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Let's Get Real Podcast w/Rob Lundberg
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Let's Get Real Podcast w/Rob Lundberg

Author: Rob Lundberg

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The audio arm of Christian apologist and evangelist, Rob Lundberg. Rob is a professor of Christian Apologetics and Worldview Studies at a local Christian college. For four years in his mid teenage years, he spent time as an apathetic skeptic. But when someone challenged him to look at the evidence for Christianity, the Holy Spirit moved Rob to the gospel, and redeemed him to follow Christ. We hope this podcast will challenge you and will equip you in your faith and personal witness. Please tell others about the Let's Get Real Podcast. To learn more about Rob go to
178 Episodes
In 2 Timothy 3:16, we read the words "All Scripture is inspired by God. . . " But what is the Bible? Is it just one book or a compilation of 66 books? But what about other books, like the Apocrypha or books from the competing world religions?  What is it about the 66 books that makes the Bible the Word of God With our churches showing the history of poor discipleship through the means of church music eroding our churches, we need to get back to understanding the importance of the Bible to the Christian church. In this show today, we address these questions and more. If you missed our last episode I also mentioned how we can get you a copy of The Berean Plan, which is a plan to guide you get the most of your Bible reading in one year. If you would like a copy of that, I would love to send you a PDF copy of the plan.  Also, if you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  I will be sure to respond.  Send your comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In 2 Timothy 3:16, we read the words "All Scripture is inspired by God. . . " But what is the Bible? Is it just one book or a compilation of 66 books? Is it early, or late? Is it spurious or authoritative? With our churches showing the history of poor discipleship through the means of church music eroding our churches, we need to get back to understanding the importance of the Bible to the Christian church. In this show today, we address what is the Bible and what makes it what it is. In this episode I also mention how we can get you a copy of The Berean Plan, which is a plan to guide you get the most of your Bible reading in one year. If you would like a copy of that, I would love to send you a PDF copy of the plan.  Also, if you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  I will be sure to respond.  Send your comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
When it comes to the subject of religion and philosophy, the arenas of education, the media, and even politics seek to make statements they know little about. One statement is that all religions teach and say the same things. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us that "we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." This is one of those statements. In this episode I share with you why this is not so, and how to look at this objection from several angles. I also bring in a concept that is driving this objection called perennialism, the idea that there is one key truth in all the religions that makes them as true as the other. This is superficially possible at best, and fundamentally wrong; and I explain in this episode. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  I will be sure to respond.  Send your comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
Easter Sunday means so many different things to different people. But to true Christians, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important truth in all of human history. In fact, historical Christianity stands or falls on the truthfulness of this event. Did Jesus really rise from the dead?  If Jesus is truly risen then Christianity is true and all the other religions are false. Plain and simple. In this episode I present my case as to why I believe that Jesus truly rose from the dead and why it makes a difference. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
Is it wrong to be a mindful person? That depends on what one means by being "mindful." There is a difference between being mindful of the truths that honor the one true God. But the practice of "mindfulness" is another one of those incompatible, deceptive New Age practices that is being smuggled into the church like a Trojan Horse. If you find yourself being mindful in the manner of emptying your mind of various distractions or  focussing on yourself rather than the truths of what God says, then you may be involved in the wrong kind of "mindfulness." What is mindfulness? Is there anything compatible with the biblical concept of being mindful? In this episode, I show how being mindful biblically as opposed to the practice of mindfulness are worldviews apart from one another. Again, syncretism was not only a problem that the nation of Israel had in Old Testament times; but many Christians today have the same problems with syncretizing New Age and Eastern practices with the Christian faith. And mindfulness is one of those new age practices. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send your comments or questions to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
The law of attraction is one of the most deceptive New Age practices that has been smuggled into the church like a Trojan Horse. If you find yourself reading personal development books, listening to self-help podcasts, attending personal growth seminars, or investing in life coaching, this episode will help you recognize red flags inside of this industry and check any questionable thoughts and beliefs you may hear against the truth of the Bible. In Part 2 of this two part series, I share with you the biblical problems of the Law of Attraction and how its defenders mishandle the Scriptures to support it. The meaning behind anything is found in its origin, and trying to connect something that has occultic, or mystical roots with the BIble is what is called syncretism. Syncretism was not only a problem that the nation of Israel had in Old Testament times; but many Christians today have the same problems with syncretizing New Age and Eastern practices with the Christian faith. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
The law of attraction is one of the most deceptive New Age practices that has been smuggled into the church like a Trojan Horse. If you find yourself reading personal development books, listening to self-help podcasts, attending personal growth seminars, or investing in life coaching, this episode will help you recognize red flags inside of this industry and check any questionable thoughts and beliefs you may hear against the truth of the Bible. In this episode, part one of a two part series, I share with you the background of the law of attraction, how it stems from the mind sciences and why is it is totally foreign to the biblical worldview. Part 2 will address this issue from a biblical context and point to how Christians embracing the law of attraction misuse Scripture to make their case. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
How do you know whether or not the Trojan Horse of new age teaching has crept into your church? One of those pieces of deception that has crept into the church is this thing known as Contemplative or Centering Prayer. Is it biblical or is it something totally foreign to a biblical worldview? Just because the word "prayer" is used in the description of the type of prayer, does not mean it is friendly to the Christian worldview. In this episode, I share with you the background and why is it is totally foreign to biblical prayer and meditation. I also share the dangers that are rooted in this faulty 'spiritual formations' practice. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
How do you know whether or not the Trojan Horse of new age teaching has crept into your church? Is anyone promoting the law of attraction? Is a someone teaching contemplative or centering prayer as part of learning how to pray? These and three more are mentioned in this episode, where I present a total of five new age teachings or practices that have made their way into the Christian church. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
Every so often you will hear or read about someone praying to angels. Those in the new age spirituality and in the New Apostolic Reformation will often talk about communicating with angels. What is an angel? What is their role in the ministry and purposes of God? What is prayer and is prayer an act of worship? And if prayer is an act of worship, what position does that put the angel one is praying to?   In this episode I all these questions and more, coming to the conclusion that you and I should only worship and pray to the one true God. If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
Whether you remember the new age movement from the late 70's or you are familiar with a "second coming on the new age" this episode will catch you up to speed on the new spiritual zeitgeist that is not going away. It is popularly called the "new age movement," but really there is no central headquarters or founder of this movement. In fact it is esoteric and depending on who you speak to, embracing this 'new spirituality' no one person will hold all of the same beliefs as another. In this episode I present to you what the foundational views of the new spirituality, vis-a-vis the new age movements, and five characteristics that show it not compatible to the Christian worldview and I why I do not accept the new age worldview (pantheism) as a true worldview.  If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions.  Will be sure to respond.  Send you comment or question to You can listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I respond to the question of whether not critical theory is compatible with biblical Christianity. In this episode, I present five points that will help you recognize and respond to this cultural Marxist ideology.  In the long run, you will find my conclusion like that of many other sound thinking Christians, that it is not compatible. Think I am wrong?  Challenge me by sending an email or asking a question or making a comment. I will be happy to send you my information used in this episode. Just send me an email me to and I will be happy to respond. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
With the rumors of a "great reset" on the horizon, I am 'stealing' this idea to bring to you in this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, a presentation of what apologetics should look like for the believer and the church in a post Christian culture. Too many times am I hearing that the apologist is about arguing for the faith against other religions when apologetics is much more than that. In this episode I present four prongs for apologetics. Those four prongs are seen in the graphic for this episode: Validate Christian Truth, Save the Lost, Refute Error and Strengthen the Church. WIth the direction that the culture is taking, believers and the church can no longer have the misconception of arguing people into Heaven. Please send me an email on how you can incorporate this understanding in your life and in the life of your church. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Music credits: Kerry Livgren, “Ancient Wing" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I present my case for life in the womb from the point of conception.  In this defense, I do not start from the theological point, but from the point of the science of defining what a life system truly is. From presenting the science, I move to the ethical perspectives, and then move to the theological perspective. Ultimately, God is the author of life and the ender of life (from womb to tomb). Do you think I am wrong?  Challenge me by sending an email or asking a question or making a comment. If you would like to read my post on this subject you can get essentially my transcript for this episode. Just send me an email me to and I will be happy to respond. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I respond to the question, are communism and socialism compatible with the Bible? On this show, I open up for you what the tenets of both ideologies claim, and how they contradict their words in praxy. The early Christian church was not socialistic and today's communism is the rising zeitgeist of the failure of past generations. Think I am wrong?  Challenge me by sending an email or asking a question or making a comment. I will be happy to send you my transcript of this episode. Just send me an email me to and I will be happy to respond. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I share with you some concerns I have been researching in our culture and its direction AND how it relates to biblical Christianity. Those concerns are related to the infiltration of Marxism and cultural Marxism into our culture. In this episode I share with you what Marxism and Cultural Marxism, give you quotes, and share with you how Marxism and Cultural Marxism are NOT compatible with biblical Christianity. If you any questions or comments or if you would like a copy of the transcript of this episode, please email me at and I will be happy to respond. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion" Other sites where The Let's Get Real Podcast can be found: Anchor FM: Apple: Spotify: Google: Stitcher: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: Radio Public: RSS:
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I share with you ways you can recognize apostasy trends in the local church. You will want to check your Bibles with the Scripture references I give to make my case.  If you have any questions or comments, or if you would like a copy of the transcript, please email us at and I will be more than happy to send it to you. Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion."
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, we take a look back on the year 2021 with this podcast and then I share some thoughts for the coming year 2022. This is our last episode for this year so if you have any questions, please email me at Also check out my blog post on this subject on my blog page at Let me also take this time to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year! Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion."
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, during this Christmas season, I present the importance of the virgin birth and significance of Jesus Christ. Is the virgin birth of Jesus important to the Christian faith and can one reject the virgin birth and still be a Christian.  You will want to listen to this episode all the way through in order to get those answers. If you have any questions, please email me at Also check out my blog post on this subject on my blog page at Let me also take this time to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas! Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion."
In this episode of The Let's Get Real Podcast, I present the 1996 inquiry letter response from the National Museum of Natural History regarding the Book of Mormon and is misrepresentation of any archaeological evidences. Even though the FAIR and SHIELDS LDS apologetics websites actually try to dispute this, their arguments fall short and I highlight this in this episode. As promised in this episode, I would share the link to the National Museum of Natural History Response to the Book of Mormon.  (Please email us if the link does not work.) Listen to our Weekly Podcast on iTunes, AnchorFM, Google Podcasts or Stitcher.  Look for new episodes every week. Don’t see your podcast listening platform?  Email us and we will add them to our distribution list.  You can also listen directly from the sidebar on our home page. Or listen at this link. Discuss your thoughts for this post on our Facebook Group here. Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion."