Episode 11 - Maddy Mills, CEO , Family Volunteering Club
Matt Cobble and Chris Wade speak with Maddy Mills from the Family Volunteering Club.
We discuss;
- Why there are so few family volunteering opportunities / the missed opportunity.
- How to make volunteering more child and family friendly
- The importance of building a habit of volunteering
- Volunteering building link with local communities.
- How to make volunteering safe but managing rather than avoiding risk.
- Demonstrating impact.
- Creating fabulous volunteering experiences
- and above all the joy of family volunteering
On a completely different note.......
Rob Jackson, Helen Timbrell and Chris Wade are planning a great event for HR professionals who are increasingly taking on responsibility for volunteering.
Realising Potential: Collaboration and Integration in HR and Volunteering
A one day event for HR professionals working in People functions with integrated approaches to HR and volunteering.
Are you new to working alongside or with volunteering professionals?
Has your organisation merged HR and volunteering and you’re exploring how to make the most of this new structure?
Is your organisation considering this as an option and you’re keen to learn from others?
Are you simply volunteering curious?
Do you want to learn from others working in the same context?
Join us for an interactive, supportive and collaborative day to share experiences and best practices and build new connections.
9.30am - 4.30pm, Friday November 15 2024
National Trust, Swindon
To express an interest email Helen@HelenTimbrell.com
Please do pass the news to your HR colleagues and your CEO.