Meltdown Pinball Podcast

14 Episodes
Episode 14 of The Meltdown was recorded 36 hours before the 24 Hour Battle at The Sanctum.
Join Greg Poverelli and me as we breakdown the impending breakdowns of 100 pinball players who paid for the privilege of going through this pinball torture chamber.
Episode Synopsis
Pinball Profile World Tour
Flip Frenzies
Paying for torture
Describing the 24 Hour Battle
Resting strategies
Thank you Tournament Directors
Supplies for The Sanctum
The MyBookie Lines
Ron vs. Bruce
Greg vs. Steve at last years State Champs
Potential winners
The last round is the Money Round
The Sanctum will take a piece of you
Shameless Plugs and local competitions
Music: Dilemmachine – Fred
Follow Dilemmachine
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
Follow on Twitter: Fun With Bonus Like on Facebook: Fun With Bonus Follow on Instagram: Fun With Bonus
Episode 13 of The Meltdown Pinball Podcast is a continuation of the last episode, right where we left off. This is part two of our collaboration. as the Post Pinburgh Decompression continues.
Rejoin Duncan McFarlane, Luke Cervi, Jack Danger, Kikasaurus Rex and me as we continue to break down Pinburgh and other pinball stuff.
There's still no synopsis here ... but, there were still many, and large quantities of beverages involved in the making of this production as well (see cover photo).
Music: Dilemmachine – Fred
Follow Dilemmachine
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
Follow on Twitter: Fun With Bonus
Like on Facebook: Fun With Bonus
Follow on Instagram: Fun With Bonus
Episode 12 of The Meltdown Pinball Podcast is a group of pinballers going through ... not Post Pinburgh Depression as stated in the New Pinball Dictionary, but Post Pinburgh Decompression.
This is part one of our collaboration, and I decided to separate it at a very appropriate point (you'll see .. or rather you'll hear). Part two (episode 13) will be released soon and will pick up right where part one leaves off.
Join Duncan McFarlane, Luke Cervi, Jack Danger, Kikasaurus Rex and me as we break down Pinburgh and many other pinball things as they come up. This was Duncan's first Pinburgh competition, and ReplayFX was Luke's first-ever pinball show so I was happy to have their perspectives on ReplayFX, Pinburgh, and pinball in general.
Although we were decompressing after Pinburgh ended, most of the discussion is "evergreen" as we cover more topics than just ReplayFX.
There's no synopsis here ... Well, I'll add this: Many, and large quantities of beverages were involved in the making of this production (see cover photo).
Music: Dilemmachine – Fred
Follow Dilemmachine
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
On Episode 11, Greg Poverelli and Steve Bowden ( cover many topics in the game, hobby, sport, and world of pinball... Just in time for Pinburgh.
What are we having?
Pinburgh - The Super Bowl of Pinball
Pick your favorite Pinburgh bank
Pinburgh Sign-up Frenzy Drama (AKA: Pinburgh Round ZERO)
Can Pinburgh do more than 1000?
Tournament directors playing in tournaments
Surviving The Sanctum
MyBookie and prop bets
Pinburgh Fantasy League
Vegas Stakes and Pop-O-Matic Craps
The WPPRelli Tournament Forecast
The Intergalactic Lineup
Always be getting points
Dream bank
Circuit schedule planning
* A very special announcement *
Greg at EPC
Local Texas scene / New York scene
The Open at INDISC
Long Island Pinball Expo (and Open)
The OCHO? No.
Greg behaving himself?
The WPPRelli report and pinball news
Star Wars Home Edition
Jurassic Park
Black Knight code update
Game of Thrones huge code update and analysis
Use your validation
Other #SPORTS!
The Hat
Shameless Plugs
Music: Dilemmachine - Fred
Follow Dilemmachine
This is the third and final part of the It Never Drains in Southern California edition of The Meltdown Pinball Podcast with Imoto Harney, Antoinette Johnson, and Michael Gottlieb.
Also joining us will be 2019 INDISC Grand Champion Colin Urban, Tournament Director Jim Belsito and Daniel Spolar of Project Pinball. The conversation gets a little more tournament focused as we talk about the strategy aspects of card-based or set-based qualifying, also known as the former PAPA style. And we watch as the competition is winding down, until a time when we decide to relocate.
Intro and Outro Music: FunHouse Multiball (Matt Dibrindisi Mix)
Other topics:
When you show something, be able to ship something
Selling, production and distribution
The Card System and Pinball Chess
Leet Strats
Alternate ROMs
Levi's Iron Man
Making a game tournament worthy
Colin WINS!
We relocate!
Interview with a champion
Tournament comments from Jim Belsito
Wrap up with Daniel Spolar
Special guests Antoinette Johnson (from Marco Specialties), Imoto Harney (from Imoto Arcade) and Michael Gottlieb join me in the arcade/food/drink area at the Museum of Pinball in Banning, California.
This is Part 2 of the INDISC episode and it's still happening while the It Never Drains in Southern California tournament was deep into the Final Round.
We pick up right where we left off talking about Haunted House vs. Black Hole, other games and stories.
Other topics ...
"Surprise and Delight"
"Planned Obsolescence"
Gottlieb's Texas Ranger Prototype
Mini Playfield is not ACDC
Certain layouts work
Keeping the Monster fed
Different art packages
Christopher Franchi is hitting HOME RUNS!
Creators vs. Consumers
Stern, please continue to do well
No preorders!
Antoinette working for Marco Specialties full time and game design
Shout outs to Jon Norris
Colin Urban, Jim Belsito and Daniel Spolar will appear on Episode 10 coming very soon.
Intro and Outro Music: FunHouse Multiball (Matt Dibrindisi Mix)
Special guests Antoinette Johnson (from Marco Specialties), Imoto Harney (from Imoto Arcade) and another secret special guest join me in the arcade, food and drink area at the Museum of Pinball in Banning, California.
This is Part 1 and it's happening while the It Never Drains in Southern California tournament was heading to the Semi-Finals. Head Teacher Antoinette has some pinball acquisition stories to tell us.
Imoto remains vigilant monitoring the tournament before introducing our secret guest who joins us about three-quarters of the way through this episode. I tried to kayfabe as much as possible.
The INDISC episode will continue next time right where we left off as we were talking about buttons and Munsters and more pinball stuff. So subscribe and check your feed for the next episode which will be coming up shortly.
Intro and Outro Music: FunHouse Multiball (Matt Dibrindisi Mix)
It's the Christmas gift that no one expected ... or the Holiday curse that no one wanted! It's the seventh episode of The Meltdown Pinball Podcast! International Pinball Sensation, Krystle Gemnich of the Rip Tide Pinball Podcast joins The Meltdown as we sit in the audience during the Oktoberfest game reveal seminar at Chicago Pinball Expo.
After the introductions and a (very edited) seminar period where we talk under our breaths, at about 18:30 into this attempt at recording a podcast, we get the opportunity to step up to play American Pinball's newest offering. We don't go up there immediately of course. It's better to wait for the crowd rushing the game to drain away a bit first. This is followed by fly-on-the-wall coverage of whatever we talked about as we got our first flips on the new game. It's a good thing to listen to in the background while you do whatever and stuff
Also, guest starring International Internet Pinball Sensations Jack Danger of Dead Flip, Jeff Teolis of Pinball Profile, Ron Hallett, Jr. of Slam Tilt Podcast, Nitzan Gabai, Tommy Floyd, Koi Morris, Jason Rufer, and Al Cihak.
Intro and Outro Music: FunHouse Multiball (Matt Dibrindisi Mix)
Santaur meme by: Joel Cohen
Nikki and Steve return, severely delayed but slightly more coherent. This was recorded moments after the STOMP tournament in Rochester, New York so it's a throwback to that time. A time right after my career and life started to change.
This time, we talk about how Nikki enjoyed a 12-hour tournament and that sometimes, all you need is the meme. There's a meme for everything.
Track: RetroVision - Campfire [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
It's Nikki (@KikasaurusRex) and Steve (@FunWithBonus) at our most Meltdown-y!
Reporting from the Southern Fried Gaming Expo near Atlanta, Georgia are two very tired pinballers. We tried to do all the things at SFGE, and attempted to do a podcast afterward.
This is the episode where we discover the cell phone microphone picks up everything, so apologies for the shuffling sounds that happen during the conversation.
We have learned the Pinvasion Tournament will not be happening next year at Southern Fried Gaming Expo. Thanks to Bryan Broyles and his crew for running the tournament. I'm sure that this part of the event will be missed by many.
This was before a major life change started happening for Steve. That was part of the reason for the delay between episodes.
Track: Inukshuk - Too Far Gone [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream:
#SpaceInvaders, #DeadFlipStream, #PAPAPinballFamily
Nikki DeLasagna (@kikasaurusrex) and I (@funwithbonus) talk about The Rock Fantasy Stern Pinball Launch Party and Match Play Tournaments, plus Pinburgh.
Greg Poverelli and I discuss the IFPA World Pinball Championships.
Find us at: /
Email us at: meltdown [at] funwithbonus [dot] com
- Bride tattoo
- Match play frustration
- Doing other things
- Breaking the rules
- The state of the game
- Screwing people less
- Competition Analysis
Music by Joakim Karud
In this episode, "Dr K.Rex" and "Dr. Bonus" discuss the confidential documents revealed during the last podcast.
Also known as: "what the heck was that last podcast anyway?!" "What's this about torsos being removed from their bodies?!"
Lightless Dawn Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Myst on the Moor Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Based on "SCP-1825":
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Sound effects obtained from
Episode Two - "SCP-1825 - The Wrecking Pinball"
The roller-coaster ride, known as the Meltdown Pinball Podcast, takes a sudden left-hand turn right out of the gate!
If you have proper security clearance, you may learn about this mysterious object currently under careful containment.
What you are about to hear is confidential. Please only share with personnel who have high enough access privileges.
Lightless Dawn Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Myst on the Moor Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Based on "SCP-1825":
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Sound effects obtained from
Drunken Pinball Podcast #1
Welcome to the show! Nikki DeLasagna (@kikasaurusrex) and myself (@funwithbonus) talk about The Allentown Pinfest Pinball Show and surrounding events.
Find us at: /
Email us at: meltdown [at] funwithbonus [dot] com
- Allentown Show review
- Pinfest Tournaments review
- Who was EDDIE? (Iron Maiden)
- Events at the Unnamed Hotel
- The pinball scene at Buffalo
Music by Joakim Karud
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