DiscoverThe Midlife Station
The Midlife Station
Author: Rupesh Nahar
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© Copyright Rupesh Nahar
During midlife - around the age of 30's or early 40's, one would usually encounter the midlife jitters. Issues related to career, mindset, screwed-up finances , stress often crop up at this critical juncture.
In this fortnightly podcast , we bring in experts and interesting stories of path breakers who have successfully transformed themselves during their midlife.
We try to acquire their insights & thought process on how did they achieve the transformation.
We also gather information, best practices, habits, tools & techniques that they have used so that we can get educated and work towards the betterment of our midlife.
In this fortnightly podcast , we bring in experts and interesting stories of path breakers who have successfully transformed themselves during their midlife.
We try to acquire their insights & thought process on how did they achieve the transformation.
We also gather information, best practices, habits, tools & techniques that they have used so that we can get educated and work towards the betterment of our midlife.
16 Episodes
On the show today we have with us Commander Bimal Raj who has served the Indian Navy and our country for 17 long years. He is indeed a multi-talented person from being an Internationally certified trainer, executive coach to being an entrepreneur and founder of Insightful ParentBeing bedridden for 2 long years in a hospital, Commander Bimal Raj is a perfect testimony to how one can develop a strong mindset.After serving for the Indian Navy for 17+ years, he successfully reinvented himself during his midlife not only by being part of an elite team of world-class trainers and facilitators under Blair Singer, the Rich Dad Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki but also by living his passion for parenting through his own entrepreneurial venture Insightful parentsHe is also 1st Indian trainer for T Harv Eker's signature and world-class life-transforming program Millionaire Mind Intensive or MMI. Thanks to Success Gyan - India's largest Seminar Organizer, today MMI is made accessible to people of IndiaThrough this entrepreneurial venture Insightful Parent, he dreams of building better and stronger relationships between parents and their kidsKey Points we discussed: •Experience with Serving Indian Navy and How he developed a strong mindset •Overcome self-limiting beliefs and developing never say die attitude •Developing a strong relationship with money •Challenges with Parenting and how the 6C Parenting framework is helping parents to overcome these challengesShow Notes:- You can find the show notes for the show by visiting Us:- •Facebook - •Linkedin - •Instagram - •Twitter - •04:50 - What kind of family culture did he grow up with? •07:03 - Reason behind being the 1st one ever in the family to join Indian Navy? •09:08 -Experience that helped him develop a strong mindset? •14:55 - Why does one have self-limiting beliefs? •19:42 - How to develop a never say die attitude? •21:20 - How did he reinvent himself post retiring from the Indian navy? •25:26 - How to overcome limiting beliefs around money? •30:32 - How did he pivot into the parenting field? •35:15 - How to handle stubbornness when it comes to kid's? •40:16 - How Parent can be friends with teenagers? •44:34 - 6 C Framework for parenting •51:28 - Quickfire segment
Do you try to restrict your inner true potential from coming out? Have you been guilty of not Playing it Full?In this episode, we have with us Kapil Kulshreshtha who is is the CEO of Scintillate, a company dedicated to helping working professionals find their power zone and build a life of impact, abundance, and joy.After 2 decades of working in senior leadership positions, Kapil felt the need to discover his inner calling and do what really matters to him. He realized that he had deliberately engineered smallness in his life by focusing on the standard parameters of success.And in a significant leap, Kapil started on the journey of playing it full, be it losing 16 KG in 16 weeks or leaving his high paying job and pursuing his dream of helping others come out of their self-limiting beliefs and giving it allThis has been one of the most heartful discussions I have had. I found Kapil to be a person who is quite energetic, authentic and one who doesn't shy away in sharing his true inner feelings to the outside world, be it feeling of joy, pain, fears, dreams, or accomplishments.Key Points we discussed: •The back story behind the concept of Playing it Full •Self-limiting beliefs and how to overcome them? •Adopting Play it full philosophy in everyone's life •Key elements of building a personal brandTimestamp •03:53 : What is the reason behind the energetic Kapil? •06:15 : Back Story behind Playing it full philosophy? •11:15 : Key challenges around self-limiting beliefs that Kapil faced during the corporate journey? •16:16 : Did Kapil experience moments where he overcame self-limiting beliefs? •22:04 : How did he transition out of job? •26:31 : What is play it full philosophy? •30:33 : What is the time period of transitioning into Play it Full mode? •35:50 : What are the key elements of building your personal brand? •38:03 : Quickfire segmentShow Notes:- You can find the show notes for the show by visiting gift from Guest:- Us:- •Facebook - •Linkedin - •Instagram - •Twitter -
