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The Strand Review of Books

Author: Toby Chapman-Dawe

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Should you buy the book? Given just ten minutes, authors explain their ideas!

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

58 Episodes
Welcome to Cindy Anderson and Anthony Marshall, co-authors of The ROI of Thought Leadership subtitled Calculating the value that sets organizations apart.Cindy is the Chief Marketing Officer and Global Lead for Engagement & Eminence at the IBM Institute for Business Value, and Anthony is Senior Research Director of Thought Leadership also at the IBM Institute for Business Value.The book is based on interviews with more than 4,000 business leaders, generating some impressive results – for example, 87% of executives say they had made a purchase decision in the last 90 days based on the thought leadership they consume. What is missing from the marketers’ mix that The ROI of Thought Leadership intends to address?The ROI of Thought Leadership, a concise and compelling 200 or so pages, genuinely packed with data as well as presenting their view in a very direct and personal style, highly recommended – and beautifully presented as a hardback – published by Wiley and available, of course, from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Dr Gearóid Ó Súilleabháin, Head of the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning at Munster Technological University (MTU) and co-editor with Donna Lanclos and Tom Farrelly of How to Use Digital Learning with Confidence and Creativity. While this is fundamentally a book written for academics working in higher education, away from the ivory towers and in the brutalist landscape of commerce, clearly there are impacts on working lives. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why we're all becoming entrepreneurs - and how to make it work for everyone Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Erik Korsvik Østergaard speaks about his book Anticipatory Leadership, and how leaders can use "Futures Thinking" inside their organizations to shared the structures, cultures and governance. This may be one of the most influential management books of 2025, and certainly one of the most intriguing I have read. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Aditya Simha, professor of management at the University of Wisconsin and most importantly author of Learning Leadership from Dogs subtitled What can Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Komondors, Pekingese and Otterhounds (among other dogs) teach us about effective leadership? Beyond being the first business book to use the word ‘triskaidekaphobia,’ as well as some truly gruesome doggie puns in the chapter names, Professor Simha describes the qualities that he believes that leaders ought to have in order to be exemplary and effective - and which dogs possess those qualitiesThank you to Aditya Simha, professor of management at the University of Wisconsin and author of Learning Leadership from Dogs – full of fascinating doggie facts and leadership learning, the book is of course available from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Chris Hatfield, author of Sales Psyche, A Guide to Mastering a Healthy and High-Performing Mind – in a nutshell this book is geared towards salespeople who not only want to work on their mind, to take care of their wellbeing, and also to benefit their sales performance. Chris is an engaging, thoughtful speaker, and simultaneously full of ideas and enthusiasm. Sales Psyche is somewhere between a workbook, personal development guide, and sales motivation; published by LID publishing, a cool 256 pages, and (as always) available from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Ben Amos, author of Engage – the definitive guide to video strategy for business. We love a good business strategy book, particularly one subtitled Your seven-step roadmap to avoid wasting time and money on video that doesn’t work. Ben is a very clear, cogent and concise speaker, and brings refreshing honesty to the table. Engage – the definitive guide to video strategy for business, a good thwack at 272 pages full of practical actions and lessons to learn, is published by Innovate Media, and is of course available from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Today I am delighted to be joined by Nitin Kartik, author of Product Marketing Wisdom and how about this for a sub-title: Real-World Lessons on Market Research, Competitive Analysis, Go-To-Market, Storytelling, Sales Enablement, KPIs, and more. Nitin Kartik, author of Product Marketing Wisdom, 298 pages, published by Karibu Press, available from Amazon and All Good Bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why do leaders fail and derail, and is Zoom Fatigue a thing? Welcome to Professor Adrian Furnham, speaker, commentator and prolific author on all things psychological. Adrian speaks about his book 'The New Psychology,' and remarks on motivation, problematic people, and much more. Spend ten minutes in his company, learn a little, and start thinking about how psychology applies to business. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome today to Jordan Montgomery, author of The Art of Encouragement – How to lead teams, spread love, and serve from the heart.Jordan is a motivational speaker and specialist performance coach, working with sales staff, executives, professional athletes, youth groups and more. Here, Jordan tells us what’s different about The Art of Encouragement and whether it will it work for for the reader... It’s a neat, beautifully presented book, published by Wiley under the Maxwell Leadership imprint, full of great stories and personal from-the-heart revelations, and available of course from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome today to Jonathan Gabay, author of Practical Digital Marketing and AI Psychology – How to gain online consumer trust and sales using technologies and psychology. Jonathan is an author of fifteen books, a podcaster, and has been on the box – BBC, CNN, Sky News, Al Jazeera and more – plus Jonathan advises business and educational institutions on AI. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Dan White, author of the intriguingly named The Smart Advertising Book – How to deliver advertising that grows your brand, a companion to The Smart Branding Book and The Smart Marketing Book. Packed with ideas and info in a beautifully compact 220 pages, very readable in snackable chunks, published by LILD Publising and of course available from Amazon and all good bookshops. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome today to Chris Baker, author of Obsolete – How ‘change brands’ are changing the world. Chris is founder and CEO of Serious Tissues, to paraphrase crazily as a toilet-roll brand that plants trees, and is also co-founder of Change Please, a coffee brand that helps homeless people by training them as baristas. Obsolete – How ‘change brands’ are changing the world is a call for change as well as a predictor of change, and a thoroughly enjoyable read – published by Bloomsbury Business just five days ago in hardback and as an ebook, available from Amazon and of course from all good bookshops! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome Johan Grönstedt, author of The Execution Revolution – why most strategies fail and the cure for slow execution. Johan was formerly a Chief Strategy Officer - been there, done that, and then wondered why it hasn’t happened. There are many, MANY books about strategy, tactics, and how to make progress; why is this book important right now? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Today I am delighted to welcome Professor Stefano Puntoni, co-author with Professor Bart de Langhe of Decision-Driven Analytics. Listeners to the show will know that my introductions are brief because it’s all about the book!So, the subtitle of the book is, I guess, also the premise of the book: leveraging the power of human intelligence to unlock the power of data. Now, I really loved the opening page examples – Joey and the Supermarket, and the Runners and Divers. Tell me, in brief, what the Decision-Driven Analytics is about. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Professor Chris Hackley, author of But…How do you teach business? Chris is Professor of Marketing at the Department of Marketing, School of Business and Management, at Royal Holloway University of London. As an academic discipline, business management has seen a huge expansion over the last 40 or so years. What, in a nutshell is the direct benefit of attending a business management & marketing course for businesses? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A very warm welcome to Leila McKenzie-Delis, author of The CEO Activist, subtitled ‘Putting the S in ESG.’ Leila is the founder of DIAL Global, a global community of diverse, inclusive, and aspirational leaders. She also laucned the DIAL Global Diversity Review, studying how the largest employers in the UK and US are prioritizing ten areas of workplace, diversity and inclusion. Now Leila, you have some outstanding and amazing testimonials for your book, but being super-selfish: what will readers learn or gain from reading The CEO Activist? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gina Battye, CEO of the Psychological Safety Institute, offers a practical guide aimed at leaders, managers, HR and DEI professionals interested in cultivating an inclusive work environment. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello and welcome to Luan Wise, author of Smart Social Media - How to grow your business with social media marketing. Luan has been a lead trainer for Meta, and leads training on behalf of professional bodies, including the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, the Federation of Small Businesses, and the Direct Marketing Association in northern California. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Co-authors Alan Williams and Dave Stubberfield speak about their book Supercharging the Customer Experience, subtitled  How organizational alignment drives performance.Alan Williams leads the consultancy ServiceBrand Global, specialising in helping service-based businesses thrive and flourish in a values economy. Dave Stubberfield leads the Carter Consultancy, which focuses on customer experience, change management, and continuous improvement. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Today I am delighted to welcome Dr Sachiko Scheuing, author of How to Use Customer Data – Navigating GDPR, DPDI and a Future with Marketing AI Dr Scheuing is probably uniquely placed to write this kind of book, as she is European Privacy Officer of Acxiom, a global leader in marketing services. Sachiko is currently serving her fourth term as Co-Chair of the Federation of European Data and Marketing (FEDMA), and is global co-chair of Axciom’s gender equity programme, WomenLEAD – and in 2024 Sachiko was recognised by Women in Data as one of the tweny most-influential women in data and tech. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Robin Sieger, author of Natural Born Winners – create purpose, prosperity and true success in your life – one of the best-selling business and personal development books – now in 25th anniversary edition. On the back it has "Success is not a matter of luck but of design" But the big question is, is it a self-help book that joins a zillion others that never actually make a difference? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Holly Worton, co-author with Brad Borkan of Dynamic Alignment – The Power Of Finding Your Purpose, Achieving Your Goals, And Living A Passion-Driven Life. Holly is author of 30 non-fiction books about business mindset and nature. Brad is author of award-winning books on decision making, leadership and teamwork. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In a competitive marketplace, how on earth does a marketer balance the sustainability issues with sheer desire to outshine by throwing more carbon at the wall? Paul is a co-founder of the Sustainable Marketing Compass and CEO of the fabulously named Pickle Consulting, which focuses on sustainability; Alexis is also a co-founder of the Sustainable Marketing Compass, and co-founder of Sustainists – plus Alexis runs GreenEyre, a sustainable marketing consultancy on a mission to drive positive impact. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Edosa Odaro, speaks about his book Value-Driven Data – Identifying, communicating and delivering effective business solutions with data. Edosa is an investor and independent adviser on data and AI, and has a background as chief data officer in corporations including AIG, Barclays and the European Commission among others.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dr Maureen Dunne guides us through her book The Neurodiversity Edge – The Essential Guide to Embracing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and other Neurological Differences, for Any Organization. Dr Dunne is a cognitive scientist who completed her PhD at the university of Oxford – and her book made the USA Today national bestseller list!Available from Wiley and Amazon, Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello and welcome today to Dr Leah Tomkins, author of Franz Kafka and the Truths of Leadership, published by the curiously named Edward Elgar Publishing. Leah is an independent scholar and Visiting Professor at the University of the West of England, and former Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford. Leah has also worked in large corporations including Accenture and KPMG, and latterly working with the UK Cabinet Office. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sebastian Munden, co-author with Matt Bourn of Sustainable Advertising, explains how the real key to action behind good words is to focus on change behaviour. Sebastian is a strategy and communications adviser, having formerly worked at Unilever for 32 years, his last role as UK and Ireland CEO and previously in a variety of senior marketing roles, chair of Ad Net Zero, and chair of WRAP, the Waste and Resources Action Programme, a global action NGO tackling the causes of climate change and promoting circular living. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Author Simon Hall shares his motivations for writing B2B Digital Marketing Strategy, the key insights and messages, and looks at the future prospects for marketers - practically an MBA in marketing in a book! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Amy Edmonson, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, guides us through her book Right Kind of Wrong and the valuable lessons we can learn from making intelligent mistakes - it's all about human fallibility and turning failure into a pathway for success Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Author Brad Borkan reveals the The Superpower of Small Teams, co-authored with David Hirzel, featuring the Apollo 13 mission, Gilbert & Sullivan, Bernstein & Woodward and many more Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter looks at life through the statistical lens, at how we can present data more cogently, and at how numbers literally do not speak for themselves. Crunch the numbers for ten minutes with the UK's leading statistician. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Purna Virji, author of High-Impact Content Marketing - Strategies to make your content intentional, engaging and effective gives a high-engergy whistle-for-stop tour of content marketing and how to maximise its effect Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
John Dore, author of GLUE – Transforming Leadership in a Hybrid World – is a Programme Director at London Business School, where he leads the Senior Executive Programme. John shines new light on leadership, very much aligned with the customer inside-out approach that drives so many SaaS businesses. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why is it that being customer-led is such an obvious strategy yet companies find it so hard to pursue? Author Charlie Dawson delves deep into developing the customer mind-set. Enjoy ten minutes of vigorous thinking from Charlie! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Michelle Carvill and Gemma Butler share insights and enthusiasms for marketers ready to take on responsibility for true sustainability Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
John Sills talks about his book "The Human Experience - How to make life better for your customers and create a more successful organization" -- the myths and misconceptions of loyalty, and how to build a better future. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The cogent, clear, compelling David Meerman Scott speaks about his worldwide bestseller "The New Rules of Marketing & PR," now in its 8th edition - and why I should have the courage to sack some clients! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If you're in marketing and plagued by pipeline, this is the show for you! Author Georgiana Laudi reveals the faults and fallacies of the funnel, speaking about her book 'Forget the Funnel,' co-written with Claire Suellentrop. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The enthusiastic and entertaining Dr Mark Powell's radical book explains how a new view of AI could transform the opportunities in marketing, business and elsewhere. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
An extraordinary story, from refugee to IT titan to philanthropist Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Crazy lessons from behavioural science: Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sally chats about the leaders who are changing our world Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tracey tells all about the psychology of successful groups Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Author Phil Barden enthuses about the science behind why we buy, "sludging," and where to put the broccoli - essential stuff for marketers! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Author and speaker Frank Somma shares fascinating insights into his book 'B2B is really P2P," and the value of personal interactions - even in the mass-marketing, social media world Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
William Ammerman chats about his amazing book "The Invisible Brand," which ranges from AI to Aristotle, psychotechnology to Star Trek TriCorders! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Carole Archer, Senior Customer Engagement Manager, Ricoh Europe, reviews Team of Teams by General Stanley McCrystal, and answers The Big Question: are there any genuine business lessons in a book like this? Yes, including the curious 'Lead Like a Gardner.' Listen in to know more, and buy the book Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nancy Harhut delivers amazing insight into how behavioral science applies directly to marketing, turning instinctive responses into action! Buy the book Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ten minutes with Brad Borkan talking about his book, co-authored with David Hirzel, "Audacious Goals, Remarkable Results." Brad explores what it takes to get things done even in the face of extraordinary diversity, looks at decision-making, and considers how the lessons may be carried over into business life. Buy the book Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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