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Twin Flame Truth

Author: Elle Hari

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Twin Flame Truth is dedicated to helping listeners sift through all of the myths, misconceptions and untruths about the twin flame journey. Once you resonate with the truth, you will be able to advance along in your twin flame journey, so you can achieve true self-love and abundance and, ultimately, reunite with your twin flame. Your soul led you here for a reason. You are ready for the truth.
61 Episodes
Are you spending more time alone than usual, lately? Do you find yourself lonely without other people to provide you with love, peace and comfort? This season of isolation is the perfect opportunity to learn to love yourself completely and wholly, to enjoy your own company, without the need of approval from anyone else. The more you love yourself, the more you love your Twin Flame and thus draw them to you like a magnet.    Too many people are afraid to be alone. They forget that they are enough just as they are. No matter how many people you surround yourself with–including the physical form of your Twin Flame–no one can truly make us feel anything, good or bad. We are in charge of our own feelings and shouldn’t give anyone the power to define or fulfill us.    As Elle says on this latest episode, it’s time we all own our own shit. This is part of loving ourselves, and loving ourselves brings us closer to our Twin Flames.   Quotes  “Right now, you’re being given a gift from the Universe and your soul is being given a gift, and it’s a gift of solitude.”(4:02 | Elle) “Well, think about it: when you love someone, or you think you love someone, what do you want to do? You want to spend time with them. You love being with them. They’re enough. Just being with them is enough. That’s where you need to get with yourself. You feel whole and complete and have the best time ever just being with you.” (4:49 | Elle)  “That’s a very real fear for most people. Most people cannot be alone. And it’s because they don’t truly love themselves. They’re looking outside themselves to other people, constantly, for comfort, to feel good, for happiness.” (6:08 | Elle) “Everyone–everyone–is responsible for their own feelings, and it’s about time we all take responsibility for that and accountability and own our own shit. Because that’s loving yourself.” (7:33 | Elle)  “Because ultimately, what’s that doing? It’s giving away your power. That’s saying someone else has the power over you to cause you to feel comfortable, or happy, or angry, or pissed off. Why would you give your power away like that?” (7:59 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Have you found yourself isolated with more time to think and less time to spend with people? As a result, are your thoughts becoming more obsessive? If you are looking to stop those thoughts, then think again, Elle says. What you want to change is the energy behind the thoughts and the stories that your fear-based energy attaches to them. Thoughts themselves are neutral, and can mean something different to you from one day to the next depending on the meaning you assign to it.    This is easier said than done, as some of our thoughts are deeply embedded in our subconscious and are attached to triggers, behavioral patterns, and stories. The stories you attach to the physical embodiment of your Twin Flame–examples of which Elle shares here, including one from her own life–will keep you apart from each other.    To clear up the fog that obsessive thoughts create between the two of you, you must practice the opposite of that fog, which is  truth and love, to make things clear. Join Elle in today’s episode to learn how to do it!   Quotes  “You’re not supposed to stop your thoughts. It’s not about stopping something because you don’t want to resist it. What you resist, persists. What it’s really about is sitting there and being aware of your thoughts.” (4:16 | Elle)  “If you ever take an actual ball of snow, a little tiny one in your hand, and you roll it around  on the ground, it gets bigger and bigger, it just collects more snow. That’s how your fear-based energy works. So, it starts with a factual thought that may appear to be the case, but then it adds a story to it that you don’t know is real, because it’s made up by your fear-based energy.” (7:14 | Elle)  “I know you’ve felt this way because I’ve felt this way: when you’re in the throes of your Twin Flame journey like this, it almost feels like you’re in a fog.” (9:21 | Elle) “Fear is cloudy; fear’s not clear. Truth is clear. Truth and love. They’re clear.” (9:42 | Elle) “So as you do all those things, and as you lift the cloud for yourself, you’re lifting it for your Twin Flame as well.” (11:47 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Do you find yourself having an abundance of fearful thoughts lately? Are you dwelling on the negative more than usual? In today’s world, it’s almost impossible not to be bombarded by stressful imagery and messaging. Since they know it’s all very addictive, the media makes sure to keep it in steady rotation.    Elle is here to help, guiding you with simple exercises and suggestions to keep you centered and present, so that the fear-based energy in your mind doesn’t stand between you and your Twin Flame.  She’ll show you what to do with the thoughts that come up in your mind, and explain why it’s important not to dwell either in the present or the past. No one outside of you can create your feelings. The antidote to fear and fear-based thinking is to trust and love yourself completely.    As Elle explains in this episode, sometimes being out of your mind is a good thing. She reveals the one thing you must do for any of the other steps to work and recommends one of the best books on the topic of living presently.    Quotes  “As anyone on the Twin Flame journey knows, fear-based energy is highly addictive, and like all energy, its natural inclination is to grow and expand. That’s what it’s meant to do.” (4:39 | Elle)  “The media companies and the news outlets, they’ve always known that fear is addictive and that’s why they prey on it.” (5:50 | Elle) “You want to temper yourself from going forward or backward, and just really try to be present for a while. Fear cannot live in the present.” (11:22 | Elle) “Let the thoughts just float on by. It’s OK. They don’t mean anything; they aren’t real. They’re created in your mind which is run and controlled by what?---Your fear-based energy.” (13:04 | Elle)  “Trust and believe that your soul is orchestrating everything in your life. Because it is, and it’s doing it for a reason, even if your mind doesn’t know what that reason is.” (16:07 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Are you using the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want? Is it working the way you want it to?   In this episode, Elle explains why manifesting techniques can hinder you, and will never be as powerful, as letting everything you desire come to you freely by aligning with your soul. Your mind is fear-based and limited to your physical experience, she says. It cannot even conceive of what your soul can bring to you.   Popular manifesting techniques require that you stay in your head, focused on the past and worried about the future. Also, people usually do it when they are in a panicked or worried state. The soul energy, which is infinitely more powerful than the mind, requires that we stay in the present, recognizing that all things are possible.    Free will is not what we think it is, Elle explains. Join the conversation to hear her explain how to reconcile the Twin Flame Journey with intentional manifesting, and the best method to use to get what you most desire.    Quotes  “It’s interesting and yet backwards but people tend to want to manifest from a place of fear, when they realize that things are lacking or missing, or they feel a sense of things not being the way they want them, which is all fear-based thought. That’s when they actually look to intentionally manifest, usually. Of course, that’s the time when you really shouldn’t and that’s not going to work.” (3:43 | Elle) “Any sense of control it does feel is totally a false sense of control. It’s never in control. Think about it: your mind only exists for the whole of your lifetime, it’s not eternal, you don’t take it with you. It’s part of your physical reality and your physical existence. It’s not your soul, your soul is eternal.” (5:56 | Elle) “Your soul is a direct spark of source energy. Source energy–whatever you want to call it, the Universe, Source, God, Goddess, whatever— it is the ultimate creator. It created everything, everything that exists in the entire history of everything, everything in the entire cosmos. It invented the cosmos. It invented everything, it created everything. And so, your soul is a direct spark from that energy, so therefore, you are an ultimate creator.”  (6:39 | Elle)  “Your mind can’t even dream as big as what your soul can bring you.” (8:18 | Elle)  “‘Whatever thoughts are going through our heads, whatever we’d like to see show up in our physical world, if we’re worried about it, if we’re concerned about it, if we’re so focused on it that we can’t even find real, true peace about it in our life at all, unless we get it because it’s so in our head, that’s being in our mind and that’s being fear-based. And then if we try to intentionally create or manifest things from that space, with that energy, that’s just not being in alignment with our soul.” (16:35 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Do you know what you truly want in life? Are you on a journey toward what you’ve been conditioned to believe is success? Be prepared to be thrown right off course, Elle warns. As you move closer into alignment with your soul–your true self–you move closer to your true life’s purpose and your true desires. These are often different from those that you form in your mind, where your ego–and fear based energy–are stored. And it’s not just your career that will change–you’ll find yourself receiving your true desires in all aspects of your life.    And they will come with ease–because the soul will magnetize it all toward you. This is why it is so important to trust your soul-your true self. The mind and the ego will create resistance, and skepticism is normal. But to truly love yourself–your true self–means trusting yourself completely.    Elle’s own life and the life of her students have changed drastically as a result of their Twin Flame journey. She is one of many successful entrepreneurs  who contributed their story to the internationally bestselling book “Yes, I Can.” In this episode, she explains why this process holds the key to success in every area of your life.    Quotes  “The definition of success, what you might think you want or desire in life, what you might think is your definition of success—and always has been—it may very well change as you move along this journey.”(4:23 | Elle)  “I’m not saying everything you want now is not aligned with truth or is all fear-based—if you want world peace, that’s perfect and great–it’s different than that. You can desire and want the same things, but your “come-from” about it, your intention for it, is different.” (6:57 | Elle) “When you’re in alignment with your true self and your soul, your soul magnetizes in all your true desires to you, without your really having to do anything. You don’t have to plan in your mind how to get it. You don’t have to really go out and do anything. And when you do things, and you do take actions, they don’t feel like they’re actions, they don’t feel like they’re work. You don’t even have to think about how to do it, the answer just comes to you. It really is amazing and miraculous and I see it all the time with my students, and I am living proof of exactly why and how that happens.” (8:09 | Elle)  “That’s really the number one lesson of this journey, is to trust and believe in yourself, and by ‘self,’ of course, I mean ‘soul.’ (12:24 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Has your entire life been disrupted and overturned? After years of near-perfect success and smooth sailing, are your health, finances, career or other major areas of life suddenly falling apart? This is not only common, but, as Elle explains, quite a necessary part of the Twin Flame journey.    It’s an awakening, an alarm. Your soul is trying to get your attention. Physical pain and exhaustion are often signs of fear being alchemized into love. The more you align with your true self, the closer you come to your true desires and your true soul’s purpose. And this means your definition of success may not look the same as it used to.    Take heart knowing that you can never go backwards. The Twin Flame journey moves in only one direction: forward. Quotes  “Your soul is trying to get your attention. You cannot ignore this journey. And if you’re not going to pay attention to the more subtle signs that are going on–your soul just knows you, it is you—if it doesn’t wreak havoc or change or affect one or all areas of your life, then you might not notice. This really is an awakening. It has to wake you up.” (5:12 | Elle) “The point of pain–even physical pain–pain is a symptom. It’s not the actual cause or the problem. Pain is there as an alarm, an alert, an awakening to tell you, ‘Hey! This is going on. This hurts. So pay attention.’ It gets your attention and leads you to find out and discover what actually is the underlying cause of the pain.”  (5:43 | Elle) “In the realm of the soul, what you really feel the need to do is create. Your soul is a creative energy, we are creative beings.” (8:51 | Elle) “When you are in alignment with your soul and what your true soul’s purpose is, you’re in alignment with the universe. And that is the whole energetic space of pure potentiality, which includes everything that you ever truly desire.” (9:24 | Elle) “Change in and of itself is very painful for people because our fear based energy hates change. It feels like it’s losing control.” (10:48 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Are you at the mercy of your limiting beliefs? Do you place people and things into boxes, therefore limiting their possibilities? To live in the 3D world is to be surrounded by limitations. Our fear-based minds, desiring a false sense of control tend to name, label, and categorize things and people, declaring what they are and are not, and therefore boxing them in. Your soul, however, is limitless. In the soul realm everything is possible and there are no opposites of good or bad, right or wrong, is and is not.   Applying labels to yourself and others–even positive ones like “empath,”-- is harmful. It suggests that you are only empathetic and nothing else. Labeling your Twin Flame a narcissist suggests that they have only narcissistic traits, while you have none. In fact, we all have a combination of every trait living within us at any given time.    Whenever you find yourself labeling something or someone–including yourself–take a moment to pause. Remember, everything is possible and right in the realm of the soul.    Quotes  • “A limitation is anything that imposes some type of restriction, disbelief, impossibility, boxing, categorizing, or label. So basically, most things in the physical world are limiting–that includes words and definitions.” (3:16 | Elle) • “How can we be in alignment with our soul which knows no limits, which is limitless – if we are living with limitation, if we are believing in limitation?” (4:25 | Elle) • “We look at empirical data, scientific evidence, things of that nature to see, to validate if something is possible, or if something is right or wrong. But in the realm of the soul everything is right–everything is. It’s not right or wrong, it just is. In the realm of the soul where there are no limits, no physical data, anything and everything is possible.” (6:42 | Elle) • “If you say you’re an empath, for example, that means you’re saying that you’re never not empathetic. And remember, to say you’re always one thing and never another thing is a limitation.” (9:24 | Elle) • “There are no opposites in the realm of the soul. You just are, and you are everything. Everything, anything, all at once.” (9:57 | Elle)    Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Do you feel the need to do something to accelerate your Twin Flame journey? Do you feel anxious when you compare your journey to other people’s? This need to “do” is fear-based “push” energy, and has the opposite effect–it will actually impede your progress toward your Twin Flame. It is when you let go and stay present and put complete trust in your soul that you allow it to deliver you in perfect time to exactly where you need to be.    Despite what the mind will try to tell you, there is no prize to be won. You win by letting go, trusting your soul, as it is the only thing that is truly in control. Time is an illusion. The awareness of it comes from your fear-based mind. The soul–which is truly in control of everything– has no sense of beginning or end. When you find yourself frustrated, remember that everyone’s journey is different.    Quotes  • “Remember: when we feed our fear-based “push” energy, by believing it, by enacting what it wants us to do, then it just grows bigger, it pushes out farther and causes our Twin Flame to pull away farther.” (5:00 | Elle) • “Your soul is guiding you, perfectly. And your soul will bring you to exactly what you truly desire, your exact destiny, in divine perfect timing. All it takes is trust and belief in your soul.” (5:27 | Elle)  • “It has no sense of time. Every lifetime to your soul is just a second, an instant, a moment, because it just goes on forever. There is no end, there is no destination, there is no finality. (8:20 | Elle)  • “What is fast for one person is not as fast as for another. There’s no sense in comparing anything either, with anyone else. That’s also your fear-based “push” energy, wanting to make this a competition, because it looks at this as there’s a prize to win, being with your Twin Flame physically. But it can’t be like that.” (11:31 | Elle)  • “That’s the Twin Flame paradox: you have to really let go of the need or the want or the yearning or the longing, the physical desire of being with your Twin Flame in order to then be with them.” (13:37 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Are you trying to get the attention of your Twin Flame by looking them up or orchestrating a run-in with them? Or, by contrast, are you actively trying to avoid or ignore them? If you answered yes to either, you are in your “push” energy. And when you “push”, your Twin Flame inevitably “pulls”. This is a mutually manipulative dance in which you both vie for control.    Of course, any sense of control is false and fear-based. The mind, which is only part of your earth-based experience, is never actually in control. Control belongs to your soul, which is eternal through all lifetimes and everything in between.    The goal of the push/pull phenomenon is to learn to let go of this need to control, and to let your soul take over. When you do, miracles tend to happen.   Quotes  • “There’s a belief that knowledge is power. You Google things, you have a quest and a search and a curiosity for information about things. You want to know things. That’s all fine and perfect–as a human being with a mind, that’s what the mind does, but why does the mind do that? Because it feels like the more it knows, the more in control it is.” (5:31 | Elle) • "What the false sense of control gives the fear-based push/pull energy is a false sense of security. Your mind and your fear-based push/pull energy are never in control. Your soul is controlling everything, it’s orchestrating everything in your life, in every lifetime, between every lifetime. Your mind isn’t even there in between your lifetimes. You only get a mind when you come into physical form.” (6:35 | Elle)  • “The “push” energy feels like it’s in control by trying to get reactions and responses from the “pull” energy. The “pull” energy feels like it’s in control by focusing anywhere else but on the “push” energy.” (10:57 | Elle)  • “They’re both very manipulative. It’s a very manipulative game.” (11:23 | Elle) “You can’t let go of your Twin Flame. What you want to let go of is, pretty much, the wheel. Sit back and let go of trying to control your journey.” (14:11 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Do you practice a traditional religion? Are you trying to maintain ties to this religion while continuing on your Twin Flame journey? If so, chances are you are finding it quite difficult, much like trying to move forward while still being tethered to the ground. This is because the two pursuits are inherently contradictory: religion is trusting and believing something outside of yourself that is dictated by other people, while the Twin Flame journey’s mission is to teach you to trust and believe in yourself.    Religions were created in the mind, which means they’re fear-based. Love is fearless. As you continue to ascend on your Twin Flame journey, you learn to transmute fear into love. Rather than putting your faith in gods and goddesses, you begin to realize that we are our own gods and goddesses. We are omnipotent, infinite and indestructible.    Quotes  • “I call it an issue because religion itself goes against what we are doing, learning here in this journey, what this journey is all about.” (3:14 | Elle) • “Anything created in the mind is fear-based, and so religion was ultimately created from a fear-based perspective, from a fear-based energy in people’s minds.” (5:37 | Elle) • “The Twin Flame journey, it’s an awakening, it’s the first step of ascension, out of the fear-based paradigm of looking outside of ourselves for something to believe in, something to have faith in and realize that we are everything within. Our souls are everything. We are directly from Source.” (6:59 | Elle)  • “The church was there entwined with the government and used to oppress people, to keep people down, to keep building on and preying on their fear-based energy, on their fear of the devil or evil or whatever. And that helps keep people oppressed.” (9:57 | Elle) • “Now that you’re awakened to this journey, it’s really challenging and difficult to have both, because when you trust and believe in something, whether it’s yourself or some external god or being or whatever your preacher is telling you, either way you’re not fully trusting or believing in anything unless you’re 100 percent in. There’s no such thing as half belief, or half trust or half faith. You either have it or you don’t.” (10:54 | Elle)    Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Are you experiencing earth shattering heartbreak, a dire financial state or unprecedented health problems? If so, you are not alone These are just a few of the very common pitfalls experienced by those on the Twin Flame journey, all of which can be attributed to feelings of fear or lack. These feelings are exclusive to the 3D physical world and all stem from the illusion of separateness.    In the 5D world, the spirit realm, everything is connected and we are whole. As Rumi tells us, everything we want we already are. You and your Twin Flame are a single connected energy field existing in two separate bodies. Part of our earthly experience is to feel separateness so that we can recognize the opposite.    If you’ve felt any of the above, Elle has answers for you. As always, she is here to guide you through these latest rites of passage along your Twin Flame journey.    Quotes  • “The point of this journey is to love ourselves. And what does that mean? It means shifting closer into alignment with who we truly are, because we are love we are our souls. And so it's recognizing and resonating with our true being, our true soul” (5:14 | Elle) • “In the realm of the soul, and spirit, all that, fear does not exist. It only exists in the physical, 3D world. And what is fear? Fear is the illusion of separation.” (7:04 | Elle)  • “In order to know what something is, we have to see also what it's not.” (10:20 | Elle) • “Anywhere, there's fear, it's going to come up, you're going to have to deal with it, you're going to have to balance , you're going to have to transcend that fear and transmute that fear into love energy, which is what we do on this journey.” (19:24 | Elle) • “That's really why so many people come to me, and they say not only did my Twin Flame leave me and I'm feeling awful and on the floor, but it seems like every area of my life has just fallen apart.  And there is a reason for that. It's because it's wherever you feel that you have lack, where you're not looking at it as you're total, you're whole and complete and everything you want you already are. Wherever you have that fear, that is that sense or illusion of separation.” (18:02 | Elle)    Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
As you continue along your Twin Flame journey, dating may be the furthest thing from your mind. Then suddenly–bam!--someone comes along who sweeps you off of your feet and reminds you what it’s like to be in a normal relationship, reminds you that you absolutely can be physically attracted to another person and brings more balance to your life by taking the focus off of your Twin Flame for a while.    Of course, if you are consciously and intentionally hoping that a new relationship will aid you in calling in your Twin Flame, this will backfire. This is fear-based push energy and will not help you on your journey at all. If you are going to enjoy a relationship while moving along your Twin Flame journey, you must completely separate it from the rest of the journey.    Of course, if you feel you don’t want to date anyone at all, that’s also normal and perfectly fine. There is no right or wrong way to go about this. Trust that everything is working out perfectly and in its own divine time, just for you.    Quotes  • “Generally most people do not, can't even think about or fathom dating someone else until they've shifted closer in line with their soul. They're feeling balanced, they've magnetized in their twin flame, or maybe not, they haven't magnetized in their twin flame yet, but they're feeling great. They don't need anyone else not even thinking about that, they're not looking for that. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Bam! Their soul magnetizes in someone that just knocks their socks off, just whirlwind sweeps them off their feet.” (5:21 | Elle) • “We don't want to date anyone else with the hopes of taking our focus off of the twin flame, or getting the twin flame or balancing more or moving along our journey or anything else. We want to date someone else just because, in the moment, it feels good, and we're having fun with that person. Nothing to do with a twin flame, nothing to do with the twin flame journey at all. You cannot connect it at all, it has to be separate–totally, totally separate. Otherwise, that's the fear based energy connecting it and it's feeding your fear based push energy, which isn't helping your journey at all.” (9:55 | Elle) • “You don't have to always be wanting that, you can be disinterested, you can go through long lulls of being disinterested in that. And that's perfect, too. However your journey is playing out, however you're feeling, there's nothing wrong with it. There's no right or wrong here.” (12:13 | Elle) • “Regarding the twin flame journey, we don't want to believe or judge any of the thoughts as being good or bad. We just want to kind of neutralize those out, but feel the feelings.” (13:05 | Elle)   Links For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:   To discover all of the other ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please visit:   Shop Elle Hari’s latest books here:   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Do you know the biggest mistake almost everyone makes on their Twin Flame journey? According to host Elle Hari it’s discussing your journey with others, even your Twin Flame. And while it may be tempting to want to share your feelings about it, you are doing yourself and your Twin Flame a disservice.    