Do you find it difficult to adopt a saving mindset or wonder how to come out of Debt or want to work on alternate sources of Income?On the show today we have with us, Pardeep Goyal - Founder of Award-Winning Personal Finance Blog, CashOverFlow which was awarded as the best personal finance blog in 2017 by Indiblogger. He is passionate about sharing his expert insights on value investing,money-saving hacks, and creating an alternate source of incomePrior to starting Cashoverflow, he did face failure in a couple of startups during their initial year of operations. However, these failures didn't deter him from following his passion and becoming one of the key influencers in India in the content writing industryHe has also published numerous insightful articles around Entrepreneurship, PR & Growth Hacking on StartupKarma and YourstoryKey Points we discussed: •In the 1st half, we focus on financial challenges that come in during midlife, the challenges related to debts, savings mindset, and also around generating alternate sources of income •In the latter half, we pick up Pardeep's brain around the future of the content industry, key success principles required in the content business, and how one can become an expert in producing content.Show Notes:- You can find the show notes for the show by visiting Us:- •Facebook - •Linkedin - •Instagram - •Twitter - Takeaways •If you have badly stuck in debt then as the first step try segregating debts, between high v/s low-interest one. Try to close high-interest ones like a credit card, either through your savings or by selling things that you do not need. Once this gets fixed, you can move the focus on low-interest ones by using part of your income that you earn on a monthly basis •One needs to understand the difference between Saving and Investment and shouldn't mix both of them. The primary purpose of Saving is to preserve the money by ensuring it grows at par with inflation whereas the goal of the investment is to earn money and beat inflation. If needed, always hire an investment advisor who can guide you in your investment journey •Whether you are working on your business or for a company, consistency is the key element that separates successful people from the rest. Ensure that you are consistent in whatever you do, it may be producing content every day or doing exercise every day or taking ownership and showing up every time when there are problems or challenges that you encounter while working in your company or in your business.Timestamp:- •03:32 - Why Cashoverflow was started? •04:55 - Experience and learnings from failed startups •07:26 - Why he chose finance as a niche for content writing business? •08:41 - What specific Finance topics Pardeep wanted to share through his writing? •10:50 - Why do people fall into the debt trap? •13:46 - How to come out of debt? •1...
Do You want to Master the Art of Public Speaking?Our Guest Brenden Kumarasamy, is the founder of MasterTalk, that he started to help the world master the art of public speaking and communication.He coaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs on how to master their message and share their ideas with the worldBrenden believes anyone can become confident public speakers and storytellers. From students to CEO's Brenden teaches you how to master your speeches, presentations, and solicitations.Further, He also speaks on how to present amazing online presentations and how to craft the perfect pitch.If there's one word that describes him, it has to be Impact.Key Points we discussed: •Brenden's Love for public speaking •Key elements to the structure of a speech •How to deliver an impactful speech •How to prepare for corporate presentation •Importance of storytelling and voice modulation in Public SpeakingTime Stamps: •03:50 - How Brenden discovered love for public speaking? •05:08 - Why he chose public speaking to add meaning to his life? •07:58 - How was his first public speaking experience? •10:28 - What kind of fears people have for public speaking? •12:27 - How to have good content and structure for your speech? •15:10 - How to have an impactful introduction and conclusion? •19:12 - Preparation that needs to be done before making a corporate presentation? •21:50 - Exercises that one can do before heading for presentations? •23:02 - How to get better at voice modulation and voice pitch? •26:53 - How to use storytelling in your speeches? •30:41 - Quickfire segmentKey Takeaways •When preparing for your speech align it with a jigsaw puzzle. As in puzzle, you start from corners, when it comes to speech preparation, Start with Introduction and Conclusion. Practice them at least 50 to 100 times and only this single activity will make you confident than ever before when you go to deliver your speech. •A good way to structure your speech is to open up with an idea, defend the idea in the body of the speech, and in conclusion share with the audience how the world would be different if the idea gets implemented. •Ask yourself 1 hard question every day. You can do it in front of a mirror, Make this mirror as your accountability mirror where you become vulnerable and come up with answers to these hard-hitting questions and challenging yourself to become a better version of yourself by providing answers to these questions.
Can one live and balance a passionate life along with a Professional and Personal one?Our Guest Sargam Mishra, an Energy Guru & Conscious Business expert is following her Passion of Pranic healing along with handling her professional and Personal lifeSargam is a successful Energy Coach and helps people curate life and business that they love using energy healing art of healing which is famously called Pranic healing. She is a Conscious Lifestyle Entrepreneur and has coached 1000+ people to live a successful and fulfilling life.She believes that the soul grows by giving and has a mission to feed 1 Million Meals by 2025 through her community-based initiative Zero Hunger Drive that runs in 9 cities across India.She is also an International Author and Host of The Millionaire Way Podcast.Key Points we discussed: •Road to Passion Discovery •Balancing between Personal, Professional, and Passion life •Pranic healing & its benefits •Key to learning a subject and going from being a novice to becoming an expert Time Stamps: •03:46- How was childhood culture while going up? •06:06- How did Sargam discover a passion for Pranic healing? •12:40- What is Pranic healing? •14:33 - Can Pranic healing heal things that science may still find difficult to? •17:22 - Can anyone learn the art of Pranic healing or is it only for a select few? •18:26 - How to learn a subject as to go from a novice to being an expert? •21:37 - How to keep the focus on learning in a way where one doesn't get distracted with the plethora of information available on the internet? •24:50 - Struggles faced in balancing passion, work, and personal life? •30:20 - How Pranic healing helps in stress management •35:28 - How Pranic healing can be used to get better t health day 2-day basis •37:56 - The millionaire way podcast- what is it all about •40:10 - Quickfire RoundKey Takeaways •It is possible to leave a passionate life along with your professional and personal one. The key is to first optimize and detach yourself in areas where work can be delegated or replaced and then work towards not living 3 different lives but instead combining passion, professional and personal life into one single life •Learning never stops. Quick hack to learn about your new found passion area is to find 10 to 12 successful people in that niche and study them, follow them, find mistakes that they did and best practices they followed. - Remember you can always emulate their success by eliminating the mistakes they did in their journey •For our well being, While we may usually be aware and have a focus on our physical aspect, it is equally important to have that focus and alignment on the remaining 3/4th portion as well which is nothing but our Spiritual, Mental, and emotional aspect, Kindly Don't neglect them and ensure they are in alignment by connecting yourself with your body, soul and energy through meditation or any other techniques so as to keep these areas healthy as well as blissful
Let's finally welcome the New Year 2021 with new hopes, new dreams, new outlook & new stories.With this episode, I thought of doing a recap of the key learning that we have had from the path-breakers who came to the show. There was one thing in common in all of them and that's what I plan to share with you in this episode.Let's ring in 2021 with the goal of being a transformed version of ourselves and work on having our Version 2.0 much better than our Version 1.0If you enjoyed listening to the show, then please do show us some love by leaving a nice rating & review on Apple podcast or CastboxAlso, do share your feedback on the podcast, our guests, and pretty much anything that you want to convey. You can write to me at
From living in a leaking house to becoming a Growthpreneur, this is a story of a person who after getting laid off in his late 30's, decided to take control of his life in his own hands and since then has never looked back.He has rapidly grown, reinvented and transformed himself in last 2 years and have impacted lives of 1000+ mid-level professionals to transform their career.Today he is on a mission to RAISE THE BAR of 25 million lives to unlock their full potential and create life filled with wealth, influence & growthBorn in a poor backward class family, with father a textile mill clerk, Raakesh continued with the values of Growth & Leadership that he imbibed since childhood, having handled the family responsibilities since the age of 10 years.From Struggling to speak in English, he went on to become a Gold Medalist from National Institute of Technology, Surat, & worked for Global Multinationals. He had a strong professional career of 18 long years where grew from being a trainee to an Assistant Vice President.In this era of information overload, he believes the challenge is to Transform to stay relevant and RISE BEYOND AVERAGE.This has been one of the those insightful episodes where guest will get you in a thinking mode with regards to your career, so please listen the entire episode right till the end.Key Points we discussed: •Struggles and Challenges faced during childhood •How he faced lowest phase of his life after getting laid off and came out stronger to become a Growthpreneur •Career planning for a mid-level professional & how to overcome professional challenges •His passion around helping mid-level professionals come out of SISI ZoneTime Stamps: •04:16 - Emotions felt after breaking the wooden board during Tony's Robbin program •07:28 - Challenges faced during childhood days and attitude towards those challenges? •10:42 - Was there an impact to studies due to challenges faced during childhood •14:27 - Moment when Raakesh got determined to come out of poverty •17:15 - Suggestions on how one can become better at articulation in professional environment •22:37 - Best practice that he followed for growing in his corporate career that can help mid-level professionals •28:32 - How can a mid-level professional re-plan their career at this stage? •34:19 - How can a professional articulate his/her work better to leadership •38:34 - Moment when you were laid off and attitude towards the situation? •44:54 - What actions did Raakesh take post getting laid off •46:31 - How did he find his mission and managed time for it along with job? •52:20 - How is Raakesh helping mid-level professionals to become a Growthpreneur •57:45 - Book Raakesh is working on ? •59:36 - Quick fire segmentKey Takeaways •Are you living in intelligent ignorance zone ? It is a zone where you feel you know everything, they have everything and can do everything on their own. It is not the knowledge but illusion of knowledge that is bigger issue. So it is important that we come out from intelligent ignorance zone and face the reality because that's when we will be able to take right steps •Its not about job but its about career. Plan your career path and professional goals every 3 years. Then have risk appetite to create the career path and most importantly act proactively towards it rather than waiting for the trigger to happen and then acting desperately •Take some time out of your busy schedule for self-discovery. Ask questions t...
