The Second of Strength Podcast

The Second of Strength Podcast is your source of motivation to help you go from where you are to where you want to be. Host Tanner Clark is an international speaker who has helped thousands of teenagers and others find their One Second of Strength to leave behind the things that are holding them back to step into their potential. In this podcast, Tanner takes you into the neurobiology behind your decisions to help you understand why you make the choices you do so that you can hack your brain to find your One Second of Strength. Follow Tanner on Instagram @realtannerclark

DO THIS to Win in Today's World || Ep. 61

Want to know how to get ahead in today's world? In today's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast, top youth speaker, Tanner Clark, dives into specific things that will set you apart from everyone else today. The best news is that these are tips that you can implement today! Tanner shares 3 tips to win in today's tech heavy, busy world. Subscribe to the podcast for more episodes on mental health and personal growth for you and your teenagers. Follow @realtannerclark and @secondofstrength on social media for daily tips and inspiration. Leave a review and share this episode with friends who might need this today.


How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear of the Future || Ep. 60

How do you overcome fear and anxiety? In this episode of The Second of Strength Podcast, Tanner gives 3 tips to overcome anxiety. We'll discuss how to refocus on what truly matters, re-direct your thoughts to positive outcomes, and re-centering by staying present. Refocus on What Matters Most Re-direct Your Thoughts to Think About What Will Happen Instead of What Won't Re-center by Coming Back to the Present Implementing these 3 simple strategies to overcome fear and anxiety will help you in any given moment to overcome those feelings that are keeping you from feeling happiness. Subscribe to the podcast for more episodes on mental health and personal growth for you and your teenagers. Follow @realtannerclark and @secondofstrength on social media for daily tips and inspiration. Leave a review and share this episode with friends who might need this today.


Why You’re You || What Forms Your Identity and How to Change it || Ep. 59

Why are you who you are? What has formed your identity? Most importantly, can you change it?  The answer…yes. This week’s episode of The Second of Strength Podcast is about you! There are a few things that form your identity. Some of the them we choose and some of them we don’t. I believe that you can change who you are for the better.  And while you can’t change everything, you can change some things and that’s enough to change your everything.   Leave a rating for the show! Share this episode with someone and tag me on Instagram @realtannerclark


Hard Choices in Life: A Conversation with My Daughter | Ep. 58

I had a conversation with my daughter about hard choices and what happens if we don't choose the hard. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast dives into what happens when we choose to not choose the hard. What happens? The hard chooses us. What does that mean? It means that the consequence of taking the easy road is a harder road later. Procrastinate school work -> stressed, rushed to meet the deadline Choose to not workout or eat healthy -> overweight and poor health Simply put, if we aren't choosing the hard they we are choosing the alternative. This episode will empower you to make hard choices consistently over time so you can live the life you want. SHARE this episode with someone you love! TAG me in your stories on Instagram (@realtannerclark) RATE the show -> 5 stars!! SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode. SPEAKING:


3 Lessons Toy Story Taught Me || Ep. 57

Is Toy Story on the list of greatest movies of all time? It has to at least be the GOAT of animated movie. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast talks about 3 of my favorite lessons from the show the movie. Woody and Buzz may not have known they were teaching life lessons when they were on their adventure but they were! I hope these help you as much as they've helped me! Thanks for leaving a rating for the show so this can be shared with more people. Follow Tanner on instagram: here Invite Tanner to speak at your school or event: here Get the One Second of Strength official gear: here


Why You're Not Happy || Ep. 56

Comparison sucks. Let's be real though you've felt it and I've felt it WAY too many times. But why? This weeks episode of The Second of Strength Podcast will help you and your teenagers overcome comparison. In this episode I talk about how I overcame comparison when I started speaking in schools and share 4 tips that you can use today to stop comparing. This episode is one you won't want to miss an you'll need to share with everyone you know. Thanks for leaving a rating for the show so this can be shared with more people. Follow Tanner on instagram: here Invite Tanner to speak at your school or event: here Get the One Second of Strength official gear: here


