DiscoverThe Hidden Healing of Emotions -The Heroine's Journey
The Hidden Healing of Emotions -The Heroine's Journey
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The Hidden Healing of Emotions -The Heroine's Journey

Author: Celeste Phillips

Subscribed: 9Played: 74


Do you feel like you're watching life from the sidelines, struggling to form genuine connections?

Are you tired of carrying the emotional load for everyone else, feeling as if your own needs and desires are always on the back burner?

This podcast is a sanctuary for you if you are a women who has had some success in healing from complex trauma but are still faced with the invisible barriers that keep you from fully engaging with your family, friends and community around you.

This podcast is designed for women who have journeyed through the healing process of complex trauma but still encounter challenges in feeling genuinely connected with others, or find themselves burdened with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Learn how to claim the life you desire, despite a challenging start in life. Join us as we uncover the layers of complex trauma, its pervasive effects on our relationships and sense of self, and the transformative power each of us holds to reshape our life's direction.

This season, we focus a light on "The Heroine's Journey" — a path of internal healing over self-rejection and the journey of returning to yourself with love.

If the hero's journey is about conquering external battles, "The Heroine's Journey" guides us through the equally hard challenge of healing  our inner world.

Tune in to explore the steps toward reclaiming your joy, fostering meaningful connections, and lifting the veil of isolation that trauma can bring.

Get your own copy of "Do I have Complex Trauma?" Mini-workbook FREE.

54 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.My son was bit by a cobra!!! 🐍 Oh no wait. It was only a copperhead. Listen in as I recount a recent incident involving my son and how prioritizing my well-being helped mitigate its emotional impact, emphasizing the importance of practices like meditation, journaling, and breath work in fostering inner peace.✌️The choices we make daily can be pivotal in managing our emotion 😊😭🤣🥰🙄, especially in the midst of family crises. Listen as I share practical examples, such as ha...
Send us a Text Message.I've realized how much trauma can take away our joy and connection with others. This episode will help you get back what’s been taken by focusing on the importance of creating a safe space inside ourselves. We’ll look at how our nervous system works and why it's important to keep it balanced for a happy life.I used to be scared of dogs because of a bad experience from my childhood. This story helps explain how we can feel safe inside while healing from trauma. We’ll exp...
Send us a Text Message."Can I be a good mother while I'm still healing? How can I shield my children from the effects of my trauma? Will I ever feel normal again?" These are questions many of us wrestle with. In this episode of our Frequently Asked Questions series, we dive into these deep concerns, providing insights and answers to these and many more questions. Join me as we explore how healing and parenting can coexist, and discover the steps you can take to foster a healthy environment fo...
Send us a Text Message.Through the years, I learned that vanity has no part in healing yourself—instead, it's about finding and nurturing your inherent value. In our latest episode, we wade through the complex layers of trauma that many carry into their adult lives, a burden invisible yet heavy. In this episode we unravel the myths that suffocate our self-worth and challenge the societal misconceptions that shape our self-care rituals. This heart-to-heart isn't merely a discussion; it's the r...
Send us a Text Message.Returning a shopping cart became an unexpected journey into my soul—this episode is my confession. As I reveal the intricate dance between carrying on with daily life and the echoes of childhood trauma, we traverse the landscape of what it truly means to live well. Amidst intimate revelations, I dissect the quality of life in its many dimensions, including the often overlooked emotional health, sense of community, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment. Despite the pro...
Send us a Text Message.In this quite short episode, you get the answer to the question: Why do we need to know where we are at on our journey to healing? Also, what are the benefits of understanding what the journey looks like? Spring has really given me an awaking of how much I have grown and changed. As I wade through the mud and weeds of my past, I share the intimate story of how the changing seasons mirror our own path to rediscovering joy and connection. This episode touches on the ...
Send us a Text Message.Learn to view grounding, not merely as a shield against triggering moments, but as a proactive beacon guiding me towards a life of presence and joy. In our conversation, we unravel the mysteries of how grounding can reshape the nervous system and replace old, childhood-established thought patterns with robust adult skills. It's not just about steadying your footing when the earth shakes; it's about connecting deeply with yourself and the world around you, fostering rela...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever clung to your comfort zon, only later to realize it might be holding you back from true healing? That's the very paradox we're untangling as we discuss how breaking free from the constructs we've built to protect ourselves from past chaos is where real growth and fulfillment begin. We're dissecting the intricacies of trauma recovery and the bittersweet embrace of discomfort, sharing insights and guidance for those ready to step out from the shadows of thei...
Send us a Text Message.Today we will talk about decisions both big and small, so that you can harness the power to conquer decision fatigue and reclaim your life's narrative. We tackle the overwhelming cycle of overthinking—a familiar adversary for those navigating the aftermath of complex trauma—and lay out a blueprint for heightened awareness, arming you with the tools to sever the chains of indecision.In our latest session, we unveil the dichotomy of decisions: those pesky, insignificant c...
Send us a Text Message.Healing isn't a walk in the park, but it's a journey worth taking. In our latest episode, we're diving into something called the heroine's journey—a path that's all about facing your inner struggles and growing stronger because of it.In this episode, we're tackling that voice inside your head that loves to put you down. We'll show you how to challenge those thoughts and find happiness and connection on the other side.Finding your self-worth can feel like navigating a ma...
Send us a Text Message.Wrestling with complex PTSD following a motorcycle accident, I've found solace and strength in the simple, everyday routines. I've experienced a remarkable shift in my coping mechanism, embracing self-care habits like dressing up, exercising, and maintaining a cleaner home. I've managed to break the cycle of binge-watching TV and neglecting my daily routines. Tune in, as I unravel the process of retraining the nervous system to foster safety and reduce triggers.Could wa...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt consumed by pain so intense that it feels like a constant cloud over your life? This episode is a heartfelt confession of my personal journey through that storm. I open up about the trauma of my son's motorcycle accident, and the aftermath - the pain, the fear, and the emotional upheaval. Despite all this, I managed to pull through and maintain a regular work schedule, a testament to the resilience that comes from years of facing adversity.Pain, I've ...
Send us a Text Message.Emerging from the shadows of complex trauma, we can often find ourselves hidden beneath layers of protective personas - masks that shield us, yet also disconnect us from our authentic selves. In this raw and reverberating episode of Hidden Healing, we delve into the maze of identity, exploring how we can reclaim our personal agency and find our way back to genuine selfhood.Starting with my own journey from the grips of complex trauma, we explore how these protecti...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered why, despite feeling on top of the world professionally, your personal life feels like an entirely different story? Ever felt overwhelmed or confused but can't quite put a finger on why? You're not alone. This conversation is a deep dive into the world of adaptive behaviors and how trauma impacts our nervous systems. We'll explore the subtle ways our mind and body work together to protect us from feelings of rejection, embarrassment, and criticism...
Send us a Text Message.Here's a promise: by the end of this powerful episode, you'll discover how to rebuild your life after complex trauma by changing the way you approach relationships and community. Trust me, it's like finally finding the right recipe for your favorite cake after countless failed attempts. We invite you to join us as we take a deep look into our own journey of healing from complex PTSD, and offer insights on how you can retrain your nervous system so that you feel safe and...
Send us a Text Message.Ever found yourself trapped behind a mask you adopted to survive a tumultuous past? You're not alone. My journey with complex PTSD has been marked with moments of shutting down, freezing and disassociating - coping mechanisms that shadowed my childhood trauma. This episode peels back the layers of that journey, articulating how I learnt to live healthily amidst the emotional turmoil. Our conversation ventures into the waters of change, finding joy in life and allowing o...
Season 3 Trailer

