What is BIblically Wrong with the Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is one of the most deceptive New Age practices that has been smuggled into the church like a Trojan Horse. If you find yourself reading personal development books, listening to self-help podcasts, attending personal growth seminars, or investing in life coaching, this episode will help you recognize red flags inside of this industry and check any questionable thoughts and beliefs you may hear against the truth of the Bible.
In Part 2 of this two part series, I share with you the biblical problems of the Law of Attraction and how its defenders mishandle the Scriptures to support it. The meaning behind anything is found in its origin, and trying to connect something that has occultic, or mystical roots with the BIble is what is called syncretism. Syncretism was not only a problem that the nation of Israel had in Old Testament times; but many Christians today have the same problems with syncretizing New Age and Eastern practices with the Christian faith.
If you have any questions, please send me an email with your questions. Will be sure to respond. Send you comment or question to roblundberg315@gmail.com.
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Music credits: Minazian and Druse, “Theme from the Pagan Invasion"
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