Many people in this world want to do something meaningful in their life, but how many of them actually do it ?Our Guest Rahul Sharma, though he had completed his graduation in Economics & Statistics, but he primarily worked as an IT professional for major part of his life. In his flourishing career, he had opportunity to work in different countries & travel across various continents.But inspite of all the glitters and stability, Rahul had a strong urge to do something meaningful in his life.All of this prompted Rahul to leave behind his 18 + year old cushy job and pursue his passion of producing high quality chemical free food to people of IndiaDuring last 4 years, Rahul has successfully transformed himself and has built an authority and deep expertise in areas of Organic farming such as Green manuring, Crop rotation, nitrogen fixation & Bio diversity to name a fewFurther , he also delivers lectures in schools and colleges to promote urban farming and create awareness among students. He also provides advisory services to agriculture startups and also works with NGOs and Organic farmers marketKey Points we discussed: •Early part of his life and why he chose IT career •Quitting high paying cushy job and moving onto organic farming in his 40's •Details and Deep Insights around Organic farming and differences when compared to traditional farming •Advice for people looking out to pivot onto totally different field or unrelated industryTime Stamps: •04:51 - What kind of childhood and environment did Rahul grew up with ? •07:10 - Any exposure to farming during his childhood days ? •08:30 - Why did Rahul chose IT career inspite of being an Economics graduate ? •14:14 - Why did he think about doing organic farming and rather not continue with stable IT career •19:46 - How did family react to decision on pursuing a career in organic farming and leaving IT job •23:05 - Difference between organic farming and traditional farming ? •29:00 - Ways in which soil can be kept active in natural farming? •35:36 - Why is soil not kept active in traditional agriculture? •44:00 - Challenge and struggles Rahul faced when he switched from IT to organic farming •49:14 - Initiatives taken around educating students on organic farming & community supported agriculture •53:17 - Advice for people who want to pivot to something totally different than what they are doing currently •56:34 - Quick fire segmentKey Takeaways •If you plan to pivot to something different than your current line of work, then it is imperative that you come out of the bubble and take action towards your goal. Have a bit of craziness and insanity so that you can quickly switch yourself out from planning into actual execution mode •Organic or natural farming is needed to keep our food system healthy . Instead of relying on pesticides and chemical fertilizers that may damage the plants and food , organic farming focuses and relies on keeping the soil active and giving the nutrients back to soil through methods like crop rotation and Green maneuvering. It is important to be aware of these differences as we go about our food consumption •It is equally important for each one of us to identify and solve at least 1 real problem that world is facing today to whatever capacity we can as this will help in making the country a better place to live in not only for us but also for our future generations.
Are you struggling to get that interview call? Do you feel you are at cross roads? Is your career plan past it's expiration date?Meet Nimrata, the force behind NimTalkingTalent, a boutique career coaching and people advisory firm which provides world class Resume, LinkedIn, Career Coaching, Interview Coaching and Organization Design and Career Model interventions.On a career break after a long journey in HR post XLRI which saw her leading HR, L&D and Leadership Development agendas for leading firms, her moment of epiphany was when she realized that people often failed to project their stories or were struggling to script the next page in their stories.Helping individuals understand their true north, craft winning propositions and welding the power of human performance with organization design are her forte.Key Points we discussed: •Key aspects anyone should posses for career progression •Building world class resume & Importance of cover letter and executive Bio •Powerful Networking technique for Job search •Interview preparation and Importance of Mock interview •How to do Interview Follow upWant to get your question answered by our Guest ?Please do drop in your question along with your name to rupesh@themidlifestation.comSuggestions for us?Kindly do fill in a google form at the below link with your valuable feedback. This will mean a lot to us and will help us to improve. Stamps: •00:14 - Nimrata passion discovery for HR •03:38 - Top 3 key aspects that are overlooked by professionals when it comes to career progression •09:16 - Common pitfalls one tends to miss while preparing an impactful resume •16:01 - Is it important that resume aligns with the company's vision •17:58 - How do keyword and ATS work •19:38 - Tips on making resume stand out wrto format etc •21:34 - Does the length of the resume matter? •24:06 - Difference between cover letter and executive bio •28:16 - Steps one can take for job search once we have an impactful resume •36:32 - Tips on pre-interview preparation like mock interviews? •44:05 - Common pitfalls to avoid when it comes to body language for video interviews •45:14 - What kind of questions to ask an interviewer •46:50 - Follow up technique one can adopt post the interview •49:20 - Quickfire segmentKey Takeaways •For career progression you should continuously focus and plan on filling out any knowledge gap that may come along your way, work on getting better at the art of persuasion & develop that strong urge and ambition that shakes yourself out of the comfort zone. •Recruiter looks at your resume for max 6 to 8 secs, so keep it to max 2 pages and ensure the hot zone is covered that includes name, title or target title, summary , your top achievements and Your unique selling proposition •Networking is key element to any job search . To develop effective network, Shortlist your friends & colleagues - pick up the phone , call them up and ask them to provide at least 2 contacts who can help you here. Be persistent with this approach for 30-40 days and soon you would have a solid connection of 200+ people whom you could bank on for your job search
