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Author: Jonah Triebwasser
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© Jonah Triebwasser
In RadioRotary’s weekly 30 minute interviews, two entertaining professional radio hosts, Kathy Kruger and Jonah Triebwasser, chat with Rotarians and non-Rotarians, people who live by Rotary’s motto, “Service above Self.” Guests are humanitarians who work on many levels in programs that address such important issues as poverty, education, health, the environment, and employment and vocations. Each interview provides timely information that focuses on improving the quality of life for everyone, both here and abroad.
786 Episodes
Co-hosts Kathy Kruger and Jonah Triebwasser talk with Felicia Kalen and Barry Lewis about the great work of Region Food Bank of the Hudson Valley and their fight against food insecurity.
By New York State law, every county, city, town, and village in the state must have a historian. Will Tatum, Country Historian for Dutchess County, visits RadioRotary to describe the many ways that he and his fellow historians promote the story of our own past. Dutchess County, settled in Colonial Days, was most famously the site of battles and developments in the Revolutionary period, but also hosted many of the major players in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of this history took place in the taverns and inns that have graced the county over its long history; a program called “The Dutchess County Historical Tavern Trail” takes advantage of these, some still operating as taverns or distilleries, to provide an enjoyable way to learn more about county (and national) history. The program also describes the “ancient documents,” which are—despite the name—the historical records of the county, not available online.
Learn more:
Dutchess County Historian:
Ancient Documents (of Dutchess County):
Dutchess Country Historical Society:
Country, City, Town, and Village Historians:
Dutchess Country Historic Tavern Trail:
Dutchess County
RadioRotary interviews Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant, membership chair for Rotary District 7210, about changes in Rotary membership opportunities and ways to increase membership in Rotary clubs, including new types of clubs that have been invented to make membership easier for the very busy young professionals. Today, about half the clubs in the eight-country District 7210 meet weekly for lunch, but increasingly as members from the spread-out hamlets and villages of the Lower Hudson Valley have less time to travel to a meeting for lunch, clubs are meeting for breakfast, dinner, or just for drinks. For example, some clubs meet for lunch two or three times a month, then have a dinner meeting that supports a local charity. The e-club, with members from around the world (but still in the District) is a popular option, while Mr. Palant also describes a new “passport club” concept, in which members only meet four times a year, but can use their passports to work on projects with other Rotarians in between meetings. Increasingly also, clubs are accepting corporate members, usually so that several employees of a corporation can be sponsored as members of a local Rotary Club.
Learn more:
Rotary District 7210:
Suffern Rotary:
Membership Ideas:
About Rotary Membership:
Rotary District 7210
Rotary Membership
Deanna Mancuso tells the story of how her troubled grandfather’s gift of a horse with a bad personality led her create the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue farm, which now hosts 50 formerly abused horses at a permanent farm and animal sanctuary in Dover Plains. Today these horses are providing significant equine-assisted therapy to humans in need of help—it is “people helping horses heal people”. In addition to allowing anyone to visit the horses from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, after 3 there are clients who receive equine-assisted psychotherapy. Also the form, originally primarily an animal sanctuary, now has many events that reach out to the community, such as “Faces of PTSD,” which features photographs of veterans with horses, and an Easter candy program for children as well as pony rides at the form and elsewhere. Also on the program is Lisa Odendahl, who is working on the “Faces of PSTD” event.
Learn more:
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue:
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue on Facebook:
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy:
Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance:
National Center for PTSD:
Dutchess County
Service Organizations
Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy visits RadioRotary to talk about the ways that her program for healthful living, outlines in her International best-seller Stop Dieting and Start Living has changed her life and the lives of her many clients. Once 30 pounds overweight and a yo-yo dieter, Ms. Savoy had reorganized her life by making health a Priority, by avoiding Pretending, by focusing on the Perception of what works and actual time available for health, by attacking wellness with a Plan for meals and appointments with yourself, and by approaching the problem with Passion. Among her newer endeavors has been Workplace Wellness programs for corporations that want to improve the health of their employees, creating a culture of wellness at the job. Some of her most important times are avoidance of processed food in factor of what is natural and organics; and also making sure that the biggest beverage in your life is water, consumed abundantly. Read her book for more tips—or if you are looking for something to listen to while jogging or walking you dog, listen to the audio version and hear Ms. Savoy read the book in her charming English accent.