Whether it be venting, gossiping, or just talking about your Twin Flame journey is disrespectful to your journey. Because when you do this, you are allowing your fear-based energy to control your thoughts, feelings and actions. It is important to know that the Twin Flame journey is the most important thing that your soul will ever experience, so you must approach it with the highest regard. And the more you tap into the urge to discuss your journey, the more you are feeding your fear-based energy and the more your Twin Flame will pull away.    While our human inclination is to share stuff with others, some things are better kept to ourselves, especially our Twin Flame journeys. When you finally accept this journey as sacred and hold your experience close to you, you can shut out the fear-based energy and be with your Twin Flame if you choose to do so.  Quotes  • “This journey is your spiritual journey. It is the very first step of your ascension. That means it should be revered, it should be treated as the beautiful amazing and transformative gift that it is. It is not like any other relationship with anyone else where you would go and gossip about it with people.” (04:23-04:44 | Elle) • “Announcing about or discussing your Twin Flame journey is very degrading. It's not very respectful to the sanctity of what this journey is about.” (05:39-05:59 | Elle) • “This journey is private. It is meant to be a private journey.” (09:49-09:54 | Elle) • “You cannot advance along this journey while also simultaneously feeding your fear-based energy.” (11:38-11:41 | Elle) • “Me and the coaches that I have trained under me, we know how to hold a space for people to discuss their journey and their Twin Flame with us where we're making sure that they're also not simultaneously feeding their fear-based energy.” (12:13-12:33 | Elle)     Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Throughout the episodes, you have probably heard host Elle Hari talk a lot about ascension and its role in your Twin Flame journey. Not only does it impact your relationship with your Twin Flame, but with everyone around you, including yourself. In today’s episode, Elle explains what ascension is and what it looks like in your life.    According to Elle, ascension is a three-step process and the Twin Flame journey is the first step of that process. It is the whole purpose of our existence throughout our lifetimes. But what exactly does it look like? As we now know, you cannot be with your Twin Flame physically unless you transmute your fear-based energy into love. And through ascension, our levels of consciousness and awareness rise to collapse the separateness that we feel with our Twin Flame until we become one. It is here that we can gain our power back and live fearlessly. And once you have achieved ascension with your Twin Flame, you will begin to notice that you can do this with everyone around you.    When you no longer have to concern yourself with the thoughts or actions of others, you become empowered to live in alignment with your soul, which is love. And then, you can finally reach the sacred Twin Flame reunion that you have been waiting for.    Quotes  • “Ascension is the whole entire point and purpose of our existence in every lifetime.” (01:52-02:00 | Elle) • “Ascension is essentially like a three step process and the Twin Flame journey is the first step of that process.” (02:30-02:33 | Elle) • “Once you reach ascension, and your Twin Flame reaches ascension, that means you have no fear. You become fearless.” (07:02-07:08 | Elle) • “When you realize that you no longer have to concern yourself with what anyone else is doing, saying, thinking, or feeling, especially about yourself, then that just empowers you. It gives you your power back.” (13:16-13:28 | Elle) • “The whole ascension process is really about loving yourself, not just in the Twin Flame part of the journey,  but also with other people. And as that happens, you will see how you are all one.” (14:30-14:46 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Are you starting to realize that the presence of your Twin Flame comes with a shadow of anxiety or doubt? According to host Elle Hari, this is the tipping point of your journey. In today’s episode, she explains what the tipping point is and how it shifts your relationship with your Twin Flame.   It’s important to remember that your fear-based energy was activated at the moment of soul recognition. And ever since, this fear-based energy has been behind all of your thoughts and feelings regarding your Twin Flame. It is this energy that makes you feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. And while your relationship with your Twin Flame felt more amazing than any other, at some point your energies will become so polarized that you will start to feel like your twin flame is pulling away and like you have to do things to try to keep them with you. Looking back, you can usually pinpoint the exact moment when this began to happen in your relationship with your twin flame. It usually occurs shortly after the best, most magical day you shared with your twin flame. This moment is what Elle calls the “tipping point.” Here, your fear-based energy will be pushing and pushing. And in return, your Twin Flame will pull farther and farther away from you. And from that moment on, your journey will change forever.   Once your fear-based energy is balanced, whether or not you and your Twin Flame sustain any form of a relationship, it will never feel the way it once did during the honeymoon period. Rather than looming with anxiety, the presence or absence of your Twin Flame will leave you feeling content, happy, and at peace.    Quotes  • “Happiness doesn't rely on something outside of you.” (03:36-03:38 | Elle) • “You may believe that when you're with your Twin Flame, you are happy. But underneath it all, there's a knowing in there that you're not happy. Why? Because the entire time that you're with the physical form of your Twin Flame, it's almost like you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.” (03:48-04:14 | Elle) • “From that tipping point on, you're no longer feeling the blissful feelings that you felt on your honeymoon period because your polarized fear-based energy is there. Your push energy is there pushing and pushing. And because it reached a tipping point, your Twin Flame is pulling and pulling in tandem.” (08:47-09:06 | Elle) • “If you are in the back and forth push-pull dynamic and your Twin Flame does come in periodically, you will know that you're not fully happy there.” (11:12-11:21 | Elle) • “Once you do balance out your push-pull fear-based energy, and you are in a physical relationship with your Twin Flame, or even interacting with your Twin Flame at all, it will never go back to feeling like it did with the honeymoon period.” (11:53-12:10 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:  Podcast production and show notes provided by
When it comes to the Twin Flame journey, it is not possible to have a physical relationship with them until you learn unconditional love. And while many people mistakenly believe that unconditional love has more to do with their feelings for others, host Elle Hari explains that it actually has everything to do with yourself. In today’s episode, Elle explains the true meaning of unconditional love.    To experience unconditional love, you must love without conditions. So anytime you are worried about what your Twin Flame is thinking, doing, or feeling, you are putting conditions on your Twin Flame and therefore, cannot have a physical relationship with them. To experience unconditional love, you must first love yourself. Because by doing so, you free yourself from wanting or needing anything from anyone else.    We cannot experience love until there is an absence of fear. And our fear-based energies are working all the time to keep us occupied on the things that don’t truly matter. But once we learn how to transmute our fear into love for ourselves, we can finally be with our Twin Flames.  Quotes  • “Unconditional love is the state that you must be in with your Twin Flame in order to physically be with them. If you don't have unconditional love, then you cannot physically be together.” (02:04-02:22 | Elle) • “Love is the absence of fear.” (02:52-02:55 | Elle) • “How do we get to unconditional love with our Twin Flame? It comes from loving ourselves.” (03:49-03:55 | Elle) • “When we love ourselves, we don't want or need anything from anyone or anything outside of us. That includes the physical form the Twin Flame.” (05:08-05:15 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Own Your Sh*t

Own Your Sh*t


Do you attribute your feelings good or bad to the behaviors of your Twin Flame? According to host Elle Hari, this is a common response to engaging with your Twin Flame. However, by doing this, you are allowing your fear-based energy to keep you apart from your Twin Flame in the long run. In today’s episode, Elle expresses the importance of owning your own sh!t.    The entire purpose of the Twin Flame journey is to learn how to unconditionally love yourself. And since the Twin Flame is you, that is why their involvement is so significant. The Twin Flame allows us to see parts of ourselves that we are not consciously aware of and brings to light the parts of us that we are not proud of. And while it can be easy to blame your Twin Flame for making you feel really happy or sad, that is just you not owning up to your own sh!t.    At the end of the day, your Twin Flame cannot make you feel any specific way. It is up to you and only you to determine how you feel about things relating to the physical world. When you stop blaming your Twin Flame for your own stuff, you open the door to a lasting relationship with your Twin Flame. Quotes  • “In order to love yourself or to love anything, you have to completely know it.” (02:35-02:39 | Elle) • “You need to know and understand yourself to love yourself. This includes stuff that may not seem so pretty, or you may not be so proud of.” (02:50-03:04 | Elle) • “Let's take an example and say you thought things were going great, but your Twin Flame blocked you or left you. You need to own your shit here. You need to really take responsibility and accountability for your role for what you did on the physical level to make them do that.” (05:41-06:01 | Elle) • “Putting expectations on a relationship is not true love.” (06:50-06:56 | Elle) • “No one is responsible for how you feel, including your Twin Flame. You alone are responsible for your feelings and this is what you need to own.” (07:48-07:55 | Elle) • “Your fear-based energy believes that your Twin Flame makes you feel good. But that right there is not love. That is what is keeping you from having any type of physical relationship with your Twin Flame for any extended period of time.” (08:22-08:39 | Elle) Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
Shift Happens

Shift Happens


Do you feel desperate at times to make sense of your Twin Flame journey? According to host Elle Hari, this is the mindset that everyone first comes into their journey with. And while it is a common phenomenon, it is one that needs to change before the real journey even begins. In today’s episode, Elle explains how to shift  in the right direction.    When you first embark on your Twin Flame journey, you probably want to spend time making sense of everything. It is natural to allow your focus on the outside fear-based world to determine how you feel, think, and do things. However, it isn’t until we shift on a soul level that we can truly begin our journey to ascension. Elle explains that the focus on the outside world is just our fear-based energy trying to intervene with our progress. And once you begin to shift closer into alignment with your soul, you will begin to notice that everything falls into place perfectly.    Ultimately, the Twin Flame journey is a journey of the soul, not the mind. And once you have accepted this, the outside world will begin to reflect the benefits of love, peace, abundance and perfection in your life.  Quotes  • “You shift from your mind's mental fear-based perception into your soul perspective.” (02:46-02:57 | Elle) • “The shift that needs to happen is you need to do this journey on the level of the soul.” (03:38-03:43 | Elle) • “When you make this shift, you make it by shifting energetically closer into alignment with your soul. And when you do that, you will realize that it all falls together perfectly.” (03:45-04:00 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
“Your fear-based energy doesn't allow you to have integrity. When you have integrity, you are your truth,” explains host Elle Hari, Founder of Be With Your Twin Flame®. Fear can manipulate much about how we view ourselves and our Twin Flame. Today, Elle explains that we must work past our fears to live authentically from the perception of our souls.   If we listen to our fear-based energy, we are tricked into believing that we must always be physically near our twin flames. The truth is we are our own Twin Flame because even if our souls are in different bodies, our energies are always connected. Ultimately, we must acknowledge that we are never really separate as we continue our journeys into loving ourselves.   Don’t let your fear-based energy lead to selling out your soul. Learn more about how fear affects your truth, the duality of energy, and why true love means loving yourself.    Quotes  • “The Twin Flame journey is all about loving yourself. The whole point of this journey is to learn to love yourself on the deepest level possible, and that level is your soul level.” (2:26-2:37 | Elle) • “Your fear-based energy doesn't allow you to have integrity. When you have integrity, you are your truth.” (2:52-3:00 | Elle)  • “The truth for every single being is that you and your Twin Flame are the same beings because you are your Twin Flame, so you are never separate. The illusion of separateness is fear-based energy.” (4:43-4:58 | Elle)  • “The truth has no emotion with it. The truth is just truth, and that's your soul.” (11:53-11:58 | Elle) • “You must put yourself first. It's not selfish to not sacrifice yourself. It's not selfish not to sell out. It's not selfish to not compromise anything about your truth. You have to love yourself first.” (14:20-14:34 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:    Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by
The Paradox of Time

The Paradox of Time


Do you ever feel stuck wondering how long your Twin Flame journey will take? In today’s episode, Host Elle Hari explains the paradox of time and how to move past your fixation on it.   As you move through your Twin Flame journey, it is completely normal to wonder how much time it is going to take for you to feel better and magnetize your Twin Flame because our fear-based energy tends to focus on these things. However, it is important to know that time only exists in the physical world. And when it comes to your soul, time does not exist because our souls are eternal. So in reality, we need to shift our focus from time and allow our journeys to progress naturally. And once we have let go of the concept of time, things will fall into place as they should.   In the end, time is another distraction set forth by our fear-based energy. Once we learn how to redirect our focus to balancing our energy, time won’t seem to matter anymore.  Quotes  • “As humans, we are hooked into the concept of time.” (02:22-02:26 | Elle) • “Our fear-based push-energy is all about time. It loves hooking onto dates and counting down the time.” (02:51-03:00 | Elle) • “Time only exists in the 3d physical world. Time does not exist in the realm of the soul. Why? Because the soul is eternal.” (03:43-03:52 | Elle) • “Once you let go of your fixation on time, time then seems to move so much faster.” (12:25-12:30 | Elle)   Links To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here:    Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here:   Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout):   Podcast production and show notes provided by