DiscoverThe Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality

The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality

Author: Mark Zaretti

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Every Thursday 9pm UK join spiritual author, filmmaker and podcaster Mark Zaretti as he answers your spiritual questions. This is an informal Q&A chat show helping to make sense of life, one episode at a time.
27 Episodes
00:00:32 Introduction and a picture of an iceberg in Antarctica The show begins and I discuss the show's artwork showing the Steins;Gate characters sitting atop an iceberg in Antarctica. A hint that there may be more beneath the surface. I then review the questions for this week: Steins;gate, how to be a spiritually awesome parent; is your wardrobe out to get you (and I ask people to write in the chat what their clothes are made of). Revisiting the topic of loved ones and the afterlife. A hint at news about an interview. 00:03:30 Steins;Gate and evil technology projects. I read feedback from someone who was reminded to Steins;Gate because of Ep.026. They ask a number of questions about CERN, time travel, and the EU. Is CERN an evil organisation? I share some factoids, talking about the fact I've been aware of CERN from a spiritual perspective for many years. CERN is very wrong. CERN is a black ops project, meaning the use of technology by nefarious means, by shadowing organisations who are evil and dark. Of course this is a conspiracy. Could we apply this thinking to 5G? How many dark projects are there with a satanic or evil agenda? Where does CERN rank amongst them? What proportion of these projects are manipulating time (time travel?) and a larger proportion are involving AI (Artificial Intelligence). CERN's elite know the truth about what CERN really is but over 1/2 those nations involved are clueless. I draw a parallel with the secrecy of the Freemasons. I red flag a number of dangerous and evil projects in Antarctica that most people are not aware of: A) Antarctica project IceCube which is a 1km cubed array of neutrino detectors near the south pole. B) Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) which is 80km squared, again in Antarctica. I suggest that these are actually not just detectors but are transmitters of thought, for thought control. The same may be true for many of the LHCs and other particle accelerators which are partly concerned with interdimensional tunnels as well as creation and/or manipulation of thought. Why did they dress the water boiler of the ARA drilling equipment located in Antarctica like a large dragon? It's all symbology! It costs thousands of dollars to ship anything to Antarctica, so they spent a fortune to dress that equipment up like a dragon. I mention about Stellaglyphs in the Stonehenge documentary [] and infer that the higher being race who identify as "Dragon" are behind this dark technology at the south pole. Next we discuss why the Anime series Steins;Gate would forewarn us about the dangers of CERN? It's because one of the writers Naotaka Hayashi was influenced by dark beings on higher dimensions. These dark groups want people to know the truth and Candace Owens mentions that the US Govt controls the film industry to manipulate the thinking of the people. Why? It is to get us to accept a dark future because we have free will. Most people passively accept what they see in a film or TV series and hand over their free will. It is only through being more spiritual and neutral and tuning into your intuition to break free from the programming of big media. Star Trek, Star Wars, Steins;Gate, Stargate etc. all to program us to accept their dark plans for the future. The "hero" in these shows, like McReady in "The Thing" which was filmed in Antarctica, is always someone else and 'not you' so you are programmed to leave it to others to bring about positive change. I talk about the positive things we can do to overcome this. I explain why I cancelled Amazon Prime and Netflix. Why I say "I'd rather KNOW and then say NO". 00:27:53 Become an awesome spiritual parent Following on from Ep.001 and Ep.024 where I discuss parenting. How can we as parents, uncles, aunties, teachers, carers, help children (and others) to become more spiritual. I read a couple of paragraphs from chapter 9 of "Spiritual Life Explained: The Wake-up Call" [] explaining where real choice comes from and the root of free will. I break down a spiritual approach to guiding our children to make a better choice, exercising their free will without telling them what to do. Bringing to their awareness that all choices have a spiritual consequence bringing you closer or further from goodness (God). A reminder that if you yourself are "In state" being more neutral, less judgemental, then you will be guided to help them. Ultimately if they make the wrong choice then there is still learning in mistakes. 00:38:50 Love after death, revisited We listen to questions from one of our listeners asking about whether our parents remain as our parents after death and also if a bad person becomes a good person after death. This is based on feedback from a YouTube short video []. I explain the nature of relationships beyond death and why you may or may not meet people in the afterlife. I talk about people who have incarnated again so that there is overlap on the physical plane where you may know people today who were your grandparents in the past. What happens when a bad persons dies. Why asking advice of the dead is not a very good idea. 00:44:47 I give a stern warning about the preciousness of this life 00:46:43 Is everything made of energy? 00:49:14 Are your clothes hurting you? We first look at fibres under a microscope, and I explain that I spent time looking into the energy and effect of each type of cloth. Assessing whether their energy is positive or negative and whether their effect is healing or harmful. Of note there are no fabrics that are negative and healing, but there was one that is harmful but positive. This applies to a good spiritual positive human. If you're not, say a dark satanic person, then the effect of different fabrics would be different to that of a good positive person. Before I reveal the truth I ask people where on the chart they would put cotton, leather, gold, silver, and wool. I reveal which is the most positive of all the materials. Which one is the most healing. Negative fabrics drop your vibration. I explain that your spiritual state is more important than you clothing. I talk briefly about copper and the Kabbala and the number 7. We look at Polyester and I explain why I try not to wear polyester. The word ester in old Hebrew translates as "She seeks evil" a fact I was guided to. Polyester is basically oil which has been refined to ethanol. Polyester blocks higher spiritual energies which is why wearing it, especially over your heart is really not good because it cuts your soul and spirit off from their environment! Is this why business men who wear a polyester shirt become cut-throat and ruthless. Polyester is an evil material. I talk about how polyester comes off as tiny particles on you and also in the washing machine. 01:10:18 News about interviews, Rumble and Locals. Someone has asked to interview me and I've agreed provided I do not know the questions in advance as that's the best way to ensure a sincere and authentic interview. I talk about the benefits of the Rumble app which allows you to listen even when your screen is turned off. Links to resources and things mentioned in this episode: Facebook post about the artwork:;Gate anime series;Gate_(TV_series) Ep.026 referencing CERN: The ARA: Slides for the ARA: The cost of getting to the south pole: Stonehenge & Stellaglyphs: Candace Owens on Hollywood: Ep.024 on parenting: Ep.001 on spiritual responsibility of parents: Spiritual Life Explained book: Part 1 of podcast, which the book is based upon: YT short on when a person dies: Clothing fibres image credit: The meaning of Ester: More on polyester: Polyester shedding when you wash your clothes: Rumble Apps: Find us on Rumble here: Support and follow us on Locals here: The artwork chart relating to the discussion about positive and negative clothing and polyester. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
What does it mean to forgive? In this episode I'm going to draw upon realisations from higher states to explain what happens when you forgive. Breaking down the importance of it but also the misunderstandings. 00:00:34 Welcome & Introduction We acknowledge that this is the 26th episode, half a year of broadcasting, and thanks to all who support the show. We start by looking at the artwork, a man in a suit blowing smoke rings and in the rings are the CERN logo and a effigy of Shiva. I mention that each Thursday morning before the live show I do a live stream on our Locals community where I preview the questions and create the artwork giving more insight into the choice of images. 00:03:19 When and How to Forgive, a spiritual perspective The first question is about forgiveness. We look at the spiritual significance of when you forgive versus when you need to be forgiven. Understanding the need for forgiveness and what that means in terms of your spirit and soul. What can we do if we have done wrong and what could we do if we have been wronged? Where do God and/or Jesus fit into the process when you seek to forgive? Do you benefit from forgiving others and do they benefit from being forgiven? What is the purest form of forgiveness you can do? 00:12:15 The spiritual significance and harm of people smoking Are dark forces behind the rise in smoking in people in France? Are young people acting in ignorance or in denial of the facts? What is behind the cultural shift? I draw parallels with how the American Indians were subverted by getting them addicted to alcohol. But are there parallels with drugs, Sky Sports, and modern day highly processed food? Is there also a cultural component, the chic Parisian icon of a smoking lady? Is it also just part of their protest ethic. Smoking in rebellion against the EU establishment. Beyond the physical is there damage. I refer to my earlier work on the dangers of Ayahuasca, Peyote, Cannabis and how there can be damage from them to your aura and also how they allow darker forces to come into you. Then I explore the bigger picture of any form of willing self-harm, such as smoking is, and how that impacts upon you as a spiritual person. This ties into the four part podcast series on "Spiritual Life Explained". I discuss how having tattoos is also a form of self-harm from a spiritual perspective. Is there a difference between doing something in ignorance versus doing it with knowledge that it is wrong? 00:24:27 Helping a loved one to learn their life-lessons How can you help someone who is growing increasingly unwell because of an unlearnt life-lesson. We also look at the role of limiting self-beliefs. Is there a difference between "Illness" and "Disease"? Do all life-lessons need to be painful? Why do people reject higher guidance? What role does fear and ego play. How can we help someone who isn't ready to discuss God, soul, spirit, and life-lessons? We explore gentle ways of guiding someone who isn't as awake. Helping them to let go of ideas of being responsible for everything. Using the 3rd person perspective as a tool to inspire new ways of thinking in a person without it being confrontational or too personal. Then I explain why sometimes making positive changes in life do not result in a cessation of the health problems. Finally I close with an example of how a person might pray for guidance in such a situation. I do mention that not all disease is just or a consequence of life-learning, but rather may come from dark external forces. This references Ep.009 where I discuss the dark side of Cancer. 00:43:14 CERN, Shiva and Satanic rituals I reveal that a nighttime Satanic ritual at CERN had British, Swiss and German participants. It was the initiation of a woman into the New World Order, conducted by a woman. I explain why they held this at CERN. But the importance is to demonstrate that truth will come to light. I then discuss the artwork symbolism, how the CERN logo has "666"within it. I tie this in with the statue of Shiva and the New World Order's plans. 00:53:06 Is hedonism justified? Universal Consciousness There is an idea that if we are aligned with "Universal flow and love" then we can do things to excess like eating chocolate, partying and dancing through the night, smoking joints etc, without negative impact. But if we have guilt then we suffer. I explain whether there is truth in this or not and how there are parallels with Buddhism. I also reflect on Ep.025 on the burden of truth. I separate out the energy of things from the energy of your thoughts and intentions. Next I debunk the notion of "Universe" as some sort of benevolent presence. I talk about the difference between praying to or respecting the universe, versus praying to or respecting Jesus and/or God, from a spiritual perspective. Is "The Universe" a con? Is the natural way of being a human deficient in something that requires medicinal herbs and medicine. Or perhaps justifies the implanting of technology and injections? Is this hedonistic attitude actually degrading society? Links to resources mentioned in this episode: Watch this full episode as a video on Rumble. The Way Back's Locals Community for supporter's bonus materials and videos. Article on the effects of drugs, cannabis, ayahuasca etc. The Spiritual Life Explained not for profit paperback book which is also covered in a four part podcast series: Part 1: Overcoming Belief with Experience Part 2: Free Will and Guidance Part 3: Toxic People, Health and Manifesting Part 4: Being holistic Ep.009 Discussing unjust disease and cancer Ep.005 Discussing Buddhistic mantras and CERN The original facebook reel on CERN Ep.025 and the burden of truth when it comes to spiritual matters Ep.016 where the notion of praying to the universe is challenged Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
00:00:34 Introductions to Aliens, Truth, Jesus and more! Welcome to the show. I start by describing the topics for tonight which includes aliens, truth, evidence and so much more. Spiritual questions from people like you, the general public. 00:03:22 Where is the evidence for what you say is spiritual truth? I share a question raised by someone who watches the show. They want to know where the evidence is for what I say is spiritual truth. I explain why I don't expect you to blindly trust what I say (or what others say). I explain how the benefit is for the seeker and suggest a way people can approach the topic of truth. I explain how in Ep.001 [] and Ep.003 [] that I had made the mistake of trusting spiritual teachers just because they claimed to be spiritual. The topic of trust is further explored and expands upon the closing topic from last week's Ep.024 [] 00:13:18 What has Stonehenge and Aliens got to do with Spirituality? I start with a pause and invite us all to "Check in with ourselves" making sure we are actually present. I guide us through a simple exercise to understand the difference between listening but in a distracted way, or truly being present, neutral, and receptive to higher understanding. I explain the journey and rationale for creating the Stonehenge Documentary []. Often what a person can get from a body of information depends on their spiritual state at the time as well as their expectations and previous experience, in short where are they on their own journey. Importantly I explain why you never see the same thing twice! 00:25:04 Does my understanding make me spiritual? I talk about the two people that can know how spiritual you really are and how only one of them is accurate. But how ego will creep in if we are trying to assess our level of spirituality. This leads on to the importance of The Six Virtues [] I explain more about how as a teacher I work to help others, and also about the stages of a meditative spiritual journey. What was my attitude as I progressed and how did that help me avoid giving my power away to others? At this point I reference the artwork (see below on the episode page on our website). We go into the relationship between Knowledge, Seeking, Deception, Truth, and Jesus' The Way. Which introduces how things like UFO's and Aliens is a form of deception, even if they are real. I discuss how knowledge and spirituality are two different things. When you get to the end of life what do you think will be most valuable? There is a brief discussion of how the nature of the teaching between face to face and via things like the videos and live show are different. And so what you experience is also different. 