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Reprogram your subconscious mind with Dr. David Snyder
304 Episodes
Do you find yourself constantly held back by self-doubt, negative beliefs, and unconscious barriers? Renowned expert Dr. David Snyder reveals a powerful system for reprogramming your subconscious mind and unlocking your true potential. Imagine being able to attract more wealth, close more deals, and enjoy fulfilling relationships - all by tapping into the unlimited influence of your subconscious mind. Dr. David shares advanced techniques like "magic frame," "energy spinning," and "color breathing" that can help you overcome obstacles, change limiting beliefs, and manifest the life you truly desire. Standout Quotes: • “If you're here today, it's because the universe chose you to take your life to the next level.” – Dr. David Snyder • “If you wrote down a list of every belief that holds you back, and you fired these 14 different bullets at it, that belief would rapidly change, and you would be free.” – Dr. David Snyder • “You don't have to believe it for it to work. You just got to do it.” – Dr. David Snyder • “The behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated. The behavior that gets repeated gets reinforced.’” – Dr. David Snyder • “If you can communicate verbally or in written language, you can utilize this process to make people hang on your every word.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: • Identify a minor issue or frustration (1-3 on a scale of 10) that you want to change and practice the "magic frame" technique to clear the negative emotions and beliefs around it. • Reflect on your core values, criteria, and beliefs that are holding you back, and consider how you can use the "renegade reframing" techniques to rapidly change those limiting mindsets. • Assess your communication and influence skills and consider investing in the "stealth CPI" training to develop the ability to make people want to do what you want them to do. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Unlock Success by Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind [02:58] Master Personality Transformation for Wealth and Confidence [05:08] Clear Negative Emotions and Transform Your Inner Voice [07:16] Install Personal Power and Rewrite Your DNA for Success [08:46] Hypnosis, Attraction, and Manifestation [13:45] Persuade Anyone: Stealth CPI Communication Mastery [31:51] Call to Action [40:02] Q&A and Transformational Techniques for Personal Growth To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of the same old results in your life? Frustrated by the mental and emotional blocks holding you back from the success, health, and happiness you desire? Dr. David Snyder reveals the master keys to transforming your life from the inside out. By tapping into the structure of emotions and the hierarchy of beliefs, you'll learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and remove the limiting factors sabotaging your progress. Standout Quotes: • “If you actually take the steps we're going to share with you, you will tap into the master keys to transforming your life from the inside out.” – Dr. David Snyder • “Everything human beings do is in response to a feeling. It's either a feeling they want more of, or a feeling they want a whole lot less of.” – Dr. David Snyder • “When you can recognize and understand the pattern, you can predict what's going to happen next.” – Dr. David Snyder • “Your dominant thoughts are not the ones you're conscious of. Your dominant thoughts are the crappy beliefs and memories on autoplay below the threshold of your conscious awareness.’” – Dr. David Snyder • “Money is not enough on its own. You need to bring something good to the world, and money should be a byproduct of that.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: • Identify your "why" - what's the deep, emotional reason you need the information presented in this webinar? Explore this to uncover your core motivations. • Practice controlling your state - learn techniques to instantly shift into a playful, easygoing, and exploratory mindset for a 30% boost in abilities. • Examine your beliefs and identity - recognize how your subconscious beliefs and self-concept are shaping your reality and take steps to reprogram them. • Balance inner work with outer action - combine the internal transformation work with taking the necessary steps and skills to achieve your goals. • Leverage the emotional motivation checklist - use this process to deeply connect your desires to the value being offered, creating an insatiable drive to take action. Episode Timeline: [00:26] Achieve Success by Reprogramming Your Subconscious [07:31] Dr. Snyder’s Background in Healing and NLP [11:29] Unlock Success Through State Control and Pattern Mastery [13:08] Find Your "Why" and Engage in Powerful State Control [24:19] Master Emotional Motivation and Anchor Positive States [45:01] Transform Your Identity with the Identity by Design Process [52:26] Overcoming Mindset and Skill Set Barriers to Success [54:52] Deepen Emotional Motivation for Life-Changing Results [59:52] Next Steps to Continue Your Transformation To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Feeling stuck and unable to progress on your goals? Dr. David Snyder offers valuable insights into overcoming common blocks. In this AMA, he covers topics like calming an overactive amygdala, discovering your "golden path," and improving communication between genders. He also addresses concerns about psychedelic therapy and NLP exercises, sharing his daily wellness practices and holistic approaches. Dr. David Snyder’s advice and practical strategies aim to help you unlock your greatest potential. Standout Quotes: • “If you accept that as a signal from the universe of what you came here to do, then it's a fast track to becoming the best version of yourself.” – Dr. David Snyder • “Fear is a negative manifestation generator, so you need to dissolve it and move forward.” – Dr. David Snyder • “When men say, ‘I did X because of Y,’ that’s literally all there is to it. There’s no hidden meaning behind what they did.” – Dr. David Snyder • “Anything that pulls your spirit into your body is part of your golden path. That’s the quick and dirty version.’” – Dr. David Snyder • “If you have something you want to change and fear that it won’t work, the first thing you need to address is the fear itself. Use your technique to tackle that fear.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: • Identify your "golden path" - the activities and pursuits that truly light you up and energize your spirit. Explore ways to incorporate more of these into your life. • Address underlying fears and anger that may be sabotaging your progress. Use techniques like magic framing, color breathing, and cultivating transcendent emotions to dissolve these blocks. • Improve communication and understanding between men and women by recognizing the linear nature of male communication versus the tendency for women to assign deeper meanings. Adjust your approach accordingly. • If considering psychedelic therapy, ensure you have a strong foundation in self-hypnosis, self-directed trance work, and work with a trained professional. Approach with caution and care. Episode Timeline: [01:34] Solving NLP Blocks and Mastering Communication Differences [06:23] Exploring Psychedelic Therapy and Finding Your Golden Path [06:38] Daily Wellness Routines and Managing Anger Issues [08:10] Holistic Cures and Community Support Insights [08:28] How Body Changes Affect Personality and Reframing Distractions [10:17] Techniques to Eliminate Anger and Embrace Community Support [11:43] Human Influence: Secrets Revealed To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Having trouble with confidence around attractive people or feeling stuck in negative thoughts and low energy? In this AMA, hypnosis and NLP expert Dr. David Snyder shares strategies to build confidence, overcome addictions, and manifest goals. He explains how desensitization and mindset shifts can help and offers hypnosis protocols for personal transformation. Dr. Snyder also covers NLP techniques for public speaking and sales, along with practical advice on boosting energy, weight loss, and networking. His insights provide actionable steps for unlocking your full potential and living a more vibrant life. Standout Quotes: • “The fastest way around is through. Make attractive friends, go to places where attractive people hang out, and befriend them.” – Dr. David Snyder • “The minute people see the achievement of their heart's desires right in front of them, most objections go out the window, and they ask you to buy.” – Dr. David Snyder • “One of the things we have to do is put spaces between the notes and the music. It's the downtime that adds power to the uptime.” – Dr. David Snyder • “The only freedom we have is the one we fight for.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: • Immerse yourself in an environment with attractive people to become more comfortable and desensitized to interacting with them. Make attractive friends and spend time in places where attractive people gather. • Use hypnosis and regression techniques like the transformational triad, classical regression, and holographic regression to address the root causes of addictions and attachments. Ask yourself the "magic question" to determine if you're truly ready to let go. • When dealing with intrusive negative thoughts, change your physiology by adjusting your posture and breathing. Use techniques like spinning the thoughts, color breathing, and magic framing to shift your mindset. • Incorporate more downtime and hobbies into your life to avoid burnout. Recognize that the spaces between your "notes" (activities) are just as important as the "notes" themselves for peak performance and creativity. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Mastering Comfort with Attractive Women [02:44] Hypnosis Protocols to Break Free from Addictions [05:03] Unlocking Success: Manifestation and Sales Techniques Revealed [07:10] NLP Secrets for Powerful Public Speaking [10:49] Defeat Intrusive Thoughts with These Simple Techniques [12:28] Strategies for Personal Growth [14:47] Boost Physical Energy and Improve Cold Calling [18:30] Weight Loss and Shamanic Techniques for Effective Results [23:02] The Power of Relaxation [24:57] Final Thoughts and Q&A To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Struggling to make a lasting impression or break free from negative patterns? Dr. David Snyder offers powerful techniques for transforming your mindset, relationships, and career. He shares insights on using pheromones to reduce anxiety, rapid manifestation through image cycling, and state control for better connections. Drawing from Kabbalah-inspired "vibrational influence," Snyder's methods help students achieve breakthroughs in income, phobias, and charisma. His strategies provide a roadmap for unlocking your potential and reprogramming your subconscious to achieve your boldest dreams. Standout Quotes: • “The path towards the zenith of success and controlling your life is at your hands.” – Dr. David Snyder • “The more you can learn about how to read people and understand them, the more choices you have.” – Dr. David Snyder • “The bigger the group, the less critical thinking and analysis tends to happen.” – Dr. David Snyder • “If they can't relate directly with what you have versus what they need fixed. You've lost them from the beginning.’” – Dr. David Snyder • “The fastest way to make people curious about you is by being curious about them. Get them talking about themselves without volunteering too much about yourself.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: • Explore the use of oxytocin-based pheromones to reduce social anxiety and enhance neuroplasticity for improved social skills and emotional intelligence. • Experiment with image cycling as a rapid manifestation technique, but be prepared to undergo radical personal transformations to achieve your goals. • Practice positive eye contact, mirroring touch, and the three magic questions to build deeper connections and a sense of mystery with potential partners. • Develop the ability to quickly read people and identify potential narcissists, con artists, or other problematic individuals to protect yourself. • When starting a new business or practice, focus on clearly defining your target audience and the specific problems you solve, rather than using generic labels like "hypnosis" or "coaching." Episode Timeline: [0:01] Independence Day Greetings from Dr. David Snyder [3:13] Unleashing the Power of Pheromone Colognes and Image Cycling [6:07] Master State Control for Job Applications and Social Confidence [12:58] Rapid Manifestation with Kabbalah and Image Cycling [19:52] Approach with Confidence Using Positive Eye Contact [24:11] Kabbalah, Vibrational Influence, and Mastering State Control [30:50] Integrating Hypnosis with Medical Professionals for Optimal Results [49:31] Transformational Coaching: Naming Your Business for Success [49:58] Conquer Phobias with the Transformational Triad and Energy Techniques [50:58] Boost Your Admin Skills with Emotional Intelligence and Behavioral Profiling [57:55] Crafting a Mysterious Presence Through Behavioral Scarcity To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of self-doubt holding you back from achieving your dreams of success, wealth, and happiness? Dr. David Snyder has the secrets to unlock your true potential through the power of influence and persuasion. Discover how to rapidly build trust, connection, and even love with anyone through the "three magic questions protocol." But it's not just about learning the strategies - Dr. Snyder emphasizes the importance of taking action and making these skills your own. He cautions against being a mere "collector" of information, urging you to get off your seat and start practicing. So what's holding you back from becoming the influential, charismatic person you know you can be? The path to success, wealth, and happiness is within your grasp. Are you ready to take the first step? Standout Quotes: “Self-doubt limits you from achieving great things. The path towards the zenith of success and controlling your life is at your hands.” – Dr. David Snyder “Money is a renewable resource. You can always make more that gives you access to the information, but it's the second payment. That payment is time, energy, effort to do the drills, to get the skills. That's what takes you from access to ownership.” – Dr. David Snyder “If this person is not meeting your standards, if they're not meeting your criteria, you must have the strength to pull the plug on the interaction, to eject or redefine.” – Dr. David Snyder “The people we encounter are meant to bring out the best in us, sometimes by triggering the best or even the worst in us.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Evaluate whether you are a "collector" of information or an "action taker" - commit to taking consistent action to implement the persuasion and influence techniques learned. Identify your core values and how you recognize when those values are being met. Use this self-awareness to better understand and connect with others. Practice the "three magic questions protocol" to rapidly build trust, rapport and emotional connection with strangers in as little as 20 minutes. Leverage the "echo technique" to validate others, encourage self-disclosure, and use their own words to keep them engaged and interested. Assess your potential partners, clients or relationships through the lens of emotional health and compatibility before proceeding to deeper levels of intimacy or commitment. Episode Timeline: [00:02] Conquering Self-Doubt and Building Success Through Social Connections [04:43] Mastering Persuasion Techniques for Effective Communication [10:23] Influence and Bond with People Using Powerful Questions [20:59] Transform Minds with Open-Ended Questions [26:29] Build Rapport and Uncover Insights Through Strategic Questioning [31:54] Embrace the Joy of Organizing Chaos with Accounting [37:08] Connect and Build Strong Relationships with Storytelling [41:57] Leverage Psychology for Effective Influence [47:19] Unlock Deep Connections with Level Three Questions [52:57] Find Your Soulmate with the Three Magic Questions [58:25] Strengthen Relationships by Recognizing Core Values [01:04:13] Use NLP to Influence Buying Decisions To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of feeling powerless in your relationships, sales, and life in general? Do you wish you could effortlessly influence and persuade others to get what you want? Dr. David Snyder shares secrets for tapping into people's deepest emotional motivations and values. Discover how to uncover someone's "ideal" checklist and use language to trigger their desires and rapidly overcome objections and limiting beliefs using powerful reframing methods. Take control of your life through the power of persuasion. Are you ready to become an unstoppable influencer? Standout Quotes: “Every human being on the planet moves through the world with a mental checklist of what constitutes the best ideal—anything.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your values and beliefs define what is best and what is not in your life. Every human being carries a mental checklist of values—similar to the ones you just explored—for anything they can conceive of.” – Dr. David Snyder “If you can effectively link what people emotionally want to what you offer, as a byproduct of this training and others, they will do business with you by default.” – Dr. David Snyder “The fastest, most powerful way to build an to build a business with little to no money down is through the power of public speaking.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Identify your "ideal" checklist - What are the key criteria and values that define your perfect home, partner, or life situation? Explore these deeply. Create a "Steven Spielberg moment" - Vividly imagine the outcome you want to achieve from applying the techniques in this training. What does it feel like when you've succeeded? Overcome limiting beliefs in seconds - Learn the 14 different ways to rapidly transform any self-limiting belief into something more empowering and useful. Develop hypnotic presentation skills - Discover how to craft captivating stories and presentations that hypnotically influence and persuade your audience. Protect yourself from manipulation - Uncover the tactics of "social predators" and learn how to profile, detect, and defend against malicious influence attempts. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Find Your Dream Home and Partner with Emotion [04:45] Create Magic Moments with Spielberg-Level Emotion [09:29] Unlock Freedom: Gain Self-Sufficiency and Peace [13:54] Master Persuasion for Personal Growth [19:27] Discover Hypnotic Language for Influence [24:17] Transform Your Stories and Presentations [32:09] Craft the Perfect Sales Pitch with Persuasion [35:13] Elevate Your Skills and Personal Development [44:15] Arm Yourself with Influence and Defense Skills [49:49] Reprogram Your Mind with NLP Techniques To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of struggling to connect with your audience and build meaningful relationships? In this episode, Dr. David Snyder shares his groundbreaking "echo technique" - a simple yet highly effective method that can transform your communication skills and help you forge deep, lasting connections with others. Through engaging demonstrations and real-world examples, you'll discover how to use the echo technique to eliminate small talk, influence others ethically, and create an irresistible sense of being "heard and understood." Learn how this technique can transform your communication skills, whether you're in sales, coaching, therapy, or any other people-centric role. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of effortless influence. Standout Quotes: “The human body likes motion. The human mind loves activity. So the more active you are when presenting, the more charismatic you become.” - Dr. David Snyder “Human beings do everything. Human beings think everything. The way they move has a structure to it.” - Dr. David Snyder “When you're doing hybrid communications, the more nuances you have in your vocal tonalities and things of that, the more influential and charismatic you'll be.” - Dr. David Snyder “The more you know about somebody, the easier it is to influence them.” - Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Gestures allow you to feel more open and understanding when you’re presenting. You can make people want to do what you want them to do, and they'll like you for it because you know how to link what they want to need to what you want to need in a way that's natural, normal, and desirable for them. Pattern recognition is a somewhat esoteric skill at the core of all the things that human beings do. Make everyone you meet feel ridiculously good just for having interacted with you. When you embody that philosophy and concept, people will start giving you stuff, and opportunities will just come your way. When people hear their own words coming back to them, they orient on them like a bead of honey. They can't turn away. When you use the echo technique, you force a person's neurology to pay attention to you, excluding everything else. Episode Timeline: [08:52] Persuasion and influence techniques for success. [17:06] Have more dynamism in the way you present. [26:02] The secrets of emotional bonding and attraction. [30:11] Echo technique [40:30] The spotlight effect [48:32] Emotional Bonding Checklist [57:20] Hierarchy of Beliefs To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of self-doubt and limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your dreams? Imagine finally breaking free from the patterns and safety rules your unconscious mind has created to protect you. What would it feel like to dissolve negative emotions, reframe limiting beliefs, and access the innate wisdom of your body-mind connection? Dr. David Snyder has uncovered a powerful system to reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock your true potential. Discover hidden techniques to clear emotional blocks, overcome chronic pain and illness, and manifest the life you truly desire. Standout Quotes: “Everything that human beings do is in response to a feeling. It's either a feeling they want more of or a feeling they want a whole lot less of.” – Dr. David Snyder “You can be or do or have anything in this life that you want, as long as you're first willing to become the person for whom that thing can happen to.” – Dr. David Snyder “There is nothing wrong with you, my friends. There's nothing—you are not broken. You can have everything you want.” – Dr. David Snyder “The unconscious mind created a safety rule that says, in this situation, ‘This can't happen,’ or ‘This doesn't happen,’ or ‘This is as far as you're allowed to go right now.’” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Identify and eliminate negative relationships, environments, or habits that are not serving your highest good. Ask yourself "How is this person/thing making my life better? Practice the "magic frame" technique to release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs. Locate the feeling in your body, manipulate the visual representation, and write down the lessons learned. Create a "bucket list" of issues to address, organized from least to most intense. Systematically work through the list using techniques like spinning, color breathing, and body-centered energy psychotherapy. Recognize that chronic illness or pain is often a symptom of an underlying emotional root cause. Ask better questions to uncover and resolve the true source. Commit to doing the "work" required to transform your life, not just consuming the information. Be willing to invest your time, energy and effort to develop the necessary skills and habits. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Clear Your Blocks for Personal Growth and Success [05:26] Transform Limiting Beliefs with Neurology and Visualization [11:49] Protect Your Business from Unforeseen Setbacks [17:15] Unconscious Mind’s Role in Protecting You from Pain [22:34] Harness NLP to Access and Alter Memories [27:10] Use Energy and Emotions to Gain Deep Insights [31:24] Powerful Personal Development Techniques that Work [37:11] Manage Pain Using NLP Techniques [41:50] Heal Chronic Conditions with Energy Techniques [47:33] Transform Chronic Illnesses with Energy Healing [52:14] Overcome Mental Illness and Improve Life with Hypnosis [58:13] Transform Your Life with Attraction and Manifestation Techniques To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and unable to manifest the life of your dreams? Do you find yourself constantly battling negative thoughts and self-doubt, limiting your true potential? Dr. David Snyder unveils a powerful system that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock the hidden laws of attraction. Through a series of transformative techniques and courses, Dr. Snyder guides you on a journey to overcome mental and emotional blockages, cultivate positive mindsets, and manifest wealth, health, and lasting happiness. Standout Quotes: “Achieving success, being healthy and wealthy, and lifelong happiness is anyone's ultimate dream. In the grand scheme of things, self-doubt limits you from achieving great things.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your neurology automatically generates the belief system that would allow it to become true for you. Instead of coming up with a societal reason or a religious reason, it will just reach into its most primal level that has the strongest motivating, harmonious connection to why that will allow you to generate that, and it'll link it together.” – Dr. David Snyder “You can become the person who deserves to have everything you want.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Craft personalized affirmations using the "I deserve X because..." structure to tap into your subconscious beliefs and reprogram your mindset for success. Identify the negative coping mechanisms you've developed due to toxic environments, and work to remove those blockages through techniques like energy spinning and color breathing. Reflect on the negativity bias of your autonomic nervous system and make a conscious effort to cultivate more positive states to counteract this natural tendency, laying the foundation for effective manifestation. Episode Timeline: [00:24] Unlock Wealth and Joy [03:01] Affirmations & Manifestation [02:43] Personal Experience Techniques: Manifestation Unleashed [07:21] Law of Attraction Hacks: Manifestation Techniques [13:44] Vibrational Identity Insights [20:09] Manifest Desires in Minutes [24:51] Playfulness for Desires [30:00] Real-World Training & Feedback [35:09] Boost Attraction Skills [40:52] Personal & Emotional States [44:52] Healing Energy Techniques [50:21] Unleash Potential: NLP Secrets To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you tired of struggling to achieve your dreams of success, health, and happiness? Do you feel like you've tried everything, from positive affirmations to the law of attraction, but still can't seem to manifest the life you desire? Dr. David Snyder reveals the hidden secrets behind the law of attraction and how to truly reprogram your subconscious mind for unlimited success. Sharing his extensive expertise in NLP, energy healing, and pattern recognition, Dr. Snyder explains why the traditional approaches to manifestation often fall short, and provides a systematic, experiential framework to clear your blocks, install empowering beliefs, and become the best version of yourself. Standout Quotes: “If you can get your own nervous system to generate a primal, spontaneous reason for doing something, it will bypass any other resistance from any other reason you generate.” – Dr. David Snyder “The higher up that hierarchy you go, the more control that belief has over all the levels below it.” – Dr. David Snyder “If all you did was chop the anchor, you take off like a rocket.” – Dr. David Snyder “The most powerful reason a person has for doing the thing they just said they didn't want to do is the reason they come up with now.” – Dr. David Snyder “There is nothing inside of you that you haven’t already beaten. There’s just a part of you that doesn’t realize it yet.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Change your state through the color breathing exercise - Tap into feelings of pleasure, victory, and playfulness to raise your vibration and unlock your manifestation potential. Complete the emotional motivation checklist - Uncover your deepest desires and the underlying reasons driving them to bypass resistance and achieve your goals. Reprogram your beliefs using the "what's important" questioning technique - Gain profound insights by exploring the hierarchical structure of your beliefs and values. Identify and eliminate the "anchor" of resistance holding you back - Understand how your autonomic nervous system operates in the language of sensation, and use this knowledge to cut through limiting beliefs. Generate primal, spontaneous reasons for taking action - Leverage the power of your subconscious mind to overcome resistance and catalyze meaningful change in your life. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Mind Reprogramming Secrets [03:01] Manifest Health, Wealth, and Happiness [09:24] Personal Experience Techniques: Manifestation Unleashed [12:03] NLP, Energy Healing, and Patterns: Your Path to Abundance [16:04] Harnessing the Law of Attraction [21:26] Law of Attraction Techniques [24:34] Playfulness for Desires [30:13] Manifesting Through Posture and Breath [33:02] Law of Attraction for Positive Emotions [39:12] Affirmations and Bonding: Personal Growth Blueprint [44:58] Emotional Motivation Checklist [47:55] Manifesting Desires with Questions [52:06] Reprogramming Beliefs for Success To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you struggling to tap into your true potential and overcome the limitations holding you back? Dr. David Snyder addresses a wide range of topics from harnessing the power of imagination and overcoming fear, to navigating relationships and manifesting your dream life. He emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions, dissolving limiting beliefs, and becoming the person capable of achieving your goals. Whether you're seeking to boost your creativity, conquer addictions, or simply maintain optimism in challenging times, Dr. Snyder offers practical strategies and thought-provoking insights. Standout Quotes: “Human beings are magic incarnate, and when I see you, I perceive universes of possibility. However, we still need a way to tap into that magic.” – Dr. David Snyder “Enlightenment isn't the process of learning more. It's about getting rid of the things you thought you knew and seeing things without those filters in place.” – Dr. David Snyder “The harder you have to work to be in a relationship with somebody, the harder you're going to have to work to stay in that relationship.” – Dr. David Snyder “Sometimes it's better to be an asshole for a minute than an asshole for the rest of your life.” – Dr. David Snyder “Everything that you could ever want or ever have wanted, or ever will want, according to physicists, is already here. The question becomes, why aren't we grabbing hold of it?” – Dr. David Snyder “All identities and all personalities are just habits of belief and behavior, ways and attitudes and moods, that's all they are.” – Dr. David Snyder “To manifest desired circumstances, become the person who can contain and transform light or transduce it.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Engage in imagination exercises and "play" to boost your creativity and tap into your full potential. Evaluate your relationships and remove those that consistently leave you feeling worse. Ask yourself how much value the person is bringing to your life and if the relationship is worth the effort. Practice desired identities and states of being consistently for at least 66 days to make them your new default. Use "boosters" throughout the day to reinforce the change. Become the person capable of manifesting your dreams. Identify and remove the filters limiting your perception of the abundance already available to you. Experiment with state control exercises in increasingly challenging environments to build up your mental "muscle" and reach your full potential. Don't just learn the techniques, put them into consistent practice. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Unlocking Success, Happiness, and Wealth [03:46] Harnessing Personal Power: Imagination and Self-Awareness Techniques [09:52] Staying Positive in Tough Times: Breathing, Posture, and Reflection [15:28] Transforming Beliefs for Personal Growth [18:39] Chaos Magic, Addiction, and Evolution: A Deep Dive [21:54] Exploring Fear, Consciousness, and Neuroscience [27:44] Hypnosis, Chinese Medicine, and Relationship Insights [33:03] Taking Charge: Personal Growth and Responsibility [36:27] Mastering Manifestation: State Control and Growth [41:50] Purposeful Living: Relationships and Personal Growth [47:27] Unlocking Your Mind: NLP Techniques for Subconscious Reprogramming To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Achieving success, health, wealth, and happiness is the ultimate dream, but self-doubt and limiting beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Dr. David Snyder explores powerful techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind and unlock our true power. What hidden beliefs or limiting patterns are holding you back from achieving your ultimate dreams? Are you ready to unlock your true power and transform your life? Standout Quotes: “Human beings move through the world with the equivalent of a jet engine and an anchor strapped to their back.” – Dr. David Snyder “You are the God or Goddess of your reality; you are the king or queen of your universe. You have absolutely every right, privilege, and authority to make any change that you want, for any reason that you want.” – Dr. David Snyder “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions that you ask.” – Dr. David Snyder “What the nervous system creates, the nervous system accepts.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your memories are not real; they're reconstructed. And every time you reconstruct them, they might change.” – Dr. David Snyder “If you can point to where you feel it and reach out and touch it, you can change it.” – Dr. David Snyder “You are not solid; you're a light beam, nested loops of vibrational density. Every time information passes through you from one vibrational density to another, it is refracted.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Practice connecting your interoceptive and proprioceptive nervous systems by pointing to where you feel emotions in your body, reaching out to touch them, and manipulating the visual representation to shift your feelings. Use the "magic frame" technique to extract the lessons and rules from past traumas or frustrations, allowing you to keep the lessons and let go of the emotional weight. Craft affirmations using the "I feel/because" format, speaking the responses out loud to tap into your unconscious mind's preferred way of creating reality and shift from frustration to empowerment. Reflect on the quality of the questions you ask yourself - are they empowering and solution-focused, or limiting and problem-focused? Experiment with asking better questions to unlock new possibilities. Episode Timeline: [00:25] The Impact of Memories and Trauma on Mental Health [5:13] Clearing Emotional Blockages for Pleasure and Growth [12:05] Using Visualization to Change Feelings and Energy [17:04] Connecting the Human Energy Field to the Nervous System [21:54] Linking Physical Sensations to Emotions and Thoughts [27:20] Releasing Emotional Weight Through Imagination [32:31] Personal Growth with Vibrational Alchemy [38:36] Healing Trauma Through the Unconscious Mind [45:20] Releasing Negative Feelings and Fostering Emotional Bonding Through Writing [50:17] Transforming Neurology with Affirmations and Cause-and-Effect Filters [56:30] Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind for Empowerment [1:01:56] Achieving Personal Transformation with Affirmations [1:07:29] Exploring Vibrational Healing and Mystery Schools for Personal Growth [1:12:09] Removing Secondary Gain and Improving Mindset with NLP Techniques To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you struggling to manifest the life of your dreams - one filled with wealth, health, and lasting happiness? Do you feel like there are hidden blocks and negativity holding you back, even if you can't quite put your finger on what they are? Dr. David Snyder reveals the "hidden laws of attraction" and how to unlock the true power of your subconscious mind. He explains how "safety rules" installed by your subconscious can inadvertently sabotage your success and teaches a revolutionary "information method" to supercharge your affirmations and manifestation abilities. The question is - are you ready to take control of your life and unlock your true potential? Standout Quotes: “Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated. Behavior that gets repeated gets reinforced.” – Dr. David Snyder “You don't live in reality; you live in a well-crafted metaphor of reality created by your autonomic nervous system.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your neurology treats the recording it made of a past trauma as if it's the real thing, even though the primary experience is long gone.” – Dr. David Snyder “The moment your emotional density changes, the angle of refraction of the vibrational light that makes up your being changes, and you appear differently.” – Dr. David Snyder “It doesn't matter if what we're working on is a trauma, a limiting belief, a fantasy, or a daydream; they're all built the same way, so we can change them all.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your brain takes a primary experience and creates a recording of it, broken into five primary channels: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory.” – Dr. David Snyder “The human nervous system acts like a prism, refracting vibrational data and encoding it into five channels to create our memories and beliefs.” – Dr. David Snyder “Density causes light to change and bend, which is why face reading can diagnose a person's mental, physical, and emotional health, and why the trauma line disappears when it's resolved.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Identify and remove the "safety rules" and hidden negativity in your subconscious mind that are holding you back from achieving your goals and desires. Practice the "image cycling" technique to supercharge your manifestation abilities and attract what you want more quickly. Examine how your autonomic nervous system is creating your personal "metaphor of reality" and look for ways to reprogram limiting beliefs and traumas stored in your holographic memory. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Unlock Subconscious Power for Manifestation and Success [06:45] Energy Healing and Personal Transformation Deep Dive [11:38] Transform Your Personality and Attract Your Soulmate [16:27] Manifest Your Desires with NLP Training [38:09] Remove Success Blocks with the Autonomic Nervous System [43:31] Release Trauma Stored in the Body for Healing [48:51] Reprogram Your Subconscious with NLP Techniques To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Are you frustrated with the law of attraction not working as effectively as you'd like? Do you feel like you're missing key pieces to the puzzle when it comes to manifesting your desires? Dr. David Snyder believes he has uncovered the hidden secrets to harnessing the true power of the law of attraction. Are you ready to take the randomness out of your manifestation work and make it happen faster, easier, and more consistently? Learn the hidden laws of attraction that can transform every aspect of your life and remove blocks to your success, overcome limiting beliefs, and attract more health, wealth, and happiness into your life. Standout Quotes: “Anything outside of your awareness is outside of your control.” – Dr. David Snyder “The more playful and fun loving you are, the more the universe magnetizes events and things to you.” – Dr. David Snyder “Your dominant thoughts are analogous to the beliefs held in your subconscious mind that are running on an automatic pilot.” – Dr. David Snyder “Everything human beings desire is recorded inside your mind and body and is connected to your value system.” – Dr. David Snyder “When you can control your vibration and you can control your mind, you can reach out to the universe and the universe will bring things to you.” – Dr. David Snyder “The reason you have these background feelings isn't because they're insignificant; it's because they're deep. They're in the unconscious mind.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Become aware of your dominant thoughts and beliefs, especially the unconscious ones that may be sabotaging your manifestation efforts. Use exercises like color breathing and "information" to uncover these. Cultivate a playful, easygoing, and relaxed mindset when working on manifestation and personal growth. Higher vibrations like joy and playfulness will attract more positive outcomes. Identify what you truly desire, get emotionally connected to it, and speak your affirmations out loud with passion and conviction. This engages your nervous system and subconscious mind. Clear any negative emotions, limiting beliefs, or mental blocks that may be interfering with your ability to manifest. Be willing to acknowledge and address these. Episode Timeline: [00:02] Using the Subconscious Mind for Manifestation and Success [03:22] NLP and Ancient Wisdom Systems [10:08] Clarifying Dominant Thoughts for Effective Manifestation [15:46] Vibration and Playfulness in Manifestation [19:40] Manifesting Success, Health, Wealth, and Happiness [24:52] NLP and Energy Healing for Success, Health, Wealth, and Happiness [30:30] The Law of Attraction and Identifying Dominant Thoughts [33:15] Affirmations and Their Impact on Conscious and Unconscious Thoughts [37:41] Interoception and Vibrational State Control for Emotional Well-being [42:47] Using Affirmations for Manifestation and Pleasure [48:43] Manifestation Practices and Emotional Bonding [55:42] Manifestation Techniques and the Law of Attraction To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Do you find yourself hitting a wall when trying to persuade people to take action or change their behavior? In this episode of The Unlimited Influence, Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. David Snyder tackles the common frustrations of failed persuasion attempts and resistance to change. He introduces powerful techniques like the Resistance Removal Protocol and restoring personal autonomy. This episode dives deep into the psychology of influence, offering actionable strategies that could transform your approach to persuasion. Listen in and be ready to unlock the secrets of human influence. Standout Quotes: "You want to learn to influence people from inside, not out." - Dr. David Snyder "The first rule, when it comes to transforming resistance, is you have to give people back their sense that it's okay to say no." - Dr. David Snyder "The rationalization that gets challenged only grows stronger." - Dr. David Snyder "When you force people to defend their beliefs and statements, they automatically become defensive." - Dr. David Snyder "Head-on collisions will never work. You've got to have them generate a reason that they might want to do something and then attack that reason." - Dr. David Snyder "Patience is power." - Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Use the "Resistance Removal" approach. First, acknowledge that the person can refuse. Then, help them develop their reasons for wanting to do something. This allows people feel more in control of their decisions. Practice the "echoing" technique. When unsure what to say, repeat what the other person said. This simple technique builds trust and shows you're listening, making people more open to your ideas. Combine techniques like building emotional connections with the "Resistance Removal" approach. Using multiple strategies together can make your persuasion more effective. Be patient when persuading. Give people time to think about new ideas. Rushing them can make them suspicious and less likely to agree. Remember that changing minds often takes time. Help people find their motivation. Instead of pressuring someone or giving them rules to follow, guide them to discover why they might want to do something. When people find their own reasons, they're more likely to make lasting changes. Episode Timeline: [00:31] How can we influence people through understanding and empathy? [04:42] Why is restoring personal autonomy necessary in removing resistance? [05:13] What's the situation with smokers who don't want to quit and the people pressuring them to do so? [7:34] How should quitting smoking be approached to emphasize personal choice and autonomy? [13:18] David Snyder asks a participant to understand their motivation [15:59] How can psychology be used to remove resistance and increase compliance? [17:21] Why does challenging someone's beliefs often strengthen them? [21:53] Why is building trust and rapport crucial when influencing someone? [24:48] What role do patience and validation play in persuasion techniques? [28:51] Dr. David Schneider encourages listeners to reprogram their minds with NLP techniques To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Dr. David Snyder discusses the art of persuasion and human influence, offering powerful insights that could transform your interactions. David highlights the value of his program, including various NLP tools and techniques. He offers a special deal for listeners to gain access to this powerful material at a significantly reduced price. He also discusses the importance of clear communication, proper language use, and effective influence techniques in the workplace. He shares techniques for building rapport and overcoming resistance using the echo technique in NLP. Tune in to start achieving success in different aspects of life! Standout Quotes: "Everything human beings do is in response to a feeling - either one they want more of or one they want less of." - Dr. David Snyder "The fastest way to change a person's decision is to change their body feelings." - Dr. David Snyder "You can influence other people's states but completely control your own." - Dr. David Snyder "Human beings are validation-seeking creatures." - Dr. David Snyder "In every conversation, there will always be something you can find in common." - Dr. David Snyder "Validation doesn't necessarily mean you agree. It means you accept what they said is true for them." - Dr. David Snyder "Words are powerful. But if you taint your words by your intonation, your emotional state, you're going to poison the interaction." - Dr. David Snyder "We as students of influence must understand that we must exert state control over things. We can't let our states control us." - Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Master the "echo technique" by practicing the sequence: ask a question, pay attention to the response, validate, echo their words, and ask another question. Look for things you agree on in every discussion, even with people who think differently. This creates a friendly atmosphere and makes people more open to your ideas. Learn to keep your emotions separate from your communication strategy. Try to show that you understand others' views without agreeing with them. This helps keep conversations productive. Work on better managing your own emotions. When you can control how you feel, it's easier to influence how others feel and what they decide. When you want to change someone's mind, start by affecting how they feel physically. This often works better than just using logical arguments. For example, helping someone relax can make them more open to new ideas. Episode Timeline: [00:31] What does David Snyder's comprehensive program offer for personal and professional growth? [04:26] How can persuasion techniques be used for personal growth and success? [09:44] What does the personalized mentoring program for NLP skills involve? [15:13] What is the free VIP super ticket offer for? [19:53] David Snyder instructs listeners how to contact them properly [24:59] How can body feelings be used to influence decisions and change perspectives? [31:15] What is the "echo technique," and how is it used to understand and motivate others? [37:59] How does David Snyder use the Russia vs. Ukraine scenario to explore different perspectives on addressing aggression? [41:40] What is the "chunk up, chunk down" principle, and how does David Snyder suggest using it for a more ethical agreement? [47:15] What is David Snyder's opinion on Trump's ideas and their implementation? [53:10] Why does David Snyder emphasize validation and vulnerability in effective communication? To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Have you ever felt powerless in your interactions with others? Do you struggle to communicate effectively or persuade people to see your point of view? What if you could master the art of influence and achieve everything you want in life while helping others do the same? Dr. David Snyder presents powerful persuasion techniques in this webinar, focusing on the secrets of human influence. He introduces methods like the echo technique, emotional bonding checklist, and hypnotic language patterns to help listeners achieve success in various aspects of life. Standout Quotes: “The most powerful words that any human being can hear at any given moment are the words that just came out of their mouth.” – Dr. David Snyder “Once you understand what a person's emotional needs are, and you know how to satisfy them, they will almost always do what you want by default.” – Dr. David Snyder “The best way to get anybody to do what you want them to do is have them create their own reasons for wanting to do it.” – Dr. David Snyder “Human beings always work in their own best self-interest. So, when you work from that perspective, getting people to do the things you want them to do is as simple as finding out why they might want to do them.” – Dr. David Snyder “The first rule of influence is you never enter any persuasion situation without first knowing what you want to achieve.” – Dr. David Snyder “People are always focused on what's in their best interest. And the moment you speak to what's in their best interest physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, they can't not do it.” – Dr. David Snyder “I want you to get everything they need in life that you want, by showing other people how to get exactly what they want.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Practice the echo technique daily by consciously repeating people's words back to them in conversations. Notice how it affects rapport and the depth of your interactions. Create your own emotional bonding checklist by writing down your goals and drilling down into why they're important to you. Use this to motivate yourself and understand others' motivations better. Experiment with one hypnotic language pattern by choosing one of the patterns mentioned (e.g., making anything mean anything) and practicing using it ethically in your communications. Observe its impact. Challenge your limiting beliefs by identifying a personal limiting belief and applying the renegade reframing technique to it. Notice how your perspective shifts. Episode Timeline: [00:25] Harnessing Pleasure for Success [05:39] Universal Persuasion Protocol [07:12] The Echo Technique [24:38] Emotional Bonding Checklist [41:09] Hypnotic Language Patterns [57:36] Charisma and Conversion To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Dr. David Snyder talks about achieving success through self-improvement, using psychology to influence behavior, and the importance of persuasion techniques. David discusses proven strategies for success, potential disruptions during interactive webinars, and the methods to answer questions in multiple formats. He also delves into real-world techniques for influence and persuasion, his personal background and credentials, recognizing patterns in human behavior, influencing people through NLP techniques, and using emotional bonding to influence behavior. Throughout the episode, David emphasizes the importance of foundational skills, understanding human motivation, and the use of playfulness and curiosity in influencing others. Standout Quotes: "Everything human beings do has a structure and a process to it." [Dr David Snyder] "Once you can perceive that structure, you can inject change into that structure." [Dr David Snyder] "Attraction comes in two types, physical attraction and emotional attraction. One or the other is great, but if you can do both, bam, it's a home run." [Dr David Snyder] "You don't need to believe a single thing about what we're going to be doing in this webinar. All you have to do is have a great attitude, a sincere desire to do the drills, and get the skills." [Dr David Snyder] "The more interactive you are, the more responsive you are. I thrive on feedback; the more, the better experience you're going to have." [Dr David Snyder] "Once you can begin to perceive the world through the eyes of process and structure, which is very much what martial arts and NLP did for me, you can look beyond the jargon." [Dr David Snyder] "If you can discern the pattern yourself, great, but it's good enough that somebody can show you the pattern, and then show you how to recognize it, and then you can go out and use it." [Dr David Snyder] "Each and every one of us is carrying inside a little checklist for what constitutes what is right in our world." [Dr David Snyder] "The more easygoing, the more exploration, the more curious you become, the more you bypass people's defenses, and they in turn become more curious about you." [Dr David Snyder] "State control is the one power, the one ability that just seems to get stronger and stronger as time goes by." [Dr David Snyder] Key Takeaways: Engage actively in learning experiences and apply what you learn to see results. Understand human behavior patterns to influence others ethically, using playfulness and curiosity to make interactions more persuasive. Recognize and fulfill the internal "checklists" people have for what they want, which can enhance your influence. Develop state control to manage your emotional state and use techniques like recalling peak experiences to shift your mental state quickly. Continuously learn and apply influence skills to improve and be able to recognize and defend against manipulative tactics. Episode Timeline: [14:01] – What insights does David share about human behavior and influence? [17:59] – Why are pattern recognition and structure key to understanding human behavior? [21:08] – What secrets does David Snyder reveal about influencing people's neurology? [27:36] – How can people connect with others on a deep level? [32:43] – What quick trick does David share to help participants hack their state control? [24:33] – How does the human response to feelings and its impact on behavior? [26:32] – What techniques helps to tap into the reticular activating system for effective communication? [31:44] – What are the key components of the universal persuasion protocol? [35:27] – What potential does Snyder note about focusing on pleasurable feelings? Learn more about Dr. David Snyder at: Website: YouTube: Instagram:
Have you ever struggled to connect with others or felt frustrated when trying to persuade someone? Do you find yourself missing out on opportunities because you can't effectively communicate your value? Imagine having the ability to understand exactly what motivates people and being able to tailor your approach to meet their needs. What if you could defuse conflicts, ace job interviews, and build lasting relationships with ease? Dr. David Snyder shares powerful techniques for influencing others and achieving personal success and demonstrates how to use this knowledge in sales, job interviews, and personal interactions to create deep connections and achieve desired outcomes. Standout Quotes: “Everything human beings do is in response to a feeling: it's either a feeling they want more of, or they want a whole lot less.” – Dr. David Snyder “A person cannot go against their deeply held criteria and values without experiencing emotional pain.” – Dr. David Snyder We're not pressuring people. We're not deceiving people. We're just presenting information in a simple, clear, and easy-to-understand way that makes them feel tremendously validated. “Whatever comes out of their mouth is what you use. That's the secret. If it comes out of their mouth, it's sacred.” – Dr. David Snyder “Once you own these skills, no one can take them from you. They will only get stronger, and they will serve you faithfully and consistently every time you choose to use them.” – Dr. David Snyder Key Takeaways: Practice the echo technique in your daily interactions. Pay close attention to others' words and mirror them back to build rapport and understanding. Identify your own emotional bonding checklists for important areas of your life (relationships, career, personal growth). Ask yourself, "What do I absolutely need to have to feel happy and fulfilled in this area?" Before your next important meeting or interview, prepare by considering the other person's perspective. Ask yourself, "What might be important to them about this situation?" and "How can I address their needs while achieving my goals?" Apply the resistance removal formula in a challenging conversation. Give the other person permission to disagree, ask why they might want to change, and explore their reasons for wanting change. Episode Timeline: [00:02] Discover What Matters Most in Relationships [04:10] Decode Respect and Its Role in Bonds [09:40] Tailoring Sales Pitches for Emotional Connections [16:05] Persuasion Techniques for Success [20:53] Essential Traits for Job Success [26:03] Conflict Resolution Techniques [31:00] Influence Strategies and Building Rapport [35:34] Transforming Habits with Psychological Insights [40:29] Discovering Personal Reasons for Change [47:18] Motivate Change with Persuasion [51:47] Impact of Persuasion Techniques on Memory [56:28] Master Influence for Life-Changing Skills To learn more about Dr. David Snyder and everything about NLP, visit: Website: YouTube: Instagram: