DiscoverThe Successful Mind PodcastYou’re a Natural Born Salesperson
You’re a Natural Born Salesperson

You’re a Natural Born Salesperson

Update: 2024-08-26



Most of the population is extremely reactive to the life they were born into, due to how their subconscious mind was programmed. During the first seven years of life, the subconscious mind can’t reject anything. The people who raised you gave you certain ideas, meanings, concepts, beliefs, and values, all of which your subconscious mind accepted. These beliefs can affect your ability to make sales today as an adult.


Whenever you want to make a significant change in your life, you must have a foundational understanding of truth, especially when it comes to sales. This is why I recommend attending my Art of Success Summit, which helps to lay a fundamental idea of truth in your mind about success. Most people who work with me and become successful usually started by attending this event.


In this episode you’ll learn:



  • You can train yourself to be able to earn as much money as you want
  • How most people are trained to work for someone else, while trading time for money (and this usually won’t make you wealthy)
  • 2 important ideas—you were born to be a success, and success is easy
  • Why I love looking at nature as a source of truth
  • Success is an effect—it’s the result of right thinking, right behavior, and right actions
  • Sales is very natural to every human being—and everyone is a born salesperson (no manipulation is needed to sell)
  • Being good at sales doesn’t require “hard work” or excessive discipline; you can simply tap into your natural ability to communicate something of value
  • Sales is the highest paid profession in the world—the richest people are also the greatest salespeople 

What if we had the wrong idea around sales and success? What if we removed the idea that it needs to be hard?—and that we need to force ourselves to do a bunch of things we don’t actually love doing?

What if the idea that “sales is hard” is actually wrong? This perspective has kept so many business owners trapped in a box. What if the truth was that sales is actually easy?


You can step into the naturalness of that for yourself and be a natural salesperson. You can awaken in yourself an ability and a skill that’s been lying dormant…and earn any amount of money that you want.

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You’re a Natural Born Salesperson

You’re a Natural Born Salesperson

The Successful Mind Podcast