EP.49 Introduction to causes of poor perception Part1
It's amazing how our upbring and the company we keep when we grow affects our perception and attitude towards life. More scary, is the thought of how one loses their self-confidence and their ability to be strong to explore the adventures of life's exciting playground of "feeling-good" and great to conquer the world. We get bombarded with so much negative programming from early childhood and by the time we move up the stage of juvenile to adulthood, - it becomes very difficult to change.
Most of this negative programming emerges from family, when told things like "don't play with your food - you'll go to hell". "Don't break the mirror you'll have 7 years of bad luck. Friend also play a part in influencing our thinking and the way we should act and respond to situations when growing up. We get influenced by peer pressure to start smoking and drinking as youth, because we want to blend in and be part of a group to belong to in order to fit in.
The schooling system adds, yet another layer of information more to this insult of "what things you can and can't do" and so forth. TV and newspapers that we read go a long way into making us what we become when we are grown-ups. Until one cannot figure out how it happened when we are burdened by life's obstacles. It's almost too late when life and its challenge over powers us and one can't breathe that we try to shout for Help to get out of a rut.
This Podcast is part.1 of season 3 which explores some of the possibilities and ways anyone can "reprogramme" themselves from all kinds of negative indoctrination which created our "Poor Self-Esteem" in the first place.