DiscoverThe Voice of Intuition Podcast58 Is your Heart Upside down?
58 Is your Heart Upside down?

58 Is your Heart Upside down?

Update: 2024-07-25


Welcome to another episode of "The Voice of Intuition Podcast." Todays episode, "Is Your Heart Upside Down?" is one that I am particularly excited about because it delves deep into the core of our being—the heart.  

Youll want to download this one and listen to it again and again, as your energy and heart will change each time you listen and lean into this guiding visualization and inquiry. 

I was so excited about this and just started channeling the information to the degree that I forgot to put in an introduction as your host. 

If youre new to this podcast, welcome! Im Laura Alden Kamm, an integrative medical intuitive™, dying and death experiencer, author, and spiritual intuitive teacher.

Have you ever felt out of sync with your emotions, energy, or physical self? Do you sometimes feel like your heart is energetically turned around, creating a disconnection from yourself, others, or the world? This transformative episode explores what it means to truly connect with your spiritual, emotional, energetic, and physical heart.

Our hearts are more than just biological organs pumping blood through our veins. They are profound centers of wisdom, emotion, and our soulful energy. When we feel disconnected, it can often be traced back to our hearts being out of alignment. This can manifest as feeling energetically against ourselves, isolated from others, or estranged from the world around us. 

But what if we could turn this around? What if we could realign our hearts and tap into the deep well of inner richness and truth within us?

In this episode, "Is Your Heart Upside Down?" I guide you through a journey of self-discovery and reconnection. Through intuitive guidance and reflective practices, you will learn to listen to your hearts whispers and understand what it has to say to you. We will touch with ourselves, exploring questions like What fills you up? What has taken you down? By tuning into these questions, we can heal and realign our hearts, opening ourselves to greater love, joy, and fulfillment.

This episode is designed to be a gentle yet powerful exploration of the heart. If you are driving or engaged in activities that require your full attention, I would like you to return to this episode when you can fully dedicate time to focus on the guidance provided. Find a quiet, comfortable space to listen deeply and engage with the shared practices.

Join me as we embark on this heartfelt journey together. Lets uncover the hidden truths of our hearts, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the vibrant, loving energy that is our birthright. Tune in, reconnect, and realign with your hearts true essence on this episode. Your heart holds profound wisdom—lets listen to it together.

The Intuitive Wellness Collection - Six Soul-Satisfying Visualizations

Here's Your FREE E-book - Healing Empathic Overwhelm. Enjoy!

Read Laura's Intuitive Wellness book - Amazon Author Page

©️ 2024, copyrights apply to all spoken, digital, AI transcription, and other links and written material on The Voice of Intuition Podcast are the property of Laura Alden Kamm International, LLC. Contact us through the website if you would like permission to quote or write a short review of this body of work. 









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58 Is your Heart Upside down?

58 Is your Heart Upside down?

Laura Alden Kamm