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The Voice of Intuition Podcast

Author: Laura Alden Kamm

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Become Your Wisest Voice. The No,1 reason you run over your intuition is because you don't trust it. The Voice of Intuition Podcast will help. Laura's fans adore her witty, clarifying, and compassionate style, bringing you practical advice about living an intuitive, creative and on-purpose life. She's a pioneer in the fields of intuitive medicine, and spiritual development. Life is short. Don't let the tough stuff get you down or stop you. Listen to your wisest voice, be brave, and crate a lifetime of meaningful adventures.
64 Episodes
This episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast explores the often overlooked but profoundly impactful relationship between worry, anxiety, and your intuitive self. These powerful emotions—we have all felt them—are much more than an inconvenience. They are a spiritual catalyst and psychological force that, when left unchecked, can silently veil the wisdom of your inner voice. This voice is the one that always knows the truth, guiding you through the most challenging moments and whispering the steps forward in your life's journey. A spiritual paradox is that sometimes, we may not hear, see, feel, or know clearly to awaken more strongly to what’s next. Don’t you love a good paradox?  The most profound truth is that you are stronger than you think. Beneath that layer of fear and doubt lies an inner reservoir of strength and wisdom that can be accessed at will despite anxiety or worry potentially telling you otherwise. This episode will help you uncover the spiritual power you already have within you to overcome worry and reclaim your intuitive power. You can access an unwavering spiritual compass to guide you through life’s most anxious moments. But what happens when chaos takes the wheel? Anxiety and worry can pull you off course and distract you from your true path. It feels like it and drowns out intuition's calm, clear guidance. In this episode, I will explore the dynamics between worry and intuition and how anxiety can cloud your spiritual clarity, making it difficult to hear your heart. Yet, it also provides you with the doors to your own awakening and enlightened self.  I’ll share one of the most challenging seasons of my life—a time that tested my faith and intuition like never before. Surprisingly, it wasn’t my death experience that shook me at that time. Yes, you heard that right. This season stretched me to new limits and showed me how powerful the inner voice can be in dark and paradoxical moments. Join me for a spirit-filled, uplifting conversation about worry, anxiety, and the remarkable strength of your inner voice. You are capable of more than you know, and through this episode, I hope to remind you of just how resilient and intuitive you genuinely are. It’s time to rise above worry and anxiety and reconnect with the powerful, intuitive guide within you. Listen in to begin your journey toward a life led by clarity, trust, and strength!   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
We worry way too much. Over 60% of us worry all the time. Over what? Everything! Especially when alarms and sirens go off around us. We all turn to see what’s coming, like I did just as I was about to record a podcast.  Those alarms go off inside us, too. When that happens, we need to listen, go within, and become our first responders—our intuitive internal alarms have gone off for a reason!  In this Encore The Voice of Intuition Podcast episode, we’ll unpack worry and offer solutions. Listen to the end to grab the acronym, which will help you turn your worries around and reframe the habit of worrying. Why an encore podcast today? Well, I had some electrical issues due to the hurricane that passed through. The recording window was hit-and-miss. The storm passed, and all was well. I sat down, ready to grab the mic and flip the switches when…. The building's emergency evacuation alarm went off! I grabbed my purse and laptop, and instead of worrying, as I intuitively assessed the building and knew all would be well, I went into wonder.   “I wonder how fast and safely I can get down these 16 flights of stairs.”   Dropping that thought about “how” and just doing it, I could not help but think of the thousands of people in the Twin Towers in New York that day, 9/11. Or anyone trying to get out of harm's way.  Wondering about others became more poignant as I flew down the stairs. One of the security team members came running up the stairs, potentially into the fray. His duty-filled bravery, mixed with worry, shot from his eyes into mine.  When I got down to street level, the emergency was called off. Everything was under control. However, I still wondered about the man who ran up the stairs past me. Well done, sir. Well done. I blew him an energetic kiss of gratitude.  Worry comes to us all. Wonder, though, is really not that far off. For example, “I’m worried about this. I wonder what I can do about it?” These words flow together and are closer than the worried part of us wants to admit. Listen in; the bottom line is to worry less and wonder more. Enjoy the episode!   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
Welcome to The Voice of Intuition Podcast, where we explore the profound power of intuition and its role in shaping our lives. Today, we're diving deeper into the idea that intuition is not just a fleeting feeling or a mysterious force—it's a system, an integral part of who we are, designed to guide us through the complexities of life with grace and wisdom. Intuition is a skill you can hone. It's a muscle that grows stronger the more you use it, and like any skill, it requires practice, patience, and trust. This system is intricately woven into our physical bodies, yet it transcends the physical, tapping into the vast field of consciousness that constantly flows through and around us.  Consider intuition as the bridge between the known and the unknown, the tangible and the intangible. It’s the first spark of insight when a thought, image, or feeling emerges seemingly out of nowhere. This initial blush of knowing is often fleeting, but it’s a powerful signal from your inner guidance system urging you to pay attention, trust the process, and follow where it leads. Lean in and listen. Enjoy the show!   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
