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Unfiltered Narrative Podcast.

Author: Junior k

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Narrative Unfiltered.

Let’s expose who really calls the shots of who you are?

Get ready for an exciting podcast where we will be stepping into the best version of ourselves as we evolve in these challenging times. Self-awareness is a vital key to understand ourselves and our relationship with the world. This understanding starts to form early in our lives and becomes increasingly important as we grow mature and begin to gain greater insights of very our own thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behavioural patterns.

In this podcast my purpose is for everyone out there to cultivate resilience within ourselves and build emotional intelligence that is intact enough to work for us in the long run. This podcast here to help you in improving and bettering your communication skills. I will be strategising solutions on how to deal with our imperfections and sometimes even make peace with it. I will generating fresh ideas that works in our favour as we break free from our old patterns.

Here you will realise that nothing is black and white. But also some silver lining in between. I will be touching down some the most sensitive conversations such as conflict manipulation, victimhood, racism, social inequality, racism, cultural affairs and the deeds of sex. Entrepreneurs you the most welcome.I will be asking you some burning questions to help you highlight where you are holding yourself back, censoring your true thoughts and expression for the sake of belonging.

The reality is that we are now in an era where we are sometimes blindly fixated with external validation, we are in times where we are easily overwhelmed and influenced by the external world. We are so frightened of losing the character the world seems to know, denying a path to nurturing a self-reputation that is echoed by values and authenticity.

Darling we are all work in-progress. And it takes effort and dedication to grow and evolve in a positive direction. Fortunately, there is never a bad time to set new goals for yourself, and it's never too late to pick up a habit that can improve your well-being for the rest of your life. Whether you are dealing with stress, working through relationship struggles, or simply trying to change your life in small ways and this podcast is here to help people rediscover and reconnect with ourselves.


7 Episodes
We really have to understand the intricacies of human behavior, even when it makes us feel uncomfortable. Have you ever walked into a room and felt an INSTANT connection with someone without a single word exchanged? That magnetic energy, that unspoken charisma - that's the power of seduction beyond the obvious.I've been geeking out for a while because it's a big, big area of fascination for me.In this episode I invite you to strip down all the sexual charge on the term seduction. You get to see that it applies in our day-to-day lives.So when people hear the word seduction, or maybe even see the term social seduction, of course, it is about persuasion, it is about charisma, it is about charm, it is about all of these things,understanding them within yourself, but also being able to see them in the world, and understanding them within yourself, so you can make them work for you, not against you.It's an absolute honor and a pleasure that I get to do this, and it gets to be received. And whether it's useful or not, I just thank myself for trusting that someone out there needs to hear this.❤️You can get in touch with on my instagram can even send me an email
Well, well,'s been a while since we've talked, but good news is in store! In this episode, I wanted to give you a general update (strained voice in tow) and a look into my journey of fighting to get my attention span back!I also share some thoughts on the benefits of choosing slow living, getting curious about our behaviour patterns I emphasise about how reintroduction is an invitation to meet the person you are becoming, and it's important to reintroduce yourself to yourself and not worry about other people's opinions.
Yes you are not for everyone you are a fucken hot commodity.So, join me as I explore the uncharted territory of speaking our truth, embracing the chance of being misunderstood, and discovering the profound beauty that lies in genuine conversations. It's time to let our unfiltered selves shine. Embrace the fact that not everyone will like you, and that's okay. Seeking universal approval limits your freedom and authenticity. True courage lies in being true to yourself, regardless of others' opinions. Understand that feelings of inferiority are often self-imposed.Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your unique strengths and potential. Recognizing your inherent worth is crucial for building self-esteem and achieving personal happiness.
Swipe rightThey're pleasingTo my sight.Swipe leftI don't likeThe way they're dressed. What happened toRomantic ways to meet...Now we shop for 'the one'Without evenLeaving our seat.Ohhhh……yes the dark and light collides in today’s episode as we are exploring the grounds of online dating and the connections we make online and also the impact it has on us.And The burning question of this episode is where did you meet up with you current partner, previous partner or current partners.......Let’s explore some part of us and really be curious to who holds the threads to who we are???
Hello,HieIs your default communication style hindering you from initiating sex?I will unravel some risks tied to avoiding the initiation to sex and explore how society and culture influence your communication style when you need to initiate sex, we explore the whys and how. I will provide you with some insightful nonverbal communication strategies in initiation sex/intimacy with your partner.Thank you so much for your constant love and support and for listening to today's episode. Please give me great ratings and reviews if you enjoyed my show, all support is appreciated!To find out more your communication style check out my instagram thread to find more about your communication styles
Overcoming fear

Overcoming fear


HelloWelcome back to unfiltered narrative podcast. Right here is where I can be useful through my wisdom, personal experiences or my intellectual property. Anything that I think I am learning and can be useful I get to share it here. On today’s episode overcoming fear I will provide you with set of skills and individual can manage conflict, dive into hard conversations and still find mutual beneficial solutions for a win-win outcome.
welcome and thank you for gracing me with your precious time. this podcast is going to be a key part of your path to unlock and taping to all the great things life hats offer.