or at the very least a perspective that gives us all a new way to look at life.
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow. This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
The piece I read on this episode, "A Smile on A Good Day" is available in the collection, "Children of The New Unknown". It’s available at or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
Dustin Goodheart is on IG: @bigdaddydustpan
My stalwart co-host, Lucas Orich is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
We are also on YouTube and Apple Podcasts!
Apple Podcasts:
Come see.
Guess who’s back?
Stand up comedian and friend of the podcast, Ben Bauce, becomes our first ever 2-time guest on the podcast. The first time around we were running on limited time, so when Ben came back through town for another headlining spot at the Great Northern Casino, we got up early and recorded an 08:00am podcast to make sure we had enough time to get a good conversation in. And we did!
Ben is a very funny dude. He balances his professional career in construction with his duties as a single dad, all while pursuing the art of making people laugh. He’s come a long way in his career, and he just keeps
getting funnier.
On this episode Ben shares his experiences in the comedy and entertainment industry in Canada, the hard work and dedication that it takes to make it in life, and his advice to anyone trying to chase their dreams.
Thanks for coming on again, Ben! Keep killing ‘em in the
Ben Bauce lives in Calgary, AB, but travels all over Western Canada, filling bars and clubs with people and trying to help them forget how much the world can suck
for a little while.
You can find Ben on all the socials:
Instagram: @ibelikeabauce
Facebook: Benjamin Bauce
X (Twitter): @BennyBauce
We hope you find this episode as much fun to watch and listen to as we did making it.
If you did, please like, subscribe, or leave a comment. That kind of thing really helps us grow.
This podcast doesn’t exist without viewers and listeners like you!
Thank you for all your support!
The piece I read on this episode, "The Comedian" is
available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". It’s available on my website at or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG,
Twitter (X), and FB.
My stalwart co-host, Lucas Orich is on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or he can be found behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range,
offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch firearms training and experience!
Come see.
There are some who would say that human beings have become lesser of a species over time. That we have become weaker, dumber, less articulate. Those people have never met Laine Ingalls.
In this episode, Lucas Orich and I are joined by Laine Ingalls, owner of Heiho Dojo here in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
Initially, Laine cuts an imposing figure. In another time, I’m sure he would be at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging a battle axe and conquering lands and armies. But it doesn’t take long to learn that his stature belies a warm smile, a sharp mind, and a fiery enthusiasm for what he cares for. What does he care for? Fighting.
From his beginnings as a young boy watching 80’s marital arts flicks with his older brother, to training and competing in shady fight promotions in British Columbia, Canada, to returning home to Alberta to open his own school, and the lessons he has learned through the years, Laine was good enough to take the time to share with us some stories from his life. Some big wins, big defeats, and lots of laughter.
This was such a fun conversation to have, and we hope you enjoy viewing and listening to this podcast as much as we did making it. If you do, please Like and Subscribe!
Laine Ingalls can be found on social media apps under @heihodojo and on their website:
The school is located at 10015 100 Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta. I highly recommend you pay them a visit and see what they’re doing there. You won’t regret it.
The piece I read on this episode, "Play" is available in my collection, "Children of The New Unknown". You can find it on my website at or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
You can find Lucas Orich on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top-notch training and experience!
Come see.
Who drops their "Year in Review" episode in mid-February? Well, people who work in the Alberta energy industry for one. Okay, that's a cheap cop out. Time is precious and time management is something I'm going to be working on in 2024, as my co-host and most awesome homeboy, Lucas Orich and I discuss in this wrap up to 2023 episode.
We are so very grateful for all our guests, all our subscribers, watchers, listeners, and everyone who had given us the encouragement to keep on going in this endeavor. What started out as an experiment on whether we could hold a coherent conversation, tell some stories, and most importantly, get other people who are way more interesting than us to tell theirs, has been a success thanks to all of you.
A few corrections from this episode before people climb into the comments and disembowel us for our errors:
- "Freedom of Speech - Just Watch What You Say" was an an album released in 1989 by rapper Ice-T, who has always been an inspiring figure in my writing since a very young age.
Check out the song "Freedom of Speech" here:
- "One Day After" is the sequel to the bestselling novel "One Second After", written by William Forstchen, not "Forsythe". My apologies to the author and a huge "Thank you!" for writing such compelling content and characters who are struggling to survive in a post EMP apocalypse world."
Check out his books here:
- More Ice-T content? Yes! With Slayer! From the soundtrack to the movie "Judgement Night" circa 1993, the song "Disorder" is fucking thrash gold! Ice-T's lyrics were always topical, speaking to broad themes. Say what you want about the man, he is the OG in my humble opinion.
Listen to this absolute banger here:
We hope you enjoy viewing and listening to this podcast as much as we did making it. If you do, please Like and Subscribe!
The piece I read on this episode, "Push" is available in my collection "Children of The New Unknown".
You can find it on my website at or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
You can find Lucas Orich on IG as @lucasorich, on X (Twitter) as @hobo_withashotg, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training. Hit them up and get some top notch training and experience!
We have so much more coming in 2024.
Come see.
In this world, there are all kinds of people. Most live in pursuit of some form of relative safety and comfort, slowly building on past successes and trying not to mess things up too bad. Then there are the outliers, those who look at their lives and see their place in the world and think, “Why?” Rare individuals who see problems as opportunities, who never rest on their personal achievements, and who forsake the safety of the tribe for the potential to uncover the treasures of the unknown.
In this episode, Lucas and I sit down with our mutual friend, and Lucas’ boss, Mike Davison. Mike is the owner of Barton’s Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta. But he wasn’t always an entrepreneur, or a top-notch gun seller. His story is analogous to so many who came to Alberta to seek out a better life, and instead found heartbreak, hardship, and trouble they never bargained for. Mike was generous enough to share his story of loss, redemption, success, and how he abandoned the lucrative Alberta oil and gas industry to chase a dream that has become reality.
As always, we hope you enjoy watching, or listening to this episode as much as we did making it.
This episode was recorded on December, 17th 2023, but due to work schedules, the Christmas holidays, and in no small part, my own struggles with time management, it took a while to get produced. But here it is and I think it is an episode that holds a few lessons for anyone who is chasing their dreams.
If you like the channel and the content we’re producing, please Like and Subscribe, and leave us a comment.
The piece I read on this episode, "High Flyers and Deep Divers" is available in my collection "Children of The New Unknown".
You can find it on my website at
or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
You can find Lucas Orich on IG as @lucasorich, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training.
As above, Mike Davison is the owner of Barton's Big Country, a hunting and outdoors store in Grande Prairie, Ab, He can usually be found at the store, leading Lucas and the rest of the team in their mission to provide top notch products and services to their customers. If you’re in the Grande Prairie area, stop in and say “Hi” to the folks there. You won’t regret it.
Mike is on IG at @bartonsbigcountry and @bartonsbackallyrange
As always, thank you for your time.
Be safe.
Be blessed.
Much love!
Come see.
Sometimes in life, you meet a truly unique individual. They are someone who sees the world a little clearer than most. Their mind seems to grasp ideas in their fullness, and their curiosity and drive to understand knows no bounds. Steve “Stevo” Fitchie is such an individual, and we are happy to have had him in the studio for a conversation about competitive shooting, guns, politics in Canada, his career in air transport, and whether he has ever seen a UFO.
Stevo is the “Godfather” of 3-Gun in Northern Alberta. Founder and often times Match Director of the Mighty Peace 3-Gun League (MP3G) that hosts competitive shooting events in Peace River, AB throughout the year. Every October, the league hosts a multi-day team-based shooting competition that has become legendary in the area for stage set up, fun times, cold weather, and warm community.
Check out the Mighty Peace 3-Gun League on their Facebook page here:
We hope you enjoy viewing and listening to this podcast as much as we did making it.
If you do, please Like and Subscribe!
The piece I read on this episode, "There’s Gonna Be a Hot Time" is available in my collection "Children of The New Unknown".
You can find it on my website at
or on Amazon.
You can find me on social media under @hokusgrey on IG, Twitter (X), and FB.
There is a Patreon page if you wish to support the podcast at the link below. Any help you can give will go towards improving our production and facilitating future episodes.
You can find Lucas Orich on IG as @lucasorich, or behind the gun counter at Barton's Big Country in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
He is also Training Director for Barton's Back Alley Range, offering firearms courses and safety training.
Come see.
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