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The Robin & Boom Show

The Robin & Boom Show

Author: Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom

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The Robin & Boom Show is your source for engaging the contemporary world with the Great Tradition. Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom explore some of the most pertinent issues of our time, drawing on classical Christian approaches to philosophy and society. Topics include technology, politics, education, aesthetics, literature, history, theology, health, science, metaphysics, current events and much more.

10 Episodes
Is it possible to infer values about what we ought to do from facts about how the world is? This question introduces a major problem within meta-ethics, which is how to philosophically justify ethical obligations. In this interview, Dr. Phillip Cary explains how these difficulties in meta-ethics arose out of the political, philosophical, and scientific… The post The Robin & Boom Show #16 – Modernism, Postmodernism, and Virtue, with Dr. Phillip Cary appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Dr. Phillip Cary sheds light on Plato’s philosophy in this latest edition of The Robin & Boom Show. In this podcast you will learn why the ideas of a thinker from the 5th century BC are more relevant today than ever before. Plato offers a valuable antidote to a culture in which goodness, truth, and… The post The Robin & Boom Show #15 – Everything Plato, with Dr. Phillip Cary appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Robin interviews Dr. William Kabasenche, professor of philosophy at Washington State University. They discussed virtue ethics, and how this differs from other common approaches to ethical decision-making. In this podcast you will learn why the ethical life should not start with questions like, “What should you do?”, but instead should seek to ask questions such… The post The Robin & Boom Show #14 – Interview with William Kabasenche on Virtue Ethics appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom continue the discussion with Mark Weisman on technology, empathy, attention and EQ. In this podcast you will learn what Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica and the Great Tradition tell us about bringing attentiveness into our relationships. You will also learn the importance of slowing down to take a reflective turn, how… The post The Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman) appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Robin and Jason are joined by Mark Weisman to discuss some of the ways digital technology is eroding skills in empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ). Mark Weisman contributes to this discussion from his perspective working for years in the tech industry. In this podcast you will learn the difference between “emotional empathy” and “cognitive empathy”,… The post The Robin & Boom Show #12 – With Mark Weisman on Empathy, Technology, and EQ (Part 1) appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Jason asks Robin about Trump; Robin asks Jason about the EU. Robin suggests that the full impact of the Mueller Report has been eclipsed by left-wing overreach. President Trump is neither Jesus nor Hitler, but he has been creating new norms by pushing the envelope. This episode also features a discussion of the European Union in… The post The Robin & Boom Show #11 – Mueller Report and EU Elections appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
Jason Van Boom interviews author and educator, C. Derick Varn, about the with the college admissions bribery scandal, and what this tells us about trends in higher education today. How does modern education compare to the medieval university? Is there value in elite education? What is a meritocracy? What does it mean for a student… The post The Robin & Boom Show #10 – C. Derick Varn on Higher Education and Cheating appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
What do recent developments in the rebuilding of Notre Dame cathedral tell us about trends in ecclesiastical and civic architecture? How does the sacramental understanding of architecture compare with modern architectural designs, including the proposal to rebuild the spire of Notre Dame cathedral along postmodernist lines? Jason Van Boom discusses these questions with architect and… The post The Robin & Boom Show #09 – Conversation with Steven Schloeder on Ecclesiastical and Civic Architecture appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
What is classical education? How can the liberal arts fortify children against anxiety, depression and addiction? What was Charlotte Mason’s contribution to classical education? These are some of the questions that Robin and Jason explore with this week’s guest, Michael d’Esterre. Michael is a clinical social worker in Spokane Washington, who is turning to the… The post The Robin & Boom Show #05 – Interview with Michael d’Esterre on Classical Education and Emotional Wellness appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.
In this second interview with Dr. David Wang, we continue to learn about Notre-Dame Cathedral and the significance of the recent fire. Dr. Wang explains how Notre-Dame cathedral is an incarnation of a sacramental ordering of the world, a way of looking at creation in which “the small human being is in the embrace of… The post The Robin & Boom Show #07 – Interview with Dr. David Wang on Notre-Dame Cathedral (Part 2) appeared first on Robin Mark Phillips.