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The Midlife Mentors

Author: The Midlife Mentors

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We’re The Midlife Mentors. Here to lift the lid on our no nonsense approach to midlife health and happiness.

As midlifers, we’re constantly told we need have it all figured out. But in fact most of us don’t.Our mission is not only to de-bust the crazy diet and fitness myths, but to empower and educate from an authentic and balanced perspective based on reality.

It’s time to step away from the madness we manifest in our attempts to attain goals that are unachievable, as we help you focus on the daily opportunities that redefine who and what you are, with the wisdom that comes with age.

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204 Episodes
In this episode we speak to the truly inspiring Todd Crandell. Todd spent 13-years in the trenches of drug addiction and alcoholism destroying his mind, body and relationships using heroin, cocaine, alcohol and in his words - every prescription drug he could get his hands on. He was homeless and suicidal. But, after his third arrest, he had a moment of clarity and quit his addictions - going cold turkey. From that point on Crandell took back control of his life. Since sobriety, he's...
Why does it feel so much harder to lose weight at midlife? Well you’re not imagining it, and you’re not alone. What we used to do in our 20s and 30s no longer works and that can be really frustrating. More often than not we see midlifers doing the wrong things, that aren’t tailored to the unique challenges we face at midlife. So in this episode we’re going to share the top 5 reasons it’s harder to lose weight at midlife, to give you a deeper understanding, and of course, bring some ...
In this episode we talk to journalist and author Jonathan Rauch about his book on midlife - The Happiness Curve. Inspired by his own experience Jonathan looked at research on age and happiness and found it shows that from our 20s into our 40s, happiness follows a well-documented U-shaped trajectory - a "happiness curve", declining from the optimism of youth into what's often a long, low trough in middle age, before starting to rise again in our 50s.The good news is this isn't a mi...
In this episode we look at the power of micro habits and how you can utilise small changes to get big results. Often we feel overwhelmed by the thought of what we’ll need to do to make meaningful change in our lives, but actively working with micro habits like we do in our programmes makes it simple and achievable - and above all sustainable.We take a look at the psychology and science behind investing in micro habits, including the importance of dopamine and rewards. We also look at how stac...
In this episode we talk to Dr Bill Rawls about cellular health and the surprising impact of cellular damage and degeneration on our overall wellbeing.Dr Rawls faced a health crisis in his forties, and finding that the medical system he’d worked in for years couldn’t offer him the answers, he applied his knowledge to researching wellness at the cellular level.He cured himself and is now thriving. Aged 65, he's an active outdoor enthusiast, kiteboards regularly and is in the best shape of his l...
In this episode we’re discussing unhappiness at midlife. It seems, to varying degrees, we’re all experiencing the 'midlife malaise', and yet we’re also ashamed of feeling this way. We can feel very alone, even if we’re surrounded by people day in day out. This leads to isolation and feeling like there’s no point to it all…So we’re on a mission to destigmatise being unhappy at midlife, because not only is it normal, but incredibly common. We need to bring compassion and understanding as to why...
On this week's podcast we’re delighted to talk to Pedram Shojai, who is well known as the Urban Monk. He is a Dr of Oriental Medicine & Integrative Medicine, a taoist priest, a qi gong master, film maker and a New York Times best selling author. We met Pedram when we were in the US at a health conference and we hit it off immediately. In this episode Dr Pedram shares his insights on the the cause of the midlife crisis, how we often get trapped in the medical system of cure rather tha...
In this episode we share our key lessons of 2023, and welcome in 2024. 2023 was a year of highs and lows, and we offer our insights of how it helped us grow personally and professionally. Marbella Reset:Retreat: Please remember, if you find the show helpful or it makes you laugh, motivates and inspires you - please do like, share and rate us. We don't run ads on the podcast or for the show, beca...
Every so often we meet someone that we just know we have to have as a guest on our podcast. The incredible Sam Horn is one of those people.We met Sam over in America and her insightfulness at drilling straight to the nub of what you’re trying to say, and giving you a much clearer, moe powerful, succinct message to go out to the world with is simply amazing.Sam is a best selling author, branding consultant, speaker, literary festival organiser and all round communication genius. In this ...
In this episode we discuss why it’s important not to ignore red flags - your gut instinct - that says something, someone or a situation isn’t quite right. We’ve all had this experience where we’ve ignored our instinct only to kick ourselves later down the line. Or we’ve made a decision quickly, not knowing why and it’s potentially changed the direction of our life. We share our own experiences of this and hope you enjoy it!Sign up to our free masterclass
Do you often wonder why you find it so hard to change? Regardless of how much you try, you keep ending up doing the exact same things over and over? That’s because behaviour change is complex. And we want to be totally transparent - it’s not easy.But the most important thing to remember is that behaviour change IS possible, because not only have we changed our own unhealthy behaviours over the years, but we’ve also seen countless clients do the same on our eight week programme.So that’s why w...
In this episode we’re discussing failure, because there’s such pressure in today’s society to be a success, that we often find the fear of failure debilitating.The reality is, we all fail. We fail at relationships, we fail at business, we fail at personal goals, we fail at being true to our ourselves.But failure isn't the end unless we let it be. It's an integral part of trying. If we never fail, we're not taking risks or pushing boundaries. We're playing it safe. And safe might feel comforta...
Divorce is often an emotionally and financially painful experience, not just for the couple involved, but for children and wider friends and family. But what if there was a way to end relationships in a kinder way, that helped couples avoid the emotional and financial turmoil of traditional solicitor approaches?In this episode we talk to Kate Daly who, inspired by the lessons of her own long and painful divorce, set up the service 'amicable' for divorcing couples. The service is unique in bri...
Recently, you might have seen interviews with icons like Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays and Robbie Williams sharing their experiences of andropause.It's great to see high-profile figures discussing this condition, as it affects countless midlife men and their loved ones. But here's the thing – andropause isn't limited to rockstars. This often overlooked condition has been under-researched, with estimates suggesting that 20-25% of men may experience symptoms of low testosterone.In this episo...
In this episode we’re sharing the importance of a 'realistic' morning routine and the key word here is realistic, not perfect. This episode came about after seeing a post from someone on social media about their daily routine. It had about 30 things on it and we worked out that it would take over four hours to get through, before even starting work. This breeds a feeling of inadequecy and can make us feel as though we’re not doing enough or being enough. It also highlights why we must be disc...
In this episode we share the five key learnings from our American Adventure, in particular, how it’s opened us up to new ways of thinking, being and working. The past few weeks have been a real game changer and we hope it inspires you to go outside your comfort zone, create new experiences and live life to the fullest.To find out about The Midlife Method, click HEREWant to speak to us about options? Click HERE to book a free call.Please remember, if you find the show helpful or it makes you l...
In the episode we explore enough-ness. When is our best good enough? When are we good enough? And when do we have enough?Not enough-ness is at the core of so much of our unhealthy thinking and behaviours. Striving and pushing to do more, be more and have more, until perhaps we’re forced to stop and take stock. We share our own personal experiences in the hope that it not only makes you reflect, but helps you feel less alone.For more information about our Ibiza Retreat at Six Senses, click HER...
Ever wanted to start your own business, write your own book or develop your own brand? Well have we got a treat in store for you in this episode.We talk to author and coach John Spencer Williams, writer of F*** Work Let's Play and Screw Work Lets Play, about how to be more playful with what you want to do in business, and start having more fun in your life pursuing your passions.From life as a digital nomad, to the steps to transitioning from your job to your passion project, we know you’ll f...
In this episode we discuss the importance of social connection. This topic sprung from our own realisation of how, as entrepreneurs, we can sometimes feel isolated with our heads down in work. However, recently we’ve been speaking at events and networking and the fulfilment it’s brought has been staggering.This led us to look at some of the research around how a lack of social interaction can negatively affect not just our mental health, but physical health too - a well as life longevity. We ...
We’re always being asked what our diet is like. Do we count calories, do we watch our macros, do we eat cake?So in this episode we break down some of the principles we apply to our food and drink, give you some dos and donts, and take you through our typical meals including what time of day we eat them.If you’ve been unsure of what or how to eat, you’re sure to find this useful.For more information about our Ibiza Retreat at Six Senses, click HERETo find out about The Midlife Method, click HE...