Welcome to another episode of the Voice of Intuition podcast. Today, we’re delving into the world of intuitive wisdom, exploring how it often comes to us in small bites, nuances, and insights. Our intuitive system gives us many gifts. A primary emphasis is on consistent sensations and insight into how to live in harmony with life and its fundamental nature, life itself, your body, and the larger influence of the universe.  This wisdom often emerges quietly. We find profound truths in small bites of subtle whispers from our inner voice, gentle nudges, and fleeting moments of clarity. Listen in as I share some gentle tips to help you navigate life. Use your intuition as a guide and offer you insights in the most unexpected moments. It's in the sudden urge to take a different route home, the inexplicable feeling to reach out to a friend, or the quiet assurance that we're on the right path. These small bites of intuition are the universe's way of communicating with us, nudging us toward our true path. In this episode, we'll explore how to tune into these subtle signals, trust and act on them, and how they can lead us to greater clarity and purpose. We'll draw on the wisdom of your own ability to deeply understand how to embrace the flow of life, surrender to the present moment, and cultivate an embodied connection with our inner knowing. So, join me as we discover intuitive wisdom's nuances. Let's learn how to listen, trust, and follow the gentle whispers of your soul, leading us to a life of harmony and fulfillment. Follow along with the Show Notes on the website to grab three simple yet important steps to help you develop a more trusted connection to your ability to embrace those small bites of intuitive insight. Following these steps will strengthen your connection with your intuition, making it easier to trust and act on those small but significant bites of wisdom. Listen in and Enjoy––Intuitive Wisdom comes In Small Bites.   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page   Hey there, I’m Laura Alden Kamm, your host of the original –– The Voice of Intuition Podcast. I’ve consciously experienced both a slow dying process and a death experience. After that journey, wheee, I found myself organically tossed out of the world of architecture, my passion at the time, and into becoming integrative medical intuitive™, spiritual teacher and guide, and author of Intuitive Wellness and other works. Each episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast offers you a different journey of discovery in the fields of spiritual growth, the other side, connection, intuitive development, healing, and energy medicine tools, along with personal growth. With compassion, joy, and transformation as the key ingredients, each episode dives into the seen and unseen worlds, offering insights, wisdom, and practical tools to enrich your life. 🪷   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
Laura’s Original Series Is Back–– “Two Healers & A Mic!”  Welcome to another episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast. Today, we have another exclusive in my original series, “Two Healers & A Mic!” In this series, we unravel what it’s like to have that pull to awaken your inner healer and place yourself into service for others, no matter your occupation. We slide into the mysteries of your mind, body, and spirit and unravel the unknown with humor and heart. Today’s episode of “Two Healers & A Mic” features the delightful and heart-centered healer Heather Driscoll. Throughout the episode, Heather’s compassionate wisdom about a journey well traveled ensures that listeners leave feeling uplifted, inspired, and ready to embrace their own emotional freedom and intuitive skills. Perhaps your path has been similar. Each journey is unique as healers, yet there is common ground from which we can all learn and grow our spirituality and mindful skills. Heather is an expert in HeartMath Healing and Somatic Release, among other transformative practices. Her journey into her intuitive gifts and skills is nothing short of inspiring, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our conversation today. When Heather stepped into the healing world, she knew she was meant to help others find their true emotional selves. Her methods are effective and deeply compassionate, offering a pathway to those struggling with emotional disconnects. Heather’s approach combines the science of the heart's intelligence with the profound power of somatic release techniques, creating a holistic method for emotional healing and empowerment. Sharing her personal journey of growing into her intuitive abilities, Heather recounts the pivotal moments that led her to embrace her gifts fully and how she learned to trust and nurture her intuition. Her story is a testament to the power of believing in oneself and cultivating one's unique abilities. I know you’ll find yourself nodding along, inspired by Heather's courage and determination to follow her true calling. One of the highlights of this episode is Heather’s explanation of her methods for healing emotional disconnects. She delves into her healing style, which taps into the heart's innate wisdom to bring about emotional balance and coherence. Heather explains how this technique helps individuals regulate their emotions, reduce stress, and build resilience. The simplicity and effectiveness of Heart Math Healing make it accessible to anyone looking to enhance their emotional well-being. Keep listening; around the 25-minute mark, Heather leads us on a heart-opening process! Okay, I teared up on this one!  And wait until you hear about her connection with her horses!  You can try this with your pets, and even your family members can tap into this level of presence that allows you to connect in a deep and super sweet way filled with gratitude and uplifting and healing.  It’s time to let go, be free of the old, and embrace the new, open, and empowered emotional self within you. Welcome to this exclusive episode of “Two Healers & A Mic,” where healing is fun, enlightening, and always full of heart. So, grab your favorite cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and tune in to this enlightening episode of *Two Healers & A Mic –– with Heather Driscoll. Whether you’re new to the world of holistic healing or a seasoned practitioner, there’s something here for everyone. CLICK HERE to connect with Heather Driscoll   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page   Hey there, I’m Laura Alden Kamm, your host of the original –– The Voice of Intuition Podcast. I’ve consciously experienced both a slow dying process and a death experience. After that journey, wheee, I found myself organically tossed out of the world of architecture, my passion at the time, and into becoming integrative medical intuitive™, spiritual teacher and guide, and author of Intuitive Wellness and other works. Each episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast offers you a different journey of discovery in the fields of spiritual growth, the other side, connection, intuitive development, healing, and energy medicine tools, along with personal growth. With compassion, joy, and transformation as the key ingredients, each episode dives into the seen and unseen worlds, offering insights, wisdom, and practical tools to enrich your life. 🪷   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
Welcome to another episode of "The Voice of Intuition Podcast." Today’s episode, "Is Your Heart Upside Down?" is one that I am particularly excited about because it delves deep into the core of our being—the heart.   You’ll want to download this one and listen to it again and again, as your energy and heart will change each time you listen and lean into this guiding visualization and inquiry.  I was so excited about this and just started channeling the information to the degree that I forgot to put in an introduction as your host.  If you’re new to this podcast, welcome! I’m Laura Alden Kamm, an integrative medical intuitive™, dying and death experiencer, author, and spiritual intuitive teacher. Have you ever felt out of sync with your emotions, energy, or physical self? Do you sometimes feel like your heart is energetically turned around, creating a disconnection from yourself, others, or the world? This transformative episode explores what it means to truly connect with your spiritual, emotional, energetic, and physical heart. Our hearts are more than just biological organs pumping blood through our veins. They are profound centers of wisdom, emotion, and our soulful energy. When we feel disconnected, it can often be traced back to our hearts being out of alignment. This can manifest as feeling energetically against ourselves, isolated from others, or estranged from the world around us.  But what if we could turn this around? What if we could realign our hearts and tap into the deep well of inner richness and truth within us? In this episode, "Is Your Heart Upside Down?" I guide you through a journey of self-discovery and reconnection. Through intuitive guidance and reflective practices, you will learn to listen to your heart’s whispers and understand what it has to say to you. We will touch with ourselves, exploring questions like What fills you up? What has taken you down? By tuning into these questions, we can heal and realign our hearts, opening ourselves to greater love, joy, and fulfillment. This episode is designed to be a gentle yet powerful exploration of the heart. If you are driving or engaged in activities that require your full attention, I would like you to return to this episode when you can fully dedicate time to focus on the guidance provided. Find a quiet, comfortable space to listen deeply and engage with the shared practices. Join me as we embark on this heartfelt journey together. Let’s uncover the hidden truths of our hearts, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the vibrant, loving energy that is our birthright. Tune in, reconnect, and realign with your heart’s true essence on this episode. Your heart holds profound wisdom—let’s listen to it together. The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 
Today, we’re diving deep into a practice that will help you bring your energy, Light, and soul back home. Yes, we're talking about coming back to yourself, grounding your energy, and filling yourself up with positivity so you can step into your calling and share your unique gifts with the world. We know life gets wild. We get caught up in the outer noise; before we know it, our energy is scattered to the four winds. But here’s the good news: bringing yourself home is easier than you think. In this episode, I share a daily practice that will help you stay grounded, energized, and ready to shine your Light on the world. 1. Morning Grounding Ritual  2. Visualize Your Energy –– Your Light 3. Sharing and Receiving Energy with Heart When you’re grounded and filled with positive energy, you’re more attuned to your intuition, more connected to your inner wisdom, and more ready to take inspired action. To follow your inner calling.  You have a unique purpose and special gifts that only you can share. By bringing yourself back home each day, you empower yourself to be strong, grounded, and ready to step forward in your life's purpose. Remember, the world needs your Light. Your gifts, your voice, your presence—it all matters. Thank you for joining me on this journey! Keep shining, growing, and bringing your beautiful energy back home. Stay grounded, stay radiant, and remember—you are Light. Feel free to share your experiences with this practice or any questions on my social links below.  Thank you if you’ve left a review. If not, I’d love to hear any comments on Apple or Spotify. Your support keeps our beautiful conversation going!   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy!  Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast and are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work.     
In this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, I’m sharing THE sequence that organically occurs when you’re listening to what’s being said––when you’re intuitively listening, that is.  I created the name for this show in 2020, The Voice of Intuition podcast, so that we could develop our intuition and listening skills regarding our authentic voice—the spoken voice and the still, small voice within.  This episode is about intuitive listening. I’ll walk you through a clarifying sequence I’ve witnessed in others and myself for decades. Let’s tease it out and put it back together, and then it’s up to you to rock it! You cannot experience life to the fullest if you do not listen to the world around you and the world within you.  Remember that intuitive awareness and its skill don’t start with hearing voices or predicting the future. Your organic skills begin and advance when you engage in intuitive listening—connecting with deeper awareness, felt senses, knowing, and even the skill of intuitive sight.  In a world filled with constant noise and endless distractions, the ability to listen intuitively is both a gift and a skill. Intuitive listening is about tuning into the deeper currents beneath the surface, capturing the essence of what is truly being communicated. It's about being present, open, and receptive to the subtleties of human expression and the energetic vibrations accompanying them. In this episode, we’ll explore intuitive listening—what it involves, how to develop it, and how it can change your life!   Links:   The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy! Amazon link to the book - The Second Brain   ©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast and are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work.   
I’m excited to bring back my original, fun, and insightful series, "Two Healers and A Mic!" Join me and my special guest, Scott Clover, an intuitive healer trained in somatic, archetypes, and energy healing, along with his natural gifts. We explore the healing journey and dive deep into intuitive healing skills, sharing unique insights, transformative experiences, and powerful techniques.  Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, this episode promises to enlighten, uplift, and awaken the healer within you. Scott and I delve into the realm of archetypes, uncovering the hidden pains and impacts within us.  We lean into the mic about how discovering the, perhaps unnoticed, energy structures can guide us toward healing. Scott shares his inspiring journey of recognizing and owning his natural intuitive gifts, providing listeners with tools and practical techniques for their personal reawakening process. You’ll discover the transformative power of intuitive healing and gain new perspectives on connecting with your inner self and unlocking your true potential. Setting yourself free is an excellent path to take. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of life's mystical and intuitive aspects. Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Voice of Intuition Podcast, your go-to source for deep dives into intuition, healing, life, and our ever-present mystical world, guiding you through your journey of self-discovery and healing.  Listen in. You won’t want to miss out on this soulful conversation! Listen to this episode on the Show Notes page.      