Season 3 Trailer


Send us a Text Message.Hello and Welcome back to the Hidden Healing Podcast. I am so excited to announce that September first I will resume the podcast. Listen in as I share my excitement for the upcoming season. Talk to you Monday, September 4th. Join Our FREE Online Community., DM me if you would like to chat about how I can help you in your journey to emotional health and balance.This podcast is not meant to take the place o...
Send us a Text Message.Trauma can feel so big and healing from it can feel impossible. Have you ever wondered then, if you can heal from it? In this episode, I share that it is absolutely possible to heal from trauma and share a few major changes that must be made to start on this healing journey. Join Our FREE Online Community., DM me if you would like to chat about how I can help you in your journey to emotional health and balance...
Send us a Text Message.It has been a month since i released an episode. This episode is just a brief one, focused on getting started back and making smaller doable goals. I hope you enjoy it.Join Our FREE Online Community., DM me if you would like to chat about how I can help you in your journey to emotional health and balance.This podcast is not meant to take the place of therapy, to diagnose or treat anyone. I have had therapy as recen...
Send us a Text Message.Anxiety strikes again! Well, at least in my life. LOL In this episode, I am talking about anxiety, and how it affects me. I also answer the question of how to view anxiety, what it has to do with our gut, and how we can have less anxiety in our lives. Join Our FREE Online Community., DM me if you would like to chat about how I can help you in your journey to emotional health and balance.This podcast is not mea...