Imagine if you become a reason for bringing that glittering smile on the faces of the people living in thatched-roof houses of remote villages?While being employed in corporate world, Ram and his co-founders Karthik and Narayanan had this huge passion and inclination towards serving villages and making an impact to the lives of people living in rural India.It was this passion and dream that made them leave behind their lucrative jobs and start Boon Box - eCommerce Venture of Inthree Access Services, during their early 40sChennai-based Boonbox is a logistics startup (last mile logistics network), that focuses on delivering products at the doorsteps of consumers living in towns and villages that have a population of 30,000 and below. Some of them even live in thatched-roof housesFurther, they have scale to deliver products to 3 lakh villages across 16+ statesRam was also recently facilitated by Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu with Inspirational role model award @ CII Connect Awards 2020 for work that Boon Box is doing during these unprecedented pandemic timesRam is also a fitness freak and an eco-warrior.Key Points we discussed: •How one can develop an entrepreneur and an innovative mindset •Learnings from the corporate world •The story behind Boon Box inception in his early 40s and scaling it to 3 lakh villages •How to build world class team and decision making process he follows •Advice for people who are in midlife and are thinking about entrepreneurshipWant to get your question answered by our Guest ?Please do drop in your question along with your name to rupesh@themidlifestation.comNeed to see an improvement ?Kindly do fill in a quick google form at the below link with your valuable feedback. This will mean a lot to us and will help us to improve. Stamps: •04:42 - What do we mean by having an entrepreneur mindset? •06:44 - How one can develop an innovative mindset? •11:01 - 3 learning's Ram had while being in a corporate world •13:36 - How was the idea of Boon Box was born? •15:42 - Was Ram determined to go all out right from the word go? •18:34 - What steps one who is in middle age can take if he wants to do something different? •24:30 - What does Boon Box as a company do? •26:29 - How was the initial phase when you got started being on your own? •28:09 - How did Boon Box went ahead building a world-class team? •32:14 - Boon Box operations and business model? •34:30 - Exotic locations that Boon Box has delivered? •35:55 - Consumer story that touched his heart wrto how Boon Box is making an impact? •37:20 - Major setback and how he navigated through it? •39:18 - Decision-making process that Ram follows? •41:39 - How Boon Box looks at threats from competition like Amazon's and Flipkart's of the world? •43:12 - Vision for Boon Box going forward •43:55 - Quickfire segmentKey Takeaways •It's key to always maintain an entrepreneur's mindset irrespective of whether one is in a job or on his own. Take complete ownership and do what is right for the company and not just for sake of looking good in front of others. •Be creative and try to innovate- innovation is only for few brilliant folks is a myth. The key is to develop a questioning mindset and back yourself with full confidence. Go out and question every single assumption that you come across, we humans right from our birth are gifted with a ques...
Solving Career related challenges for Mid-level & Senior level executives can become quite daunting & complex, but that didn't deter Hemant from following his passionAfter working for 18+yrs in IT industry, Hemant found his true calling in coaching mid level and senior level professionals . His goal is to help them find their purpose so that they can live their life of purposeToday, he works with mid and senior level professionals who are feeling stuck, stagnated, or lack clarity about their careers .He uses world class assessment tools such as Strengthscope, proven 10 step Career Reinvention Process and other powerful techniques in-order to help them to gain Clarity and also reinvent their careers.Over the last 5 years, Hemant has coached more than 200+ Mid and Senior level professionals.He is also a mentor to CXOs as well as business ownersKey Points we discussed: •How did Hemant found his calling for coaching Mid and Senior level professionals •How to find one's strength , approach Career Assessment & what are generally the outcomes of career assessments •Career transition roadmap and the different phases involved •Career stagnancy, Career growth & Work-life balanceTime Stamps: •03:40- How did Hemant discover his passion? •05:59 - What made Hemant decide that he wanted to move forward with career coaching for mid-level professionals? •08:13 - How did he plan the transition? •18:16 - How one can go about performing a career assessment? •24:46 - Science behind figuring out one's strengths/personality? •26:30 - What is the output of clarity assessment, what kind of clarity can one get? •30:26 - How to cross the bridge and steps a mid-level professional should take to move towards their ideal career? •35:10 - How much time will it take to go ahead and make a career transition? •40:02 - Is it practical enough to transition to a totally unrelated sector or industry? •45:15 - Why does stagnancy begin to creep in one's career? •47:12 - Suggestions on how to come out of stagnancy and achieve career growth? •50:48 - How to have work-life balance? •53:54 - Quickfire segmentKey Takeaways1) If you plan to make a career transition, ensure to give yourself at least around 1 and half years of time. Plan it in 3 phases •6 months of Exploration phase where you discover more about yourself, your skills, personal values, strengths, personality type as well as your interests. •2 months for Identifying career options based on the output of the exploration phase, doing the market research, and shortlisting the right Career Option •6 months of Preparation phase so as to Identify your Skill gaps and then work towards closing those gaps by acquiring the required knowledge and certification. In parallel also start to position yourself by updating your resume, socializing yourself in Linkedin and spreading the message in your network2) Look at work-life balance more holistically by zooming out. Have clarity on what areas of life are important to you and then identify what all goals you want to achieve in those areas in a specific time frame and If you are able to achieve those goals in that time frame, then it means you are already having your work and life in balance3) To come out of career stagnancy you need •Fuel which is the burning desire to achieve your goals •Trajectory or Direction which is clarity of what you want to achieve •Escape velocity i.e consistent action that you have to...
Our guest Vaibhav Datar has come across many people who are in Midlife and facing the challenge of not knowing what they want from life. Vaibhav feels the single reason for this is lack of Clarity in Life and hence gaining Clarity is the first and foremost step that becomes imperative and quintessentialVaibhav is a professional Midlife coach, an Adept author, and a BloggerHis Best Selling book 'Simplify your life' emphasizes on etching behavioral and mindset changes in an individual's life that would lead to extreme happiness.He also runs a Blog "The Maven Style" where he shares Powerful Insights on Parenting issues, Self-discovery, Transformation, Self-Enhancement, mid-life Crises, Lifestyle, Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Funding, and investment goalsAn avid learner, with profound interests in analyzing people and their behaviors, he has pursued variouscertification courses in graphology, hypnosis as well as color analyst from a plethora of institutesHe has been featured in major media publications like , YourStory, Economic times, Hindustan Times to name a fewHe is an advocate of a vision board and strongly believes that Clarity in life is the most important gift that one can give to his own selfIn this episode, Vaibhav shares some deep insights on how can one get Clarity in life and then use powerful tools such as Vision Board to realize his/her dreams ,goals and aspirationsKey Points we discussed: •Why we human don't keep our life simple •His personal journey on transitioning out from a stable corporate career in the mid-30s •Top critical Midlife issues that people face today •Key insights on how one can get clarity in his/her life and figure out his/her WHY •How tools such as Vision Board can help them along the way to accelerate their journeyTime Stamps: •03:45 - Why do we human beings are not able to keep our life simple? •07:24 - Thoughts & feelings that occupied Vaibhav's mind while being in corporate job during the midlife phase? •16:10 - How did he cross the bridge from being in corporate life to being a midlife coach? •20:43 - Top 3 midlife issues, that people come to him with? •24:57 - Key actions people can take to navigate through career challenges in their midlife? •30:16 - What considerations one needs to take once they figure out their WHY and embark on their journey? •32:58 - What is a vision board and how to go about doing it? •41:12 - Where should one place the vision board, is location important? •43:03 - Where to find pictures for the Vision board? •45:37 - Quickfire roundKey Takeaways •If you plan to do or start something of your own during your midlife, don't leave your job immediately. Try and taste the water around your target market for at least 9 months to 1 year before leaving the job completely. During this time, also work out in filling the skill gaps that you may have for eg - getting better on how to market yourself or getting better at selling your product.Before Jumping in and going all out, do ensure you have 2 years of financial back up to cover up family expenses •Getting Clarity on what we want to do in life is most important gift we can give ourselves. To get clarity , we need to find out our WHY . Do a small exercise with a friend or a coach or someone whom you can trust. Find out what you want to do and have other person keep on asking you WHY questions until you reach a point where you are able to get that clarity and find your true calling. It might take 1 or more sessions before you can figure out...
Do you believe in having a plan "B" for success? Do you believe in having a personal and a separate professional life?Sumit Shukla doesn't believe in either of them.Sumit is a serial entrepreneur who started his first company during his early 30s.Today he is the founder & Global CEO of Connexrm, a company that aims to help education institutes by providing them innovative solutions for the entire spectrum of their needs. Before Connexrm, Sumit had also founded Zven technologies.In this episode, Sumit shares some of his hard-hitting insights on why Success doesn't have a plan "B", what restricts people in midlife to become successful, and why he feels there is no difference between a personal and professional lifeKey Points we discussed: •Love for education and his thoughts on how a future education system in India should look like •Entrepreneurship journey & key learnings from it •The Decision-making process he follows •Key insights he would like to share for people in midlife and what restricts them in achieving successTimestamps for Questions: •3:42 - Why did Sumit pursue diversified educational degree's •6:28 - How to balance between work as well as studies •8:27 - When was the seed for Entrepreneurship planted for 1st time in his mind •11:08 - Entrepreneurship journey kick start during his midlife and how the transition was planned •14:08 - What business he had in his mind when he started his entrepreneurship journey •16:52 - What was the problem that product was trying to solve •21:07 - How did the entire work on creating a product in education space got kick-started •23:47 - Views on releasing quick Product MVP v/s taking time in building a product before releasing it in the market •25:21 - How the products help and make things better for schools and colleges •27:05 - How challenging was it to sell the product to educational institutes •29:37 - Roadblocks he faced during his entrepreneurship journey and how did he handle it •31:45 - What is the Decision-making process that Sumit follows •35:50 - What is his vision for the education system in India •40:41 - What are 3 key things that people in midlife can do to transform themselves •44:22 - Quickfire roundKey Takeaways •Don't be afraid of improving upon the existing wheel instead of inventing a new wheel. You don't need to always solve a new problem, instead, you can make life more easier for people by solving an existing problem in a more efficient way. History has proven this fact time and again, remember Facebook got built after Orkut and google after yahoo. •Do not have a plan "B" if you really have a strong desire to achieve your goal or vision. Having a plan B may make you complacent when you encounter a huge blow or a hindrance to your path and you may end up being satisfied with something of lower significance than what you ideally deserve. •At any point in time, ensure you have an aggressive and updated plan for things you want to achieve in your life for the next 6 months, and then ensure you are uncomfortable in pursuing the plan. Achievers in midlife always are uncomfortable and never allow contentment or feeling of comfort to dominate them in pursuing their dreams.
Do you love conversations?While some people may not love it but there are few people for whom it becomes the basis of whatever they do in life, and this is exactly true for Sri Ram Kumar.Sri Ram left his high profile corporate career in his mid 40s to pursue his passion for conversations. Today, he is a much sought after trainer and speaker who helps people in deriving their best out of every conversation they have.A TEDx speaker, his TEDx speech gives a different definition of SUCCESS as we know it and he outlines in the speech, the SHIFT framework to achieve the same.Sri Ram worked for around 20+ years in the corporate world with stints in the IT, BPO and Banking domains in a variety of functions ranging from like Business Strategy Planning, M&A/JV, Integration, Client Engagement, Strategic Marketing and Branding, Corporate Communications, Employee Engagement, and Leadership Development, amongst others before he switched to a career in Coaching and Facilitation.In the last three years, he has clocked more than 15,000 plus hours of facilitating and coaching experience for clients from diverse industries.Key Points we discussed: •TEDx speech and SHIFT framework for Success •Key qualities that helped him grow his midlife •Leaving his stable job in the mid-40s •Key Principle for having impactful ConversationsTime Stamps: •3:55 TedX talk experience and why he chose success as a key topic for the talk •6:10 What is SHIFT framework for Success •9:32 Top 3 characteristics that helped Sriram to grow in his career during midlife •18:00 How Sriram kept himself updated to adapt to different kind of situations during corporate life •21:33 Thoughts on career stagnancy and removing the resistance and self-limiting beliefs. •28:24 Why Sriram thought it was a right time to move out of corporate career during his mid-40s •34:31 Financial considerations while Sriram was planning for the switch •36:05 Any other considerations that one needs to take while planning for transition •40:50 How long it took Sriram to achieve stability post transitioning out to a new career •44:06 Thoughts on Going deeper at one thing v/s being a jack of all trades •49:16 What is Sriram's definition of conversations •51:39 Thoughts/tips on developing the connect during the conversations •54:34 Quickfire segmentKey Takeaways •Irrespective of whether the situation is a personal or professional one, go ahead and share your opinion. Don't restrict yourself with the thought of what will other person think. Constantly voicing your opinions, will make you more confident and noticeable in front of people and it will just be a matter of time before they would start seeking your perspective before making any decision •To move forward, it is imperative to have a plan in place, think of what you want to do, something that is quite close to your heart, then work towards it by being fully committed and as you move forward in journey, do not forget to have a community of like-minded people and finally do celebrate your win once you reach your destination •Conversations need to have Simplicity, specificity, and Silence so that it can be impactful. At the same time, it should be delivered with a purpose, intent and right amount of content
How would you react when you realize you can no longer pursue your dream that you have been eyeing for right since your childhood ?Shyam Sunder Singh was disheartened & dejected when he had to face rejection and let go of his childhood dream of being an army officer with the prestigious Indian Army, however that didn't deter him from being successful in life.Shyam today is a first-generation entrepreneur and is tagged as a dynamic leader with a track record of outstanding performance in the Retail & Pharmaceutical industry. He is a visionary who believes that differentiation is the mantra for success in the 21st century.After being in corporate job for more than a decade, Shyam decided to take entrepreneurial plunge in his late 30's and founded Septalyst Lifesciences. The company was recently awarded as the fastest-growing company in the Neurology segment in India by Times healthcare and leadership award and it has also been featured in list of top 8 companies in Nephrology segmentHe is considered an authority in Pharma industry, delivers keynote addresses at major national events and has regularly featured in leading newspapers & pharma business magazines like Pharmabiz & Express PharmaKey Points we discussed:- •Facing rejection from the prestigious Indian Army and how he pulled himself back •Key qualities that helped him grow in the corporate career •How he went about starting his own venture in the late 30s and scaling it to a greater heights •Key insights that he would like to share for people facing midlife challengesTime Stamps: •03:20 What were dreams and aspirations as Shyam was growing up ? •04:50 How did he pull himself back up after facing rejection from prestigious Indian armed forces ? •05:38 What was the reason behind doing MBA in Sales and Marketing ? •06:35 Corporate journey and key qualities Shyam had that helped him grow in corporate career •08:55 Key challenges during corporate life and how did he overcome them ? •10:34 Why did he move from pharma domain to a retail domain during peak of his career ? •13:51 Why time was right to quit the job and move into entrepreneurship in his late 30's? •17:27 How did he battle the thoughts around what if the entrepreneurship journey didn't work out ? •20:04 How did he planned out his venture while being in job? •21:20 What was the venture all about ? •24:48 How did Shyam went about building his company ? •31:38 Facing setbacks in journey and attitude towards those setbacks? •32:50 Did leaving all of the hustle and going back to the secure job cross his mind ? •33:48 How long it took to achieve the same level of income ? •34:28 What kind of success and accolades has the company achieved •35:48 Taking team to international destinations every year •37:46 Quickfire segment •43:38 Key TakeAwaysKey Takeaways •If you face rejection, it's not the end of the world, it just means God has something different planned for you, so go out and try something different instead of getting frustrated with rejection •Courage Confidence and Conviction are your biggest weapon, using them you can fight whatever problems that may come in your way be it in your midlife or at any juncture •Dreams don't become reality through magic, it takes lot of sweat, determination and hardwork.Question is are we ready to put in that hard work and live a life that we always wanted to ?
During the recession of 2008, Milind had to let go of his high profile job. He was in his late 30s then with 25+ lakh of financial debt and was married with two amazing kids,At this critical juncture, a normal thing for anyone to do would be to quickly get another job , but that's not what Milind chose to do. Instead of finding a job, Milind during this critical phase decided to carve out something of his own and face the life challenges head on that came along the wayToday Milind , an Alumnus of IIM Bangalore is a Certified Life Coach and is affiliated to the international coach certification body Certified Coaches Alliance. He has 9,500+ hours of coaching under his belt and has coached hundreds of people in India as well as across the world.He has been covered by major media outlets like The Times of India,The Telegraph, Business Standard , India Today, The Asian Age, and othersSome Questions I asked to get Milind's mindshare •Experiences and challenges he faced being in corporate job •Touching upon an economic recession, job loss, and how he fought back from the lowest point in his life •Key insights that he would like to share for people facing midlife challengesTime Stamps: •02:45 What is BE-DO-HAVE framework and how can one apply it in his life? •06:23 Key ingredients that enabled Milind to grow in his corporate career •09:35 What are things people can do that can help them to grow in their mid-career •13:55 How did Milind manage his financial lifestyle while being in high profile job •19:57 How did Milind run into 25 lakh of financial debt •24:15 The time when Milind was technically laid off from the job in recession of 2009 •29:15 Why Milind did not take job post lay off and started out of his own during his midlife •32:21 How did Milind overcome challenges post layoff •34:45 How did Milind manage to get his initial customers •41:33 By when was Milind able to achieve financial stability •44:21 Case in point of a fictional character who is in his midlife and undergoing challenges •52:24 Quick Fire Segment •58:15 Key TakeAwaysKey Takeaways •BE-DO-HAVE framework for goals - In order to HAVE something, you need to DO something about it and in order to do something about it , it is imperative that BECOME a person for whom DOing become easy •Never land yourself in huge financial debts ,becomes soon it becomes a viscous cycle to clear one debt, you take another one which quickly becomes a bubble so huge that it takes you many steps behind from reaching your destination •If you don't enjoy what you do today, try to introspect and ask yourself few tough questions , do you want to be an employee , or employer ? What you value more - security or freedom? What do you lack in life? Are you just bluffing or playing game with yourself ? Please find answers to these powerful questions and draft an exciting future for yourself
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