The Post-Separation Abuse Podcast

<p>I support Australian women who are navigating ongoing control and other forms of abuse after separation.<br><br>This is a raw and unfiltered space where we can explore the often unseen issues of family violence, post-separation abuse and protective parenting.<br><br>For more information about post-separation abuse: <a href=""></a><br><br>For more information about separation planning: <br><a href=""></a><br><br><br>Want to work with me? Visit <a href=""></a> to learn more.</p>

Part 8 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Cultural, Spiritual & Religious abuse

Can cultural and spiritual beliefs be weaponised against you, even after a relationship ends? On this episode of the Post-Separation Abuse Podcast with Danielle Black, discover how abusers manipulate cultural and religious values to maintain control and inflict pain post-separation. Learn how these manipulative tactics can manifest, from undermining your religious beliefs to preventing your children from embracing their heritage.Join Danielle as she sheds light on the additional betrayal face...


47. Part 7 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Economic and Financial Control

Ever felt trapped in your own life due to someone else's control over your finances? Discover the insidious world of economic and financial abuse as we unveil tactics that can keep you chained to a controlling partner long after separation. This week, I open up about my own struggle with grief after losing a family member and the importance of taking time to care for ourselves, especially when life gets overwhelming. With heartfelt thanks to my supportive clients, I return to the ...


46. Part 6 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Undermining and sabotaging healthy parenting

Have you ever felt like your role as a parent is constantly being sabotaged by your ex? The struggle is real!Controlling and abusive former partners can use both overt and covert strategies to undermine your parenting—like the "Disneyland dad" phenomenon and turning special occasions into battlegrounds. In listening to his episode you'll learn how to spot these patterns. Remember, knowledge is power—understanding your ex's motives and manoeuvers is the first step towards maintain...


45. Part 5 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Using and disregarding children

Welcome. I'm Danielle Black, and today we're exploring the manipulative tactics used by controlling abusers who weaponise children in their ongoing power struggles. We'll uncover how these abusers, masking their self-interest as parental concern, often disregard their children’s emotional well-being and developmental needs. With heartfelt gratitude, I'm also sharing a glimpse into my world as we transition to weekly episodes. Your unwavering support has allowed me to de...


44. Part 4 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Isolation

Help me to shatter the silence surrounding post-separation abuse as I reveal the unseen struggles that many victim-survivors face. In this episode I expose the stark reality of how manipulative and controlling men brand themselves as victims, and attempt to turn friends, family, and even professionals into unwitting accomplices. This episode is a clarion call for community action and solidarity with those who have endured men's violence during relationships and post-separation...


43. Not Your F*cking Job

Every day, women across Australia are grappling with the crushing weight of domestic violence, and their cries for help are too often muffled by a system that seems to favor the abuser. The harsh reality is that our society burdens women with the responsibility for men's violence, and men's emotions when they struggle with being held accountable.So many victim-survivors courageously advocate for themselves and their children - only to deal with a law enforcement and legal system that oft...


42. Part 3 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Minimising, denying and blaming the protective parent.

In this episode I peel back the layers of manipulation and control that continue long after a relationship ends. We're not just talking about anger-fueled outbursts; this is a strategic game of blame-shifting and reality distortion that abusers play to maintain their grip on victims. This episode is a deep exploration into the ways abusers enlist friends, family, and even legal systems to uphold their twisted version of events, how they target the mental health of the protective parent, ...


41. Part 2 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Harassment, intimidation, stalking & threats.

As your navigator through the stormy seas of post-separation abuse, I'm here to shine a light on the often unseen tactics abusers wield to keep their grip on power. Together, we'll uncover how subtle acts of intimidation and control can persist long after a relationship's end. By recognising these often covert strategies, you'll arm yourself with the knowledge needed to begin safeguarding yourself and shielding your children. I'm a specialist Separation & Divorce Coach based in ...


40. Part 1 - Post-Separation Abuse Unpacked: Using systems and institutions

This episode reveals how abusers wield systems and institutions as tools of manipulation, continuing to torment their former partners long after the separation. Join me as I dissect the underbelly of family violence's evolution into post-separation abuse, shining a light on the patterns perpetrators use to engage and exhaust their former partners. Where using systems and institutions is concerned, this can include false reports to law enforcement, twisted custody battles, and blatant dis...


39. Managing your mind post-separation: The importance of optimism

Discover the transformative path to empowerment after a break from a restrictive or abusive relationship. With me, Danielle Black, as your guide, this episode promises insights and strategies for harnessing the power of positive thinking to reclaim control over your life. We tackle the essential actions for laying a foundation for a healthier future, such as seeking professional coaching, finding solace in group support, and connecting with online communities. It's not just about positive aff...


