Untaught Essentials

What really matters? I had to ask myself this question when I faced a mortal health crisis 30 years ago in the form of an incurable, terminal illness. It forced me to clarify what was important. However, we’re rarely taught these things in school. Join me in dialogue with engaging thought leaders to help you gain more clarity, make masterful decisions, improve communication and interpersonal relationships. My goal is to create a repository of knowledge and wisdom to help guide you through these times.

35. Mastering Money Part 2: How Much is Enough? with Spencer Sherman

Today’s guest is financial advisor Spencer Sherman Today’s conversation with Spencer ended up being an exploration of ‘how much is enough”? This is the first of two parts and I think my monk friend would be satisfied that we cover everything you need to know. Find out more about Spencer here https://www.spencer-sherman.com/ Spencer Sherman (MBA, CFP®) integrates the power of mindfulness and emotional intelligence with business and finance. As the founder and former CEO of Abacus, a values-driven financial consulting firm managing over $3 billion in assets, Spencer has transformed the lives of many, helping them forge stronger relationships with themselves and others to become more effective leaders and achieve financial success on their own terms. After earning an MBA from Wharton, Spencer began a 35-year meditation practice – discovering along the way that the secret to professional success in finance, aside from proficiency with “the numbers,” is cultivating emotional intelligence and a resilient, flexible mind.


34. Mastering Money Part 1: How Much is Enough? with Spencer Sherman

Today’s guest is financial advisor Spencer Sherman Today’s conversation with Spencer ended up being an exploration of ‘how much is enough”? This is the first of two parts and I think my monk friend would be satisfied that we cover everything you need to know. Find out more about Spencer here https://www.spencer-sherman.com/ Spencer Sherman (MBA, CFP®) integrates the power of mindfulness and emotional intelligence with business and finance. As the founder and former CEO of Abacus, a values-driven financial consulting firm managing over $3 billion in assets, Spencer has transformed the lives of many, helping them forge stronger relationships with themselves and others to become more effective leaders and achieve financial success on their own terms. After earning an MBA from Wharton, Spencer began a 35-year meditation practice – discovering along the way that the secret to professional success in finance, aside from proficiency with “the numbers,” is cultivating emotional intelligence and a resilient, flexible mind.


33. Ask Jeremy Anything

Here is a special episode that's all about answering the questions you've submitted. Producer Jason Beck joins as a co-host to give the audience submitted questions. We will explore everything from the intricacies of the work I do with leaders, how I guide them through a transformative journeys, to the increasing importance of nurturing inner practices…we're covering it all. Ever heard of a darkness retreat? Well, we’re going to learn what it is and what happened to me when I went on one…and so much more. So, if you find value in our journey together today, let us know. Drop us a review, share your thoughts at info@jeremyhunter.net


32. What’s an 8 Year-Old Thinking? with Special Guest

A super secret special guest returns...namely an 8-year old close to my life. We discuss what is on his mind and wrestling with belief systems.


Submit Questions for the Ask Me (Almost) Anything Episode

For a next podcast episode, Jeremy Hunter will answer questions from others. Please keep the questions safe for work. What topic, idea, or question would you like Jeremy to talk about? Use the below link to submit your questions: https://forms.gle/xjY3crFbfgtpJH5m9


31. How to be with your mind for rest, sleep, and well-being? with Kelly Boys

Kelly Boys is a mindfulness trainer, yoga nidra teacher and is author of The Blind Spot Effect. She currently works with the Foundation for a Mindful Society helping to grow their Mindful Cities program, and is the host of the Start Your Day program on Sounds True One. Learn more about Kelly at her website: https://www.kellyboys.org/ Try out Kelly's free 13-minute guided Yoga Nidra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZTaqxhFvr8 Check out her book: The Blind Spot Effect: How to Stop Missing What's Right in Front of You https://www.amazon.com/Blind-Spot-Effect-Missing-Whats/dp/1622039971 Connect with Kelly on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kelly.boys/ Join Kelly's newsletter: https://www.kellyboys.org/get-in-touch


30. Tribute to David Peterson: How To Prepare Leaders for the Future? [re-published episode]

This re-published episode is a tribute to David Peterson from episode 9. This episode, David Peterson discusses how to develop leadership skills in the face of uncertainty to not only survive, but to thrive as a leader. David has been recognized as a world-class executive coach and thought leader in executive development for over 25 years. In 2019 he was selected as the #1 Corporate Coach in the world and in 2020 received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his significant contributions to the field of Executive Coaching. After leaving Google in 2020, David continued to provide executive coaching to senior leaders from leading companies, ranging from Amazon and Apple to Zoom, on topics such as leading in complexity, strategic thinking, high-velocity decision-making, and building leadership agility and resilience.


29.3 Cultivating Your Resources

Why this? We over focus on what’s problematic, wrong or broken and that can easily lead to being caught in a doom spiral. Just like having a balanced food diet is helpful, We need to a balanced energy diet. And we do thatmaking a concerted and conscious effort to see what’s good, strong and helpful. For me, who lived a long time with chronic illness, where it was all to0 easy to get caught up in doom scenarios, so building this particular muscle was essential. Its something you can do everyday and most people find it accessible and helpful.


29.2 Solidity Practice

Why Solidity Practice? This is one of the most basic practices to shift your nervous system. When the world is topsy-turvy and distracted, scattered and overwhelmed….Solidity Practice is an easy way to shift yourself back into the green zone.


29.1 Simple Guided Practices for Everyday Sanity

Today we’re going to do something a little different. My friend Suraj and I were chatting the other day and he asked me about doing some guided practices as part of the podcast. Give me something I can use to start and end my day with. This is an introduction to the following two practices. We welcome your feedback, do you like this kind of thing? Should we do more? Send a note to info@jeremyhunter.net


28. What is Trauma and How To Heal it with Elizabeth Stanley

Today’s guest, Dr. Elizabeth Stanley, has done more than her fair share to help heal trauma in the world including her own. She’s the creator of mindfulness based the mind fitness training program (MFIT). She’s also professor of security studies at Georgetown University, US Army Veteran, and author of Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma. We discuss what trauma is, how it distorts people’s lives and how to heal it. We have some interesting explorations about how organizations exploit traumatized people, why so many people in positions of authority are themselves traumatized and the relationship between trauma experiences and overachievement. We had a wide-ranging, engaging conversation that I think you will find very interesting. Learn more about Elizabeth Stanley here: https://elizabeth-stanley.com/


27. How to Access The Intelligence in Your Body with Marcela Widrig

Marcela Widrig has an expansive view of the body. She sees the body as a field of information that can be accessed, dialogued with and related to in ways that that profoundly changes how you relate to your world. The changes are experienced both inside yourself but also with the people in your life. I’ve sent dozens and dozens of my students, friends and family to her and watched how each one steps into a sense of their promise and possibility as a human being. Not only can traumas be decisively healed, but there is a vast and expansive world of growth beyond it. You can learn more about Marcela's work at her website https://fierceembodiment.com/ Or email her at marcela@fierceembodiment.com


26. Leadership is about Building Relationships with Wade Brill

This episode is from Wade Brill Centered in the City podcast. Wade interviews Jeremy on how Leadership is about what it means to be a mindful leader during our modern times. Centered in the City is a virtual oasis to support you living a more mindful and intentional life in the hustle and bustle of your city. Certified Professional Mindfulness Coach, Wade Brill, will lead you in various practical and tangible meditations, discussions and interviews that create a space for you to pause, reflect and connect. Manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm so you can feel more calm, centered and intentional as you live your life in the city. Check out Wade's website here: http://www.wadebrill.com/ Check out Wade's podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-125-leadership-is-about-building-relationships/id1262554444?i=1000584907183


25. Jeremy Interviews Secret Special Guest

For the last episode, we thought it would be fun to do something special. Enjoy this unique episode where I interview a super secret special guest...namely a 7-year old close to my life. What ensues is something typical: moments of intense silliness puntuated with profound wisdom. Enjoy.


24. How Can Beauty Help Solve Humanity’s Crises? with Sandra Lubarsky

In this episode we explore what is beauty? Why do we need the beautiful? According to Sandra B. Lubarsky we have lost something valuable: our relationship to the beautiful. Sandra asks us to look deeper at beauty. Beauty is fundamental to helping us solve our way through many crises we find outselves in. For her, what we find beautiful are patterns of relationship that are generated by life and that sustains and affirms life. Beauty is not a thing as much as a kind of relationship. Contact Sandra on Linkedin here linkedin.com/in/sandra-lubarsky-a690706/


23. How Vital People Vitalize with Jeremy Hunter

We switch up the format and do something a bit different. Producer Jason Beck steps out behind the curtain to have a conversation about what we learned in the 2 years of doing this show. We chatted about human development, transformation of fear, and the future of human evolution.


22. How To Be Healthy In an Unhealthy World? with Pilar Gerasimo

My guest Pilar Gerasimo helps answer this question not through simplistic dieting or exercise tips but by asking us to step into a greater sense of who we are. In her work The Healthy Deviant, she outlines a very practical method for uncovering and taking action on what truly gives you life. https://pilargerasimo.com/


21. Jeremy on Managing Your Nervous System at Work

As featured in the InnerMBA program Click here to learn more I recently appeared on a webinar with the legendary Tami Simon, founder of multimedia publisher Sounds True which is a partner in creating the InnerMBA. We discussed one of the fundamental aspects of inner mastery that no one ever teaches you in school. How to manage your nervous system, and what are the leadership consequences when you can do this well and when you can't.


20. Can Midlife Be Something More Than a Crisis? with Chip Conley

How to find meaning after midlife? This is the question that Chip Conley explores in this episode... New York Times bestselling author Chip Conley is the hospitality maverick who helped Airbnb's founders turn their fast-growing tech start-up into a global hospitality brand. In Wisdom@Work: The Making of a Modern Elder he shares his unexpected journey at midlife — from CEO to intern — learning about technology as Airbnb’s Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy. Chip is the founder of the Modern Elder Academy, where a new roadmap for midlife is offered at a beautiful oceanfront campus in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Modern Elder Academy https://www.modernelderacademy.com/ Chip's personal website: http://www.chipconley.com/ Follow Chip on Twitter https://twitter.com/ChipConley


19. Choosing The Warrior's Path with Coca-Cola CMO Leadership Summit Podcast

To take the warrior's path is to learn from your shortcomings. You have to look inside yourself and embrace your inner trauma and pain. It's not easy to do, but it is the best way to achieve personal development. Join Katherine Twells as she talks to Jeremy Hunter about his warrior's journey. Discover how Jeremy dealt with his inner struggles to solve his external problems. He has gone through so many challenges. Be inspired to that take the warrior's path today!


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