00:41:10 Debunking Spiritual Aliens and the Aetherius Society Someone shared a link to a spiritual event on facebook [] asking if the information presented by the Aetherius Society is 'hoodwinking' people and keeping them away from spiritual truth? This takes us on a fascinating delve into the theories of advanced aliens being spiritual masters like Jesus, Lau Tzu (Zi), Buddha, Krishna and others. They talk about flying saucers. We talk about channeling work and how people who communicate with things like "Spiritual Hierarchy". I explain that this is nothing new, that things on higher dimensions have been making contact for millennia. As an example I mention a document from the 80's [] I also share Ezekiel's account of meeting God [], suggesting it is actually an account of a UFO alien encounter in which a higher being pretends to be God. Next I debunk the idea that Jesus is just an alien like Buddha and others and explain the nefarious reasoning why dark forces would seek to demote Jesus and to promote their agents by association with Jesus and a few good ascended humans. Was Jesus truly the "Only way" to God? I point out the complete contradiction that the Aetherius society make with respect to Jesus. They claim Jesus is behind their credibility, and yet the say that Jesus is an alien, working with other aliens. If what Jesus said is true then what this society says cannot also be true, therefore there is a contradiction. I explain how the Aetherius Society's energy work on the mountains of the planet is similar to other groups (mentioned in Ep.003) who are doing energy work based on astronomical geometry, resonance work, sky grid visualisations and other "grids". What's behind it and is it good? I explain how I too was duped in the early days, making contact years ago with some of these 'beings'. But eventually a higher truth was discovered and their deception transcended. A cautionary tale for all of us. Here is the artwork that is discussed in the podcast. Links to Resources Mentioned in this episode: Ep.001 Where I talk about trust and belief. Ep.003 Where I talk about previous spiritual masters and teachers. Ep.023 a discussion about magic or "Magik". Ep.024 Where I introduce the topic of trust. The Stonehenge Documentary on Rumble. The Stonehenge project on with links to free resources. The Stonehenge: Into the Light, Truth is Stranger than Fiction book. The Six Virtues God is mentioned as the goal of being a seeker of truth. In 2016 I wrote a book which mentioned the Spiritual Hierarchy. There is a Lifewave document from 1986 which discusses such "higher beings". Ezekiel's alien encounter account Bible references to "Jesus is The Only Way" and Jesus is God. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
Before we get onto Dark Matter, I start by thanking people for their questions. I welcome beginner's questions because they are extremely valuable. This show is for people at all stages of their personal journeys. I then summarize the questions for today's show. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:00 How you can spiritually support your child in difficult times The first topic is on "Spiritual Parenting". I start by discussing the nature of truth and how spiritual truth resonates with lots of people. Then we look into the specific question from a brave woman with a potentially terminal diagnosis who is asking how she can spiritually help her teenage daughter navigate this difficult situation. What we learn here is applicable to any difficult situation. Understand the spiritual cost of a child's negative reaction and what to do about it. This leads onto understanding the foundational choice and free will and how to gently guide you children. But then we look at two ways you can also receive higher spiritual guidance. The importance of intention, positivity, and state. 00:17:33 Do we feel love flowing? I start by describing how it is the goodness of your soul that evokes another person's spirit to outpour love towards us. We take a look at the nature of the soul and the spirit, which are different. I also share how a physical hug brings the heart chakras of two people next to each other, a good reason not to hug someone until you are sure their energy is positive. I explain what the "feelings" are and what they are not and the role that Joy plays in the experience of hugging. I close the topic by discussing why the word "Love" is over-used. Many people simply do not realise how special love really is. Love is a gift that is rare and a privilege of being human. 00:25:06 Dark Matter, a spiritual perspective Some of the people in the live chat share their theories of what dark matter is: 1) Dark matter binds the universe together. 2) The collective consciousness energy. 3) Nothing good. I go on to explain that so much of what is scientific explanation is really just scientific hypothesis, including gravity which interacts with dark matter. In fact there are many unsolved problems in science. I suggest that the failure of science to resolve all these problems is that it is limited by what it can measure and interact with. Then I take it to a more spiritual level looking at the spiritual explanation of dark matter and dark energy. I introduce the concept of planes of awareness at different vibrations. We discuss the existence of different planes of awareness that are not physical. I describe how some of the higher spiritual phenomena like "thought clouds" are created and therefore may not be natural. Then I talk about how the concept of dark matter, as it is proposed by scientists, is a theory to validate another theory (gravity). And yet dark matter, and indeed, dark energy are manifest on a higher dimension, one that is in harmony with the physical dimension, but curiously out of harmony with other realms. This reminds me of a chapter from an esoteric book talking about "Etheric retreats" of ascended masters. I read about the great white brotherhood of North America, where there is a lot of man-made structures and an "All Seing Eye", from which seven rays of energy are channelled at the chakras of humanity to change them. This is all supposedly the benevolent work of God. But I challenge this assumption and explain that this "Technology" is being used to channel higher dimensional Dark Energy at people on Earth. Could this explain the root of dark problems in the world these days? Then I share my experiences from higher spiritual dimensions and how "Dark Matter" does not equate to anything good. There is the absence of light at the highest awareness but that is an emptiness within which spiritual light comes forth. Why is it that science keeps using deliberatelly negative terms like "Negative Energy", "Dark Matter", "The Axis of Evil". But then science is mostly theoretical rather than proven fact when it comes to deep cosmological phenomena. 00:48:39 The number 22 keeps popping up! Now we answer a question from a person who keeps seeing the number 22. Because its a "special" number then external forces have placed a suggestive idea into this person to focus on that number. The reason? To foster a belief that they are special. I explain how feeling special can lead to ego, which was also discussed in the previous episode. 00:53:42 I don't want you to believe me! I reiterate the importance of not simply believing things. What matters most is your personal direct experience. Experience trumps belief. I explain why building your life on beliefs will often lead to stress and worry. Whereas a more spiritual approach has more solidity. Links to resources and materials discussed in this show: Watch the original video live stream on Rumble. Ep.001 Discussing how spiritual children choose suitable parents to guide them. Short video explaining you are only responsible for your choice. Previous Ep.023 where we discuss what is an expressing of love. My "vague" comment about the milky way is in Ep.023, a question about Stonehenge. Dark Matter definition on Wiki. List of science's unsolved problems. One of my earlier videos from 2016 where I use terms like "Astral Plane" and "Etheric" to describe higher vibrational planes or dimensions. The part of the 'Stonehenge: Into the Light' documentary explaining about pseudophysicality. The books that have yet to be published. Ep.007 Where I talk about the number 22. The man who was seeing "333". Feeling special can lead to ego. The book: Spiritual Life Explained, which is also availabe as a podcast. Episode.001 A good place to begin. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
00:00:00 Introduction and summary of the questions Welcome to episode 23. Will it be magic? First we're going to discuss number 8 and then stories from hospital. Then we'll look at recent events at Stonehenge and magic. The next topic is cremation, and then love. Head's up there's a quiz on love. 00:02:51 Number 8888 I explain how in episode 022 part 1 there was an explanation that that date 08-08-2024 is the number 8-8-8. What was amazing was that that was the 107th question. Which also is 8 (1+0+7). I explain why I was drawn to 8 8 8 8 and the significance of this happening. It is a caution about the fact that numerology does exist, though it's not "real". A reminder about the issue of numerology. What is even more freaky is that the question about 8888 starts at 02:51 and 2 + 5 + 1 = 8! 00:09:29 The transition of a spiritual person I was recently present in hospital over the end-of-life of a very spiritual person. I share first-hand spiritual and positive insights from the experience. I explain how they sadly succame to cancer having been "targeted" by dark forces. They set a wonderful example of being at peace, having no fear, and exercising free will to gracefully let go. I talk about energy protection; the soul and spirit leaving; the interaction between soul, spirit, and the body; a connection of love. What happens at the moment of death. 00:24:50 Stonehenge & Magic Next we reflect on a "Magical" picture of Stonehenge on the English Heritage instagram feed. The question is raised as to whether there is any spiritual significance to the meteor shower and galactic alignment of the stars with Stonehenge. We discuss the origin of Stonehenge and also the nature of magic. This leads onto a deeper discussion about the illusory nature of creation and how Stonehenge is really a big distraction, a kind of "smoke and mirrors" to keep us away from the truth. I raise questions about what is really going on with the universe, galaxy, and night sky. I describe how there is much more to learn and that I give a deeper disclosure on the spiritual side of these things in the books that are coming. This reiterates how Stonehenge is a splinter of a fragment of a much bigger picture. I talk about how the books are a work in progress over many years because it's such a big picture. I detail the need to balance between knowing enough now, and revealing the full picture when the time is right, as guided by higher wisdom, putting what is right over the the desire to share the information. Ultimately I suggest that what we can observe from the physical plane is not the sum of everything, rather what we are able to (or allowed) to observe. So why are so many people seemingly so excited by stonehenge with lots of comments using terms like "Magical" or "Awesome"? This leads me to discuss how magic is not a good thing and that the significance of the stonehenge site is not spiritual but rather satanic. 00:39:13 To Bury or Cremate? I discuss the spiritual pros and cons of burial versus cremation. We also talk about awareness of "the environment" and how some of our ideas may be biased by indoctrination. I explain the reason why one option is energetically better than the other. Do you know what happens to your memories when you die? Can people's spirits and souls be trapped by the physical body remaining? 00:46:14 Take the Love Quiz We explore demonstrations of love and try and understand where they come from. What is the difference between kindness, compassion, goodness, and "It feel's good". What is behind actions like giving hugs, putting others first, caring, listening, empathy, and acts of kindness like cooking a dinner. What role does the physical body, the soul, and Spirit play in demonstrating love? This brings up the topic of "True love" and how ego gets in the way. Is love transactional and do we have a choice over who we love? Importantly I discuss whether love is meant to be undestood. 01:00:25 The Value of Asking Questions The topic of why it's worthwhile trying to articulate a spiritual question came up. I talk about why I encourage people to put things into words. It helps us to better understand what we're experiencing by first communicating to oneself. Links to resources mentioned in this episode Question 100! from Ep.021. Ep.022 where I discuss numerology and 8-8-8 along with 3:33. Also Numerology comes up in Ep.007, discussing the number 22. Ep.009 where I discuss cancer. Ep.011 in which there is a question about how to spiritually approach death. Not having fear. Ep.020 towards the end I share a story of being in the hospital and kind staff bringing me food, just after I read a passage from the bible which explains not to worry about where food will come from. The English Heritage picture of Stonehenge. The book about Stonehenge and also the free videos, articles and audiobooks on Stonehenge. Find out more about the future books. Jump to the part of the Stonehenge video where I discuss how higher information is obtained, like puzzle pieces. Lots of resources to better understand Love from a spiritual perspective. Question 57 from Ep.013 in which we discuss the consequence of God's love for you. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
Number 333? What's going on? In this show we'll be exploring the phenomena of people repeatedly seeing the same number. Like waking up at 3:33 etc. But there's a whole load of other spiritual topics to enjoy and explore first so get comfortable and we begin. 00:00:00 Introduction Observation that the date 8th Aug 2024 is actually the number 888, numerologically speaking. Explaining the episode artwork of Jesus versus the World Economic Forum (WEF). A summary of the questions that are coming up: Good v Evil. Purpose. 333. Veganism. WEF & insects. Covenant. 00:02:36 Good, evil & spiritual Wisdom in life James H explains his awakening to the true nature of duality and asks how we can become more aware and thus more spiritually wise. I explain the benefits of focusing on the good but that wisdom requires awareness of both good and bad. Metaphor: the student goes to university. I explain the spiritual approach to becoming more aware. Furthermore I explain the nature of what is bad and dark and how to spot it. How can we apply this both spiritually and in a worldly way? 00:08:24 How to find your spiritual life's purpose? James starts by describing his spiritual journey, from intellectual understanding to spiritual growth. He asks how to find his purpose to serve God and make the world a little better. I explain how we become self-aware, how that leads to feeling different and the risk that it could lead to the formation of ego. However the intellectual part of the journey is important but I discuss how to take it into being spiritual. is perfection possible and what should our spiritual expectations be? Does God "Work within us"? or is something else going on? So can we find our purpose? I introduce the "You are a cell within a body" metaphor and how seeking your purpose is not spiritual. Then I introduce the concept that you are a "Choice machine" and within that is the answer to the question. I then share how, throughout humanity's history a few have been "Called upon" to serve God. Why were they chosen? What did they do to become a tool for God's plan? How does this relate to you? Then in answer to the question of personal greatness: I share the "Brick wall" analogy. 00:21:54 JayB's testimonial and seeing "333" JayB explains how this show has helped him overcome the conspiracy theory trap. Then he asks about repeatedly seeing the same numbers, in particular "333" such as on a clock "3:33" and whether there is spiritual significance. What is the significance of the time 07:06 and how does that relate to your brain? I explain why people may see the same number and what they can do about it, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing and what's causing it. Is your brain being hacked and if so, who did it and importantly why? I explain what a spiritual person could do if they are experiencing this number awareness. 00:28:50 Goodbye YouTube The full live show is only available on 00:29:24 WEF, Insects and veganism Next JayB asks a number of related questions about WEF's desire for people to eat fake meat and insects as well as for spiritual insights into being vegan and vegetarian. I share my own experiences of being a meat eater, then veggie, and then vegan. I explain why the term "Plant Based" arose and the dark side of the vegan movement. I explain about food and energy from a spiritual perspective and why some lifestyles may actually raise your energy vibration. The shocking reason why I stopped being a vegan. What is the connection between the vegan ideology and social friction and who benefits from that conflict? The conversation leads on to discussing "The environment" and how the notion of a carbon footprint is nothing to do with saving the environment, it is a means to control the masses. The WEF is not a positive organisation and they have 3 negative reasons why they want people to eat insects (and fake meat). The second reason directly affects your spiritual energy. I share a clip of a member of the WEF talking about how they intend to use water (think access to it) to force their "common good" goals on the world. They failed to manipulate people via the environment or covid and so now they are planning on using the fear of water shortages as the stick to control people. The speaker is wearing snakes and blood symbology. It speaks of how they use fear (of virus, of the environment) to control people. I explain how the climate predictions almost always fail and yet political policy is based on these theories, using fear of the future to justify creating a prison planet. Beware "The Common Good" and I explain how the bill of human rights has been eroded to remove your rights. The core spiritual message is that these organisations are not good and neither are their leaders. Their agenda appears Satanic and anti-human. 00:51:49 True stories from a hospital bed This story will be shared in a future episode to give it the time it is due. 00:52:09 Covenant with God? I explore the question "Do we have a covenant with God?". I explain why there isn't a covenant but that there can be. Then I explore what a covenant might be based upon and how that relates to Jesus. This leads on to Jesus' example of "The Way". Jesus has set the terms of your spiritual salvation. I explain from a spiritual perspective why it is through Jesus that this is possible. Then I talk about how such a covenant might be expressed in our lives, and how simple and yet profound that is. Links to useful resources mentioned in this show Short video on "Not everyone is good": Ep.015 Discussing the trap of Conspiracy Theories and going down the rabbit hole: Ep.007 Discussing numerology:, which is also available as a podcast: A caution against the Law of Manifesting/Abraham's Teachings: A video I made on the dark Olympic Ceremony Paris 2024: Short video on the power of leading by example: Ep.017 Discussing eating meat: Meditation Tutorial 32: The vibration of meat A website listing over 50 years of failed climate predictions: in fact the only thing that is accurate is the 100% failure of their predictions WEF talks about using water to push an agenda: Klaus Schwab: Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
Before we look at supporting a dying loved one, we start by discussing why teenagers start to demonstrate ego and how to navigate that as a parent. But also to understand the natural side of the process and how some behaviours are actually not ego but rather part of the process of a child becoming a free-will-adult. Next we answer the question as to whether we are born with an ego and if not how does it come about? We also discuss "Monkey see, monkey do" and how parents might en-train poor behaviour. This leads on to how ego is your choice, even if you don't realise it and how that relates to your spiritual growth. Next there is a beautiful testimonial of how embracing the Six Virtues (Gratitude) has helped cope with the dying of a loved one and ultimately overcome the loss of them. Then the question is asked, is there anything that can be done spiritually to help a loved one pass away as well as supporting those who grieve. I discuss a number of approaches including prayer, healing and more, but importantly the right way to be within yourself to avoid negativity. We share comments from those viewing live and how they use prayer and the virtues on a daily basis. Next we explore whether we know more spiritually in these days versus during the time of Jesus 2000 years ago. This is based on a discussion inspired by Luke 8:16-18. First I explore a couple of quotes from Genesis and Isaiah which reference souls and spirits and a 2800 year old warning to people about false spirituality. Then I double down on why Mindfulness meditation is a trap if you have spiritual aspirations. This is in response to a comment posted on one of the short videos stating "Mindfulness is a trap" I then explain that I used to teach mindfulness amongst other techniques and that having taught hundreds of people I've observed first hand how "mindfulness" practitioners are often unable to go beyond that practice, trapping them. The discussion of Luke 8:16 then provokes an interesting discussing with those attending about whether you can know the future, framed in the context of prophesy. I explain the contradiction of free will and yet that God can give prophesy. Is your life-span pre-determined or can you live longer through choice? I explain how things like Tarot can provide a snapshot into the future. This brings up "Divine Intention" again which we discussed in Ep.019. Next we talk about the spiritual implications for a mother and child born as a result of rape. I acknowledge the difficulty of discussing such things and urge those listening to come from a place of sensitivity, neutrality and spiritual maturity. This discussion arose as a result of talking about love and relationships in Ep.020. There is positive news, and there are things that can be done, spiritually speaking, to help support the mother and the child in such a situation. The situation when a woman rapes a man is also discussed in answer to a question raised. Soul Trees, what are they, who's in them and who can join them? We explore who you hang out with between physical incarnations. We also explore who you will be with when you die. Will you be re-united with loved ones, your kids, your spouse? Is there romantic idealism or truth in the notion that "we will meet again"? PART 2 - Bonus on the Satanic Paris Olympics opening ceremony and end of times Revelations. We look at whether the Paris power cut blackout with only the Sacre-Coeur Basilica remaining illuminated an act of Divine Retribution because of the satanic opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics featuring the lesbian activist Barbara Butch portraying Jesus in the last supper and the metal rendition of the white horse of the Apocalypse. The topic of Sin versus Law is discussed and I explain why the LGBT++??? community dislike Christianity because it says their desires are sinful. But this is an opinion that is not just Christian and other belief systems also hold the view that same sex unions are sinful. So why is it that bad people feel it is safe to harass Christianity, but do not criticise these other faiths? I do a bit of fact checking and reveal that the online posts and ideas that it was a "sign from God" is actually a fabricated narrative that itself is a dark act. So not only was the blasphemous opening ceremony negative and dark, but the supposedly opposing "Pro-God" narrative is also dark in origin. It seems the forces of darkness are playing both sides and trying to control both sides of the narrative. But it gets more bizarre because the blackout was caused by agents on the side of darkness. Diving deeper into what's behind all these things reveals a sinister plot against truth and against you and I from those who are evil on the physical plane as well as those on higher dimensions. It's all part of a bigger nefarious plan. I take a spiritually mature step back from it all and ask some bigger questions to reveal that the true nature of God would not be getting involved and that there is an even larger deception designed to trap good spiritual people with an ancient story that is false. I look back at the old testament, fear driven mentality and draw parallels to the current narrative coming out of this Paris situation. Next I talk about the importance of the "White Horse" and why it is that the Olympic Committee chose that iconography. Then we explore the roots of the Olympics and I ask a challenging question along the lines of "Why, if we are spiritual, do we watch the Olympics?". I discuss why top athletes can be good people but it is unlikely that they are spiritual people. I draw parallels between the historical way that the Olympics was used to indoctrinate people into ungodly belief systems and how it is doing so now. Then I refer back to a question asked in Ep.019 which leads into the bigger discussion of the very real battle of good versus evil. This leads onto a question in which a person hears trumpet like sounds. Could it be the seven trumpets of the Book of Revelations. We critique a clip (fair use) from Fox26 Credit in links below of unearthly sounds being heard in the sky. I then talk about "Project Christ's Horn" a dark-ops program to fake apocalyptical phenomena to raise fear and control the true narrative of the end of days. I bring it back to the truth of God and why it is only those who are dark and evil need fear what is to come, just as good people need not fear dying. I look at what we, the good people, should be doing to combat against the forces of darkness. The answer is not what you might expect, it is a voice of spiritual hope and reason. Finally I share an inspiring story of putting spiritual maturity into practice in everyday life, explaining how I was guided by my higher self not to watch Deadpool 3 at the cinema. This leads to a key spiritual insight on Justice and Justification. Links to resources mentioned in the podcast Ep.021 Part 1 Rumble video: Ep.021 Part 2 Rumble video: Ep.020 video discussing teenagers and relationships also available as a podcast at about 49 mins in. The book "The Way Back, The Six Virtues" Ep.001 "Show me the boy at 7 and I'll show you the man" approx 35:25 podcast and also as a video Lots of FREE resources about The Six Virtues: Our channel on Rumble: Short video on Mindfulness being a spiritual trap: Wikipedia link to article on mindfulness: Lovely testimonial from Mick who had done decades of Transcendental Meditation: Ep.019 The Rumble live show in which we first introduce the concept of Divine Intention: also as a podcast: The four books I am writing: Ep.017 Where we discuss training and competitiveness from a spiritual perspective Ep.019 Where I'm asked if the world is as perfect as it could be: "Stonehenge: Into the Light" Documentary [2023] Watch for FREE: On Rumble: On YouTube: Extras: Get the book: Fox26 news article Short video on your responsibility is how your respond: Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help y
We start looking into the non-physical causes of Autism and other diseases. I explain how unjust disease, for example of children, is never the will of God but rather the influence of dark forces either on the physical plane or on higher dimensions. This doesn't rule out gut biology, nutrition, vaccines, toxins and deliberate manipulation of food, water, air and other environmental pressures. I explain how dark forces harm people in the population to bring down the whole of society. Next we explore why some children seem wise beyond their years and also how wisdom is developed. Next we look at chemotherapy and how to help heal yourself spiritually. I discuss the different things like prayer, healing, or affirmations and which is stronger. Furthermore I explain why healing might not work. I discuss why Jesus and God are both needed for healing and prayers to be answered. American Pie and early sex. Is there spiritual guidance on the effects of having sex as young adolescents/adults. We learn how a person isn't really ready for sexual relationships until a certain age and how damaging early sex might be to your spiritual growth. I explain how the ideology of wokism is a dark distraction from spiritual truth and that there is something fundamentally beautiful about the union of yin and yang in love. I also explain how dark or satanic forces often tempt good people to enter into relationships with lower vibration unsuitable partners, to drag them down in their spiritual life. How do we explain spiritual growth to a teenager? So what is the age at which it is safe to start a sexual relationship. How dark forces trap spiritual people in toxic relationships. Finally I share a real story of spiritual synchronicity, experiencing in life the meaning of the Gospel of Saint Luke Chapter 12 verse 22. A sign from above? Links to things discussed in this show: Ep.009 in which I discuss the causes of Cancer, which is also on Rumble as a video. The book "Spiritual Life Explained" which discusses the link between personal choice and disease. Which is also available as a podcast. An article on positive affirmations and the video Ep.016 where I discuss the difference between affirmation versus intention. The article and video on Faith, which is also a podcast. Why healing with crystals is not a good idea. The "You Can Handle the TRUTH" T Shirt. Ask a question. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
We start the show exploring whether there is any spiritual value in working out at the gym. This reveals that, like many choices in life, it's not just what you choose but "WHY" you make a choice that matters. Is there a danger that you are retarding your spiritual growth because you're pursuing physical strength? I also discuss whether we can live longer by making good decisions? Next we explore the topic of "Soulmate Sketches" and how psychics might be helping people to find love. Is it based in reality or is it a scam? I talk about how there can be psychic ability but I also explain why this work may not actually be positive or helpful. I provide some guidance on how life plans are meant to unfold and how you might naturally have "soul chemistry" with another person. This leads on to discussing how each of us may have relationships with people in this life who we've known in previous lives. Next we explore what Jesus would say to us if he was here in 2024, and I talk about how his teachings which are founded in truth are relevant now. Next we bring it back to the physical and discuss Karate. This also leads to a discussion about Yoga, in which I reveal why Yoga is not actually spiritual, in the truest sense. Next I share insights into Tai Chi, classic martial arts and why they are all non-spiritual. We get into the murky water of can you practice martial arts and be spiritual. Jesus and the path of peace, and the spiritual reason why, as an ex-kickboxer, I could never get in the ring and spar again. From a spiritual perspective we explore the effect of competition on you and your spiritual growth. Is the world perfect? The spiritual course correction by Jesus showing us how to find the way back to God. What happens if you are attacked, how should we respond from a spiritual perspective. Finally I discuss the "Divine Intervention" of Donald Trump turning his head just before being shot. I explain why mostly there is not divine intervention. I coin the phrase "Divine Intention" and how that works. I explain why the pastor had the prophecy and the trap setup for Donalt Trump and what could be done to provent it. This is relevant to us, whichever party we lean towards, and is something we can learn from and apply to our own lives. Links to related topics mentioned in this podcast: Last weeks episode on Grief, a tribute to Blue. Article about "Feedback from your higher self" which is also covered in this spiritual book. The live show episode on Numerology. I mentioned "The Chosen", a TV show about Jesus. Podcast where I discussed not "getting involved" in other people's issues. The books that I'm writing. The live show Ep.017 on "How should I vote spiritually?" which is also a video. The prophecy of Trump's shooting. The previous episode on Grief, which is also available as a rumble video. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
This was a raw and painful show. I did my best to hold it together as I shared my journey of grief at the loss of my beloved collie dog called Blue. But we start the podcast listening to feedback from one of our subscribers. He explains how this show is more positive than the communications from some conspiracy theorists. Next we go back to spirituality basics and I succinctly explain the terms Spirit, Incarnation, Higher-self, and Duality and how they relate to everyday life. Next we talk about grief and the process of coping with the loss of someone we love, andI share what I am going through with the loss of my best four legged friend and companion Blue, using it as a real-world example of how we can apply spiritual truth to hard situations. More than this I also giving insights into what happens when a dog dies and why humans and dogs get on so well. Links to Related Information: Rumble Live Show (all episodes) watch this and previous podcasts as their original videos YouTube Live Show Playlist Spirituality 101 - Joe's comment on a YouTube short video about not everyone is positive. Episode 15 on conspiracies and David Icke Ask a question here Learn more about the books that are to come Previous episode on Grief: Ep.014 also available as an audio podcast The nature of things to be good or bad Ep.014 and there's a short version The video I talk about disease and Cancer The video of Blue playing in the local park This picture was taken in 2013 when Blue was still a young pup. Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
In this show: What would you do if we were in the End of Times? and was the Prophet Isaiah's prophetic warnings about the End of Days accurate? But first we start by exploring how to apply spiritual truth when deciding which politicians to vote for. We touch upon the WEF conspiracy and understanding "The Path of Least Resistance" to bring about balance in the world. Next we tackle your choice to eat meat and how that will effect you spiritually. Overcoming the subtler aspects of ego to become a more genuinely authentic spiritual person. Next we look at Jo Dispezia's work and theta brainwaves for healing. I explain how this "heals" the body but how it is not higher healing and is not spiritual. How God is involved in true healing. The penultimate topic is Isaiah's End of Times Prophecy, discussing the issues with the Book of Revelations. Finally I explain how the podcast is changing but good news it will carry on. Free and useful resources mentioned in the show: Ep.014 on Love, Jesus, Emotions, & Grace Ep.016 Universal Love, Crystals, Inspiration Meat and Spirituality Video Free resources to learn about The Six Virtues 70 Questions, a list of all past questions The Way Back Live Show podcast Bonus Material: When discussing politics near the start of the show I referenced a slide which shows the qualities of Good versus Evil. I've presented it here below for you: Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
An important announcement at the end, however we start with affirmations versus intentions. Which is more powerful, how should they be used. How to make your affirmations and intentions stronger. There is an invitation to share inspiration. Next we look at how hope in the context of faith. How can we grow in hope and how can we spiritually thrive from a challenging or traumatic experiences. The spiritual example of Jesus overcoming challenges. I discuss my attitude to spiritually overcoming challenges. Crystal healing and why working with crystals may do more harm than good. Praying to the universe and why that might not be spiritual. The peaceful power of personal testimonial. Speaking spiritual truth without being confrontational. Sharing inspiration, a powerful exercise to grow in humility and gratitude. Important announcement about podcasts. Links to resources mentioned in this podcast An article from 2020 on Positive Affirmations Ep.012 a spoken testimonial about getting closer to God I'm sorry but that might not be spiritual online article, video and podcast Article on Faith and hope including the image shown - also available as a podcast and video Stonehenge Documentary - Jumps to the Avebury part where crystals are discussed. And you can find out more about the documentary and useful links here: Understanding your relationship with God More information about the books (not yet published as of June 2024) The Law of Attraction video, article and paperback book Link to The Way Back Instagram account The Way Back - The Six Virtues book, or online resources Our YouTube Short Videos Our most popular episode Ep.009, which includes the Matrix breakdown towards the end Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
We start off exploring the spiritual significance of blood. This leads on to discussing physical as well as spiritual stuff and then looks at whether Jesus' actual blood has been discovered. I reveal why some (bad) people covet the blood of others and why you might want to look higher. Has the ease of migration in modern times messed with people's life-plans? I discuss how your soul and spirit relate to your blood and a parallel understanding of ancestry that is spiritual, rather than genetic. Next we explore a spiritual perspective on organ transplants and donations, revealing quite shocking information. Then we look at how to be good even when there is evil around us. I discuss why I don't take the bait of going into the details of conspiracy theories, but rather aim higher, giving the example of UFO disclosure. Then we change pace and look into the phenomena of deja vu to better understand what it is. I close with a personal story demonstrating how many people are hung up on religion, placing obstacles between them, God, and a more profound level of spirituality. Links to resources mentioned in this podcast: Book: Eat Right for your Blood Type (Amazon Link) Stonehenge documentary The spiritual books I'm writing Spiritual Life Explained Book (see Part 3 - Chapter 12 Physical Feedback) Amazon UK, also as a free podcast and video on Rumble or YouTube Ep.004 on being neutral YouTube short - clip from Ep.004 - "Your reaction" Episode 4 as a podcast Episode 10 - Eurovision Song Contest and Bambi Thug podcast Episode 13 - Down the rabbit hole with conspiracy theories video The audio Podcast version of the live show Link to the Stonehenge Documentary where I explain that UFOs are a big hoax to keep us in the dark about something even more important Link to my contact page to get in touch about the show Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
As well as exploring the Grace of God, we also look into why people are switching off the soap operas, and is AI part of the problem? How good people are duped into accepting dangerous technology like Elon Musk's neural links. The weaponisation of entertainment to drop people's vibration. Unpacking a dangerous spiritual assumption that many people make. We explore why some people reject love and react badly towards kindness. This leads to exploring the concept of 'possession' and how it links to ego. Then we turn things around and explain how we can sabotage our own lovingness, turning people off from the goodness available. We learn how to be loving in a more spiritual and higher way. We learn more about ego and power and a good way to deal with someone who is being aggressive, argumentative or trying to dominate you. The next question explores feelings and emotions; are they good or bad? Next the topic of Grace and God is explored. How do miracles happen and can we be more graceful? The trap that spiritual people might fall into, which will take you in the wrong direction. Finally we explore love from the perspective of Jesus, God and how to spread love in the world. Links to things mentioned in this podcast: Episode 13 talking about ChatGPT and AI A video I made about ChatGPT previously The Chosen TV Series In this podcast episode I discuss the spiritual symbology in the film The Matrix which you can also watch as a video on Rumble (hint it's towards the end of the show) The podcast Ep.010 where we discuss a spiritual way to react to something dark on TV (e.g. Bambi Thug) which you can watch on Rumble as a video Podcast Ep.002 discussing people talking in tongues, also as a video here The books I am writing, and a mailing list to be alerted when they are published Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
