DiscoverThe Mighty Is Her Call PodcastMotherhood and the Solemnity of the Triduum
Motherhood and the Solemnity of the Triduum

Motherhood and the Solemnity of the Triduum

Update: 2023-04-04


As we head into Holy Week we want to spend some time reflecting on the Triduum and ways to observe these holy days as a family, particularly in light of the vocation of motherhood. We know the season of motherhood you are in makes all the difference in how you observe these days. We also want to remind you that as you embrace the self-gift of motherhood, you are placed in a unique position to enter into Christ’s suffering and total abandonment of his will to the Father.  

Holy Thursday Traditions - Blog Post 

The Mighty Is Her Call Rosary Guide (used in the closing prayer)

Divine Intimacy, Fr Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen 

He exhausts the resources of His love, and offers Himself to man, not only as Redeemer, who will die for him on the Cross, but also as the food which will nourish him. He will feed man with his own Flesh and Blood; moreover death might claim Him in a few hours, but the Eucharist will perpetuate His real, living presence until the end of time.” (Divine Intimacy, 392)  


“Good Friday,” continues Fr. Gabriel, “is the day more than any other that invites us to enter into the thicket of the trials and pains of the Son of God and not only with the abstract consideration of the mind, but also with the practical disposition of the will to accept suffering voluntarily, in order to unite and assimilate ourselves to the Crucified.” (Divine Intimacy, 395) 


Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can give to others much more than their outward necessities; I can give them the look of love which they crave.”  Pope Benedict XVI, God Is Love: Deus Caritas Est









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Motherhood and the Solemnity of the Triduum

Motherhood and the Solemnity of the Triduum

Annie Muller, Jolly Hormillosa