The Zeitgeist

The Zeitgeist delves into topics affecting Germany, the United States, and the transatlantic relationship. Hosted by American-German Institute President Jeff Rathke, the show welcomes guests from the policy, academic, and think tank communities, as well as in-house AGI experts. Produced by the American-German Institute at Johns Hopkins University.

Episode 107: Interpreting the European Parliament Elections

From June 6 to 9, citizens across the European Union’s 27 member states voted for the 720 seats in the European Parliament. The center-right had the strongest result, with the …


Episode 106: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and the Economy

On this episode of The Zeitgeist, guest host Dr. Eric Langenbacher speaks with two participants of the AGI exchange program, “Building LGBTQ+ Communities in Germany and the United States.” Simon …


Episode 105: Steadfast, Capable, and Ready: An Address by H.E. Boris Pistorius, German Minister of Defense

In this special episode of The Zeitgeist, we are sharing German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius’ address at an event hosted by AGI and Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced …


Episode 104: Germany Grapples with a World of Fragile Security

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 forced Germany’s government and public to think urgently about the threats to their security. Dr. Christian Mölling joins The Zeitgeist to discuss how …


Episode 103: Elections and the European Economy

Elections in Europe and the United States this year could have significant impacts on the European economy. The outcomes will influence how the transatlantic partners address the challenge from China …


Episode 102: The Trends Driving Europe’s Future

Every four years, the U.S. National Intelligence Council publishes its Global Trends report, an unclassified document that seeks to assess the key factors that shape the strategic environment for the …


Episode 101: Germany and the United States in an American Election Year

German Ambassador to the United States Andreas Michaelis joins The Zeitgeist podcast to discuss the state of the German-American relationship, how Germany is working with its key partners in Europe …


Episode 100: The Enduring Allure of Weimar Music and Culture

Max Raabe & the Palast Orchester have been playing the music of and inspired by the 1920s and 30s for almost forty years, to enormous success in Germany and internationally. …


Episode 99: Transatlantic Risks in 2024

2024 will be a year of crisis and change—the Russian aggression against Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East and Africa; the continuing effects of climate change; and the biggest election …


Episode 98: 2023 in Review

2023 was a tumultuous year in German politics and foreign policy. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government is polling at record lows following a series of unpopular policies and setbacks in …


Episode 97: LGBTQ+ Spaces, Public Art, and Memory

Public memorials have many functions: honoring victims, acknowledging history, or symbolizing values. After the 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the site was transformed into an …


Episode 96: The United States and Germany in a Shifting Global Order

The international order built by the United States after World War II is under strain, and the consensus about America’s role that used to unite U.S. political leaders and the …


Episode 95: German Security Policy’s Balancing Act

Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller joins this episode of The Zeitgeist to discuss Germany, transatlantic defense, and the West’s response to today’s challenging security order. Are Germany and the United States doing …


Episode 94: The German-Israeli Relationship Following the October 7 Terror Attacks

On October 7, Hamas terrorists carried out a surprise attack that killed 1,400 people—the deadliest day in Israel’s history. Over 200 people remain hostages. One of the first foreign leaders …


Episode 93: Sahra Wagenknecht Tries to Shake Up German Politics with a New Party

On October 23, one of Germany’s most popular politicians Sahra Wagenknecht announced that she would leave the Left Party and form a new political party. The “Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance” (BSW) …


Episode 92: State Elections in Bavaria and Hesse

Two German Länder elected their state parliaments on Sunday, October 8: Bavaria and Hesse. In both states, it appears that the current coalitions will continue, led by center-right parties (the …


Episode 91: After the Zeitenwende: Is Germany’s Military Measuring Up?

Dr. Eva Högl is the German Bundestag’s Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, assisting the Parliament in their oversight of the German military. She is working to ensure that everyone …


Episode 90: A Fragmenting Global Economic System?

The multilateral economic order is in crisis. The WTO no longer has the final word on trade issues, the IMF and World bank have lost market share as lenders, and …


Episode 89: Forty Years of Anticipating Trends

Dr. Jill McGovern has been involved with AGI since the idea for it came about in 1981. As part of our AGI at Forty series, Dr. McGovern reflects on how …


Episode 88: The Geoeconomic Evolution of Germany and AGI

On this episode of the Zeitgeist, guest host Dr. Eric Langenbacher, Senior Fellow and Director of the Society, Culture & Politics Program, continues our AGI at Forty podcast series with …


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