Coming up: Six ways to avoid the conspiracy theory trap and how to gracefully explore the truth as a spiritual person. Join me as we explore how God's love is different from the love between two people. Parental love is NOT unconditional. How life is about ups and downs and how to actually grow spiritually. The only thing you have any choice about. Head versus heart and the importance of intention. How Jesus inspired people and why he still does. A spiritual delve into the topic of Artificial Intelligence Elon Musk's "Telepathy" and Neural Link projects and other technology brain augmentation projects. I also discuss how avoiding using AI is important if you care about authenticity and being human, and how using AI could actually damage your spiritual growth. Related resources, articles and podcasts: We covered a lot in this episode and below are links to various things mentioned: The paperback book "Spiritual Life Explained" and the freely available podcast part 3 on "health and healing" More resources discussing Love from a spiritual perspective Link to part 4 of the podcast on "being holistic" and the Spiritual Life Explained book. Also available as a video on Rumble and YouTube Episode 1 where I discuss how and why your children chose you Previous episodes on northern lights: Ep.010 and Ep.011 Link to Radiation Research Article 2020 The article on "Faith in God" a non-religious, spiritual perspective The video where Mark Zaretti interviews ChatGPT The Stonehenge Documentary Caveat on the law of manifesting: I forgot to mention why The Law of Manifesting (Law of Attraction) is dangerous. Here's a link to the article about this, includes video and podcasts Mark Zaretti's comment on a LinkedIn post about adding a technological 4th layer to our brains The podcast for the live show, which is also on Spotify and other podcast libraries Bonus Material In this podcast I mentioned six things I do to avoid getting lost down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. I'm not saying that conspiracy theories are false, but I'm saying that getting lost in them doesn't help you spiritually grow. As an aide memoir here's are the six things listed out: (the order is unimportant) How does this topic make me feel? What am I being encouraged to believe? What is the attitude? What are they trying to steer us away from? What would Jesus do? Take it to the highest principal Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
We use the analogy of a ratchet spanner and nuts and bolts to explain spiritual growth over many lifetimes. Why spiritual vigilance is vital and how this life really does matter. Rachel shares a powerful testimonial about experiencing going home to God. How being here in life doesn't feel right because of separation from God. How to align our lives with God. Understanding power and the abuse of power. The soul and love. Next we explore a picture of Jesus and how those who are dark have manipulated our understanding of the past to misdirect us. Investigating hand signals, mudras and dark energies. We close with a positive spiritual reminder. For links visit the website. Links to resources mentioned in the show. Spiritual Life Explained paperback The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening podcast episodes: #44 Spiritual Life Explained – Part 1 – Overcoming Belief with Experience #45 Spiritual Life Explained – Part 2 – Free Will #46 Spiritual Life Explained – Part 3 – Health and Healing #47 Spiritual Life Explained – Part 4 – Being Holistic Videos about Love The Stonehenge documentary The Cathar Priest on Wiki Episode 11 Which mentions the Aurora Borealis Article on the spiritual dangers of drugs Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
We explore if someone's impending death can lead them to enlightenment. How life is like a school day. How should a spiritual person approach their death? The role of faith during death as well as in life. If God is our "father" then is mother nature our mother? How "Long term" symptoms of viral infections might be caused by something unseen. More about the energy released by Northern Lights and its effect on you. Why I say "you can handle the truth". How the effect of negative energy depends on your own level of goodness (or badness). A spiritual reality-check on the topics of numerology and astrology. The battle of good versus evil is a battle over your beliefs! A deep dive into the soul journey versus the spiritual journey. Understanding more about the connection between enlightenment and God. Links to resources mentioned in the show: Episode 10 podcast and on Rumble The book that explains about spiritual life. Also available as a four part series of podcasts. Spiritual Faith in God as an article, video and podcast More about the books that I'm writing Stonehenge Documentary You Can handle the Truth T Shirt Episode 7 in which we discuss numerology Spiritual Astrology article "I'm Sorry that Might not be Spiritual" article also available as a podcast | YouTube video | Rumble video . The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening Podcast Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
We start by discussing justice and injustice in our lives and how to cope from a spiritual perspective. Next I discuss the "Northern Lights" also known as Aurora Borealis which was seen over Kent, UK on the night of the 10th May 2024. I explain how there is technology (weapons like HAARP) on the physical plane capable of creating localised Aurora Borealis phenomena, such as in Japan, just before the tsunami. But then I share spiritual insights into the higher dimensional 'natural' cause of these lights in the sky. Then I talk about what happened in places like Ashford, Margate, and Deal. Next we tackle the difficult situation of 'end of life' and how to navigate it spiritually. Should we be neutral and what is a spiritual way of being around people who are dying? Understanding how emotions are not necessarily a good thing and why some people can't get over the loss of another person. Why people may spiral into negative moods. A discussion about why someone was traumatised by Bambi Thug's Eurovision Song Contest performance, which they found demonic and dark, which led to a deep discussion about how to protect oneself from the effects of evil in our lives and on TV. This leads on to "How we can help others who have been effected by watching such dark or evil things?". Why it might be that you watching dark or evil things like Bambi Thug, can attract the presence of dark beings. What you should do if you encounter evil or darkness in your environment. Then we look at the topic of hope and how is it that you can have more hope. I share my own insights and approach to having more hope in life. Then we look at a scene from a Thor movie in which Thor battles against Hela his sister. I unravel the spiritual symbology and inspiration, revealing important life lessons. Ultimately I talk about the strength that comes from having God in your life. Related Resources Here's links to things mentioned in the podcast: Stonehenge: Into the Light - Spiritual Documentary The Thor versus Hela movie clip Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
A spiritual perspective on cancer disease and how cancer disease might be spiritually healed, or not. Calling all artists! We discuss how creativity can express spiritual truth, and why certain art profoundly touches your heart. Understanding the dynamic nature of faith. Spiritual inspiration and hidden meaning in the movie "The Matrix" with Keano Reeves. Related links: Here are links to some of the articles and resources mentioned in the podcast: The Chosen by Angel Studios The "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" Podcast The "Spiritual Faith in God" podcast #48 Here's a youtube video in which they discuss how J D Rockefeller created the pharmaceutical industry When I said "the other person" from another spiritual group, here's the podcast (Ep.003) discussing that I mention about "people talk about manifesting" and there's an important article/video discussing "Manifestation work" More information about the four books which I am currently working on Ep.005 video in which the number 6 is discussed Link to the film "The Matrix" Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark
Understand the spiritual meaning of procrastination. Prayer versus intention. What happens if a spiritual person moves to a non-spiritual place? Also learn why procrastination might actually be spiritually damaging. How to make a wise choice and when to trust God. "The process is the journey". Why Tarot readings might hold you back. Understanding the difference between intuition, instinct and guidance. Is "Woman's Intuition" real? Related Resources: A number of resources were mentioned in this podcast, so here's the links: Live Show Episode 007 Scientific papers referencing prayer and healing. Live Show Episode 006 Spiritual Awakening Podcast #25 “What is Spiritual Maturity and How do You Develop It?” The Stonehenge Spiritual Documentary Article on Faith in God Spiritual Awakening Podcast #23 "How can we overcome problems in the world?" Ask a question Episode list Thank you for listening to this show. If you'd like more spiritual content then check out "The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening" podcast and visit where you'll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. - Mark