Choose Your Circle of Influence - Choose Your Identity || Ep. 55

Who are you? Well, that's a tough question but this week on The Second of Strength Podcast we talk about how your circle of friends is really your circle of influence because the they help shape your identity. This episode, Tanner talks about how on a subconscious level the people you surround yourself with influence your decisions and impact who you are and who you'll become. This means that the people you surround yourself with are even that much more important that you think. Two questions to ask yourself. 1. What do you value in a friendship? Are those the people you are surrounded by? 2. Do you like who you are when you're around the people you are around? The answers to these questions will help you determine if it's time to change your circle of influence or not. Please leave a rating and review for the show, wherever you listen to it. Take a screenshot and tag @realtannerclark in your instagram stories.


Mood Boosters: How to be happy || Ep. 54

Welcome to The Second of Strength Podcast. This week, your host, Tanner Clark, explores powerful strategies to boost your mood. Everbody wants to be happier. And while happiness is an emotion that we can't feel all the time, there are strategies that we can use to boost our mood. This episode starts by discussing why a good mood is a good thing and how it benefits us and others to be happy. Then we dive into 4 ways to be happier. - How to reduce stress and anxiety. - The smiling effect. How smiling (RIGHT NOW) can change you're mood...right now. - Spending less time on screens. I truly believe that the more time we spend on screens, the less happy we are. - Take action and stop waiting for motivation. Too many people thing motivation is what is important to move forward. It's actually the exact opposite. Action leads to motivation. Remember, happiness is in the journey. Keep smiling, take action, and spend your time in places creating real life connections. How to share this episode: Take a screenshot and add it to your Instagram story. Tag @realtannerclark for a shoutout!


4 Pillars for Teens (and YOU) to build a Strong Character || Ep. 53

I know the title says "teens" but this is for you, me, and everyone. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast with Tanner Clark is all about building character. So no matter what age you are, we can continue to grow and strengthen our character. The 4 Pillars of Character Strength: Courage Vulnerability Empathy Resilience I believe that when we build our character on these pillars we will be firm to who we are and we will help countless numbers of people in our lives. Enjoy the episode! Share the episode! - Tag me on Instagram @realtannerclark for a shoutout! Rate and review the show - It helps me :)


The Secrets to Turning Your Bad Luck Around || Ep. 52

They say bad things happen in threes. Have you ever thought that after two bad things happen? Now you're just waiting on the third? This week on The Second of Strength Podcast we talk about the mindset associated with "bad things" and how we can flip that mindset into the positive and begin build on good things. This episode will help you go from compounding negatives to compounding the positive in your life. The strategies to turn your life around in today's episode are doable by anyone. Whether you are a teenager, a college student, or a parent, it will help you too. SHARE this episode with someone on your mind. Take a screenshot and tag me in your Instagram stories (@realtannerclark) If you have ONE MORE SECOND, please leave a 5 star rating and review for the show!


Limiting Your Limiting Beliefs || Ep. 51

I was going to skip this week's podcast and just do a replay. Then I started thinking about limiting beliefs and my heart felt like your heart needed this episode. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast goes into the reasons we are holding ourselves back and how to overcome that. Sometimes we tell ourselves a story about who we are and why we can or can't accomplish something great...the problem is we then start to believe the lie and take it as truth. This episode will help you stop that and create a new story to tell yourself that will help you grow into the best version of you and you HAVE to meet that version. If this helps, share it! Leave a rating and review for the show!


How to Stop Fearing Other People's Opinions || Ep. 50

Have you heard about F.O.P.O? Michael Gervais, in his book "The first rule of mastery", introduces the "Fear of People's Opinions". This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast talks about this concept and what it really means. The key differentiation is that it's not "caring" about what people think. We should care about what some people thing. However, we shouldn't "worry" about what people think. I'll share a few tips that will help you leave worry behind so you can be you and stop worrying about the opinions of others. Share this episode with someone you love. Take a screenshot and tag @realtannerclark on instagram.