Learn more:
Ellie Savoy’s Website:
Millbrook Rotary:
Workplace Wellness:
Organic Foods:
Quality of Life
Seth Collegrave is a young composer and videographer who has been developing multimedia presentations of the history and prominent landmarks in the Hudson Valley. Having grown up in the lower Hudson Valley, he came to appreciate how important the region has been in US history. After studying composition and media at the Berkley School of Music in Boston and a brief period working in Los Angeles, Mr. Collegrave returned to his native territory where he formed Empire Explorer to produce short Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube features of the regions historic buildings. Listen as Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview Mr. Collegrave about his work and his explorations of the Hudson Valley.
Learn more:
Empire Explorer:
Empire Explorer on Instagram:
Empire Explorer on Facebook:
Empire Explorer on YouTube:
Hudson Valley
Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotarians Past District Governor Nick Constantino and club President Alex Duenas tell RadioRotary about their visit to Neiva, Colombia, where the Huellas Fundación brings laughter into the lives of terminal ill children in four hospitals. In English, the Huellas Fundación is the Footprints Foundation with Meaning of Life. Teenagers and college students form the basis of the Foundation, dressing as clowns to amuse the children and, with the help of the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary and the Make-a-Wish Foundation, find ways to provide the children with last wishes. Constantino and Duenas joined in the entertainment dressed as clowns (Mr. Constantino in costume was given the name “Dr Cute,” which Rotarians in District 7210 will certainly endorse.) Listen to the heartwarming stories of the children and the good works of the participating Rotary clubs.
Learn more:
Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotary:
Huellas Foundation on Facebook:
Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary:
Make A Wish International:
Rotary Club Projects
(photo by Jonah Triebwasser)
Mental Health American Dutchess Country, which provides therapy and other mental-health needs, is now bringing the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) into its organization. Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director of the merging services, visits RadioRotary to tell about how the new relationship extends the reach of both organizations. Both are sponsors, along with People Inc. and Dutchess County, of the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, an urgent-care facility that is always open day or night to provide immediate therapy while helping the visitor decide appropriate next steps. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. Both services are free if not covered by insurance.
Learn more:
Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC):
MARC Foundation:
Mental Health America of Dutchess County:
Dutchess Country Stabilization Center:
Addiction Recovery
Dutchess County
Support Groups
Pleasant Valley Rotarians Dave and Kathy Kruger, well known to listeners to RadioRotary as producer and occasional substitute host, are also both on the Board of the Pleasant Valley Library, which suffered a terrible fire on November 6. The fire started with an electrical problem in the basement, collapsed the first floor of the building, moved up through hollow walls to the attic, and essentially destroyed the interior of the building. Quick work by the Pleasant Valley Fire Volunteers with help from eight other local fire departments, saved special items from the building and prevented complete collapse—the shell of the 150-year-old building is still intact, and plans are underway to create a new building that will maintain that façade. Listen to the show to hear the Krugers explain the plans for the library in the future and find out how you can help the rebuilding.
Learn more:
Pleasant Valley Library:
Pleasant Valley Library on Facebook:
Mid-Hudson Library System Catalog:
Mid-Hudson Library System on Facebook:
Disaster Relief
The ARC Westchester supports more than 2,000 children, teens, and adults who cope with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including (but not limited to) autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. Millie Gaines, one of the 800 or so employees who works with clients at The ARC Westchester, visits the RadioRotary studios to describe some of the programs, which range from testing infants and young children through to residential services for independent living. Programs can be grouped into six categories: early childhood, day services, career and employment, family support, staying healthy, and living at home. Some clients volunteer to help other charitable programs, while some volunteers become interns who help the clients. It is a fascinating story.
Learn more:
ARC of Westchester:
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities:
Cerebral Palsy:
Down Syndrome:
Developmentally Disabled
Service Organizations
The Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) for Dutchess Country
serves students from the 13 school districts in the County at its Salt Point
Turnpike Campus with career and technical education, adult education, and
special-needs education. It also provides an Alternative High School in an
industrial park off the Dutchess Turnpike. But all of that is scheduled to be
improved or changed after the December 11, 2018, vote in which 84% of
Dutchess voters supported a $36.8 million capital improvement plan, the first in
50 years. In this RadioRotary program, BOCES District Superintendent Dr.
Richard Hooley describes the current programs and plans for the future. Among
other projects, BOCES will consolidate all its K-12 programs on one campus,
improve campus security, address compliance with the American Disabilities Act,
and enhance the existing facilities. Listen to the program to find out about
everything available from adult nursing education to welding training.
Learn more:
Dutchess Country BOCES:
New York State’s BOCES Programs:
Career, Technical, and Adult Education:
Dutchess County
The guest on RadioRotary for this program is Lori Decker, who with her husband George formed Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley about 15 years ago when they learned of a family that was dealing with a young very ill daughter—and the busy holiday season was at hand. The Deckers took over providing presents and other help for the family, a practice that became the origin of a charity that does the same throughout the Hudson Valley for families who have a child with a life-threatening illness. Although Angels of Light is based in Millbrook, NY, many of the families are residents of Ronald MacDonald House in Valhalla, NY, or have children being treated at nearby Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Volunteers often donate presents for children or the charity provides them. Other volunteers wrap and deliver the gifts to the families. Many gifts are donated through “giving trees,” found in local businesses throughout the area. Funds for the 501(c)3 charity are also raised at events, such as a holiday brunch at Monte’s Local Kitchen in Amenia, NY.
Learn more:
Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley:
Facebook: Angles of Light:
Ronald MacDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley:
Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital:
Monte’s Local Kitchen and Tap Room:
Hudson Valley
Support Groups
For eighteen years, the Vassar-Haiti Project, started and still directed by Lila Meade and her husband Andrew, assistant dean of international students at Vassar College, has improved the lives of Haitians in the remote mountaintop village of Chermaitre and its surroundings. Vassar sophomore Mary McCarthy, publicity director of the project, and Lila Meade were the guests on RadioRotary for this show. Ms. McCarthy was inspired to work on the project by reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, a biography of Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health. As a result of the project, which raises funds primarily by selling Haitian paintings and crafts, Chermaitre and the surrounding area is served by a 250-student school, a clinic that treats 3,000 patients annually, and clean water, the last from a Rotary Global Grant sponsored by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary. Vassar now has a Rotaract Club, which is seeking grant money from Rotary to provide the clinic with electricity. It is inspiring work.
Learn more:
The Vassar Haiti Project:
Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary:
The Rotary Foundation Global Grants:
Mountains Beyond Mountains:
Partners in Health:
International Programs
Rotary Club Projects
Rotary Foundation
Water Projects
Nick Constantino (Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club) and Alexandra Duenas, president of Clarkstown Sunrise, are two of the Rotarians working in partnership with the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary to help terminally ill children in and around Neiva, Colombia. The project is called “Hearts, Dreams and Laughs,” because it mostly consists of hiring professional clowns and other entertainers to bring some smiles to the nearly 200 children in hospitals in and around Nieva who will probably live the rest of their young lives in the hospitals. Clarkston Sunrise hopes to raise enough money to fund the project for a year. Both Nick and Alexandria are also suitcases filled with toys, including Beanie Babies supplied by Spring Valley Rotary, as they visit the hospitals. The project is Rotary all the way, since Clarkston Sunrise learned of it from Alexandra’s cousin, who is in president of Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary—and you can learn more about it by listening to the interview with Past District Governor Nick Constantino on RadioRotary—and learn a little about Nick as well.
Learn more:
Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary Club:
Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club:
Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary on Facebook: sunrise rotary
Spring Valley Rotary Club:
Humanitarian Service
International Programs
Rotary Club Projects
You may never have heard about canine discrimination, but you will learn a lot from this fascinating interview with Stacey Coleman and Nicole Juchem of the Animal Farm Foundation. The Foundation, which started in the 1980s as a refuse farm for horses, it now is a nationwide advocate for pit bulls and a trainer and supplier of service dogs. It specialized in training dogs for very specific tasks, such as opening doors. Among its programs are training K9 dogs for police departments, dogs that learn to detect drugs or hidden weapons. The Foundation works with inmates at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, where inmates socialize dogs and teach them basic canine manners. The dogs are recruited from animal shelters. If the dog turns out to be resistant to training, the Foundation finds a suitable family to adopt it.
Learn more:
Animal Farm Foundation, Inc.:
Animal Farm on Facebook:
Pit Bull Discrimination:
Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals:
Humanitarian Service
Quality of Life
Service Organizations
RadioRotary interviews Zach Kirshner of the Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance, an organization that bridges the gap between serving the nation and services available to veterans. Since 2016 the volunteers of the Veterans Alliance have connected veterans with housing, mental health assistance, physical health needs, financial aid, and other useful services. The volunteers themselves have come together to provide assistance on such tasks as installing water heaters or septic tanks. All of their services are free to veterans of any US war or their families. Veterans often have a difficult time making the transition to civilian life or may have special problems resulting from exposure to toxic agents or enemy fire during their service, so they may need the extra help the Veterans Alliance provides.
Learn more:
Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance:
Vet2Vet of Dutchess Country:
My Brother Vinny:
Dutchess Country Division of Veterans Services:
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System:
Hudson River Housing:
Financial Aid
Housing Assistance
Hudson Valley
Support Groups
The Hudson Valley has a rich heritage of Italian immigration, making Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, and Rockland counties among those with the highest percentages of Italian-Americans in the entire nation. The annual Italian-American Festival on the Kingston Waterfront celebrates this heritage with food, music, and Italian-American-themed products—free admission and free parking. It is a project of the Ulster County Italian-American Foundation, whose president, Highland Rotarian Tony Marmo, is this week’s guest on RadioRotary along with Anna Brett, who is chair of the fourth annual festival. The Italian-American Foundation supports its legacy in part with a dozen annual scholarships to college for students with an Italian heritage. The festival not only features many popular Italian food items, but also a wide selection of Italian wines and beers, as well as a spaghetti-eating contest and lessons in pizza-dough tossing.
Learn more:
Ulster Country Italian American Foundation:
Kingston, NY, Waterfront:
American Italian Heritage Museum:
Highland Rotary:
Hudson Valley
Newburgh Rotarians Doug Sturomski and Andrew Ciccone visit RadioRotary to describe the club’s annual fundraiser, The Taste of Greater Newburgh, which takes place under a tent on the campus of Mount Saint Mary College, making it a rain-or-shine event. Over two-dozen food or drink vendors provide an all-you-can-eat-or-drink experience for a modest per-person fee. The money raised each year supports the numerous community activities of Newburgh Rotary, ranging from Meals on Wheels and school supplies for needy children to the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra. Doug Sturomski is also active in the Peace Pole Project, helping install poles with the message “May peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages around the eight counties of Rotary District 7210. Andrew Ciccone in addition to Rotary duties is on the Board of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, a frequent venue for charitable fundraisers.
Learn more:
The Taste of Greater Newburgh:
RadioRotary interviews Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Veronica McMillan, an attorney, and Janna Whearty, Executive Director of the Dutchess Country Bar Association, on the programs of the Country Bar, an organization of 548 attorneys practicing in Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley. The group is best known for evaluating candidates for judgeships, but it does much more. One of the useful services is based in the different specialties of lawyers; the Lawyer Referral Service directs persons in need of legal help to attorneys who specialize in the problem, whether it be patent law; wills, health-care proxies, or power of attorney; real-estate transactions; consumer issues; or criminal matters. The Bar Association is also involved in the continuous education required of licensed attorneys. Every May the Association sponsors the annual Law Day event.
Learn more:
Dutchess Country Bar Association:
RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview two Patterson Rotarians, Billy Flash and Paul Toscana, about the Patterson Rotary’s annual Blues and BBQ Festival, a music-and-food tradition in Putnam County for the past seven years. Unlike most similar events, admission and parking are both free, which includes enjoying as many as nine different bands
playing blues, rock-and-roll, and jazz (over the two days of the festival). The only cost is for food and drink purchased directly from the Rotary Club, which smokes
its own ribs and barbecues pulled-pork and even bakes the baguettes for sandwiches. They even take care to use a locally raised hog for the pork. In addition to the food, the music by local musicians and stars from the New York Blues Hall of Fame is a big attraction at the outdoor event.
Learn more:
Patterson Rotary Club:
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RadioRotary is a show that highlights the work of humanitarians through engaging interviews. Hosted by Kathy Kruger and Jonah Triebwasser, the program features Rotarians and others who embody the motto "Service above Self." Listeners can expect to hear discussions on pressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare, all with the goal of making a positive difference in the world.
Awesome Article! Very interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing.