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The Successful Mind Podcast

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The Successful Mind Podcast is here to inspire, motivate and teach you how to think successfully so that your dream results become your reality. Our core mission is to offer proven strategies and solutions that put you in control of your results so you can do more of the work you love, with the people you love and for the profit you deserve.
313 Episodes
Most of the population is extremely reactive to the life they were born into, due to how their subconscious mind was programmed. During the first seven years of life, the subconscious mind can’t reject anything. The people who raised you gave you certain ideas, meanings, concepts, beliefs, and values, all of which your subconscious mind […] The post You’re a Natural Born Salesperson appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Today my guest is Kathy Nunnally Anemogiannis, a friend and client. Kathy owns a boutique recruiting firm specializing in industrial manufacturing distribution and has a small, fully remote team. She’s also the chair of a nonprofit called Eleos Foundation, which provides sports bras, underwear, and hygiene products to women surviving homelessness, human trafficking, and domestic […] The post Student Spotlight: Kathy Nunnally Anemogiannis appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Where Do You Stop?

Where Do You Stop?


Money touches every area of our life. We live in a world where the average person must use things and hire people in order to advance their life—and it’s only through the trading of money that those things come into our lives. We no longer live in a world where one human being can do […] The post Where Do You Stop? appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Many people think success is about raising your vibration or frequency, so that you can get what you want. It’s not so much your vibration that determines your success, so much as it is your conscious awareness.   In the universe we live in, everything is already here. “All the knowledge that ever was, or […] The post Conscious Awareness: The Key to Your Success appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
  Today I’m speaking with Beckie Pettis and Karen Webber, lawyers who help people navigate aging and caregiving challenges. They went through my Elite Mind Program, and it’s been wonderful watching them go through a big transformation.   Beckie and Karen felt they wanted to do something bigger with their life and business, but kept […] The post Student Spotlight: Beckie Pettis & Karen Webber appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Perception and Will

Perception and Will


The way we perceive our experiences in life is very much based on the internal, subconscious meanings that we’ve assigned to everything. If you want a different experience in life, you must change the meaning you’re giving to things.   In this episode you’ll learn:   Willpower is your ability to focus—it’s one of our […] The post Perception and Will appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Today my guest is Brian Proctor, who is the son of Bob Proctor, my mentor. I got introduced to Bob Proctor in 1996. He was like an angel from heaven who totally changed my life. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about him; he meant that much to me. I’m […] The post Brian Proctor: My Father Knew the Secret appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
How do you handle problems in your life? Most people look only at the circumstances they’re experiencing, without realizing they can use their imagination to create a new result. In the early 1990s I experienced a problem: I lost my job, my car was repossessed, and I couldn’t find work other than a laborer’s position. […] The post The Process I Use to Solve Any Problem appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
The mind-money connection can help you significantly increase your income beyond your wildest imagination, especially if you own a business or you’re in sales. Most people have the wrong “connection” in their mind when it comes to money. In other words, they think about money the wrong way. They think money is difficult to earn, […] The post The Mind-Money Connection appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Our greatest power is our ability to choose. However, most people weren’t taught how to actually make decisions. Most of the “decisions” we make each day are unconscious—and based on whatever is presented in front of us as options. People often adjust their choices in order to get approval from those around them. We live […] The post The Art of Conscious Decision-Making appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Today I’m speaking with two of my clients, a husband and wife team—Wendy and Scott Schultz. They built a 7-figure business selling clocks on Amazon that required no marketing, because their sales just “took off.” One day, Amazon found out about what they were doing and started competing with them and undercutting them—and within 30 […] The post Student Spotlight: Wendy & Scott Schultz appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Most people are raised in an environment where they’re constantly focused on problems. Because of this, people often get stuck in survival mode, constantly putting out fires and experiencing chaos. When you’re in this mode, you start to anticipate problems. You start to EXPECT that things will go wrong, and that the other shoe will […] The post The Law of Polarity and the Power of Decision appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
I help business owners dramatically increase their income in short periods of time. When I first started doing this work, I was surprised that many of my clients would make a lot of money—and then feel embarrassment, shame, and guilt, as if they’d done something wrong. Their increased income was reflecting their own belief system […] The post Overcoming Guilt and Shame Around Success appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
In this episode of The Successful Mind Podcast, we explore the topic of how to find your life purpose and overcome the obstacles that make success seem hard. Many people struggle to live the life they truly want, stuck in jobs they tolerate with people they don’t enjoy. But by following your intuition and spiritual […] The post Uncovering Your Life’s Purpose appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Hector Quiroga is the epitome of the American dream. In 2000, he left Columbia at age 17 and came to the US without knowing any English. Today he’s an immigration lawyer and author of Prove Them Wrong: One Immigrant’s 10-Year Journey from Bankrupt to Millionaire, a phenomenal book that I highly recommend. Hector faced enormous […] The post Hector Quiroga: Prove Them Wrong appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
The biggest test in life is that you don’t quit. In 1986 I went through basic training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) in the US Army. There were numerous, specific tests you had to pass in order to move to the next level—a weight test, height test, physical agility test, ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude […] The post Become the Cause and the Effect Will Take Care of Itself appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Many people go through life being a consumer. They were never taught that they could have an amazing life. They weren’t ever told, “You can be great” or, “You can go after your dream.” Most of the things people buy are based on a psychological, unconscious idea of “need.” Over 100 years ago, companies discovered […] The post You Were Born to be Rich, but Trained to be a Consumer appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Success is Not a Hobby

Success is Not a Hobby


What determines whether a person becomes successful, or whether they struggle endlessly in life? To answer this question, we need to look at the environment in which we were raised. Many people were raised in an environment where the focus was on SURVIVAL—not on someone’s desire to create the life of their dreams. The truth […] The post Success is Not a Hobby appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Think and Grow Rich has helped millions of people become multimillionaires all over the world. The author, Napoleon Hill, says you can’t just “wish” or “hope” for success in something—you have to actually believe it’s possible and that you can do it. He writes, “There’s a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready […] The post The Starting Point is Desire appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.
Today my guest is Stephanie Stuckey, granddaughter of the man who founded Stuckey’s—a roadside pecan stand in Eastman, Georgia, in 1937 during the Great Depression. As the first national roadside retail chain, the company grew to almost 370 stores throughout the US, along every major highway. Stuckey’s became synonymous with “the road trip.”Before there was […] The post Stephanie Stuckey: UnStuck: Rebirth of an American Icon appeared first on The Successful Mind Podcast.