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The Junior Kekuewa Jr. Show from Hawaii!

The Junior Kekuewa Jr. Show from Hawaii!

Author: Junior Kekuewa Jr.

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Random, sometimes politically incorrect, Life Coaching with The Law of Attraction, true stories from real-life experiences, with Comedy! This will inspire you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰
๐Ÿ˜‰ New Podcasts Weekly!
Junior Kekuewa Jr.!
Law of Attraction Life Coach.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast do not reflect the views of our sponsors, affiliates, this platform, members of our distribution network, or any other entity. Names have been changed or omitted for privacy.
ยฉ๏ธVoicemaster Enterprises LLC 2023 Support this podcast:
332ย Episodes
In this podcast, Junior talks about manifestation and the question you should ask yourself when you are attempting to manifest something. Ask yourself โ€œhow will I feel when I get this?โ€ When there is a hole in your life or an empty space that you were trying to fill due to a certain desire or need that is not being met, it is very easy to try and fill it with material things. When you do this, make sure that what you are attempting to manifest is going to be worth it. Junior also touches on relationships where this happens a lot and people end up living separate lives while being together. Are you trying to fill a hole? If you need help with this contact Junior at or you can book on the website for a free 15 minute Zoom call to see if you are a good fit for our program. Go to the website: Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior discusses intuitive intuition, and intuitive thought; how he partnered with God. He discusses what has been illustrated in the holy books for centuries; that the kingdom is within. he also discusses how many people are prisoners within, they are looking for a way out, and how the human voice is the fastest escape route. He also describes how things came naturally, intuitively, automatically, for him to fulfill his purpose, as well as his desires in life. He also illustrates how introverts get trapped in a negative cycle, and what itโ€™s like to be trapped โ€˜insideโ€™. If you need help in these areas, contact Junior at or you can book a 15 minute zoom call from the website at: Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior talks about anxiety and the rising numbers of people who are suffering from it. He also talks about how his method of vocalization brings people to base-level with their emotions. How the human voice can heal in the spiritual aspect, and how fear cannot live where Confidence is. The eyes are the mirrors of the soul, the voice is the mirror of your feelings and emotions. When you combine energy frequency, vibration, and velocity in the human voice, miracles begin to happen. Lives are transformed, and the result is confidence relaxation and happiness. If you would like to learn more, you can contact Junior at or schedule a free 15 minute zoom session at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior describes how you become what you think of yourself. He also goes over the four pillars of manifestation: Affirmations, meditation, visualization and vocalization. If you use these examples, it will change your life. Remember that when you change your mind, you change your life. Itโ€™s not hard to do, but it is a process that takes a little self-discipline and commitment. If you need help, you can write to him at or go to the website Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior explains how he had to make major life changes and how those changes amplified his teachings. His journey took him through all types of people and all types of cliques, and his greatest challenge is to show others that they can do it to. The challenge is all in the mind of the individual. And the biggest decision is always the decision to start. If you need help with this, you can write to Junior at or go to the website at or sign up for podcast notifications at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode of Junior discusses how you are an eternal being. Whatever you call the energy inside of you. Whether you call it energy a spirit a soul itโ€™s all of that. You are eternal, though your body may be temporary. If you would like further information, you can contact Junior at or go to the website at and book a free 15 minute consultation. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses how the younger generation is not happy with their predecessors, and how they are equipped to change the world, and as a result, the world is changing. Has 35 years of experience teaching children and adults, and has observed many facets of human development. Two of his suggestions are: empower the interests of children, then get out of their way. That is to say, allow them to space to grow with their interest. Empower rather than stifle. Enable rather than hinder. The children are in charge now and change being made. Not all of it will be good. But the world is evolving, and God is real. If youโ€™d like more information on how to empower people in general, and how to change your paradigm, you can contact Junior at or go to the website and schedule an appointment at you can also sign up for podcast notifications at here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all right reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior talks about his first mentor, his Momโ€™s youngest brother, and how the question always came down to: โ€œWhat about Godโ€? This podcast will leave you with many questions. as always if you need more information, you can write to Junior at or go to the website at, or you can book a session at Just know that what you are being told and what is, are two very different things. There is the exoteric knowledge, and there is the esoteric knowledge. The good news is that everything is being revealed to mankind. Stay tuned for more on the podcast! Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 --- Support this podcast:
In this episode Junior discusses what inspired him to tell his story and how it was received well. He also goes on to explain that the same people you meet in life on the way up to success are the same people you meet on the way back down, so be respectful and never bite the hand that feeds you. The hand that feeds you could be a person or a company or an entity. You donโ€™t want to burn a bridge like that. Be the example in how you carry yourself and conduct yourself in your business and personal life. When people see you being an example they tend to follow. Give them something good to follow. God will slowly open the doors in your favor and guide your path to your success. If you need help write to Junior: or and signup for our newsletter. It will notify you whenever a new podcast comes out, no spamming or ads.. Thank you for being here. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰ --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior talks about his career as a wrestling commentator, how it came about, and the moment he found out that wrestling was scripted. in this podcast, he points out that sometimes itโ€™s nice to enjoy the delusion, because when reality sets in, itโ€™s not always what you want to believe. Sometimes you enjoy the fairytale, the story, the show. Sometimes when you look behind the curtain, you find a reality that you really did not want to see. Sometimes your heroes do things, in this case it was a huge letdown, while also enjoying a dream manifestation. Life is short, live all of your dreams and fantasies! if you need help learning how to manifest your dreams you can contact Junior at or on the website at or you can book an appointment at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses cutting the cord with toxic people. It doesnโ€™t matter if they are blood relatives, close friends, or associates. The reason why you should do this is because on the energetic level it will drain you. Human beings link up with each other energetically either positively or negatively. If you are having interactions with people and feel drained, this is happening to you. When you become aware of this, you need to make a decision. Some people limit interactions, but that is not being honest with themselves. They really want to do is disconnect, but they do not have the confidence to do it. If you need help with your confidence, Junior can help you. You can reach him at or on the website at: here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior discusses the two major factors in your manifestations, not materializing; doubt, and fear. All positive emotions come from love and all negative emotions come from fear. From love we get happiness, contentment, peace, confidence and joy. From fear we get anger, anxiety, guilt, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. There are only two emotions at the base of all human activity. You are either operating from love or fear and you have the choice in which to reside. Ask yourself, โ€œDo I want to live in love or do I want to live in fear?โ€. You have control over this. When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change. Life is no longer a major challenge. You donโ€™t see life happening to you, but start to see life happening for you. You can do anything you put your mind to. The hardest part is to decide whatever it is that you want, and to commit to it. If you need help from Junior, you can write to him at: or go to the website at and register for the podcast. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses his ADHD and it is a blessing and a curse for him at the same time. ADHD is a huge blessing in the way that you can accomplish many things in record time. However, when your brain goes into overdrive, and you begin losing sleep, or other similar scenarios, it can be a curse. ADHD awareness is important because, in the old days, the solution was the belt. After all, no medical professional knew what was going on, ADHD had not been invented yet. And as Junior explains, the only medication was the belt or other disciplinary actions. If you or your child has ADHD, just know that you can use it as a blessing and be productive and build the life of your dreams. Because if you allow it to get the best of you and you do not learn to control your mind, it can get the best of you. no matter how hard you try, you will have some of these instances where it will operate against you. The trick is to work hard at self-discipline so that you can direct your busy mind, and give it a job. When you do that, your ADHD, will serve you. if you have a child with ADHD, support what they gravitate to, reward all of their positive actions, and seek medical advice and support. Remember that the word โ€˜abilityโ€™ is in the word disability, so donโ€™t โ€˜disโ€™ yourself or your child. Direct your โ€˜extraโ€™ energy in the positive, and it will bring you great rewards. If you need to contact Junior about this, you can reach him at: or go to the website at, Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses a few things about female nature from our previous podcast, and then goes on to tell two success stories that involved healing from the human voice. Although we make no medical claims, we can tell you that you can heal from anxiety, emotional distress, and overthinking, while boosting your confidence levels. If you need help in these areas contact Junior at: or go to the website at you can also get free podcast notifications from subscribing to the website, with no spam. Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses counter-manifestation. Only doubt and fear can derail you from your dreams and goals. When you set out on your journey to deliberately manifest something, only doubt and fear can prevent it from happening. In this podcast, Junior takes a deep dive into several aspects of this occurrence, and what you can do about it. He also discusses how being your authentic self is important, and your voice is the fastest way to a higher frequency and vibration. If you need help with this, contact Junior at or go to the podcast page at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this podcast, Junior talks a little bit about female nature, and addresses the men in our audience. Understand that she is not like you, gentlemen. If you want to understand women, you need to study and do your homework. Thatโ€™s the only way you are going to be a true benefit for her and yourself. Junior also talks about how the human voice heals and whatโ€™s involved. The human voice triggers neurotransmitters and create a hormonal soup so to speak in the brain. It changes lives. Although he makes no medical claims, Junior explains how people have left therapy gotten off their meds, and have completely changed as individuals by escaping the matrix that surrounds us. It helps you to be your authentic self. If you need more information or help in these areas, contact Junior: or write to him at donโ€™t forget to sign up for podcast alerts at: Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. The views expressed on the podcast do not reflect our carriers, affiliates, or sponsors. Medical disclaimer: we do not make any medical claims, no advice or information given is meant as a substitute for professional medical help. Thank you for listening! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior tells the story of how he was the real life version of Charlie from Two and a Half Men. It was pointed out to him by one of his students. The lesson here is manifestation. What you focus on you get more of. If you focus on a certain thing, you will get more of it. If you focus on your job, you will get more work. if you focus on your playtime, you will get more playtime. So the question is what do you want the most? Whatever that answer is for you focus on it and you will get it. The magic of manifestation happens when you realize that you have control of the results in your life by taking the actions that are conducive to materializing your goals. Junior has helped thousands of people develop over 34 years, and each one has been successful. If you need Juniorโ€™s help you can contact him at or on the website at www. our brand new podcast site! Remember you can do anything you want in life. God is real. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝโค๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company, ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses a hypothesis that the subconscious is the body. That your senses contribute to your subconscious learning, and that if you feed your senses, the things you want to do or have, you can accomplish all of those things. He also discusses power, and how you retain your power by not using it. It is very easy to manifest things, places, and even people and experiences. But you need to do the mental work first. If you need help with this, Junior will help you you can find him at, or on the website at You can also register for alerts to receive the next podcast at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises Company ยฉ๏ธ2024 All rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses how to define your ideal life. That you have to write down the details. You can design your life by writing it out. Not many people take the time to do this, but you take the time to do it you will see profound results in your life. Remember that the fastest process is affirmations, meditation vocalization, and visualization. Manifestation happens whether you think so or not or whether you believe it does or not. The blessings come when you can write down what you want and where you want to go and then experience it. You can control your manifestations. It just takes a little self-discipline. if you need juniors help you can write to him at or sign up for podcast notifications at, if youโ€™d like to book a session with Junior you can schedule it at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all rights reserved. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode, Junior discusses various topics involving relationships, and principles you may not have been aware of. If you are in a relationship and the same thing keeps happening to you over and over and over, more often than not itโ€™s your subconscious, itโ€™s you. if you are a man and your relationship is not working, itโ€™s not her, Itโ€™s you. You are responsible for leading the relationship. Being a man is a full-time job, and because women are emotional beings, they will fall in and out of like with you. Donโ€™t be distracted by the fairytales. The fairytales were not written by Alpha or Sigma Males. If you need help to turn your relationship around, Junior can help, but you will have to put in the effort and become the leader. You can contact Junior at or sign up on the web at You can also subscribe to alerts so you can hear the next podcast when it comes out at Here For You Life Coaching is a Voicemaster Enterprises LLC company. ยฉ๏ธ2024 all right reserved. --- Support this podcast: