DiscoverTwin Flame TruthWhat The Fear-Based Push/Pull Energy Actually Fears
What The Fear-Based Push/Pull Energy Actually Fears

What The Fear-Based Push/Pull Energy Actually Fears

Update: 2024-01-12


Are you trying to get the attention of your Twin Flame by looking them up or orchestrating a run-in with them? Or, by contrast, are you actively trying to avoid or ignore them? If you answered yes to either, you are in your “push” energy. And when you “push”, your Twin Flame inevitably “pulls”. This is a mutually manipulative dance in which you both vie for control. 


Of course, any sense of control is false and fear-based. The mind, which is only part of your earth-based experience, is never actually in control. Control belongs to your soul, which is eternal through all lifetimes and everything in between. 


The goal of the push/pull phenomenon is to learn to let go of this need to control, and to let your soul take over. When you do, miracles tend to happen.



• “There’s a belief that knowledge is power. You Google things, you have a quest and a search and a curiosity for information about things. You want to know things. That’s all fine and perfect–as a human being with a mind, that’s what the mind does, but why does the mind do that? Because it feels like the more it knows, the more in control it is.” (5:31 | Elle)

• "What the false sense of control gives the fear-based push/pull energy is a false sense of security. Your mind and your fear-based push/pull energy are never in control. Your soul is controlling everything, it’s orchestrating everything in your life, in every lifetime, between every lifetime. Your mind isn’t even there in between your lifetimes. You only get a mind when you come into physical form.” (6:35 | Elle) 

• “The “push” energy feels like it’s in control by trying to get reactions and responses from the “pull” energy. The “pull” energy feels like it’s in control by focusing anywhere else but on the “push” energy.” (10:57 | Elle) 

• “They’re both very manipulative. It’s a very manipulative game.” (11:23 | Elle)

“You can’t let go of your Twin Flame. What you want to let go of is, pretty much, the wheel. Sit back and let go of trying to control your journey.” (14:11 | Elle)



For information about the Be With Your Twin Flame® Coaching Certification and Business Academy or if you're ready to leverage the pain, confusion and obsession of the journey to have a loving relationship with your twin flame and elevate every aspect of your life, speak with one of our Clarity Coaches here:


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What The Fear-Based Push/Pull Energy Actually Fears

What The Fear-Based Push/Pull Energy Actually Fears

Elle Hari