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The Happiness Project

Author: Raina Jain

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I'm here to serve. My podcast is built on a bedrock of love, a passion for what’s possible and a commitment to be an unstoppable force for good. Through my podcast — I am here to make a difference- in every little way possible; All of my episodes revolve around mental health, spirituality, inspiration, mindfulness, meditation. My commitment is to bring you the very best of what I’m living and learning, while keeping it real and honest as I go.
112 Episodes
Losing a loved one can be a highly charged and very traumatic time. Experiencing the loss of someone close can be one of the hardest things to face in life, while coping with such a profound loss can seem just as difficult. Dealing with the death of a loved one can be especially difficult for those who have never dealt with grief. Everyone reacts differently to death and employs personal coping mechanisms for grief. Research shows that most people can recover from loss on their own through the passage of time if they have social support and healthy habits. It may take months or a year to come to terms with a loss. There is no “normal” time period for someone to grieve. Don’t expect to pass through phases of grief either, as research suggests that most people do not go through stages as progressive steps. No one fully recovers from the sudden death of a loved one. We all are changed by such losses. But don't give up the battle to go on. A grief that is honored and processed fully frequently gives birth to a greater appreciation and commitment to living. Dealing with the death of a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges in life. Don’t forget that what you are experiencing is normal and that you are not alone on your journey towards healing and growth. Tune into this episode and know more about the grieving process, coping with uncertain circumstances during Covid and finding ways to heal and grow while grieving. You can now book yourself on a free breakthrough session - --- Send in a voice message:
Welcoming Jachym and Natasha on The Happiness Project. Jáchym Jerie and Natasha Koo are the creators of the Exceptional Relationship Formula™ which is a unique process that removes drama from your relationship and brings back intimacy, love, and connection. Falling in love is the easy part. The challenge for couples is how to rekindle the fires of romance from time to time and cultivate the mature, trusting love that is the hallmark of a lasting relationship.In this episode, they give some valuable insights into a variety of topics from choosing love over fear, identification, self-awareness, relationships and more importantly vulnerability.  Find out more about their work - Website - You can now book yourself a breakthrough session with me (Raina Jain) - --- Send in a voice message:
“The space between”—is a perfect representation of where we find ourselves today. The space between free and house-bound, safe and in peril, grateful and resentful. Many of us are figuring out how to live in this state of limbo as we wait to find out when life will return to some semblance of “normal”, if that is even possible or desirable. From living through the vast ramifications of COVID-19, we also might find our emotions and thoughts bouncing to and from the extremes more freely, showing us greater fluctuation more so than in pre-pandemic times. These are not normal times. This is a colossal understatement. Our world has been upended and the finish line is only discussed in hypotheticals. I found myself in that downward spiral because I failed to situate what I was doing, or not doing, in the extreme present circumstances of COVID-19. When I remind myself that I am working while living during a pandemic, I also have decided to remind myself to reframe how I evaluate my progress. I am trying to value what I have been able to do—my podcast, connect with guest speakers, have lunch with my family, connect with friends through Zoom—and believe I have something to be proud of. I try to compare myself less to others and to my abilities before COVID-19. “Try” is the operative word. Tune in now and get into the process of self-reflection. Why? Well, why not? Book yourself a breakthrough session with Raina Jain: --- Send in a voice message:
Today, we have with us Melissa Curran, the founder of The Modern Mind Group. Over the last 20 years there has been one main driving force behind Melissa’s motivation and that is, her passion for people. She created this business to make an impactful difference to other people's lives through self development. Having overcome the trauma of losing someone very close to her, a few years ago, she is now driven by emotion to empower others. Offering training courses, coaching, counselling, and motivational speaking, the approach is very person centred, existential and humanistic, believing that everyone has the ability to grow through a journey of self awareness, to reach their maximum potential. She would describe herself as an emotioneer, cultivating a safe and comfortable environment to express and explore emotions, whether that is in a one to one session or as part of a training workshop. She knows that you will never change someone’s mind if you cannot speak to their heart. Seeing people improve, step by step, to grow, ease their suffering, go back into society a lot stronger and more confident is the ultimate reward. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow the process is. ​The Modern Mind Group is a business built on acceptance, transparency, empathy, reason, compassion, encouragement and empowerment.  We can be champions to you overcoming whatever mindset may be holding you back.​ In this episode, Melissa takes us through her journey, where she transformed pain into an opportunity to heal not just herself but thousands of people everyday. Melissa also talks about her mental health challenges, the 8 key Canary Concepts, about finding joy in the little things, gratitude practice, mindfulness and the essence of simply being happy. Melissa Curran, Founder & Director M + 44 (0)7366 388 374 O +44 (0) 2920 100 001  W IG:  modernmindgroup Book yourself a breakthrough session with Raina Jain: --- Send in a voice message:
Never before in human history has it been possible to communicate so quickly during a pandemic, social media platforms have been a key piece for the dissemination of information; however, there are multiple advantages and disadvantages that must be considered. Thanks to fast-changing news, social distancing, and a major political movement, our Internet connection has become our most important connection. A few years ago, Johan struggled enormously, really suffered from phone and social media addiction, and he knew he had to find a way to unhook himself from screens. But he didn't want to completely abstain from tech and screens; they are part of our lives, and they are here to stay. Nevertheless, he learned how to use screens mindfully, the more he became aware of the detrimental effects screens can have on us. These days he is helping individuals and families to recover from phone and social media addiction. The focus is not just on helping people with stopping "liking and posting" their lives away, but on helping them to become a better version of themselves as well. Essentially, his mission is to help people live their lives with purpose, and free from tech-addiction. In this episode, we have Johan, who is a social media expert and he takes us through the impact of social media on our lives, mental health and relationships. Johan also talks about a 6 step formula to overcome social media addiction. To know more about his work - Websits: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Udemy course link is Book yourself now for a breakthrough session with Raina Jain - --- Send in a voice message:
Welcoming Lee Chambers on THP. Lee is an Environmental Psychologist, Wellbeing Consultant, Life Coach and Founder of Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing. He also presents the Health and Wellbeing show on Ribble FM Radio, and speaks in Educational establishments about his varied career path, health challenges and having a resilient mindset. Lee has been featured in Huffpost, Fortune, The Guardian, Glamour, Metro and is mentioned by Harvard, USC, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Minnesota. Lee Chambers also writes about Environmental Psychology, Employee Wellbeing, Leadership, Teamwork, Personal Development, Organisational Culture, The Future of Work and Social Enterprise. Lee Chambers has been interviewed and featured across a number of media outlets, including Newsweek, Thrive Global, The Times and The Ritz Herald. Lee is on a mission to look at the future of wellbeing at work, and build strategies to prevent these potential problems starting today. Lee taps into one of the most impactful and insightful conversation with me on THP. There was a time in his life when he lost the ability to walk and that led him to understand the elements of physiology. Losing his ability to walk changed his worldview completely, and propelled him on a journey to understand how we, as humans, can optimise our bodies and our minds. In this episode, Lee takes us through his life journey which has been significantly impactful where Lee and I talk about all things ‘Living life’.. from mindfulness, to mental health challenges, conquering life, resilience, redundancy, the mission to be medication free and much more. Let us now welcome Lee Chamber on THP!! --- Send in a voice message:
Marcus is a thought leader, keynote speaker and an author of 'The Wicked Company'. He is also the co-host of 'The Wicked Podcast'. Marcus Kirsch helps organisations create better products, services and colleague experiences. Trained in Design Thinking, MIT Research and IDEO's methodologies, companies like BT, HSBC, Nationwide, Nissan and others were able to improve their teams, through new processes and improved the mindsets and effectiveness of thousands of employees. The benefit proven by many millions in business benefits. In this episode, Marcus takes us through his journey where he talks about change, fears and people’s personal development and what made it easier for him to change. He also talks about how to succeed in these dynamic times we live in, whether you are a solopreneur, entrepreneur, a start up, CEO, project manager, thinker, designer, or an engineer. And finally, he also elaborates on the kind of mindset people need for these times, where COVID19, a new economic reality and the mental stress of being isolated at home is impacting so many people across the world. You can find out more about Marcus Kirsch below - Instagram - wickedandbeyond LinkedIn - Book: podcast: You can also book a breakthrough session with me (Raina Jain) now - --- Send in a voice message:
In this episode, Kenny and I talk about all things mindset. This episode is for anyone who needs some inspiration for when they are stuck. Kenny is on a mission to inspire and empower people to live a purposeful life. Kenny Harper began his journey rocking stages as a musician and after realising he realised he had the talents but not the business knowledge, he reinvented himself and became a devoted student of business growth strategies. Now as an accomplished certified advisor, Kenny is on a mission to inspire and empower those with the attitude, expertise and drive to amplify their business by sharing proven strategies and effective systems. To serve his mission, Kenny connects with other "rockstar professionals" who are devoted to growth and empowering others.  Highlights: Award-Winning International Speaker & Story Teller, Certified DigitalMarketer™ Advisor, Harvard Faculty Club Mastermind, 3 Book Author & Podcaster Websites: You can now book a breakthrough session with me (Raina Jain) - --- Send in a voice message:
Introducing Kevin Monroe who will take us through his journey of Living an Extraordinary Life. ‪It is such a delight to have Kevin Monroe on The Happiness Project #podcast. Kevin, is a trusted advisor for people who are willing to take the road less travelled. Well, because he himself has been on a #journey of changing lives and encouraging people to live an extraordinary life. As far as I remember, Kevin has a strong desire to make this world a better place. And that’s exactly when I realised why we were meant to connect, because of the like-heartedness between us. Kevin takes us through his journey of making every experience and encounter into an extraordinary one by simply creating an #intentionalshift. The extraordinary life is not out there — an elusive quest somewhere over the rainbow. It’s here. Now. Our lives become extraordinary as a result of doing lots of little (ordinary) things with extra focus, fervor, and flair. Don't miss out on this episode if you want your Monday mornings to be as exciting as #fridayafternoons! Thank you for contributing on the The Happiness Project podcast Kevin Monroe and for making this experience an extraordinary one simply by your warmth and presence! Join his online community: (This ExtraOrdinary Life, an online community of like-hearted people from around the world choosing to explore, embrace, and express extraordinary lives one day, one moment, one encounter at a time). To know more about Kevin - Kevin D. Monroe Coach, Consultant, & Speaker, Host of The Higher Purpose Podcast Mobile: 404-713-0713 Email: Website: Podcast: --- Send in a voice message:
We are back with another series named after ‘New Perspectives’ which will definitely move you out of your comfort zone. This is an introductory episode on the new series so we could build up a strong foundation of the series. In fact, we have some remarkable guest speakers who are going to be a part of this series and show us new perspectives on life and yes, it will make us uncomfortable but that’s the point right? That’s how this year has been like – Unpredictable, Uncomfortable – and its been this way because we are forced to spend so much time with our individual selves, where every week is different in its own way, bringing in its own challenges and helping us gain a new perspective in life. I’m a firm believer in the idea that “everything happens for a reason.” I don’t know why COVID-19 has impacted our world the way it has, but I trust that there’s something I can gain from this experience. If I’ve learned anything during the pandemic, it’s perspective. There are more than 7 billion people in the world seeing things a lot differently compared to the next person. This complicates life because, instead of seeing the similarities we share, we often focus on what is different, which leads to disagreements and fights. Simply making a switch and attempting to see from a different perspective could help many of these problems. Life is beautiful. Despite this, we all have days that we consider to be really bad. Whether it's because of a long commute home after a hard day at work or the annoyance of having to wait in line for ages for something you want, we all have things that really annoy us. However, in reality, we have it pretty darn good. You may have come across the picture that has a number drawn on the floor with two people standing on either side of the number. One person sees a 6, and the other sees a 9. They are both right, yet they are wrong in the eyes of the other person because of their particular perspective on life. In this episode, I will take you through life perspectives and how to be open to developing new perspectives in life.  You can book yourself a free breakthrough session now - --- Send in a voice message:
Well, the entire mental health series named after a thoughtful pill for your mind has been an amazing journey filled with reflection, transformation, poise, and impact. Each and every guest speaker has contributed a bit of themselves into this series and I am forever grateful to them. Since, this is the last episode of this series I would like to conclude it with revitalizing the entire series, just in case you have missed out on any of the episodes. To summarise, in this series we cover topics from anxiety, stress, depression, suicide, chakra work, positive thinking, mindfulness, finding your purpose, loving yourself and at the core of it all these episodes will urge you to take a step closer to your mental health. We are going through a global pandemic, that itself is a reason enough to imbibe some necessary changes towards enhancing your mental health. Make your mental health a priority. Make yourself a priority. Take help. Connect. Live in the moment. Practice Grounding. Love and Laugh. Do what makes you happy and don’t forget to look at yourself in the mirror today and say ‘I love you exactly the way you are’ and I will see you next week offering ‘New Perspectives’ on THP.  If you have found the podcast helpful and enlightening leading to you becoming happier. Let us keep moving forward on the journey of happiness together. Until then, take care of yourself – You can now book yourself in for a free breakthrough session with me -; Book yourself now, because you deserve to be happy. --- Send in a voice message:
Well, once again we have someone very special on The Happiness Project who has been a huge contribution not just to my podcast but also my journey of life. In this episode, Anna and I are going to be talking about breaking those belief systems that we have developed deep within ourselves for years; we talk about becoming aware of the choices that we make everyday and how can we take action without unwanted influences of the past. Anna also talks about how when we begin our spiritual journeys  of inner growth, we discover many things about ourselves, other people and the world and she dives deeper into giving some interesting insights into chakra work and how it has transformed her life. From North Carolina to London, our bond just keeps getting stronger. I’m grateful and blessed to have her on the show once again and have her emphasise on the importance of spirituality, purpose and connection between our body, mind, and soul. You can also book a free breakthrough session with Anna -; Follow her on Instagram:; Contact her on: --- Send in a voice message:
Introducing Cheron K. Griffin who is a Freedom Coach, Lifestyle Hacker, Dating Consultant and a Divorce Guru. She is known for being happy.  She believes in living authentically and understands that happiness comes from within. She is an author of three published books and an international speaker. Her life consists of world travel teaching people how to live and BE FREE. She believes in the power of words and knows that anyone can manifest their heart's desires. And she has manifested her best life over and over again and so you can too. Griffin believes that ‘changing the mind, changes the person’ and it is this approach that allows her to empower clients to embrace their authentic selves, maintain healthy relationships and understand the significance of balance in one’s mind, body and spirit. In today’s episode, Cheron and I talk about her life journey, about how it’s important to hold that mirror up and look at yourself, about balancing our mind, body and spirit is extremely important to live a fulfilling life and most importantly being authentic, being free is a way to be. To know more about her, follow her on  Instagram - cheronkgriffin Email: Website: --- Send in a voice message:
Welcoming someone so special on The Happiness Project this week. It's none other than Anna Nyeste, a woman who is so diverse, pluralistic, conscious and lastly someone who recognises herself in all other beings. Anna and I met on a platform for Podcasters and our first conversation changed the entire course of our relationship. From North Carolina to London – the connection just kept getting stronger. Anna Nyeste is a self-care coach. Her journey will leave an impact on each one of us, forcing us to think differently, break us from our old belief systems so that we can create a space to fully experience life by simply being present. Her experience with chronic pain has transformed her into a journey within. In this episode, Anna gives some wonderful insight into undoing things that we have learnt our entire lives, understanding how physical symptoms are a sign from the subconscious that our body needs attention, it needs healing, how gratitude practice can help us look beyond ourselves and how trusting that we are always okay even though we don’t feel like we are with what’s happening in our lives in this moment but at the core of it all we are really okay and that is the real practice. Like Anna says, 'I have gotten to the point where I am extremely grateful for my pain, for my trauma, for my body falling apart, for the fact that I felt like a burden, that I felt like I was a failure, and I felt responsible for the pain in my life - I am now grateful for it. Because it showed me where I needed to place my focus. It’s where the work and the healing needed to be done'' You can also book a free breakthrough session with Anna - Website: Instagram: Twitter: Matchmaker: Email ID: --- Send in a voice message:
Introducing Shelley Knight on The Happiness Project. It has been such a delight having Shelley on my show talking about positivity and how finding joy in the smallest of things in life can get you through the toughest of times in life. Shelley F. Knight is a once upon a time nurse turned writer who provides an eclectic blend of clinical, holistic and spiritual expertise in her specialist subjects of Positive Changes, Spirituality, and Grief. She is author of Positive Changes: A Self-Kick Book (November 2018), host of Positive Changes: A Self-Kick Podcast, and is a freelance writer for international magazines. Shelley is passionate about encouraging individuals on a transformational journey towards positive changes, particularly following times of loss in their life, be it the loss of a known and trusted way of life, or loss of a loved one. She has set up the Good Grief Northampton Death Cafe to provide a safe space for people to share their experiences of grief with others, and an accompanying Facebook page to support others beyond her home county of Northamptonshire. Shelley holds a first class degree in adult nursing, and post graduate studies in Palliative Care and Life Limiting Illness, Pathophysiology of Cancer, Cytotoxic Chemotherapy, and Clinical Hypnotherapy. In addition, Shelley holds a plethora of holistic and spiritual qualifications, including Transformational Regression Therapy, Spiritual Coaching, Spiritual Development Teacher, Holistic Diagnosis Skills, Mindfulness, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Herbalism, and Dream Therapy. She is also an intuitive Tarot card reader, and intuitive Tarot coach, with gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, inherited from her ancestors. Website - --- Send in a voice message:
In today's episode I am going to be in conversation with Shirley Billson who is going to touch base upon a topic that we experience on a daily basis. Yes, if you thought it was 'Stress' - it is. Finding ways to manage stress in a time of uncertainty is as essential as it is difficult. So much about this current situation is out of the average person’s control, and it can be hard to know how to cope. Exactly why, it’s important to talk it out and know that you definitely are not alone, and on a global level, a lot of us are feeling this way. Therefore, we have with us Shirley Billson who is a growing thought leader in the field of mental fitness. She believes in the power of courageous rule breaking and is currently writing her first commissioned book for Routledge, challenging existing mental health leadership and performance in secondary schools. Through professional speaking and writing, participation in expert think tanks, workshops, private practice hypnotherapy and coaching, she specialises in helping women in mid life to break out of limiting patterns of thinking and behaviour that impact on every area of life and work. The result? They become stronger versions of themselves, daring to do the things they didn't think possible, creating a ripple effect of positive change in relationships at work and at home. Her podcast, Rebellation, is dedicated to midlife reinvention. "If I jump in deep enough, I don't have time to be scared."  To know more about her piece of work - Listen to her Rebellation podcast all about reinvention Email - Download the FREE ebook on How to Get the Ball Rolling to Stop Procrastination and Start Fulfilling Your Potential Mid Life - The Happiness Project -  Anchor:  LinkedIn:  Instagram:  --- Send in a voice message:
In today’s episode we are going to be diving deeper into understanding our behavioural patterns that have been existing in our lives for like ever. Do you find yourself repeating patterns? If so, you’re not alone! From dating ‘bad boys’ or ‘psycho women’ repeatedly despite vows of “never again” after the misery they cause, to making yet another friend who proceeds to boss you around, or finding yourself in a job where you feel undervalued again, many of us seem unable to stop ourselves repeating experiences that hurt us. These patterns might seem like chance or bad luck, but in fact just about everyone has a texture to their life that they have carried since childhood. Sometimes, the patterns go back even farther. For many people, the key lesson they are tasked with learning is how to break free of the emotional chains that are holding them back so they can fulfil their soul destiny. The original difficult situation was usually when we were children, and were a passive participant – the event was happening to us and we had no control over those involved, usually significant others such as parents or siblings, or over the outcome. As adults, we are active – it’s us who get ourselves into the situations – but because the reasons for what we’re doing are often outside our conscious awareness, we feel at the mercy of circumstances. Maybe you haven’t identified your pattern yet, but now is the time to take a step back and recognised those patterns that have been controlling your experience of living a fulfilling life. To follow The Happiness Project - Anchor: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:
In this episode, Mike and I talk about all things anxiety and Mike shares some intervention based approach to manage and cope with anxiety - from taking one day at a time, mindfulness to earthing techniques and meditation. Anxiety has kind of become a part of our new normal now. People with anxiety don’t have one train of thoughts, they have several trains on four tracks that narrowly avoid each other when paths cross and all the conductors are screaming. So can we allow ourselves to simply breath at the count of 5...4...3...2...1! Breathe in and breathe out! Mike Clark, M.Ed., is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant based in Oklahoma City, OK. By harnessing the power of the mind, athletes, musicians and corporations have improved mental performance through individually tailored interventions rooted in rich psychological theory. Mike’s interest in personal improvement extends beyond sport and performance as he was previously a trauma therapist where he helped others work through the aftermath of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and other trauma related disorders which continues to shape the way he views wellness and daily functioning. To know more about Mike Clark, follow him on -  Mike Clark, M.Ed., CMPC Clark Performance Consulting w: e: t: 262.527.5220 Ig: @clark_performance To follow The Happiness Project - Anchor: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:
Welcoming Vipp Jaswal on The Happiness Project. It has truly been an honour to have him on my show and take us through his life journey and his experience with Depression which transformed him absolutely. By the time Vipp reached the ripe age of 50 he had lived in 10 countries, worked his first 15 years as an international banker and the next 15 as a senior media executive. He was asked to host his weekly talk show on Fox News Radio with celebrities famous for their politics, spirituality, notoriety (like Donald Trump, Bishop TD Jakes, Sadhguru, Roger Stone to name a few). He had become a global keynote speaker, international political advisor and was awarded 3 medals for his contribution towards Leadership by the United States National Guard. Vipp also published his critically acclaimed book, 'CPR' (targeted at those facing mid life crisis) and created the HEAL Foundation, which is his philanthropic endeavor towards those who can benefit from emotional and mental well-being. Vipp is no stranger to crisis or catastrophe at both a professional and personal level. During his career he has helped navigate teams and organizations through the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, the 2000 Dot Com bubble, the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, the 2007 Housing Crash, the 2009 European Sovereign debt crisis and Vipp was the primary negotiator in the successful release of 2 colleagues held hostage in the Middle East. Vipp is dedicated to giving back to Life what Life has given him. As he says, "The one similarity between a true Capitalist and a true Philanthropist is that both believe the path to enriching themselves, is by enriching others first." To know more about his piece of work - Follow him on Instagram - @vipp_jaswal Website - To follow The Happiness Project - Anchor: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: --- Send in a voice message:
Welcome to the new series of THP. I am so excited to connect with all of you once again. It might seem self-evident, yet evidently everyone doesn’t recognize the importance of good mental health. Mental health is not a destination, it’s a process. At every stage in your life, you are going to be presented with various circumstances – and how you learn to manage those circumstances will determine the outcome of your mental health. In times of uncertainty and stress, we all cope differently. Some channel their restless minds into new hobbies, fitness or family meal times, while others simply take a day at a time, focusing on small moments of joy. But none of us are immune to worry. It’s impossible for anyone to be happy every moment of every day. And when the down days strike, we need to be kind to ourselves. Be patient. Seek stillness. Cultivate good mental health habits, be it mindfulness, time out, fresh air every day, meditation, painting, baking, anything that soothes your mind. Most importantly, remember that this too shall pass. Nothing is forever, clouds will pass, and the sun will shine again. In this series we are going to discuss about mental health and how we can take the necessary steps to look after our mental health, We have rounded up some insights, deep and meaningful conversations with some renowned guest speakers and chose the best mental health episodes to help you through those low moments. So join us in the coming weeks and together we can explore various dimensions of mental health.  To follow The Happiness Project - Anchor: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: SnapChat: raina-jain --- Send in a voice message:
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Thank you for sharing such thoughtful and helpful strategies to help overcome some of life's challenges!

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