Pleasant Valley Library after the Fire (Aired On December 29 & 30, 2018)
Pleasant Valley Rotarians Dave and Kathy Kruger, well known to listeners to RadioRotary as producer and occasional substitute host, are also both on the Board of the Pleasant Valley Library, which suffered a terrible fire on November 6. The fire started with an electrical problem in the basement, collapsed the first floor of the building, moved up through hollow walls to the attic, and essentially destroyed the interior of the building. Quick work by the Pleasant Valley Fire Volunteers with help from eight other local fire departments, saved special items from the building and prevented complete collapse—the shell of the 150-year-old building is still intact, and plans are underway to create a new building that will maintain that façade. Listen to the show to hear the Krugers explain the plans for the library in the future and find out how you can help the rebuilding.
Learn more:
Pleasant Valley Library:
Pleasant Valley Library on Facebook:
Mid-Hudson Library System Catalog:
Mid-Hudson Library System on Facebook:
Disaster Relief