38. Empowering our kids: Nurturing consent and personal boundaries

Growing up in the 80s meant boundaries were often blurred or altogether nonexistent for many of us, myself included. Today, I'm sharing my journey and the crucial lessons learned about the importance of establishing healthy boundaries for and with our children. As a Separation, Divorce, and Co-Parenting Coach, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of teaching kids to tune in to their feelings and intuition. In this episode, I draw on personal reflections and professional ins...


37. Boundaries: Taking back our power and control, one boundary at a time.

You're not alone on the path toward reclaiming your life after separation—countless courageous women have walked this journey, and their stories of transformation are nothing short of heroic. This episode is an ode to their strength, as we explore the transformative power of setting boundaries and the neurological rewiring that accompanies this act of self-care. This episode celebrates the incredible power of neuroplasticity; our brain's ability to adapt and grow stronger with each bound...


36. Healthy boundaries: What are they and how can they help us post-separation?

Whether you're navigating the rough waters of separation, enduring the aftermath of divorce, or co-parenting with an ex-partner who exerts control, this episode promises insights that will support you on your journey. In this episode I discuss the issue of rejection—exploring the whirlwind of emotions it can trigger and how past traumas might influence our perception of 'no.' Tune in as we lay the groundwork for personal growth, emotional maturity, and the pursuit of healthier...


35. When your mental health is attacked...and a rant about equal shared parenting time

The hidden gambit of abusers to weaponize mental health allegations in post-separation parenting disputes is both cruel and cunning. As mentioned in the title of this episode, I also wax lyrical about the way in which I despise the way in which entitled abusers can so relentlessly seek equal shared care (or "50/50" parenting time). With the anticipated legislative reforms that will remove the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility (the decision making component of paren...


34. Part Two: Confronting the internalised misogyny of flying monkeys...and ourselves

I've felt the sting of disbelief and the accusations of "liar!" from 'flying monkeys' first-hand. In this episode I continue to peel back the layers of post-separation abuse and the deeply entrenched sexism that allows it to thrive in families, communities and society as a whole. I invite you to a space where we confront the skewed societal narratives that let men shirk their fair share of responsibilities in the home and parenthood, all while scrutinising the women who dare to chal...


33. Part One: Confronting the internalised misogyny of flying monkeys...and ourselves

Have you ever witnessed a friend or family member supporting someone you know is harmful? In the latest episode, I pull back the curtain on the role of 'flying monkeys'—those who, perhaps unwittingly, become the enablers of abusers. Join me, Danielle Black, as we delve into the heart of internalised misogyny and post-separation abuse dynamics, uncovering why some women might side with aggressors and take a stand against female victim-survivors of abuse.This conversation extends into the ...


32. Unmasking 'Flying Monkeys': The allies, advocates and enablers of abusers.

Discover the insidious ways enablers, allies, and advocates of abusers can deepen the wounds of post-separation abuse. I'm your host, Australian specialist separation and divorce coach Danielle Black, and this episode peels back the curtain on the concept of 'flying monkeys'—individuals who, knowingly or not, become tools in an abusive ex-partner’s arsenal, perpetuating a cycle of manipulation and harm. As we dissect the 'abuse by proxy' phenomenon, you'll gain the insight needed to...


31. BONUS: Safe-guarding yourself from 'alienation' accusations - flexible thinking, compromise and high-quality preparation

I'm Danielle Black, your Specialist Separation, Divorce, and Co-Parenting Coach, here to guide Australian women through the stormy waters of separation, divorce, court preparation and effective co-parenting. This bonus episode of the Post-Separation Abuse Podcast is part of the 'Safe-Guarding' series, where I unpack the different ways in which you can safe-guard yourself from accusations of alienation, withholding and gatekeeping.Throughout the podcast, I emphasise the power of pre...


30. Part Four: Safe-guarding yourself from 'alienation' accusations - taking responsibility for healing trauma and complex PTSD

The conversation in this episode branches out to the often-shadowed corners of complex PTSD, where symptoms can masquerade as other disorders, leading to alarming rates of misdiagnosis. It's a frank discussion with Australian Separation & Divorce Coach Danielle Black on the implications that such misinterpretations can have within the courtroom, and the importance of receiving appropriate treatment and taking responsibility for your healing in order to influence the way in whi...


29. Part Three: Safe-guarding yourself from 'alienation' accusations - regular written updates & photo sharing apps

In this episode I emphasise the importance of consistent written communication as a safeguard against false accusations. Whether it's setting up a new email address or using secure platforms like Our Family Wizard, these strategies can help you to maintain your credibility and shield your children from as much conflict as possible.It's about more than just avoiding phone calls or responding on your own terms—it's about curating a child-focused environment. I share strategies...


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