DiscoverThe Robin & Boom ShowThe Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman)
The Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman)

The Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman)

Update: 2019-06-28


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Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom continue the discussion with Mark Weisman on technology, empathy, attention and EQ. In this podcast you will learn what Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica and the Great Tradition tell us about bringing attentiveness into our relationships. You will also learn the importance of slowing down to take a reflective turn, how to leverage neuroplasticity for good, and the relationship between the brain, body and emotions. Questions discussed include:

  • What tools and  best practices are available for families who want to push back against the culture of distraction?

  • Is empathetic listening an ability that some people simply have while others do not, or is it a skill that can be developed with practice?

  • How does awareness of one’s own feelings relate to sensitivity towards the emotions of others?

  • How can we develop the intellectual virtue of contemplation, and how does this affect our relationships?

  • How does the Sabbath commandment reflect natural law?

From the podcast:

“…be aware of what other people are feeling, and listen to the emotions behind what they are saying rather than just being quick to respond to surface issues. Go deeper and really try to listen with your heart and with empathy. Often we get into fights and arguments about issues that are really just proxies for deeper emotional issues, and these deeper emotional issues, when they’re not being adequately addressed or listened to, can cause problems abort issues that are not really the issue.”


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Disclaimer: the ideas expressed on the Robin & Boom Show’s host website,, should not be taken as reflecting the views of Jason Van Boom. 

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The Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman)

The Robin & Boom Show #13 – Attentiveness, Technology, Empathy and Stillness (Part 2 of series with Mark Weisman)

Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom

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