DiscoverThe Mighty Is Her Call Podcast
The Mighty Is Her Call Podcast

The Mighty Is Her Call Podcast

Author: Annie Muller, Kathryn Rombs

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The Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, is a show for Catholic mothers designed to remind you that the call to motherhood is sacred, sanctifying and powerfully united to Christ. We were never meant to do it alone so let’s walk together in this high adventure toward holiness.
35 Episodes
Annie and Kathryn are excited to introduce you to Kelsey Gillespy in this season two finale of the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast. Kesley is a mother, athlete and writer. We will discuss her journey of motherhood, particularly how Kelsey found the balance between self-gift and self-care and the ways the Lord revealed more about his love, and love of his Mother, through her journey of motherhood.  Check out Kelsey’s First Book In the Trenches  Kelsey’s New Book, Life With Mary is available here and here.  Learn more about Kelsey and what she’s up to on her website: Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.
Today, Annie and Kathryn welcome author, mother, and podcaster, Kimberly Cook. Kimberly grew up formed by the culture and the feminist narrative and did not see motherhood as a worthy life-calling. Now the mother of a large family, she tells us the beautiful story of how God changed her perspective and how her experience of motherhood led her to write Motherhood Redeemed. We discuss this beautiful work, which reminds us that the true nature of womanhood is maternal and inseparable from self-gift. We know you will love this episode!    Learn more about Kimberly on her website: Kimberly's Book: Motherhood Redeemed  Podcast Episode with Alice Von Hildebrand Check out Kimberly's book for middle-aged children: The Adventures of Lily Creek Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
Annie and Kathryn are thrilled to introduce you to mother and author, Catherine Pakaluk on today’s podcast. We know you will be inspired by Catherine's story of “instant motherhood,” becoming a mom to six (grieving) children on her wedding day. She is now mother to 13 beautiful children, an Economics professor at Catholic University of America, and the author of the very important work: Hannah’s Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth. In this longer-than-usual episode, you will hear Catherine’s unique story as we dive into her fascinating work. You will get a glimpse into the discoveries of her groundbreaking research, asking the question: “In a world where more and more women are choosing not to have any children, why do some women choose to have many?” You will be blessed by this book and this conversation; you don’t want to miss it!  Buy Catherine's Book: Hannah's Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
Today on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Annie and Kathryn are very happy to introduce you to their dear friend, Emily Glicksman. Emily comes from a large family and imagined her family would look very similar to her family of origin, but as is often the case, God’s plans for her and her family were different. In all the ups and downs of longing and expectation, Emily’s faith has been the rock and comfort of her life that has led her to see her family, although smaller than she imagined, as “an embarrassment of riches.”    Scripture References: Psalm 23; 2 Corinthians 12:9  Prayer of St. Irenaues It is not thou that shapest God it is God that shapest thee. If thou art the work of God await the hand of the artist who does all things in due season. Offer Him thy heart, soft and tractable, and keep the form in which the artist has fashioned thee. Let thy clay be moist, lest thou grow hard and lose the imprint of his fingers. - St. Irenaeus  
Today on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Annie and Kathryn introduce you to Thu-Lan Andrews. Thu-Lan’s story begins in Vietnam as an only child in a military family. Her mother’s curiosity about the faith led to the family’s conversion, and when Thu-Lan was ten, they moved to America. Thu-Lan’s rebel spirit led to her fearless acceptance of the vocation of motherhood, even when it meant defying the tradition and the wishes of her family.  Today she shares her story about the joys and surprises of being a mother of ten.
Today on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Annie and Kathryn are excited to introduce you to Dr. Emily Heyne. Emily’s story begins with conversion to the Catholic faith where she embraced the Church's teaching on openness to life only to then carry the heavy cross of infertility. Her story is one of beautiful faith, hope, and wisdom, and mirrors many of the heroic matriarchs of Scripture who drew close to the Lord as they waited for the children they longed for. We know her story will bless everyone who listens. The Interior Castle, by St. Teresa of Avila  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
Today, on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Annie and Kathryn are excited to introduce you to Sarah Hull. Sarah has an extraordinary story of self-gift, sacrifice and redemptive love. Diagnosed with cancer at 20 weeks pregnant, Sarah chose life for her baby. She shares her incredible story and reveals the many ways the Lord has been faithful to her and her family even as her physical suffering continues. Sarah embodies the words of St. Gianna Molla: “Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love.” You don’t want to miss this episode!  See More about Sarah’s Story HERE  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
The Mighty Is Her Call Podcast: A podcast for Catholic mothers created to encourage, elevate and refresh! Today on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Jolly and Annie are very excited to introduce you to the founder of Mighty Is Her Call, Dr. Kathryn Rombs. Have you wondered if Motherhood is for you? Do you struggle to think of motherhood as a vocation and are waiting for something bigger?  You don’t want to miss this episode! Kathry will discuss her experience of motherhood, how what she imagined differed from reality and how the Lord stirred in her heart to start this ministry that exists to elevate and champion the vocation of motherhood. We know you’re going to love this episode!  Motherhood, an Extraordinary Vocation by Dr. Kathryn Rombs  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
Coming Home

Coming Home


Today on the Mighty Is Her Call Podcast, Annie and Jolly welcome you back for season two and dive into the story of the Prodigal Son. They will examine each character in the familiar story and consider the many ways the Lord can speak to us about where we may find ourselves in various seasons of motherhood (prodigal, older son or Father). We know the Lord is always calling us home,and in our motherhood we have a special privilege of calling our children home to Him as well. Join us as we reflect on the perfect love of a forgiving Father.  Scripture Reference: Luke 15:11-32 Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers' ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
The Mighty Impact

The Mighty Impact


In this episode, Jolly and Annie wrap up season one by discussing how to find joy in connecting with the sacred, Christ-like calling of motherhood. They also recap the reasons we started the podcast and four themes of impact we have experienced and witnessed. Together they explore how sharing in our conversations can be catalysts to increasing understanding and faith in the Mighty One, a God who calls us to himself and then imparts a particular calling to be champions of change through our motherhood. Finally, we touch on some powerful things God is doing in and through the ministry and why walking this high adventure together is a truly amazing gift.  Blog Post Reference - Luke 1:49
Today, Jolly and Annie will discuss moments in motherhood wherein one feels unseen or unheard in the journey of raising children. How do we exercise God-appointed authority as mothers? How do we bring life and not merely demand our own agendas? We will discuss the examples in Sacred Scripture of two kinds of leadership found in the New and the Old Testaments. What is the aim? Are we called to build monuments of perfection? We will discuss the call to lay a foundation in humility, service and charity that allows God to build cathedrals of goodness through our call to family life. Isaiah 22:19-23 - Old Testament reading on leadership Matthew 16:18 - New Testament reading on leadership  Romans 11:33-36 - Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor? Or who has given the Lord anything that he may be repaid? For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.    
Motherhood alters nearly every area of our lives. We sleep less, our meals are often cold, our time is not our own, not to mention our bodies. But our prayer lives often become completely unrecognizable. Today, Annie and Jolly will kick off a two-part series considering some practical ways we can actively include prayer in our daily lives in this wonderful, and often all-consuming vocation.  Thomas Merton quote from Contemplative Prayer:  “By ‘prayer of the heart’ we seek God himself present in the depths of our being and meet him there by invoking the name of Jesus in faith, wonder and love.”  CCC 2259: Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God Scriptures for the Episode: Isaiah 40:31:  But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Matthew 11:28: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Isaiah 40:29: He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength Colossians 3:15: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which ]indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:17: Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Psalm 107:8: Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men! Psalm 69:30: I will praise the name of God with song and magnify Him with thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Comment and let us know ways you’ve made your prayer life work, or reach out to us anytime with questions or comments at     
Celebrating Mom

Celebrating Mom


Your birthday, an anniversary, Mother’s Day–these days can be a complicated combination of expectation, anticipation, joy, and delight, often mixed with disappointment and resentment when what we’ve imagined is a far cry from what the day delivers. Annie and Jolly share their experiences with this familiar cycle by discussing some occasions where they were left deflated after a special day. They also share what they have learned over the years that has allowed for their depth of understanding to flourish with freedom from resentment on these high-stakes holidays. Joy is found in Christ’s mighty call, allowing for these special days with children to be fulfilling and abundant!  
Sometimes the words “self-care” can create an unpleasant response in us, making us feel like it’s just one more thing we are failing at, or one more thing we need to fit in. Today, Annie and Jolly will talk about how the simplest form of self-care is spending time with dear friends. They will examine Psalm 27:9 and share their experiences of how the Lord has renewed and refreshed them through deep and meaningful friendships. They will also offer some suggestions on ways to make time for the gift of friendships. 
Vacation vs. A Trip

Vacation vs. A Trip


This time of year is full of late nights, pool days and extra family time. It also often includes a family “vacation.” Jolly and Annie discuss why they think it’s better to call it a “trip,” since packing, prep, long days in the car and adventures away from home with children are anything but a vacation. So, if you are looking ahead to a big family trip and wondering if you have the strength and energy to pull it off, you aren’t alone. They will also remind you that it’s worth it and that these times with our families, however exhausting, are an opportunity to build family culture, create memories and be grateful for the years we have with these beautiful humans.      
As we approach the summer months, we thought we would spend some time considering the change in routine and the challenges that accompany those changes. Annie and Jolly will share some of the things that have worked for their families and offer some tips for keeping your sanity as you continue to give your all for your children.  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to motherhood by proclaimingthe radically Christ-like nature of the vocation. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Our Ministry When you join our donor community you become a part of this ministry enabling us to reach more women, host more retreats and continue creating content designed to remind you that the vocation of motherhood is Christ-like, essential to the Church and to the world and that you are not alone. Check out our donor levels, gifts and more at
May can be the craziest month for moms. Today, Jolly and Annie will look, in a special way, at the letting go that often defines this time of year. Whether you are grieving the baby who will go off to school next year, the high school graduate who is anxious to move on, or the college graduate who isn’t sure what’s next, we know there is much to learn. We will discuss the call to surrender and encourage each other to let go as we give our children over to the Lord and see them launched into the next season of their lives. Scripture References: Isaiah 30:15; Jeremiah 29:11   Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. We also ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us as a Mighty is Her Call Member. When you join our donor community you become a part of this ministry enabling us to reach more women through this podcast, host more retreats and continue creating content designed to remind you that the vocation of motherhood is Christ-like, essential to the Church and to the world and that you are not alone. Check out our donor levles and incentives at 
Today we are going to discuss how sometimes we need to take a minute to take care of ourselves but that our children also love us whether we are showered and clean or not. Annie will also tell a story of one of her most humiliating moments as a mom as we examine the truth that our children can be a source of humility and humor but we know God works it all together for good for our salvation and for their good as well.  Scripture for this episode: Philippians 3:14-15  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and to find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
In today’s episode we change gears a little and talk about some of the humorous absurdities of motherhood. Whether your hope is constantly dashed over not getting to go to the bathroom alone, or your children can’t find their shoes on the way out the door to Sunday mass, these universal truths certainly bring humor to our days. Join us as we laugh ‘till we cry about interrupted phone calls, lost scissors and more. We know we are not alone!  Mighty Is Her Call is a Catholic mothers ministry that encourages women who have embraced the call to openness to life by proclaiming the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood. Visit our website to learn more about our in-person and audio retreats as well as our blog, all created to fortify and encourage you in your daily call to holiness. Support Mighty Is Her Call Partner with us as we proclaim the radically Christ-like nature of motherhood and encourage women to continue raising up saints and to find peace and joy on the road to holiness.  
As we head into Holy Week we want to spend some time reflecting on the Triduum and ways to observe these holy days as a family, particularly in light of the vocation of motherhood. We know the season of motherhood you are in makes all the difference in how you observe these days. We also want to remind you that as you embrace the self-gift of motherhood, you are placed in a unique position to enter into Christ’s suffering and total abandonment of his will to the Father.   Holy Thursday Traditions - Blog Post  The Mighty Is Her Call Rosary Guide (used in the closing prayer) Divine Intimacy, Fr Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen  “He exhausts the resources of His love, and offers Himself to man, not only as Redeemer, who will die for him on the Cross, but also as the food which will nourish him. He will feed man with his own Flesh and Blood; moreover death might claim Him in a few hours, but the Eucharist will perpetuate His real, living presence until the end of time.” (Divine Intimacy, 392)     “Good Friday,” continues Fr. Gabriel, “is the day more than any other that invites us to enter into the thicket of the trials and pains of the Son of God and not only with the abstract consideration of the mind, but also with the practical disposition of the will to accept suffering voluntarily, in order to unite and assimilate ourselves to the Crucified.” (Divine Intimacy, 395)    “Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can give to others much more than their outward necessities; I can give them the look of love which they crave.”  Pope Benedict XVI, God Is Love: Deus Caritas Est