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Church Planter Starter Kit

Author: Robby Fowler

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The Church Planter Starter Kit Podcast helps busy pastors and church planters transform their church website and brand into a gospel-centered digital missionary.
12 Episodes
Your Website Has Huge Missionary Potential! We’re witnessing a seismic communication shift. Everyone you want to reach with the gospel is ONLINE. This shift is a game changer, much like the printing press. My mission is to help you be a better missionary online with your church website, brand, and social media. Today’s episode covers five mistakes zapping the missionary potential of your church’s homepage. What You’ll Discover About Your Church Website In This Episode: • The common ways we fail to connect with people online. • Why these mistakes kill your message and cause disconnect. • What your non-church going audience is actually hearing when they hit your homepage. Grab Your Free Resource from Today’s Episode Your resource has a handy recap of the 5 mistakes covered in today’s episode. Get yours at
Gone are the days of writing an epic blog post all on your own. There are some great apps you can use to make writing easier. Plus, using these apps makes you a better writer. Today’s episode continues on the topic of why, what, and how pastors should blog. THE SECRET: Relax! Approach Blogging Like A Dairy Farmer…Milk More Out Of Last Week’s Great Sermon. Think back to last week. You prepared a sermon, preached a sermon, recorded your sermon, and put it online, right? That was a lot of work for a 30–45-minute window. But what if you could get way more missional bang for your buck? With blogging, you can. As we’ve discussed, blogging is a great way to repurpose content you already have—like that sermon! Even better, you can put on your missionary hat. Now use your articles to answer the specific questions of your culture. Think of your article as a chance to go a little deeper into gospel application for the non-church-goer you long to reach. 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. A simple process for writing regular blog posts. 2. The apps I use to make your writing sing like Beyonce. 3. A few handy tips to melt away your frigid fears of blogging. Grab Your Free Resource from Today’s Episode: The Apps + The Tips + The Video How-To Your resource has all links to the free apps mentioned in today’s episode, along with my simple writing tips. I also made a quick video for you. You get a behind-the-scenes look at how I use each app. Get yours at
Church planters don’t always see themselves as writers. So how do busy planters blog and engage culture with the gospel? Today’s episode features part two of an interview with Rusty Langford, a church planter with Acts 29 and Soma in Tennessee. Listen as Rusty’s questions and user-submitted questions get answered! 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. How to measure quantity verses quality. 2. What to consider about blogging before you even begin planting. 3. Why reframing your content in a blog packs so much untapped gospel potential. Grab Your Free Resource: 20 Topic Ideas to Kickstart Your Blog… I’ve handpicked 20 killer topic ideas to get you going fast. That’s right. You’re first 20 blog post articles are waiting for you. Get yours at
Church planters serious about engaging culture with the gospel should consider blogging. But the obvious question is… Where does a church planter find time to blog? Today’s episode features part one of an interview with Rusty Langford, a church planter with Acts 29 and Soma in Tennessee. Listen as Rusty and I tackle this question! 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. How to deal with the common objections you have about blogging. 2. How to come up with killer blog content without killing yourself. 3. Why blogging is a missionary tool with massive gospel potential. Grab Your Free Resource: 20 Topic Ideas to Kickstart Your Blog I’ve handpicked 20 killer topic ideas to get you going fast. That’s right. You’re first 20 blog post articles are waiting for you. Get yours at
Church Planters Should Blog…About What? If you’re planting a church, you should blog. The rewards are worth it. I outlined some of the winning reasons to blog in episode 7. The next big question is, what should you blog about? This episode answers that question for you! 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. Find out EXACTLY what you should blog about (Hint: You already know what it is.) 2. Take a load off and see why the kind of blogging I want you to do is waaaaaay easier than you think. 3. What your simple goal is for starting a blog so you hit the target every time. Grab Your Free Resource: 20 Topic Ideas to Kickstart Your Blog I’ve handpicked 20 killer topic ideas to get you going fast. That’s right. You’re first 20 blog post articles are waiting for you. Get yours at
So Many Church Planters Ask Me This Question… “Should I have a blog?” It comes up every time I’m working with a church planter or pastor on their website. In the past, my go-to answer was “No!” But I’ve done a hard 180º. In today’s episode I’ll answers this question. You’ll see how blogging fits into our strategy of you being a great digital missionary with the gospel. This episode unpacks 3 juicy reasons I now say “Yes!” to you blogging. Once you hear them, I’m betting you’ll agree. But don’ freak out. I’ll help you with the “how-to” around blogging in the next episode. Today, we start with why. Grab Your Free Resource for help nailing down the focus for your blog. You’ll get great questions to help you narrow-in on a subject. And you’ll see how to leverage your subject as a digital missionary for the gospel.
Today’s episode wraps up our first series. I Bet You’ve Said This Before… There is a common temptation every church planter faces. It pops up when it comes time to create a website and brand. The number 1 temptation is: I’ll deal with the website later when… Websites, branding, marketing…not fun. Why can’t you go plant your church. You’re a pastor, not a marketer. You want to make disciples, not get bogged down in all this stuff. Plus your to-do list keeps growing! But there are some big mistakes behind the “I’ll deal with the website later when…” approach. This episode unpacks 5 common mistakes behind that approach. Discover: what the 5 mistakes are how to get rid of them a simple formula for finding the “value” of your church website Grab the free resource from today’s episode and start turning your website and brand into a digital missionary for the gospel. » Leave a review on iTunes!
Our first series is like an encouraging kick in the pants to remind you of one thing: Your church website and brand are packed with POWERFUL, GOSPEL, MISSIONARY POTENTIAL. In today’s episode we look at the fourth maxim. On one hand, you feel uncomfortable, unsure, and unprepared to tackle your website, brand, and marketing. The whole thing makes your hands sweaty and your head swim. On the other hand, you want to share the gospel with as many people as God will allow in your city. If only you could afford some help. What if I told you, you can. You can hire someone who: never stops has tremendous influence already knows the people you want to reach Ready To Make Your First Hire?! (I Promise You can Afford to…) See how easy it is to hire the help you need as you plant your church. Then… Grab the free resource from today’s episode and start turning your website and brand into a digital missionary for the gospel. » Leave a review on iTunes
Today’s episode covers the 3rd Missional Marketing Maxim. My goal is to transform the way you view your church website and brand. Instead of cringing, I want you to imagine your website and brand as a POWERFUL digital missionary. 3 Choices You Must Make About Your Church Website and Brand You’ve got a million decisions to make as a church planter. I’ve got good news and bad news when it comes to your decision about your website and brand. First, The Bad News… You have to make a decision about your church website and brand. There’s no neutral. No pause button. No ‘phone a friend’ escape. The Good News…There are only 3 options. You will do one of these three things, guaranteed. Discover what the 3 are so you can make use of the powerful missionary potential of your website. Grab Today’s Free Resource Get help turning your website and brand into a digital missionary. Leave a review on iTunes and I'll give you and your church a shoutout!
Today’s episode takes a closer look at the second of the 5 Missional Marketing Maxims. These maxims are the foundation of the Church Planter Starter Kit. I’ll share 3 Steps to Go From Excuses to Excitement Over Your Website & Brand too. Here’s what we’ll explore together: What can your brand do to help you relate to the people you’re called to reach? How does your brand relate to the gospel? 874 reasons to excite you about the potential reach of your church website. Grab Your Free Resource: Liked This Podcast? Leave a review on iTunes and I'll give you and your church a shoutout on the podcast. Make sure to leave your website so I can link back to it. I’d love to connect on social: Twitter: @churchplantersk Instagram: @rfowler Facebook: churchplantersk
Church websites intimidate pastors and church planters. You have to have one. You know you need one. But church websites and all they entail is NOT in your wheelhouse. Today’s episode looks at 3 things church planters need to know about your church website and brand. We’ll take a closer look at the first of 5 Missional Marketing Maxims we introduced in episode 1. And there's a free resource that goes along with this episode. Find it at
Church Planter Starter Kit helps busy pastors and church planters connect your church website and brand to the heart of the people you’re called to reach. Pastoring or planting a church is challenging. It's easy to get overwhelmed and feel unprepared. Connecting with people using your brand and website is one of the hundreds of hats you're asked to wear. But there is little training on how a "normal-sized" gospel-minded, missional church is supposed to use their brand and website to be a great missionary. In this first episode of the podcast, we're going to look at 5 Missional Marketing Maxims that will likely shock you. You'll begin to see the important role your brand and website play in you reaching your community with the gospel. Download the 5 Missional Marketing Maxims at If you liked this episode, leave a review on iTunes and I'll give you a shoutout. I'd love to connect: * Twitter: churchplantersk * Web: