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The Soul Amplified Podcast

Author: Vanessa Grace

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Soul Amplified is where you discover your soul and what has been holding you back from all your light. We explore the divine feminine, cyclical living, co-dependency, self improvement, and spirituality. Sometimes we toss in how all that impacts and mixes with business, reaching your goals, and your relationship with money. Your host, Vanessa Grace, is a life coach, a soul searcher, life long learner, reiki practitioner, tarot card reading, book loving, feminist and general bad ass. We like to have fun around here, learn a lot around here, and dig deep so we can grow big. 

268 Episodes
When my friend Sophie first mentioned that the USA has a different reaction to the feminine, and how the feminine wants to live, than other parts of the world, I was intrigued (and not surprised). You see, Sophie is Australian and has lived in several countries. So I deeply wanted to hear her thoughts on this.With all the feminine energy that is coming at Mother Earth right now, the USA is going to have to respond to that in some way, and be able to incorporate it.This conversatio...
Nourish.Fed.Flourishing.What the Divine Feminine needs to grow and live her best life is not the same as what the Divine Masculine needs.I review and discuss, in a chatty way, the variety of things, behaviors, ways of being, relational practices and more that feed the Divine Feminine (D.F.). When the D.F. is diminished in a person, that D.F. needs to be brought back up to flourishing levels. Like topping it off!Sneak Peek! The Divine Feminine is fed by safety, having things ...
The Divine Feminine has her own way of making choices. It's not in line with how society expects us to make choices, so sometimes it's misunderstood. I'll go over 3 elements that contribute to how the Divine Feminine make choices, decisions and moves forward in life.The first one is Flow. Simply being in the present moment and choosing what feels good in the moment, because the D.F. follows her heart!Questions for you to ponder:Do you notice which type of decision making mod...
The Divine Feminine is still misunderstood, or even unknown, in so many places and by so many people. There are way too many ways to get knocked out of your Divine Feminine! You can make adjustments in your life to be more open to Divine Feminine. I look at stress (and some hidden forms of stress you may not realize matter) and perfectionism to name a few! All in all, I check out 5 different concepts that throw people out of their Divine Feminine. The book I menti...
I've been tuning my life patterns to the seasons of mother earth for a couple years now, and I've got some insights on how it's going. Now seemed as a good a time to share them as any!Have you also been living with the seasons, or with the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle? I'd love to hear what lessons you've received and what it is like for you!Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:PatreonAvailable now! theme is Mary Magdalene, there are vide...
Sometimes talking about our inner experience is confusing and we can't find the right words. This can be the case for those who have mental health or health circumstances that impact their energy levels and stamina on a daily basis.Luckily, there is an analogy some smart person thought up to relay to others how much energy you have. Enter: The Spoon Analogy. Have you used the Spoon Analogy before? What did I leave out of the description? Was it effective for you?...
Today's guest, Tiffany O'Hearn, is a master at opening your heart and mind to more love. Yes, she specializes in ancestral healing, past life healing and thought Field Therapy, but these are all tools. Tools to help you, yes YOU, release old programs and allow in more Love.Just in my 1 hour interview with her for this podcast, I am noticing my inner world differently, and am allowing myself to love myself more. And it is powerful.We talk about practices you can do on your ow...
Okay, so I'm figuring out that Ovaries are actually pretty fuckin' cool. Before I get into the symbolism and creative power of the ovaries, I go over some science bits and what they do for us.This lays the groundwork to understand them symbolically, which is SO cool.Things you'll learn:Each ovary has it's own energyHow the creative energy of ovaries is different than the uterusWhat part of the creative process ovaries contributeHow I see my ovaries differently now in my own creative pro...
Are you living your life against the natural flow of your female hormones?They have a pretty specific pattern and flow they happen in. Sadly, it's SUPER common for women to not know about this, or how to live WITH the flow of the hormones.How can you tell if you're living Against the Flow of your Hormones?Well, a lot of things can be signals, but here are a few: burnout, sleep issues, pushing through your body wanting to rest to get 'it' done and ignoring your body. That's j...
Our Wombs are magical places of creativity, portals to the divine and the center of a woman's gnosis. This magic is also held back my personal, matralineal and global experiences of women's suffering. Today I tell you about a ritual ceremony I offer in Radiance Recipe Circle. It guides you through the time in your mother's womb, creating a space for connection, clarity and healing. It is a beautiful unfolding where people have questions answered, and have confusion cla...
If you've ever felt like you had to hide your period products, or felt your menstrual blood was gross and dirty--this is for you.I talk about what is in our menstrual blood, the actual contents. How often do we think of looking this up? How often do we consider or question WHY we assume menstrual blood is icky? Links to the articles I used to research this coming soon!I also just ponder the link between rejection of our menstural blood and self love. SOOOO much effort ...
Isn't the Moon gorgeous? Couldn't you just eat her up? I love her so! Which is of course, why I'm doing a podcast episode about her!So how do we get started in connecting with the moon, or deepen it? You're so lucky, because that's what I talk about today.How to Connect to the MoonNoticeCleanseRitualPlanThere is soooo much that we can do in each of these! They are diverse, and you can totally personalize all of them. I talk about rituals, the phases, how th...
Crying out of no where and don't understand? Your nervous system is letting it out, which is totally good!Our nervous systems actually decide a lot of things that happen in our lives, because they decide when we feel safe, or in danger. If that lil nervous system doesn't feel safe about something your conscious mind wants to do--your nervous system is going to try and stop you! Insider Saboteur!Buuuut, when you're crying out of no-where, or have a really big reaction about s...
Ever notice how so much about you changes when you are bleeding, or about to start? Not just pains and aches in the body, and not only PMS symptoms (so many experience these, but thats not what this episode is about).What you focus on, are interested in or are drawn to also changes. Do you notice this in yourself?I'll be sharing with you some of the things I've noticed in myself, and ones that happened during my most recent bleed.Let me know what you've noticed about yoursel...
All our daughters deserve to connect more deeply to their womanhood, especially at their first menstruation, or their first moon.Today's guest, creative author Jesica Medellin, talks about her book First Moon Manual: Letters to Our Daughters and the collection of books she intends to write for women.This book is for daughters, sharing with them what they can expect and how to help themselves care for their body, emotions and soul during their menstruation. It includes poetry, art, desig...
What were some things that happened during my Wintering process? Well, there were a few doozies. I talk about a couple tough things that happened, and some intense meditative processes I went through.Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:Patreonis coming April 15th! Link will be in to the email list first, but also on Instagram and in the Podcast. Sign up for the email list to get first dibs on Level 3!This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of ...
This is a *NEW* Episode! And we are Welcoming Season 2 of the Podcast! Woo Woo!I am so glad to be back behind the mic for Season 2 of the Soul Amplified Podcast.There is so much to catch you up on, and in this episode I talk about what it was like for me to go deeply within myself and shed. I called it Wintering, as the season of winter is analogous to the process uterus holders go through during menstruation. Namely, releasing, shedding and letting go of what is no lo...
We all have more energy on some days than others. But we're often given messages the make us feel like we have to produce at an optimal level every day. This messaging can be internalized, resulting in negative self talk for being lazy, useless and much nastier inner thoughts. Let's just put this out there: It's okay to have different amounts of energy on different days. It's actually pretty normal. That's exactly what I break down today.You may be effected by sl...
Menstruation gets most of the focus as being the main event in the women's monthly cycle, but the Big Deal is actually Ovulation!There are many gifts in Ovulation, mainly that it is the time womb holders have outward focused energy. We want to get more done, feel alluring and have more energy. Who doesn't want to feel like that?The thing is, we don't just automatically get the gifts of ovulation if we've been living out of sync with our body's natural rhythms. Which if you'v...
Family Secrets dampen people’s self awareness and self trust. They make you question what is right in front of you, because you are supposed to be pretending it isn’t happening. Today I go over how to tell if you were raised with family secrets, how denial of the problem even within the home is even more damaging, and how it effects the inner world of children raised in these homes. One day, all these children grow up. If the family secrets continue to be kept, I’ll ex...