Meditation has transformational power. Welcome to another episode of The Voice of Intuition. This week, we’re on a soulful journey into the serene world of mindfulness meditation. In this episode, we unwrap the gentle power of silence, exploring how it nurtures self-awareness and guides our nervous system back to its natural, tranquil state. Episode Highlights: The Essence of Silence: We discuss the fact that meditation is not for problem-solving. Meditation provides the opportunity to experience the profound impact of silence on our mental and emotional well-being. How moments of quietude can open the doors to deeper self-understanding and insights. Meditation resets your intuitive system. Answers to problems arise from the still place inside of you.  - Cultivating Self-Awareness: Discover how mindfulness meditation helps you tune into your inner self, fostering heightened awareness and clarity in your daily life. Nurturing the Nervous System: How mindfulness, an ancient practice, aids in calming our nervous system, allowing us to return to a place of balance and peace. A few light tips on the calming effects of meditation on the brain shed light on how regular practice can lead to lasting tranquility, reduced stress, and mental harmony. A Special Gift for You:  As a sweet surprise, you find a soothing meditation session at the end of this episode. This semi-guided meditation is designed to be your companion whenever you seek a moment of peace and reflection. Feel free to revisit this meditation as often as you wish, letting it gently anchor your journey toward mindfulness. Thank you for joining me on this exploration of mindfulness meditation. May this episode inspire you to embrace the power of silence and cultivate a deeper connection with your true self.  Stay serene, and remember that the voice of intuition is always within you, guiding you toward peace and self-discovery. With warmth and contentment,  Laura  I’ll see you on social!    
How do we begin anything when everything around us keeps moving? Like the ocean waves, life is rolling all of the time. Sometimes, the waves are large or smaller. They still roll in and out––low tide and high tide. It doesn't matter if there is sunshine, torrential rain, or winds; they're still rolling in and out. Life is the same, so how do we begin creating what we want to experience when everything keeps moving like ocean waves? We can ride along with life. Life can push us or crash upon us.  As you listen to this episode, grab your journal when you can. Together, let’s go through Steps one, two, and three. Let’s get your thoughts; the particles generated from them bring your creations to life in a new and conscious way––your soulful, thoughtful, quantum-generated life.  It’s truly fascinating when you tune in and intuitively feel, see, hear, and know how your creation is coming into form, into your energy field, and then into your life.  This episode is about creation, even though I, too, use the word manifesting. I do think it’s too hyped. When you rush through the process all excited, sometimes your efforts fall flat. When that happens, it will allow for more growth, which will be illuminating.  In this episode, 3 Key Ways to Create What’s Yours, I share three easy-to-apply steps to reboot and build your life with a deep sense of knowing and clarity.  Listen in and enjoy this episode of the Voice of Intuition Podcast. Don't forget to grab Your copy below.      Grab Your Copy – A Guide To Create What's Yours
Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible power that lies at the root of your being? Take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Feel that breath travel all the way down to your pelvic floor. That’s the core of your strength, the foundation of your self-esteem, and the powerhouse of your personal energy. Welcome to the Voice of Intuition Podcast and this week’s episode, “Empower the Root of Your Life,” we’re chatting about helping you tap into this profound energy, transform it, and use it to elevate your life. When fear creeps in and tries to shake your foundation, it’s this deep-seated energy that gets disrupted. But here’s the exciting part: you have the power to harness and transform this energy. Imagine turning that fear into a force for empowerment and change. Imagine living a life where you feel grounded, confident, and in control. In this lastest episode, we dive into the miracluous energy at the base of your body. This energy flows through your nervous system, influencing how you create, behave, and exist in the world. Why wait any longer to unlock this potential? Join me today and let’s explore this journey together. Tune in, breathe deeply, and embrace the real, bold, and vibrant life that awaits you. You can grab The Lower Body Meditation practice I mention in this episode by clicking the Resources link below. There are other awesome, healing practices in that bundle as well.   Grab The Lower Body Meditation from the Resources Page Here
In this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, I’ll discuss your first level of empathy, what I call "Instinctual Empathy.” It’s primal. It’s real. It can illuminate and/or put you in a state of worry and survival. That is part of its protective nature, so survival fear, in this case, is not a bad thing. It can be a very good thing at the right time and place. Therein lies both the gifted skill and the challenge.   In this podcast episode, I’ll share some tips about moving your mind out of fear when your empathy overshoots the runway. These tips will help you move out of survival, which slows you down or can freeze you. They will assist you in elevating self-awareness, awakening, and strengthening your emotional intelligence.  These simple practices and mindsets help you manage and embrace the power of your empathy, even this primal aspect, with an enlightened mind and heart.  Enjoy this episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast!
