Time For Impact Podcast

Promoting and celebrating innovation and ground-breaking ideas and practice in the volunteering profession. Each episode we invite special guests to share their learning and creative ideas so we can all push the boundaries and drive the profession to new levels.

Episode 17 - Michael Phillips, Head of Volunteering at Crisis

We were delighted to be joined on the Time For Impact Podcast by Michael Phillips, Head of Volunteering at the great homelessness charity Crisis. Crisis have some really exciting and truly ambitious plans to work in collaboration with the communities in which homelessness exists, with business, government and other charities to end homelessness in the UK. They recognise that they cannot do it alone as an organisation nor as a staff body and that they need to be the convenors of a coalition of people united behind this shared purpose. You can read more about their strategy here https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/plan-to-end-homelessness/ More information on volunteering at Crisis can be found here https://www.crisis.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer/ In the midst of the discussion we reference the ‘Time to Change’ - you can read about them here https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/about-us We mentioned the social media backlash to supermarkets selling Halloween costumes that stigmatise people with mental health issues. You can read more about that here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24278768#:~:text=Supermarket%20chains%20Tesco%20and%20Asda,its%20%22psycho%20ward%22%20outfit As always we hope you enjoy the podcast. Please do follow us wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like what you hear, please give us a nice rating, and tell your colleagues about our show. We would really appreciate that. We are always interested in ideas for future guests or subjects so do contact us via www.TimeForImpact.co.uk with suggestions and feedback. And remember Time for Impact can always help you with your strategic volunteer thinking and demonstrating the impact of volunteering. We’d love to hear from you.


Episode 16 - The Digital in Volunteering Toolkit with Gethyn Williams

In this episode of the Time for Impact podcast Chris and Matt discuss the newly released ‘Digital in Volunteering Toolkit’ with Gethyn Williams. The new toolkit is a useful tool for new and experienced volunteering professionals alike and completely free. So we think it is precisely the kind of innovation that fellow professionals may wish to hear more about.  In our usual style of course, we delve beyond the immediate practicality of the toolkit itself and muse upon future needs and developments. We hope you enjoy the discussion! Read more about the Toolkit: https://teamkinetic.co.uk/blog/2024/12/digital-in-volunteering-toolkit-launch/ Watch the Digital in Volunteering launch back in full:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtTzfH_W6kg Download the Toolkit and join the Community of Practice:  https://volunteermanagers.org.uk/resources/uncategorized/digital-in-volunteering-toolkit/?utm_source=teamkinetic&utm_medium=blog


Episode 15 - Rob Jackson, Helen Timbrell and Chris Wade - HR and Volunteering - Realising Potential

On Friday 15th November 2024, Chris Wade, Helen Timbrell and Rob Jackson held a unique event kindly hosted by the National Trust at their HQ in Swindon. The event, started to address the long evolving trend of volunteering functions being housed in combined People functions of HR and Volunteering professionals. We felt that the sector discussion on this is long-overdue. HR professionals are increasingly asked to take on such leadership roles or work in combined teams, often without much in the way of support or preparation, and less still in terms of helping exploring the many possible options for integration. This sometimes leads to disgruntled volunteering and HR teams jockeying for space and influence, and sometimes difficult change programmes without an understanding of the benefits and challenges of volunteering. Our approach was and remains to provide a supportive environment to help HR professionals gain insight into some of the challenges, context and skillsets needs related to developing volunteering. We recognised that there are many and varied ways of exploring the benefits or otherwise of integration, and we felt that this could be the beginning of building a supportive network to help people professionals on this potentially new journey. We feel that such a supportive environment will help HR and volunteer professionals alike and ultimately our volunteers and our causes too. So, in this podcast, able chaired by Matt, Rob, Helen and Chris explore reflections on the day, implications for the sector and possible next steps on this journey. I hope you find the discussion stimulating. Please leave your thoughts in the comments or contact us direct at podcast@TimeForImpact.co.uk . We are sure this debate will continue. Chris Wade In the podcast we reference Rob and Helen's 2023 podcast conversation on Advancing the Profession. You can access that here.... https://open.spotify.com/episode/3K76Eh90TYEg4mGXwxffvC?si=XwrVEyCwQtybDW0vJXSg3g https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/season-2-episode-4-helen-timbrell/id1556641117?i=1000606011872 There is mention of my article on curating volunteer experiences that you access here.... https://www.timeforimpact.co.uk/blogs/our-blogs/dont-manage-curate


Episode 14 - parkrun - Carol Cunningham, Global Head of Volunteering

Both Matt and I are big fans of Parkrun; not just the running but the volunteering too. We've long been impressed at their simple yet efficient, well organised and inclusive volunteering happens with a relatively small staffing body. To get the inside track on how Parkrun grew from a small local running event to a global phenomena this is essential listening. You will learn about how volunteering grew as an integral part of Parkrun, and about the culture and values that drive this amazing organisation. The aim of this podcast series is to capture and share interesting activity across volunteering; so that we can all learn and constantly improve our practice. This episode is a great example of that. If you'd like Time for Impact to help you review, develop or improve your volunteering practice and strategy, or help you demonstrate the value and impact your volunteers deliver please do reach out to us via our www.TimeForImpact.co.uk and we can offer a range of consulting, mentoring and learning solutions. Chris Wade


Episode 13 - Corporate Volunteering - Kishma Smithurst - Volunteering Lead - Wellcome

For those exploring corporate or employee volunteering this is a must-listen episode. Kishma is responsible for employee volunteering across Wellcome, one of the richest charities in the world, and a significant employer in the UK. Wellcome's ethos and culture means that they see employee volunteering as a key ingredient of staff wellbeing. Tune in to hear a perspective from an employer, about what we need to do to partner effectively with them to build successful partnership between our causes and their employees. In the episode Matt quotes some statistics about skills based volunteering. These comes from https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesnonprofitcouncil/2024/03/06/volunteering-a-proven-way-to-improve-employee-well-being/ To read more about Wellcome go to https://wellcome.org/ Enjoy the episode.


Episode 12 - Janet Thorne CEO of Reach Volunteering

Janet Thorne CEO of Reach Volunteering joined Chris and Matt to discuss how Reach Volunteering has had enormous success recently in recruiting volunteers where others have struggled. We discuss their citizenship focussed approach to recruitment and involvement. We really encourage you to read Reach and Janet's writing on these subjects. Links provided below. #ChangeTheStory campaign https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/changethestory #ChangeTheStory bloghttps://reachvolunteering.org.uk/blog/let-s-change-story #VolunteerForClimatehttps://reachvolunteering.org.uk/volunteer-for-climate Please also do take a look at our own website and see the range of work we provide beyond this podcast. https://www.timeforimpact.co.uk/ We always welcome feedback on the podcast and are seeking ideas of guests that we should interview. Please get in touch via the website. Don't forget to follow to ensure you never miss an episode.


Episode 11 - Maddy Mills, CEO , Family Volunteering Club

Matt Cobble and Chris Wade speak with Maddy Mills from the Family Volunteering Club. https://www.familyvolunteeringclub.co.uk/about We discuss; Why there are so few family volunteering opportunities / the missed opportunity. How to make volunteering more child and family friendly The importance of building a habit of volunteering Volunteering building link with local communities. How to make volunteering safe but managing rather than avoiding risk. Demonstrating impact. Creating fabulous volunteering experiences and above all the joy of family volunteering On a completely different note....... Rob Jackson, Helen Timbrell and Chris Wade are planning a great event for HR professionals who are increasingly taking on responsibility for volunteering. Realising Potential: Collaboration and Integration in  HR and Volunteering A one day event for HR professionals working in People functions with integrated approaches to HR and volunteering. Are you new to working alongside or with volunteering professionals? Has your organisation merged HR and volunteering and you’re exploring how to make the most of this new structure? Is your organisation considering this as an option and you’re keen to learn from others? Are you simply volunteering curious? Do you want to learn from others working in the same context? Join us for an interactive, supportive and collaborative day to share experiences and best practices and build new connections. 9.30am - 4.30pm, Friday November 15 2024 National Trust, Swindon To express an interest email Helen@HelenTimbrell.com Please do pass the news to your HR colleagues and your CEO.


Episode 10 - David Coles, London School of Economics Part 2

We hope you enjoyed part one of our student volunteering special with David Coles, from the LSE? Well, here is part 2. Enjoy! As always do get in touch with us via our website to suggest future guests and tell us what you thought of the episode. www.TimeForImpact.co.uk


Episode 9- David Coles from London School of Economics part 1

Part one of a conversation with David Coles from the LSE. ideal for those involving students in their volunteer activity Please follow to receive future episodes and be sure to catch part two soon.


Episode 8 - Ashley Staines CEO of Volunteero and Doug Ayres of EBM.AI part two

The second part of our insightful conversation with Ashley Staines and Doug Ayres. We discuss how digital solutions can be leading or enabling innovation on volunteering thinking. We explore the role of digital in helping us develop marketing and customer insight led solutions to the challenges volunteering professionals face. We examine the myths and stereotypes about generational divides in adoption of digital solutions and we look to the future for AI solutions to revolutionise volunteering in the future. Above all we discuss how entrepreneurial thinking and insights from outside the sector can help us reimagine what volunteering can do.


Episode 7 - Ashley Staines CEO of Volunteero and Doug Ayres MD of EBM Part One

Part one of our conversation with two great thinkers in the charity and volunteering tech space with customers across the world. In part one we explore why they are focusing their digital entrepreneurship on volunteering, the drivers and barriers to volunteering organisations investing in the digital tools that can enhance our practice, the importance of data and customer insights in volunteering, and much more. Be sure to follow our podcast and don't miss out on an even better part two in a few days time. We did have a few issues with sound on this podcast but the content is so rich that we did not want you to miss out on the great conversation, i hope you agree it is well worth it. To read more about our speakers head to https://www.volunteero.org/ and https://ebm.ai/ To find out more about how Time For Impact volunteering consultancy can help you transform volunteering strategy and practice check out our website at www.TimeForImpact.co.uk , we'd love to hear from you. If you have suggestions for future guests, please also contact us via the website. Enjoy


Episode 6 - Rachel Gegeshidze, CEO from Tempo

Matt and Chris speak with Rachel Gegeshidze, CEO of Tempo about her organisation's community engagement building successes in the UK, through their time credits programme. You can read more about Tempo's work here https://wearetempo.org/ Please do check out the Time for Impact Webpage here to see how we can help your volunteering activities thrive. www.TimeForImpact.co.uk We are always interested in new guests for the podcast. Do get in touch with suggestions and feedback via our website.


Episode 5, Amy Stow from Shift.MS

In this episode Matt and Chris meet with Amy Stow from Shift.Ms to discuss their innovative charity for people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We talk about the special co-productive approach the charity takes as a charity by MSers for MSers. We talk about how the charities roots in digital and creative industries shapes their work differently to some other charities, and above all we discuss their groundbreaking volunteering model called 'The Energy' Here are some useful links The buddy network https://shift.ms/the-buddy-network Volunteer / energy pages https://shift.ms/get-involved/volunteer The Energy handbook we discuss https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RH1_rTittgdljZIRaGAlX8oJ88CpRmSr/view Their amazing films https://shift.ms/films or and of course the Time for Impact website www.timeforimpact.co.uk Hope you enjoy Chris


Episode 4 - UK General Election Special

In this episode Chris and Matt discuss their hopes and expectations from politicians seeking our votes in the forthcoming elections in the UK - with a volunteering focus of course. We share our thoughts on what we'd like to see in manifestos and create a shortlist of our own. A few links of interest for you. The NCVO election guides for charities and the Voluntary Sector Manifesto https://www.ncvo.org.uk/get-involved/general-election-2024/ How to register to vote - be quick registration closes midnight on 18th June. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote?step-by-step-nav=ff81c31c-3282-49df-85a4-013887130110#:~:text=A%20General%20Election%20has%20been%20called,by%2011:59pm%20on%2018%20June%202024. Please do follow our podcast to ensure you get new episodes delivered to you. Please do get in touch with ideas for future episodes or to give feedback via podcast@timeforimpact.co.uk Do check out our website www.TimeForImpact.co.uk


Episode 3- Gemma Richards and Julia Manser - West Glamorgan Volunteering Support Project

We explore the experiences of Julia Manser and Gemma Richards from the West Glamorgan Volunteering Support Project on their experiences of getting local partners to collaborate over the planning of volunteering. In particular we explore their efforts to build more fliud passporting between agencies to enable volunteers to support multiple agencies. You can read more about their work here https://www.westglamorgan.org.uk/wgvs/ Do check out their resources and videos. If you want to suggest new guests for our podcast do please email us on podcast@timeforimpact.co.uk Please do follow the podcast to ensure you don't miss future episodes, and please do rate us if you can. We'd really appreciate that. To find out more about consultancy and training solutions from Time for Impact please go to www.TimeForImpact.co.uk


Time For Impact Podcast, Episode 2, Matthew Hick Part Two

The second part of our conversation with Matt Hick, Head of Volunteering at the Science Museum Group and Chair of Heritage Volunteering Group.


Time For Impact Podcast, Episode 1, Matthew Hick part one

In this part one of two episodes to kick off the Time For Impact Podcast we hear from Matthew Hick, Head of Volunteering of the Science Museum Group and Chair of the Heritage Volunteering Group. Do check out the Heritage Volunteering site and youtube channel https://heritagevolunteeringgroup.org.uk/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWv49rsHge9lQJZ3yAKja1A We also discuss ways to track success of impact and diversity work and listeners will find these links we mentioned useful; https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/english-indices-of-deprivation https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council Most of all do check out our own Time For Impact website www.TimeForImpact.co.uk Please subscribe to hear new episodes as we release them let us know if podcast ideas via podcast@timeforimpact.co.uk


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