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The Wrong Kind Of Mad

Author: Keir Harding & Hollie Berrigan

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Hollie Berrigan and Keir Harding talk about issues associated with "personality disorder". With a variety of guests who are experts in the field, this is a wry look at the issues around this controversial diagnosis. It can be a bit sweary and we might discuss adverse experiences and self harm.
16 Episodes
Hollie and Keir remember to introduce themselves, think about the first documentary about "personality disorder" they are aware of being on national TV and lament that there was a lot of talk of madness and disorder and not enough 'natural responses to abuse'.
Hollie Berrigan and Keir Harding return for WKOM season two. It kicks off with some reflections around why there was a 2 year gap between episodes before leaping in to the rights and wrongs of using a BPD diagnosis for children. The attempt to see things from both sides is largely a failure. If you want to add your name to a letter saying children shouldn't be diagnosed than do so here: Do get in touch at
Keir and Hollie introduce themselves as the hosts of The Wrong Kind of Mad Podcast.  While we don't mention it, the diagnosis of Personality Disorder is sometimes described in this way.  It is sometimes seen as too complex for some services while others will decline to help people who have that diagnosis.  While we quite liked the title, it also won a poll on twitter to be the official monicker of the project.  This is us.  Hope you join us for more. 
On a day where radio 4 do a program on Mental Health rehab units And the BIGSPD out of area placement report comes out This is Keir & Hollie talking about their experience of "specialist" personality disorder placements.  The best/worst guests so far?  Let us know! 
MBT is one of the few therapies with an evidence base for those diagnosed with "personality disorder".  In this episode co-creator of MBT Anthony Bateman talks about the therapy, how it works and who it is supposed to help while dispelling some myths about the therapy.  Anthony talks with a lot of expertise and and compassion on the subject and we both really enjoyed this interview.   His writing is very accessible and this book is a must read for all those interested in this area.  Enjoy and let us know what you think -, @wrongkindofmad on twitter and instagram and we're on Facebook, but we never use it.  Keep in touch!
Reflecting on the second (and last) day of the British Personality Disorder Conference, we consider the future of the term personality disorder, the presentation of a family whose daughters died by suicide calling for earlier diagnosis and we talk of the impact of racism in society and services.  Why are personality disorder services predominantly white?  Why do black people pick up different labels, more often in criminal justice services rather than mental health ones?   Big trigger warning for this podcast as it considers themes around abuse and suicide.  It's also got the heaviest feel of any of the episodes we have done thus far.  
Our first ever live episode.  Keir and Hollie are joined by Nurse Lecturer Dan Warrender as they reflect on the first day of the BiGSPD conference.  They are joined by Oliver Dale and Julia Blazdell - the BIGSPD co presidents, Sheena Dean, Tulane Chiarletti and Vanessa Jones.  Covering topics such as systemic racism, coercive care, SIM, out of are placements and the old favourite what are we doing telling people their personalities are disordered, this is a whistle stop tour of what in the conference stood out for us.   Its also the least 'produced' and most hastily edited.  Edited might be a strong word here.  Enjoy :-)
For decades Sue Sibbald has fought to improve the experience of those who get the diagnosis of personality disorder.  She started the popular Sunday night peer support session #BPDchat on twitter and co chaired the consensus statement on 'personality disorder' which called for the label to be abandoned.  You can read the consensus statement here: Sue talking about the consensus statement on the BBC is here: Sue has written a chapter in a recent book about these issues.  We cannot recommend the book highly enough and hope to have a few more of the chapter authors on the podcast soon.  You can get it here: Keep in touch with us on twitter @wrongkindofmad, Instagram @wrongkindofmad or email
Another episode where we learned a lot!  Peter talks about the problems with the personality disorder diagnosis and argues for a different way of categorising distress.  Clearly passionate about the topic, Peter wonders if we can respond to suffering without labelling people as ill.  See what you think.  Do like, rate and subscribe to the podcast.  If you can share it on social media we really appreciate it.  Share your feedback with us on @wrongkindofmad on twitter and instagram, find the page we never use on Facebook or email Peter is professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Liverpool, and an honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Mersey Care NHS Trust. His most recent publications are: A Manifesto for Mental Health: Why We Need a Revolution in Mental Health Care A Prescription for Psychiatry: Why We Need a Whole New Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing. Palgrave Macmillan, London. [A Prescription for PsychiatryA Prescription for Psychiatry. New Laws of Psychology: Why Nature and Nurture Alone Can't Explain Human Behaviour. Constable & Robinson, London. [ ]. He recently launched a free, online, open-access course exploring our understanding of mental health and well-being. [ ].
If you're at all interested in the diagnosis of "Personality Disorder" there's some essential information in here about the changes coming in once ICD-11 is adopted in January.  EUPD (and all the other types of personality disorder will go.  Your diagnosis will now be Personality Disorder and rated as Severe, Moderate or Mild.  Mild has the same threshold as a diagnosis of personality disorder has now.  All this and more from Mike Crawford who was on the ICD-11 committee and is a professor at Imperial College London.   If you've got anything to let us know about the podcast please get in touch on Twitter @wrongkindofmad   Instagram @wrongkindofmad or email
Dr Lucy Johnstone is perhaps one of the most vocal campaigners for ways of describing distress that do not identify people as being ill or disordered.  As one of the authors of the Power Threat Meaning Framework, in this episode Lucy describes how the model came together and how it can be applied in society.  We also explore some of the polarities that arise when these issues are debated, particularly on social media.   Lucy is on Twitter - @clinpsychLucy Website of the PTMF Link for the PTMF book: The Drop the Disorder Facebook page: 
Viral Kantaria - @ViralKMH on twitter - is a senior program manger in NHS England and the person who seems to have his finger on the pulse around how services are changing.  There is money to be spent, there are staff to be trained and improvements are expected.  Great to hear Viral talk about how the term 'personality disorder' is seen as a problematic way to define people and how people with lived experience are seen as key to helping services work better.  Keep in touch with us on twitter @wrongkindofmad, Instagram @wrongkindofmad or email
As a member of parliament and member of the coalition government, Norman Lamb was one of the few (the only?) politicians to mention the term 'personality disorder, let alone chair a commission about it.  Norman listened to people who had been given this diagnosis and co-authored the Consensus Statement - A paper calling for the term personality disorder to be abandoned, for better services for people given this label and a more compassionate approach to those who had lived through awful experiences.  A champion of human rights, Norman has campaigned against long detentions in private psychiatric hospitals.  His contribution towards the welfare of people given this diagnosis is greatly missed in parliament.   We really enjoyed this episode.  You can read the consensus statement here: Do like, subscribe and give us feedback via, @wrongkindofmad on instagram and twitter.  Enjoy. 
Hollie and Keir talk to Christine Dunkley, one of the lead DBT trainers in the UK.  DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) is the one therapy specifically mentioned in the NICE guidelines for "BPD".  We talk about what DBT is and isn't, how phone contact works, the Stepford Wives and some of the issues that arise from DBT being delivered in ways that don't fit with what's in the manual.  We really enjoyed this one.   Christine has a book out that we highly recommend.  You can get it here   Its a great guide for helping manage pain and intense emotion, rather than just trying to distract from them.  If you're enjoying the podcast let us know on twitter @wrongkindofmad, instagram @thewrongkindofmad or email If you're hating it tell us that too.  
Joel Paris is a Canadian psychiatrist and eminent researcher in the field of "personality disorder".  He is probably the most vocal advocate of the idea that those with a BPD diagnosis should not be admitted to hospital.  We explore this view with Joel, whether his research is quoted accurately and what he feels is helpful for those who get this diagnosis.   Joel's most recent book is here Let us know what you think of this episode or anything else that you want to tell us.  You can find us @wrongkindofmad on twitter, The Wrong Kind of Mad Podcast on Facebook, something similar on instagram or email at  Like, review and subscribe :-)
In the first ever recording of The Wrong Kind of Mad podcast we talk to Actress, Broadcaster and Activist Nicola Thorpe about her experiences of "BPD" & mysogyny.  Nicola is one of the few people in the public eye who openly talks about identifying with BPD and we had a great discussion around diagnosis, integrity and the pathologising of fiesty women.  You can read Nicola's regular columns in the Metro and she is active on twitter @nicolathorp_ (note the underscore at the end) and instagram @missnicolathorp You can find Hollie and Keir on twitter @keirwales & @Hoppypelican and Instagram @keirhardingOT and @themainoffender and Keir is on Facebook - Keir Harding OT You can find Keir and Hollies writing at & www. Contact us as above or twitter @wrongkindofmad or