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The Team of a Lifetime

Author: Sally Love

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Sally Love, host of the The Team of a Lifetime, has helped hundreds of leaders in industrial manufacturing, construction and on capital projects of up to $24 billion transform their failing or mediocre teams into exceptional teams.

The Team of a Lifetime podcast is all about helping leaders transform their teams into exceptional teams. Sally and her guests provide leaders insight, powerful proven practices and the inspiration to lead effectively and deliver results that other people didn’t even believe were possible.

49 Episodes
Have you ever been frustrated and discouraged by the lack of progress you're making on something?In this episode, Sally shares a powerful technique to help you avoid that kind of frustration and discouragement in the future. The technique is operating from the GAIN instead of the GAP when you want to make real progress.You’ll learn how to operate from a place of abundance rather than lack and a place of victory instead of defeat. You’ll feel more content and grateful for your team a...
How is your company unique?Jesse White shares what he looks for when hiring people for his team.One of the things Jesse shared is “We are unique in that we hire for a culture add; not a culture fit. It was great having him unpack that approach and how he uses that uniqueness in upskilling and developing all the team members on his team.Jesse shared a unique approach to practicing radical feedback which helps everyone on the team improve, including himself.Jesse is passionate about...
Are you a generous person?Early in my career a guy took me under his wing and taught me about Project Management. His generosity completely changed the trajectory of my career!Mentoring is one form of generosity.Recognizing others is a great way to be generous. When we see someone working hard, accomplishing a milestone or taking a step out of their comfort zone we need to recognize them. And how about giving your team members a shout out when you see them upholding the company core values or...
Have you been a part of a team with a great leader who inspired you? They got to know you, cared about you and even helped you achieve your best! In my recent discussion with Mike Martin, he shares valuable insight on how he inspired the people on his teams. Some of his teams he started from scratch and some he walked into already functioning teams.I was so excited to hear Mike share his experiences, team successes and examples of celebrating wins from his work with teams in Puert...
Roy Haney had an important task in front of him. He needed to form and develop a high performing team with a new client on a large capital project. It had to be done quickly, with limited resources all while ensuring project success. Roy shares his approach to forming an exceptional team on Project Smoky - a large project with his client Domtar at their Kingsport, Tennessee paper mill.He also shares:His approach to helping his team members take on expanded roles and perform at such a high lev...
Amanda Osborn, Talent Acquisition Manager for BE&K Building Group, discusses the workforce shortage impacting the construction industry today.Amanda shares about the importance of investing in the youth in high school and college and educating them about all of the opportunities that are available in the construction industry. She notes that there are three key things the youth are looking for today in a construction company.Amanda discusses ways of overcoming the workfo...
In this episode of the Team of a Lifetime™ Show Dennis Doran, with over 30 years experience in the construction industry; a contractor, consultant, coach and speaker, joins Sally on the show. Dennis Doran is host of the Soft as Steel Podcast and author of the book by the same title - Soft as Steel. Dennis believes that soft skills are of strategic importance in building relationships and ensuring profitability. In this episode, Dennis shares why soft skills are a big difference maker in getti...
Having a fundamental belief in people is at the heart of helping people reach their potential - of bringing out the best a person has to offer. To build an exceptional team that delivers results, leaders must believe in their team members and have a genuine desire to help them be successful.Sally shares why confidence is an important ingredient for bringing out the best in people and building exceptional teams that she discovered in her work with tens of thousands of people in diverse c...
Successful leaders know that people need recognition and they freely provide it creating a culture where people can thrive.But do you know that a prevailing myth is that people don’t want or need recognition? People who buy into that myth believe that recognition shouldn’t matter, because after all people are getting paid to do a job, they’re getting a paycheck.In this episode of Team of a Lifetime Show, Sally shares five today’s surprising benefits of recognition so that you can improve your...
Ineffective decision making team success that’s likely sabotaging your team’s performance - . She also shares one of the biggest reasons so many teams struggle with decision making and what you can do about it.Sally asked her clients and respected leaders in the industry to identify the biggest issues impacting their teams. Ineffective decision making was at the top of the list.And results from the Team Process Assessment Sally uses when working with leaders to transform their failing o...
A common myth about trust is likely holding you back as a leader. Sally shares four things you can clarify to immediately increase trust among your team.Drawing from her experience with leaders in industrial manufacturing, construction and on capital projects, she highlights how a high level of trust can impact productivity and people's attitudes and can dramatically improve the level of success in teams. Topics discussedThe myth that is likely holding you back as a leader.How trust affects e...
Can introverts thrive in a world designed for extroverts? If so, how? Summer Turner, an expert on introverts and extroverts in the workplace, shares valuable insight for improving team performance by utilizing the uniqueness of introverts and extroverts.Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at with Summer Turner @ https://www.BusinessBreakthroughTraining.comor
When Dave Sanderson accepted the challenge to participate in the Navy SEALS Hudson River Swim he was looking for a little redemption by returning to the same river where the commercial airliner he was on crash landed 14 years earlier. Hear how Dave got in shape, physically and mentally, on very short notice and the unexpected challenges he faced from the minute the swim began to the very end! Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at
Jack Ossa is a successful architect and Owner of Ossa Studio in Charlotte, North Carolina. His story is one of incredible tenacity, persistence, and amazing determination. Jack took risks and worked extremely hard to realize his dream. May his journey inspire you to pursue your dreams! Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at with Jack Ossa at and be sure to listed to his podcast The...
Freddie Blanton landed in a new career situation and took the initiative to focus on his personal development and mindset. With his terrific "Hey, Hey It's Freddie at Bobcat" videos, Freddie has built his own personal brand. In a world where everyone is trying to fit in, be YOU instead and stand out from the crowd!Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at with Freddie Blanton and see his terrific "Hey, Hey It's...
Jim Sobeck, President and CEO of New South Construction Supply has built a culture at New South where employees thrive and as a result his company is growing like crazy. He shares something he does that is great for his team and increases profitability. Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at more about New South Construction Supply and get a copy of Jim's business leadership book “Business 101: Lessons from th...
Sally Rush, a leader who had tremendous success leading teams serving the Pharma industry unpacks how the results of two particular questions on an alignment survey ended up being a real wake up call for her and led to a dramatic transformation in her leadership approach to developing teams and team members for the remainder of her career.Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at
Can you imagine having a tremendous fear of heights, yet jumping out of a plane? That's just one of the things my guest, Daniel Allison, also known as "The Average Dude", did to stretch himself and get better! Daniel shares insight about growing personally and professionally. Remember, there's no such thing as staying the same. We're either getting better or getting worse, growing or declining. Connect with Sally @ or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin...
Have you ever competed as a Triathlete? Me either! But my guest Greg Spindler has many times, including competing in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii twice. He’s a twelve-time Ironman finisher, he’s coached other triathletes and he’s a repeated USA Triathlon All-American. Greg shares how he overcame personal setbacks to continue competing. There’s so much we can learn from Greg that will help us perform at a high level in our professions. Connect with Sally @ https://...
In this episode, I share the five biggest mistakes leaders of teams make in goal setting. I’ve seen so many leaders make these mistakes on capital projects and in manufacturing and construction companies. I want you to know what they are so that you don’t join the club and make them as well.You can stay in touch with Sally @