Is It Time To Leave Your Comfort Zone? || Ep. 49

I saw LaVar Ball at an event recently and I was reminded of when he famously told the report to "stay in your lane". Is that the best advice? Maybe...sometimes, but more often than not growth requires a lane change. If you think back on your life I'm guessing it was filled with twists, turns, lane changes, exit ramps and on ramps. Are you ready for a lane change now? This episode will help you think and recognize if it's time to switch lanes in your life so that you can grow, reach your potential, and become the best version of yourself. SHARE this episode with someone you love. Take a SCREENSHOT and tag me on Instagram @realtannerclark and please leave a RATING and REVIEW for the show.


Feeling Lost? How to Create Clarity in the Chaos of Life || Ep. 48

Do you ever feel lost or aimless? I do. Today's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast dives into aimlessness and how to overcome it We'll talk about setting goals and having a vision for who you want to be in the future so that you can build the life you want piece by piece and how to not self-sabotage the life you deserve. In the episode I talk about a picture that hangs on my wall. You can see a picture of it here. Share this episode with someone you love!


Happier Today in 3 Simple Steps || Ep. 47

Is happiness this easy? No, not always, but living a life a gratitude can change your mindset minute by minute. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast focuses on gratitude. Specifically three ways you can turn your negative thoughts positive by focusing on gratitude. 1. Plan for it 2. Start your date with action 3. Follow negative thoughts with a big BUT! When we are intentional about inviting gratitude into our lives our lives begin to change. Share this episode with someone you love! Take a screen shot and share it to your instagram stories. Tag @realtannerclark


Motivation: The Missing Ingredient to Staying Motivated || Ep. 46

Are you motivated? Like, always? The answer for you, me, and everyone else is no. This week’s episode of The Second of Strength Podcast talks about one key ingredient that motivates even the unmotivated: Pressure.  I heard a quote recently that said “If a man is drowning, ye’ll do anything to find air.”  Turning up the positive pressure in life is like putting yourself in a situation where you’ll do anything to find air. How bad do you want it? How important is your dream? Is it important enough to do what you know you should do even when motivation doesn’t exist?  In the episode we talk about 3 things you can do to create that positive pressure in your life so that you can reach your potential and become the person you know you can become. Grab a screen shot and share this episode to your Instagram. Subscribe and leave a rating for the show.


Balancing Act: 5 Ways to Recenter Your Life || Ep. 45

Life sometimes feels off balance. We get in a funk. We lose our footing. We feel off. This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast is all about balance. How to know when you're off balance and how to re-center yourself. Share this episode with someone on your mind. Take a screenshot and share it to your Instagram stories. and please leave a rating and review for the show.


Managing Emotions: Inside Out || Ep. 44

Have you seen the movie "Inside out"? It's pretty great. This week on The Second of Strength Podcast focuses on the complex world of emotions. First, we'll talk about 3 things that we learn from the movie Inside Out about our emotions. Next we'll talk about what we can do when our emotions rise up. Simply put, our emotions are important and they are a part of us, but they don't get to control us. They get to be our wingman, not the driver. Take a screenshot and share this episode with someone you love.


The Serendipitous Mindset: Embracing the Unexpected || Ep. 43

This week on The Second of Strength Podcast we dive into serendipity and prepared spontaneity. The reality is that nobody knows what comes next. The question is if we are prepared now to with the right mindset to not only be ready for the future but to embrace and leverage it to grow personally and be successful. Episode Highlights: Be careful what you tie your happiness to. What is planned happenstance? How do we prepare today for tomorrow's serendipity? The two things that you and your teens can start doing now. As I think back on my life there were so many times where planned happenstance...happened. This episode will help you be prepared for it. Text this episode to someone on your mind or share it to your Instagram stories. Thanks for leaving a positive review.


The Power of Persistence || Ep. 42

This week's episode of The Second of Strength Podcast was recorded at Niagara Falls and inspired by the persistent power of the water fall. In this episode we talk about what it takes to break through your goals and reach your potential. The answer is fairly simple. It comes down to persistence. If this short episode helps, share it with someone you care for. Follow on Instagram:


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