DiscoverWhen Fate Ties You Into A Knot - What Do You Do?
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When Fate Ties You Into A Knot - What Do You Do?
Author: Isaac Khonjelwayo
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© Isaac Khonjelwayo
Self-empowerment is about self-discovery and self-exploitation. To capture ones best attitude and opportunities to survive life's challenges and obstacles. Join the conversation and share! It is for this reason that "Radio Khuluma" exists. To give free speech to those who have no voice. Provide hope to those who have lost their faith. And are deprived opportunities within South Africa's economic resources and quality services from our government. Corruption has eroded the values from which our potential as a nation has been diminished after 1994 democracy.
42 Episodes
South African black folks have a dilemma and a challenge to deal with reality in the Millennium and the after effects of a honeymoon and the intoxication of a long overdue delusional democracy. It is time for ALL South Africans to wake up and smell the coffee! Since the inception of S.A's democracy it has become a habit for government and our people to find excuses for poor performance, poor time keeping and a lack of discipline in all sectors of their workplace, as a way to determine standards and measure outputs.
As if complacency is part of their job descriptions and their 30% Government Output Expectations is The National KPI's standards setup by Government to measure the countries IQ's to CONTROL and limit potential. How on earth can this country compete internationally, with such low expectations and output drive and determination?
How else can you create jobs and improve the economy when your government policies are in two opposing and conflicting ends of philosophies of socialism and capitalism. It's like spiting sweet venom to wealth creators where unions and public servants demand high wages and perpetuate labor unrest with sustained plans to deliver poor outputs and completely ignore and defy principles of free enterprise systems' potential benefits in a free market economy?
If you are not born to lead, you will not possess a vision, to guide and manage progress.
If you are not born to manage people, you will not possess compassion and passion to excel, in your job and conquer challenges like a champion.
If you are not born to think openly and take advice, you will not possess the ability to see right from wrong, when things go bad.
If you are not born to inspire a nation to rise above adversity, you will not lead by example to honor the spirit of great leaders like Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King to name, but a few.
Therefore you are not a leader, but a paper dossier like a school prefect and cannot control or direct positive events which shapes a nation to a desired goal of building a secured bright future for its citizens.
Most leaders in our government institutions and parliament are paper dossier leaders trying to restrain their emotional and personal indulgence of turbulent day-to-day decisions as if they’re managing bedroom crisis only to keep their families happy.
The passing of Mr. Ray Chikapa Phiri on the 12th July 2017 touched me so deep that; I had to find an excuse to write about our local music talent and the untapped treasure of our unsung heroes; let alone the musical geniuses this country has ever produced. Music all over the world is known to be a force that unifies and brings people together. As if to keep hope alive and shower our aspirations and dreams with a renewed meaning to want to push for survival and move on. We are all touched and affected by music in reference to our favorite icons – the world over.
But, when you lose a musical genius and a leader like Ray Phiri, it’s like losing one of your close family relative. We are bound spiritually by music and the bonds we form with musicians. As fans we unravel our humanity when one of us is unsettled or is separated from us physically the pain is unbearable. This tribute cannot do justice to all of our deserving local South African musicians who have passed on and those still alive today. However, my heart goes deep, and back to the early days of our political struggles as a nation. Music became our source of comfort and therapy against aggravation.
“As Blacks” our lives were intertwined but, tainted with despair, turmoil and uneasiness that were destined by Apartheid Masters to decide the fate of our daily bread. Yet, our inner peace was wanting the least trustingly tampered with by the powers that be.
My trip down memory-lane was reminiscing of the good old days and how history can turn around to play our feelings against our intellect. It’s unimaginably difficult to know whether our lives are just another episode of time attempting to redefine our unity of purpose and self-indulgence with individual musical tastes and obsessions. Or we simply survive and face adversity because someone has their music turned on?
The Nightmare! Three people you should never trust with your life in this world whispered my Sangoma, have an open mind when dealing with any of these three characters. They each represent the devil wearing different hats; even a prostitute can relate to this analogy. “He” is as old as Judas Iscariot and as young and pretty as lady Marmalade. “He” will sweet talk you into his chamber of promises, but will deliver few of “His” obligations to a T. He has no honor or moral conscience to stand on nor can he be trusted with your cash. He breaks principles and marriage vows like he was never part of any deal by cooking the books.
“He” will caress your ignorance over your already confused mind, like a magician fooling around with his audiences’ mind. He will hold both your private parts all at the same time, without due respect to your privacy or dignity with a warm soft touch of delusional pricks until you are bedazzled with undaunted excitement. “His” spell will be all over you like honey melting slowly from your chest to your belly in the heat of a moment with subliminal mind encounters. “He” will steal all of your leftover innocent feelings even bees will not notice the difference. His charm and vanity will intoxicate your five senses brighter than the irresistible neon lights of Las Vegas, in a dream state of illusion.
“He” will cloud your judgment with his faked-serious character not to reveal even the slightest clue of his Master Plan. You will be over the moon by his sales pitch and diluted cheap talk; to lure you into his bedroom where your demise is already planned to take place. “He” will hypnotize and lead you sensually and carefully into his soft undeniably amazing magnetic cleavage, i.e. his “charmed-delirious-promises” like a sneaky man killer beautiful beast trapping its unsuspecting victims with python eyes! Only to stick “His” sharp thirsty blood sucking vampire teeth into your foolish neck’s unfulfilled material desires.
“Where your desires become your prison and you become a victim of all circumstances”. Only to replenish his crooked ways to continue to feed his lust for endless craving of exotic tastes. By the time you wake up from this hypnotic trance to realize what is happening to you. You are already cooked roasted and buried into his stomach. He Just Ate You Alive™, without literally placing you on a barbecue stand. Yet all along he was seasoning and spicing you up with your eyes wide opened, and served you to himself for lunch with exotic cocktail drinks to down you swiftly from his dry throat.
Why? You are too easy a prey that is naive or lackadaisical to read between the lines and foretell future mishaps of pitiful paradoxes, filled with political, economic and social dilemmas which delude your mind. Listen to MR. Gadla Mpuhla relaying the incidence.
Seven DAYS NATIONAL FASTING CONNECTION TO A HIGHER POWER - Earning GOD'S FAVOUR to answer your prayers and deliver you wishes. (To Cleanse Our Spirit and To Receive GODS Unlimited Blessings). The purpose of this program is to atone and attune our personalities from being a "Nation" into being One with God Consciousness. To invoke a spirit of oneness in peace with God in the process of cleansing our bodies from contamination. To experience and open ourselves up to God's mercy. Give God space to work for us within us; so that He can shower and answer our prayers. As we commit to this process we validate to repent with a renewed purpose and be God's children once again."Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God".
Action Plan:
This program starts on the 24TH of APRIL 2019
Type of Activity:
To fast is to sacrifice something and offer God your best behavior.
Refrain from eating bad foods to begin the cleansing process
Fasting Activity:
Refrain from doing the following things during your 7 days fasting period. This concept is derived from the premise that your body is the "Temple of God". Why contaminate it with filth and toxic poisons?
Do not eat anything or pork from 04:00 am - 06:00 pm
Do not drink alcohol or intoxicating substances from 04:00 am - 06:00 pm
Do not smoke any cigarettes or drugs from 04:00 am - 06:00 pm
Do not engage in sexual promiscuity activity from 04:00 am - 06:00 pm
Do not engage in gossip or empty conversation from 04:00 am - 06:00 pm
God can only enter your house which is your "body" if it is kept clean and tidy. Cleanliness in next to Godliness
Your body is God's church and should by kept immaculate at all times for light to shine on you.
Repeat this Fasting Program everyday for 7 days to prepare God To Enter Your Consciousness In Silence! Starting From 24TH of APRIL 2019.
The Fasting Timetable:
Time: 04:00 AM - 06:00 PM (14 hours)
During the above fasting period from 04:00 -to 06:00 PM observe the following
Your awareness of Gods presence around you
You are doing this for a purpose
The purpose is to connect with God and honour a commitment to exist
You are preparing an encounter with a universal power that created you
The ideal mission is to cleanse yourself from your burden
There are rewards for this exercise and your best observation of fasting will pay off
You will start eating in the afternoon
To derive the best and maximum benefit from this program, research this topic about "Fasting" on the Internet. You can also strike a conversation with any Muslim, they're familiar with this process and can help you gain the insight knowledge on "fasting".
Also Consult a medical doctor if you have a medical condition and are not sure how to go about it. Seek second opinion about the physical benefits of Fasting.
Let’s see if this topic can assist trigger your brain waves to alter your old unwanted ways of thinking into learning how to act on your positive instincts. Do something right for the first time for your country and alter the cause of history in the hands of the failing ANC. We can conform to complacency and become redundant as a people or we can begin to challenge convention to go against the grain and save the country from calamity and junk status – or let it R.I.P. This means we become a replica of Zimbabwe or those ailing African States that are facing similar challenges of leadership malnutrition or visual impairment to read the future and save themselves from their own self-engineered demise.
Are we a country that is decapitated and disillusioned by the ANC loose morality and ethical human values in the latest saga of Gupta-Gate unfolding scandal? Someone must take the role of messiah to remedy our country’s predicament! Pardon me for exercising my freedom of speech so unorthodox.
I honestly apologize from the bottom on my heart in advance if anyone feels personally offended by my humble opinion and poetic justice in presenting this article to raise my concerns. Please don’t hold any personal grudge against me. I am human and fallible and very much capable of making mistakes like any other person. I’m just an ordinary tax-paying citizen with a conscience to find the ultimate resolve.
If dark-forces of evil take-over my simple God-given hard-earned freedoms and choices, I’m bound to react emotional and be unreasonable if no solutions are forth coming on how I can help make a difference to a nasty situation. This will prompt me to talk about it at first. If all else fails I will write about it without complaining too much to make an ass hole of myself. However, the least I could do is post nasty racial insinuations on social media or stoop that low to prove I’m alive and possess a social conscience. I’m afraid this will not be the right approach to address serious issues of national concern to find an amicable solution. Get more Info HERE!
Most people are as free as their minds can detain them or as imprisoned as their spirit can disallow them to contain it. If every man was born with wings on his mind to fly! How come few are willing to pay the price to take off to the skies? After all thinking is free. If that is the case -flying should be a liberating and an exhilarating experience, when left in the hands of the owner of that mind. Otherwise everyone would easily accomplish and fulfill their personal goals to reach their destiny without sacrificing their power to allow someone else to drive their goals or ambitions for them.
Today black people in South frica claim to be free but, most of them live in poverty and strife, unemployed and in dire straits. South Africa’s education system is designed to produce educated slaves, who have been deprived the ability to turn their talents into creative and thriving enterprises that have nothing to do with Government Tenders.
Are we free because we have wings and can fly? Or our minds are controlled by someone else other than ourselves? Perhaps we are not aware of the power of our capabilities. Because someone else is doing the thinking for us i.e. politicians? Maybe our mind is just another gray matter that was placed there by accident in our heads to decorate our physiology and psych, to look intelligent and sophisticated in the eyes of the world.
Today the country is called democratic because black people have a vote. Is our vote worthy of anything to the people we’ve placed in power to acknowledge that we are happy and are living our dream of Shangri-la?
Grandma Gadla Mpuhla is a very intelligent granny who spends time help the little kids do their home work after school. She is one of the pillars of Tumelo Squatter camp in Soweto. She is a strong support of the community especially the young little children of the community. Here grandma Gadla Mpuhla teaches children biology and her insight and knowledge of the subject is truly amazing for the person her age. She brings hope and wisdom to the children of Tumelo squatter camp.
It is not surprising that grandparents are now taking over education, because the schooling system in South Africa is not only poor, but fails to meet the needs of the community. The reason for poor performance in these schools is over-crowding in classes and too many resources being exploited by foreigners who also qualify for free South African education system.
Tumelo Community in Soweto is very unhappy with the manner in which the ANC is managing the Affairs of the country and how corruption has affected both employment and the economy. This is how grandpa Gadla Mpuhla and the community of elders feel about the situation. Grandpa Gadla Mpuhla writes a letter to a local community newspaper to voice his grievances and the need for people to express their discontent about poor leadership and governance by the ruling party of ANC.
"I write this message to empower all South Africans. To reflect on the tough-times ahead and to resist the temptation of keeping silent when our country is lead by evil. Everything about S.A. is in disarray. It is flouted by bad leaders who inflict pain in the innocence of South Africa’s democratic values. It is through hard introspection that toyi-toying and street blockade as an option to voice genuine grievances for poor leadership maladjustment and aversion for truth has become less effective and a useless outdated tool to forge a new path to our rightful liberties.
Our humanity has been trampled upon by those who have misused their power to control us negatively in corrupt ways while amass The State Coffers and fortunes at the expense of taxpayers".
How can a country like S.A. which boasts brilliant business and legal minds, IT systems, innovative entrepreneurial solutions, creative arts, successful excellent academics, outstanding institutions of learning and leadership! Excellent political brain power, and outstanding journalistic prowess and magnitude be tricked, misled and controlled by an imbecile and a family of obscured foreign nationals?
People in South Africa have lost trust with the current political party of the ANC i.e. African National Congress and the community of Tumelo Squatter camp expresses their discontent and dissatisfaction on poor services delivery and corruption of the ANC. This opinion is expressed by both grandpa Gadla Mpuhla and his community. These are political sentiments echoed by this poor community that has never enjoyed any benefits of services delivery since 1994. There are no houses built, no street and toilets even a school. Children have to walk a kilometer to the nearest township to find a school.
"If Parliament and politicians fail to honor their duties we the citizens have the right to fire them and employ effective alternative competent servants to deliver our mandate. My impression is that South Africans never question the integrity of politicians – it’s a case of “reshuffle the cabinet” “loot and amass and to screw the public”. As long as this charade continues, taxpayers and innocent citizens will become victims of circumstances.
Citizens have the obligation to bring government to account or change the ruling party via an effective incorruptible new voting system. Worst case scenarios let each community in every province raise funds to register its own political party. I personally don’t care how many parties we can have in parliament as long as they can oust the current ruling majority, and begin to deliver services to us.
It should be borne in the mind of every citizen to know that government does not know how to manufacture wealth or create jobs on their own accord. They absorb resources from private business. Where would they collect taxes from if there were no businesses, corporations, and a working class of loyal individuals who pay tax?" This is how each one of these people in the community feels.
In a Black community of Tumelo near Soweto is a man called "Gadla Mpuhla" he is an elderly political activist and veteran of the political struggle in South Africa during the times of Apartheid. This man is the only pillar and conscience of a society that remains since the demise of Apartheid. He brings light and hope to his people to shine as a beacon from desperation and uncaring current political strife in the country he fought to liberate.
He has friends and family that enjoy his company by surrounding him and asking questions; every time there is a confusion about things that bother the community. He volunteers to teach children in the neighborhood religious, mathematics classes and extra mural lessons in a poor dilapidated squatter camp of the township people.
Truths About Nothing – and Nothing Will Set You Free!This is a story of the life of humans on planet earth full of a myriad of incidences and co-incidents that defy logic and human faculty of reason. Our day to day absorption of daily living and the interesting phenomenon of our super endeavor the strife to keep our sanity and dreams alive.
The price we pay to pursue our dreams seems to always be larger than our anticipation of the illusion our goals bring forth. This information is not “classified” like the “X-Files” simply because the x-files are carefully exaggerated, while the N-Files here are outrageous “truths” exacerbated by nothing that will one day set you free.
Ensure you wear your sense of humor cap on when you begin exploring these N-Files Rap Songs. Scientists will not find this funny or entertaining because their sense of humor does not exist. Children under the age of 21 are not allowed to read this; it is dangerous to their brain waves mind mapping skills and healthy state of being.
Remember, the only one who can make you excel is you and no one else. The same goes for self esteem. The only person who can build up—or consequentially tear down—your self esteem is you. Although other individuals may aide the process, the end decision is yours.
Often, individuals in a abusive relationship have their self esteem shattered when a supposed loved one constantly berates them and questions their worth. Similarly, a negative workplace environment can lower your self esteem with colleagues or bosses finding fault with your work. Maybe you have a friend who is consistently negative with all surrounding him or her.
Additionally, you may wish to seek professional help in your quest to boost your self esteem. Often, speaking with a qualified individual can help you determine the root of your problem and the necessary path you should take for the rebuilding process. Perhaps your problems dates back to childhood, or maybe it has recently developed. Whatever the case, a professional will be able to best determine your next step.
A main factor in self esteem is negativity. Negative thoughts can pervade your confidence and crumble your self esteem. If you find yourself surrounded by negative people or in a negative situation, try to best remedy the problem.
Think of self esteem like a house, if you build a stunning house on a poor foundation, the entire structure will crumble. However, if you take steps to ensure the foundation is strong and capable of holding anything, the process may be slow, but your self esteem will be built soundly. Many individuals look for help for their low self esteem in books or seminars. Self esteem is your own personal view of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Everyone has a different view of themselves, but keeping a positive outlook will benefit you more than a negative one. Many individuals suffer from low self esteem for a variety of reasons and need to build their self esteem in order to succeed in life. Remember, the only one who can make you excel is you and no one else. The same goes for self esteem. The only person who can build up—or consequentially tear down—your self esteem is you.
People have low esteem for a variety of reasons. Some individuals suffer from poor body image and focus on all the negative traits of their physical appearance. Although other individuals may aide the process, the end decision is yours. Others have emotional issues that have caused their self esteem to drop or feel themselves unworthy of any praise. For whatever reasons your self esteem may falter, the key to building it up again is to find the root of the problem.
It's amazing how our upbring and the company we keep when we grow affects our perception and attitude towards life. More scary, is the thought of how one loses their self-confidence and their ability to be strong to explore the adventures of life's exciting playground of "feeling-good" and great to conquer the world. We get bombarded with so much negative programming from early childhood and by the time we move up the stage of juvenile to adulthood, - it becomes very difficult to change.
Most of this negative programming emerges from family, when told things like "don't play with your food - you'll go to hell". "Don't break the mirror you'll have 7 years of bad luck. Friend also play a part in influencing our thinking and the way we should act and respond to situations when growing up. We get influenced by peer pressure to start smoking and drinking as youth, because we want to blend in and be part of a group to belong to in order to fit in.
The schooling system adds, yet another layer of information more to this insult of "what things you can and can't do" and so forth. TV and newspapers that we read go a long way into making us what we become when we are grown-ups. Until one cannot figure out how it happened when we are burdened by life's obstacles. It's almost too late when life and its challenge over powers us and one can't breathe that we try to shout for Help to get out of a rut.
This Podcast is part.1 of season 3 which explores some of the possibilities and ways anyone can "reprogramme" themselves from all kinds of negative indoctrination which created our "Poor Self-Esteem" in the first place.
That's why we have these Podcast to find hope and encouragement. I need more people to come forward and contribute to this new force of life. To inject a new sense of direction, it is pointless for us to watch and see things deteriorate and we do nothing about it. I do not expect you to like want I say nor appreciate what I'm trying to do. I have very limited resources, but utilize my own creative ways to learn to communicate my ideas. Excuses do not make a man - only commitment changes our perspective and thoughts about life.
My point is if we keep complaining about the Government - we are not helping them find alternatives or offer solution to make them realize our challenges. By doing something about it you might be a solution everyone is looking for. So do something positive to help change our circumferences. Be proactive instead of become reactive and condemn them without offering other means to solve problems our society is faced with today.
In the era of Apartheid we stood up and belonged to some community or political organization in one form or another and our contribution in the struggle to fight for our freedom was not the ANC's personal battle as a stand-alone political organization. There were both inside and outside forces who contributed to our freedom. Individuals like me were instrumental and hands-on to serve time and purpose to this effect and went to jail in solitary confinement. It was this commitment and act of passion for what we believed in to get involved in the struggle against Apartheid and its injustices that made us all free today. Read this article here there are brothers who are not being recognized for their contribution to the struggle yet they made a big difference to this country.
Solution No.46 is a small talk of the millennium. Join me share with you other alternative ways to help you to grow and to reach your full potential. South Africa is not the same anymore and our people have lost faith and confidence in the ANC government. We need a new breed of leadership and community initiatives to inspire a new revolution of free thinkers to liberate our people from “group mentality and control". Individuals who can write, sing, rap and recite poetry of discontent to voice their opinion and point of view using alternative media platforms.
Current radio stations and talk shows both private and the public broadcasters do not have enough space to accommodate everyone. Therefore, we need to stand up and represent our own ideals, be it in education, job creation, churches or religious groups or entrepreneurship we need to stand up and take responsibility for the future we want to see happen.
The time is not tomorrow, but now. Use your talent to make the country a better place for those who live in it. If God should want to bless South Africa and all people who live in it – It should be for the right reasons and not selfish motives of corrupt government officials who have destroyed our hopes and dreams.
Solution No.46 small radio talk for the millennium. Join me share with you other alternative ways we can help you to grow and reach your full potential. South Africa is not the same anymore and our people have lost hope and confidence in our government. We need a new breed of leadership and community initiatives to inspire a new revolution of free thinkers to liberate our people from “group mentality and control". Individuals who can write, sing, rap and recite poetry of discontent to voice their opinion and point of view using alternative media platforms.
Current radio stations and talk shows both private and the public broadcasters do not have enough space to accommodate everyone. Therefore, we need to stand up and represent our own ideals, be it in education, technology, job creation, churches or religious groups. We need entrepreneurs to stand up and take responsibility for the future they want to see happen. The time is not tomorrow, but now. We must use our talents and channel our energies to make the country a better place for those who live in it. If God should bless South Africa and all people who live in it -it should for the right reason and not selfish motives perpetrated by people in government and corrupt officials.
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” This is not a good sign of confidence and it means your “self-awareness” is question itself. More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us we just don’t know it.
Isn't it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self-improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.
For as long as you don’t feel good about yourself you will display a poor vision about your capabilities and talents. Your work will not look good to your associates. Your outlook in life and and performance will be compromised; and the end results will very poor in quality and unimpressive. Yet! When you give your all, you display confidence and everything you do will gradually become good if not exceptional.
Life is a canvas where individuals can draw the landscape of their dreams and visions to a beautiful Kaleidoscope of their own grand designs. You have to “BE” alive to remain in control of your destiny. Rain or Shine! This is the order of creation and how it was meant to operate. Love it and you can dance with the wolves to prove you’re human – then you become adventurous to explore life’s limitless possibilities.
Hate it and you will die and dissolve slowly like ice melting from the heat of the Sun, to stifle and destroy your potential to go beyond your true capabilities.
Live your life around the laws of Nature or oppose it and you deny yourself simple blessings to see dilemma as an opportunity.
You are the captain who has the power to steer your ship in the direction you choose to go. You can bring love and life “together” into your fold if you so wish or you can climb a mountain and dance your way to happiness to conquer your fears.
However, Ways You Look At Your Daily Challenges And Situations In Life.
There Is Always A Solution.
Conquer Your Fears and Trade with Adversity. Life is music you can dance if you want to or you can cry also if you wish to – both are good for the soul and your well-being. How you feel right now depends on how deep you want the day and events to play out in your life. Turn the music in your heart on or pretend creation will not revolve without you Alive. The choice is yours let your heart speak for itself if you can’t.
You can conquer the storm and the deep rivers of adversity or you can swim with confidence into the beauty of life’s divine trials and tribulations! Your chosen path can open your eyes for light to shine on you with profound understanding, when hope becomes your last resort. Love and life are betwixt and cannot be separated.
Duality of existence is what makes you think they are different.
So! Why Separate Them And Give Each One Authority Over The other? What Is The Fuss?
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