DiscoverThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

Author: Mark Manson

Subscribed: 48,188Played: 359,196


Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.
41 Episodes
There are certain areas in life where trying harder only makes things worse. Trying to prove how likable and confident you are only makes you feel more unlikable and less confident. Trying to make someone love you only makes you feel more unlovable. The solution to this conundrum is what’s known as “The Backwards Law”. Simply put, The Backwards law states that desiring a positive experience is itself a negative experience, while accepting a negative experience is a positive experience. In this episode, Drew and I talk about five areas of life where doing less can actually reap massive benefits. Enjoy. Get your first month of Shopify for only $1 at Use the code IDGAF to get 20% off your one-time purchase of supplements at Sign up for Your Next Breakthrough, a weekly newsletter that will make you a less awful person:
Is everything going to hell in a handcart because of smartphones and social media? In this episode, I sit down with NYU professor and bestselling author Jonathan Haidt to tackle this burning question. Dr. Haidt makes a compelling case that our addiction to these devices is wreaking havoc on society, from mental health crises to political turmoil. But is it really all the smartphone’s fault? I'm not so sure it's quite that simple, so I wanted to dive deeper into the nuances. We get into the nitty-gritty and I challenge some of Haidt’s claims, exploring questions like, why do these issues seem to hit the English-speaking world the hardest? Is this another moral panic, or is this time really different? We also discuss the differences in how smartphones affect various demographics and cultures, and why understanding these distinctions is crucial. Plus, we explore Jonathan’s practical and highly sensible recommendations for parents, educators, and policymakers. Whether you’re a skeptic or a die-hard believer, this episode will make you rethink your relationship with the technology in our pockets. Let's do this. Start your new morning ritual & get up to 43% off your @MUDWTR by going to ⁠⁠ #mudwtrpod Get 10% off your first month of therapy at
Over the past 5 years, I’ve completely changed my relationship to my health. Prior to that, I was overweight, pre-diabetic, and having chest pains in my mid-30s. I thought maybe eating a salad once a week and going for a run every now then would take care of it. I was wrong. Since then, I’ve lost 60 pounds (~30kg). I now enjoy exercising regularly and I eat healthy and nutritious foods. My daily life is much more physically active and I get way better sleep. I’m happy with my health now—but it took a long time to get here. I’m not going to share a bunch of workout routines or complicated diets. What worked for me might not work for you. But I can share what I went through to get here in the hopes that you, too, might change how you think about your health and take it more seriously. Because at the end of the day, your health is definitely something you should give a f*ck about. Use the code IDGAF to get 20% off your first one-time purchase of supplements at
Drew Binsky is a fearless traveler who's seen it all. From chatting with North Koreans in their homeland to dodging bombings in Somalia and volunteering in Syria in the middle of a civil war, Drew's adventures are nothing short of incredible. He's been to every country in the world, witnessing the most dangerous places and surviving a few close calls. Yet, his experiences have led him to a surprising conclusion: most people, most of the time, are good. Even in the direst circumstances, Drew finds that human resilience can prevail. In our conversation, Drew shares why he's drawn to war zones and failed states, revealing the profound lessons he's learned from them. We discuss why you should never judge a country by the news you hear about it, how the most impactful trips are often the most challenging, and where to find the friendliest people on Earth. Drew also offers his top travel tips on spontaneity, connecting with locals, and what he looks for on his travel adventures. It's a deep dive into the heart of travel and human nature that might just inspire you to see the world a little differently. Get 10% your first month of therapy at Let Rocket Money cancel your unwanted subscriptions at
A lot of people treat goals like some kind of sacred self-improvement law, where the most important thing you can do is set and achieve your goals. But goals are simply tools we use to point us in the right direction. Your goals should serve you—and so you shouldn’t be a slave to some arbitrary goal you set when it’s no longer serving you. So how do you know when a goal is no longer pushing you in the right direction? In this episode, I talk about why I gave up a pretty big goal I set at the beginning of the year. I discuss what I think are the criteria you should use when deciding whether to give up on a goal or stick it out. We also discuss what we learned from the goals survey we did for podcast viewers and listeners. How many stuck with their goals and how many have moved on? What are the most effective tactics people used to stick to their goals? What are the most important lessons they learned about their goals and themselves? Check it out. Get your first month of Shopify for $1 at Get 10% off your first order of Mitopure from Timeline at
After a catastrophic parachuting accident ended his military career in the British special forces, Dean Stott couldn't just retire to a quiet life. Instead, he decided to shatter boundaries in entirely new fields. These days, when Dean isn't prepping to beat another world record, like a 14,000-mile bike ride in less than 100 days, he's jet-setting around the world rescuing civilians and diplomats alike from war zones. In this episode, Dean shares his unique approach to overcoming adversity, managing risk, and staying mentally tough in the most challenging situations. We explore his fascinating experiences from war-torn countries to royal security and the psychological benefits of meticulous planning and mission-driven thinking. Dean also offers a glimpse into how he balances extreme challenges with a grounded personal life. Enjoy. Get up to 84% off and 4 extra months free when you sign up for a VPN with SurfShark at ⁠⁠ Get 10% off your first month of therapy at BetterHelp by visiting ⁠⁠ Use code IDGAF to Get 20% off your first one-time purchase of supplements at ⁠
Have you ever wondered why, despite everything seemingly going well, you still feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction? Well, you’re not alone. This is actually a fascinating psychological phenomenon I call "The Blue Dot Effect". It’s all about how our brains can trick us into seeing problems and negativity even when everything around us is getting better. Join me and Drew as we unpack this curious effect and explore how it impacts our everyday lives. From the way we perceive our personal achievements to our overall happiness, the Blue Dot Effect plays a sneaky role in shaping our mindset. Let's dig right in. Get one month of Shopify for $1: ⁠⁠ Use code IDGAF to get 10% off your first order at Timeline: ⁠⁠ Tell me what you think of the pod: ⁠⁠
I’ve often wondered if self-discipline is just a way of turning bad addictions into healthy ones. After all, addictions of all kinds are really just an attempt to numb and distract ourselves from facing uncomfortable feelings. Can’t the same be said for healthy behaviors once they reach a level of compulsion? I brought Rich Roll on the pod to discuss this idea because, well, he’s a recovered alcoholic who turned into an ultra-endurance athlete in his 40s. Rich is no stranger to reinventing himself, repeatedly leveraging his flaws into virtues. We talk about the value of pain as a catalyst for change, the idea that addiction is a spectrum that doesn’t just involve substances, terrible breakups, finding a deeper spirituality, lessons from Rich’s financial struggles, his career running a top podcast, and much, much more. Use the code IDGAF to get 20% off your one-time order at ⁠⁠ Get rid of unwanted subscriptions by signing up for Rocket Money at ⁠⁠ Take my podcast survey ⁠⁠
The way you think about the world and your place in it can have a huge impact on your life. And yet, when it comes to evaluating the way we think, we’re rarely able to smell our own bullshit. So today, Drew and I break down five different mindsets you can adopt to live a more examined, successful life. This requires you to reject many of the mindless beliefs you’ve been force fed your entire life. Let’s do it. Get one month of Shopify for $1 at ⁠⁠ Use code IDGAF for 10% off your health services at ⁠⁠
Let's be honest: the modern dating landscape is a shit show. From declining marriage rates and rising infidelity to the nightmare of using dating apps—it's brutal out there. With all these supposedly "easy" ways to meet new people, why are the people who want long-term, stable relationships so fed up with the dating world? I invited dating and relationships coach Sadia Khan on the pod to discuss how the skills we use to excel in modern dating often sabotage long-term happiness. Sadia brings a refreshing, thought-provoking perspective to the conversation that will help you navigate the complexities of today's dating world. We dive into the role of self-esteem in successful relationships, the pitfalls of modern dating advice, and the skewed expectations shaped by social media, dating apps, and pornography. Enjoy. Get 10% off your first order of Mitopure at ⁠⁠ Get 3 extra months on your SurfShark VPN subscription at ⁠⁠ Get 10% off your first month of therapy at ⁠⁠
So many people seem to be obsessed with feeling good all the time. They’re always looking for “hacks” to an easier, happier life. But what if the easy way actually makes it harder to have a life full of meaning and purpose? Today, Drew and I take on the ugly truths that give life its beauty. Some of these might be a little hard to stomach at first. But if you see them through, you might be surprised at what’s on the other side. Get a free one-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 and 5 AG1 Travel Packs: ⁠⁠ Get one month free at ⁠⁠ Get 10% off at Marek Health at ⁠⁠
In an era where “quiet quitting” and “self-care” obsessions seem to be all the rage, there’s a huge opportunity to set yourself apart from everyone else—and it’s not as hard as you might think. Codie Sanchez set herself apart by buying “boring businesses” and turning her venture into a multi-million dollar enterprise. But for Codie, it’s about so much more than the money. Her simple mantra is, “question everything”, and it has given her a unique perspective on life, relationships, and happiness, which we explore here in this week’s pod. This was a fun interview, check it out. Get 20% off + free shipping at ⁠⁠ using the promo code IDGAF Get a one-month trial of Shopify for just $1 at ⁠⁠
A week ago, we hit 2M subs on YouTube and 10M podcast downloads, and I promised a special Q&A episode of the pod—which turned out to be more fun than I expected. Jump in on this celebratory episode, where I rapid fire through some of the most interesting questions sent in by you guys. Get all the goodness with AG1, if you use this link, they'll throw in a free one-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 and 5 AG1 Travel Packs: Try a free sample pack with any drink mix purchase, using my link:
There’s an ancient philosophy that could actually help you give fewer f*cks, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it. Stoicism has been helping people manage their stress and anxiety for thousands of years and today, it’s more relevant than ever. @ryanholiday is the New York Times Bestselling author of multiple books on Stoicism. He believes that Stoicism is the framework that can help you be a normal person in an increasingly crazy world. Today’s episode dives into the life-altering benefits of following a philosophy that encourages you to focus on what you can control, and fuck the rest. Get 10% off BetterHelp by signing up via my link: ⁠⁠ And get your nutritional goodness with AG1 using my link: ⁠⁠ And of course, check out The Tim Ferris Show here, available on all podcasting platforms: ⁠⁠
I just heard about the “bed rotting” trend on social media and I think I need a minute. Because if the kids think staying in bed all day eating pizza and doom scrolling is a form of rejuvenation then I’m calling bullshit on self-care. Today’s episode is a fun one. Drew and I have a long list of common self-improvement practices and I’m scoring them as overrated or underrated or, “it depends.” Try out Shopify for just $1 for the month by signing up via my link: ⁠⁠ Get 15% when you shop at ⁠⁠ using my code: IDGAF Get one month free at ⁠⁠ using my link ⁠⁠
If the story of humanity is about loss, privation, suffering, and resilience, why are kids having nervous breakdowns about bad grades? In today’s episode, I talked to Abigail Shrier about what parents and mental health experts are inadvertently doing to rob young people of the resilience and grit that past generations had. It’s a spicy one. Enjoy. Get 50% off your first Factor Meals box and 20% off the next box using my link ⁠⁠ And use my code “IDGAF” for 20% off + free shipping when you purchase online from ⁠⁠
Making friends is hard, and unfortunately, as you get older, it gets harder. In this episode, we look at research behind friendships, plus the complicating factors people experience in making new friends as they get older. And for anyone struggling with their social lives, we share practical tips on how to meet and keep new friends. Enjoy and, good luck out there.
Social media messes with our expectations because it convinces us that we should be doing everything, everywhere, all at once. But the reality is that we should focus on doing one or two things extremely well, in one place, consistently over a long period of time. Today on the pod, I talk to Noah Kagan, multi-millionaire and multi-business owner, about the type of consistency and habits that lead to wealth. Noah created his own wealth out of self-belief, learning from failing and being careful with what he gives a fuck about. Noah’s story is compelling as he shares how he found success over decades, by never ceasing to try. If you’re looking for some raw talk to get you motivated to go out and do cool shit, this is the episode to sink your energy into. Enjoy. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at: ⁠⁠ Get 15% off your first order of OneSkin by using checkout code IDGAF at ⁠⁠
I came across some mildly terrifying statistics on loneliness and wanted to figure out what was going on. In this episode Drew and I break down three paradoxes we're calling “The Three Paradoxes of Modern Loneliness” and they are as follows: We are more connected than ever, yet loneliness is at an all-time high The more urbanized our lifestyles become, the lonelier we become Despite being more social, young people are becoming lonelier than older people Join us as we dig into the data and discuss why this all might be happening and what we can do about it. Check it out.
What if there was a way accomplish meaningful work—without the associated relationship breakdowns or stress? What if “making an impact” didn’t require massive amounts of energy or sacrifice? What if you could get more done by doing less? In this episode, I talk to Cal Newport about how knowledge work has got it all wrong. We discuss the subtle dangers of remote/digital work and the key to avoiding burnout, all while still being able to grind on the things you love. If you’re a stressed out, overworked remote worker, this one is for you. Get a one-month Shopify trial for $1: ⁠
Comments (60)

Tres Bien

so close to the bullseye, but meh.

Jul 25th

Nima babaei

It was so helpful like always. Thank you bro 💛

Jul 21st

Catherine Sulewski

wow, yes! you hit the nail on the head. We(40yr olds) were drinkers and drugs were used because we were very social! Now drug use has dropped because younger ones are online for kicks.

May 21st

The Boot Sagas

So much of this resonates with podcasting. 🤩 Thank you!

May 19th

Kate Bobal

it's Hunter S. Thompson!

May 8th

Jai Evangelista

I like how on point he talks about everything. Been trying to gatekeep this but then my bestfriend still found MM and even bought his books! Keep the podcast coming!

Apr 19th

John H Legend

Great insights guys. I keep my circle extremely tight though.

Apr 12th

Christen Ramoskie

dang that hits a lot

Apr 2nd

Shadi Valivand

Thanks Mark, you're amazing

Mar 23rd


Hi i love sex my contact)))))))))) here

Mar 16th

Daria Samakaeva

I'm a bit depressed and thought it would make me feel worse, but it's made me feel better! Thank you

Mar 11th

afshin forghani

One of the best podcasts I've ever heard In the art of personal development. love it!

Mar 10th


After reading his first book twice through, Ive now discovered the podcast. His videos on YouTube are great too. Would absolutely recommend for anyone interested in feeling better, understanding themselves and those around them a bit more and feeling far more comfortable in their own skin. Thank you!

Feb 26th

Samanta tanzeem

🔴💚CLICK HERE Full HD✅720p✅1080p✅4K💚WATCH💚ᗪOᗯᑎᒪOᗩᗪ LINK >👉

Jan 27th

Amin Yas


Jan 16th

Annakaye Bennett

✅ CLICK HERE Full HD 1080p 4K👉👉

Jan 13th

Ben Irvine

wow. it's so cheesy how the soft inspirational music starts playing when mark is telling a story then immediately stops when the guest takes over again

Jan 11th

Sarah Wallace

will any of your guests be women?

Dec 26th

Masih Yazdanphar

my best writer.

Dec 24th

EsRa'a Alsadeq

What an intro 👏🏻

Dec 23rd