Welcome everyone to another episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast. Today’s journey lightly pirouettes around the ember that is the present moment.  As spiritual people, we seek the transcendent, sometimes pushing ourselves in practices - meditation, contemplations, and prayer in order to find those perfect moments of “I’m present.”   Yet, being present is not a lush canopy, ever-so-delicate and ungraspably transient, inviting us into a dance of light and being.  The question is, does your sense of presence have a shelf life? Is presence a state of luminescence that is fleeting? Let’s take a whimsical and practical exploration into our wild, untamed minds, unearthing this paradox: the endeavor to cage this fleeting sunbeam, to be ‘intentionally’ present.  Ah, our exuberant minds, akin to a free-spirited butterfly, untethered through the fields of our consciousness, occasionally alighting upon a flower of thought, yet never lingering too long lest the present petals wither under the weight of purposeful focus.  Oh MY!!! Our thoughts cascade. They rumble, They roar. They whimper. They delight with awe. All are present. All are consciousness. All are you and me, being you and me.  Your awareness of those unforced touches of attention is being present. That is when we can taste its seemingly elusive essence. Yet, you are often present to the fact that you are not being present — the paradox.  May we embrace the practical effervescence of our minds and bask in each moment, neither clutching nor shying away, to dance, ever-so-lightly, with the enchanting spirit of now, which forever swirls within our tangible lives.  Each embrace of the conscious mind is you being present.  
In this episode, my sister, Dr. Christine, and I investigate why some of us become obsessed with learning about different places and times.  When I died, I saw the life I had lived and viewed the life I would live. One of the lessons I learned was about Deja Vu. Listen in and discover the depth of what’s happening when you experience Daja Vu.  As souls, we’re having an amazing human experience. Part of us, our soul self, still moves back and forth among the continuum of consciousness that exists on different planes. Download, listen, and subscribe.  XO🪷LAK P.S. If you know someone who would benefit from this podcast, be my guest and forward this email or copy and paste the link to your social media. We're here for each other...    Show Highlights [01:03] My sister Christine and I discuss how we approach life. [03:33] Christine asks, “Why are we so fascinated with a particular time in history?” [05:28] What happens when our perception changes? [06:29] How transcendence changes your entire world.  [07:53] What I learned about myself when I died.  [09:40] The significance of Deja Vu in your life.  [12:56] How we connect with different beings on different planes of consciousness.  [15:08] Experiences are transcendent.  [16:43] Being open allows these feelings and experiences to rise within you. [19:31] Christine’s visceral experience when she is in a place she has previously experienced before.  [23:10] Places that Christine and I feel an attachment.  
YOU'RE A BLENDED SOUL    Today on The Voice of Intuition Podcast I share profound correlations of what we can all experience -- the blended interconnection with heaven and earth, here and now!  Interconnectedness and love are required for us to heal and transform our lives into a positive and connected world. The emphasis and significance of interconnectedness within your world as spiritual dimensions weave within your daily life encourages and invites you and me into increased heavenly energy. How lovely.... Through practices such as prayer, contemplation, and mindfulness, we're offered the chance to generate a unique bond that underscores the ever-present nature of this 'here and now' connection and its rich, potential comfort and guidance. In this podcast, I also touch upon the presence of angels and loved ones during the transition to the afterlife, reinforcing the belief and knowing that you and I are never truly alone. We'll also explore themes of personal spiritual awakening, unity, and how you can bring about the possibility of experiencing heavenly moments within this earthly existence -- here and now.  Download and listen today and feel the upliftment.  P.S. If you know someone who would benefit from this podcast, be my guest and forward this email or copy and paste the link to your social media. We're here for each other...  Previous episodes mentioned:  
Today on The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’ll look at three truths, which are spiritual principles, that can help us hold our families, friends, cultures, and world together.  We are in a series of turnstile moments, and simple yet profound truths are what can see us through.  Sometimes, we feel lost and isolated from ourselves. And sometimes from each other due to social conflicts. Feeling and being separate is not a good feeling. The risk of feeling lost and disconnected could force us to drift farther apart.  These three principles are truth, foster curiosity, and faithfulness. They are constant and available to all of us all of the time.  Download and listen to this episode and I trust you’ll find some comfort. If you’ve felt lost in the past, or you are feeling lost now, I trust this will give you comfort and bring you back home to yourself.  
46. How To Be Fearless

46. How To Be Fearless


Hello courageous soul! In this week’s The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’re talking about how important it is to be brave -- to be fearless.  Fearless and prayerful as I think of those people on the Big Island, especially Maui, who are in shock. How exhausted and bereft they must be.  Let's take a moment and send them our love, healing energy, and prayers. Ask God and the ancient and powerful energies of the islands, the courageous hearts of those who called Hawai’i home, and those around the world who cherish these islands to send love, comfort, and strength to those affected during this most challenging time. [ As you say this prayer below, think about how, in Hawaiian, each vowel has a voice. May everyone affected have a voice as well.] "Hoopihaia ko lakou naau i ka maluhia a me ka manaolana."  May their hearts be filled with peace and hope. Enjoy his week's podcast about How to Be Fearless.    XO🪷LAK   Want to increase your intuitive skills for your care and wellness or your holistic healing career? Join me, Becoming a Medicine Intuitive. This podcast is for educational purposes only. If you have any medical conditions, please seek the appropriate support and attention of a physician, therapist, dentist or other healthcare provider.  By accessing The Voice of Intuition Podcast, with Laura Alden Kamm I acknowledge that all contents are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC: or with collaborative agreement of a guest or co-host and used by Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC, are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Users of The Voice of Intuition Podcast may save, use and enjoy this information contained herein, no matter the platform or format, this material is only used for personal and educational purposes. No other use or publications of this work, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, in any form (transcription, hard and soft copy text, digital, audio, video, etc.) of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. If wishing to utilize this content in any form, you may submit a request to do so by emailing: 
This week we are taking a moment to breathe and be. I created a meditation for you. Please, DO NOT DRIVE and listen to this meditation. Driving while meditating is NOT a good idea! Life is super busy, and with the heat of the summer, we all need a little inner cool down. Put your phone in sleep mode, or shut it all down. Get into a comfy chair, sit on the floor, and tuck yourself in with soft pillows.  Take some time, relax for a few minutes, and reboot your energy and mind. ENJOY!   A little ANNOUNCEMENT, if you please.  🎉  Soon, I'll be teaching, Becoming a Medical Intuition with LIVE webinars. Keep an eye out in the next few weeks. Have questions? Email us at I can't wait to meet you and see you in the training.  XO🪷LAK Let's Connect!   This podcast is for educational purposes only. If you have any medical conditions, please seek the appropriate support and attention of a physician, therapist, dentist, or other healthcare provider.  By accessing The Voice of Intuition Podcast with Laura Alden Kamm, I acknowledge that all contents are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC: or, with the collaborative agreement of a guest or co-host and used by Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC, are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Users of The Voice of Intuition Podcast may save, use and enjoy this information contained herein, no matter the platform or format. This material is only used for personal and educational purposes. No other use or publication of this work, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing, in any form (transcription, hard and soft copy text, digital, audio, video, etc.) of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. If wishing to utilize this content in any form, you may submit a request to do so by emailing:
In this week’s episode of The Voice of Intuition Podcast, we’re going to have some fun.  Let’s walk through several key steps so that you can grab the necessary framework to conduct your own Intuitive Wellness or Medical Intuition reading on yourself or someone else.  If you’re a practitioner in the healing arts, no matter the modality, I trust this will support and remind you, to reset the way you’re utilizing your gifts in session.  No matter how your intuitive system works for you, you need to maintain its strength and abilities by taking care of yourself.  Sometimes, as healing people, the work or our skills are so second nature to us, we drop some of the basics. We don’t always take the necessary time out and reset after we’ve done intuitive work or every-day problem solving.  But we must! We must care for ourselves and keep the framework of self-care alive and well in the context of our everyday life and within our work in the world. Enjoy this PDF! Medical Intuition: how to set yourself up for a successful reading This podcast is for educational purposes only. If you have any medical conditions, please seek the appropriate support and attention of a physician, therapist, dentist or other healthcare provider.  By accessing The Voice of Intuition Podcast, with Laura Alden Kamm I acknowledge that all contents are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC: or with collaborative agreement of a guest or co-host and used by Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC, are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Users of The Voice of Intuition Podcast may save, use and enjoy this information contained herein, no matter the platform or format, this material is only used for personal and educational purposes. No other use or publications of this work, including, without limitation, reproduction, retransmission or editing, in any form (transcription, hard and soft copy text, digital, audio, video, etc.) of this Podcast may be made without the prior written permission of the Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. If wishing to utilize this content in any form, you may submit a request to do so by emailing: 