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Fitness Simplified with Kim Schlag
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Fitness Simplified with Kim Schlag

Author: Fitness Simplified with Kim Sc

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Coach Kim Schlag brings you into the conversation around fitness and wellness in a way that makes sense not only from an evidence based perspective but from a practical one as well. You won't just learn what works to look, feel, perform & age well, you'll learn how to actually make those evidenced based strategies work in YOUR life. You’ll hear from people just like you as Kim helps coach them through their struggles with fat loss, nutrition, and fitness as well as from leading experts in the wellness space as they join Kim to help make Fitness Simplified.
232 Episodes
Registered Dietian & behavioral health expert Georgie Fear’s new book Give Yourself More is a science backed plan to lose weight while giving yourself more instead of the usual steaming pile of less, less, less: less carbs, less pleasure, less choices. We dive into key concepts of the book including overcoming emotional eating.
Coaching call episode today. Listen in as I coach Kim, a member of my Instagram community who commented on a recent post about starvation mode, noting that no matter how few calories she ate she couldn't lose weight. Ask yourself the coaching questions I ask Kim to get to the bottom of what's really keeping you from losing weight. Want to hop on a call with me to get an in-depth coaching session here on the pod? Hit me up with your question at Ready to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday August 27th. Get on the interest list now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the interest list you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list here:
211. I Can't Eat That!

211. I Can't Eat That!


What foods do you automatically think: "I can't eat it!" What if I told you it's possible to have a relaxed relationship with ALL food (yes, even donuts and chips!)? In this episode you'll learn how to shift from food angst to food freedom, while losing or maintaining your weight. Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program Fitter After 40. I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday August 27th. Get on the interest list now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the interest list you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list here:
I'll answer this and other listener questions, including: If I'm short on protein should I go over my calories to meet my protein goal? How do I know what weight to choose for each exercise? I'm sick of salads! What are other good weight loss lunches? Find this episode helpful & want more personalized weight loss/fitness help? Join the interest list for my 8 week challenge Fitter After 40. I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next challenge opens Tuesday August 27th. (official start date is Monday Sept 9th.) Spoiler alert: if you join from the interest list you get a discount and exclusive bonuses! Get your name on the interest list HERE
Learn how to spot whether a workout will be effective for your goals by walking down memory lane with me. I'll share the craziest workouts I've tried and why they weren't effective. 🚨Free workshop- Exercise for Fat Loss over 40: Your Core 4 Training Priorities   If you are even a little curious if your workouts could be more effective, definitely come.  By the end of the hour long workshop you will be 100% confident that you know: ➡️ the main driver of fat loss  ➡️ the 2 most common exercise mistakes (and how to eliminate them!) ➡️should you be training differently in midlife? ➡️how do age and menopause impact your body in relation to exercise? ➡️what are the core 4 training priorities that will transform your body, boost your metabolic health, and help you age with vitality? Register HERE: On to the episode!
Felicity joined Fitter After 40's Fall 2023 round and Wow did she create an amazing transformation! Learn what she did, how she did it, the struggles she faced, how she she overcame them and how you too can create transformation your own life. Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list  Free workshop- Exercise for Fat Loss over 40: Your Core 4 Training Priorities   If you are even a little curious if your workouts could be more effective, definitely come! By the end of the hour long workshop you will be 100% confident that you know: ➡️ the main driver of fat loss  ➡️ the 2 most common exercise mistakes (and how to eliminate    them!) ➡️should you be training differently in midlife? ➡️how do age and menopause impact your body in relation to exercise? ➡️what are the core 4 training priorities that will transform your body, boost your metabolic health, and help you age with vitality? Register HERE: Menopause Cafe: @menopausecafecanberra on IG for Felicity's live Menopause Cafes
Let's talk workout programming: How many days a week to train How often to train each muscle  What to do in each workout  What are the main movement patterns you want to include each weeks? How many sets? How many reps? What about rest days and rest times between sets? I'm breaking it all down for you here today. Want someone to handle all of that thinking for you? Done! Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a $50 discount and exclusive bonus- The Kitchen Reset: How To Design Your Environment To Support Weight Loss!) Get your name on the list
Catastrophizing, mental filtering and all or nothing thinking are faulty thinking patterns that can derail you from reaching your goals. In today's episode you'll learn how to recognize these mental distortions and what you can do to shift to more productive thinking patterns. Fitter After 40  Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
NOOOoooo! The scale went up today! If you find yourself with angsty feelings like that about the scale: pay close attention to every word of this podcast. You'll learn how to properly use the scale as a tool to measure progress instead of as a torture device. Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
What are realistic expectations for rate of fat loss progress What factors impact progress When and for whom is rapid fat loss perhaps appropriate What to do if your progress is slower than you’d like Fitter After 40  Want help setting your calories? Need help increasing your adherence to your nutrition program? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
What changes with your metabolism over 40? What doesn;t change? What are 3 things you can do to impact your metabolism? Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
If you choose to add in these 2 behaviors, weight loss will be easier and, drum roll please🥁, you'll be more successful at it! Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
How, specifically can you turn in your membership card to the clean plate club if it's not serving you? Find out in today's episode. Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd.. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
Fitter After 40  Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount, early access and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
You haven't failed yet! Jump into this episode to learn 3 tweaks you can make to your goals so that you can achieve success when you're struggling to follow through. Resources shared in this episode: Fitter After 40 Waitlist: Want to lose weight and feel more confident in your body? Join the 100s of women over 40 who have lost pounds and inches and gained strength and peace of mind with my 8 week online program ⁠Fitter After 40.  I'll show you exactly how to eat and move for incredible results. Doors open just 2x a year and the next round opens Tuesday April, 2nd. Get on the waitlist now so you don't miss a thing when doors open (spoiler alert: if you join from the waitlist you get a discount and exclusive bonuses!) Get your name on the list
Resources mentioned in this episode: Fitter After 40 Waitlist: Fitter After 40 is the only online program of it's kind that shows you exactly how to consistently implement the nutrition, exercise, & mindset strategies that will make you stronger & leaner for life while freeing you from constantly thinking about your weight. Free 5 Day Fat Loss Crash Course Learn the basics of setting up your fat loss plan in just 5 days Fitter By The Day Fitter By The Day is an essential 4-week health protocol for daily body and mind training. Daily movement, protein tracking, mindful eating and crucial mindset work will move you from where you are right now to the fitter, healthier lifestyle you want.
On today's episode I'm spilling 5 secrets of highly successful dieters. These are strategies my Fitter After 40 members use to lose dozens and dozens of pounds. Get your name on the waitlist for the next round of Fitter After 40 to lose weight, get stronger and feel confident in your skin.
196. Comfort Eating

196. Comfort Eating


Black Friday Deal: 50% off Fitter by The Day is Live now. Use code BLACKFRIDAY50 to work with me for just $64.50 for an entire month!! You could wait to get started losing weight and feeling better until January 1st. Or you could start practicing small daily behavior changes today that will have you waking up New Year's Day with a month of big wins under your belt and confidence that you can be a person who keeps promises to herself.  Imagine that! And, no worries, Fitter By The Day won't interrupt your plans for holiday celebrating 
This episode is chock full of tools to help you navigate the festive season while successfully maintaining your weight. Black Friday Deal: 50% off Fitter By The Day: Be sure you are on my mailing list to receive the code next week! Episode on Scale: Should You Weigh Yourself
You came through with excellent questions on this week's Q & A episode: Best advice for someone entering Perimenopause with a lot of weight to lose Joint pain in perimenopause How to do a bulk to get stronger without gaining a lot of fat Help! i start off strong, but then the wheels come off the bus Best exercises to build quads BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: KSF's 1st ever Black Friday Sale! You'll be able to get 50% off my 4 week health protocol Fitter By The Day. . Get your name on my contact list so you don't miss it when I send out the sale link!
Comments (3)

Kelly Donaway

Thank you for being a inspiration for us older ladies. I am feeling stronger and healthier than when I was in my 30s.

Feb 13th

Nancy Petty

So goooood. Helpful and practical tips I will use.

Nov 11th

Tambra Gill

absolutely loved this podcast. Thank you so much for all the information. I am 57 and going just transitioned from perimenopause to full menopause. It has been so difficult to find information on all the stuff as I had a partial hysterectomy when I was in my late 20s. This has given me hope and tools to really learn to thrive during this time.

Oct 31st