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The Build Good Fundraising Podcast


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Fundraising isn't easy, but it should be simple. We take the mystery out of fundraising with practical tips and strategies to help nonprofit leaders grow their revenue and impact so they can do more good in the world. 

97 Episodes
If you’re tired of riding the revenue rollercoaster—where your nonprofit’s cash flow is always dependent on a few key fundraising campaigns during the year— your big opportunity is building a strong monthly giving programGrowing recurring giving not only smoothes out your cash flow year round, it also increases the lifetime giving of your donors. And it’s a direct pipeline to mid-level, major and legacy gifts.But building a strong monthly giving program requires some thought and care. Yo...
“Always be testing”. That’s popular fundraising advice. After all, the only way to get new insights to grow your fundraising is to try new stuff, test, iterate and optimize. But how do you decide what to test? How do you set up a proper A/B test? And how do you make sure you learn something meaningful from it? That’s what we get into in today's chat with Ronen Tal, the Director of Integrated Marketing and Fundraising at Nature Conservancy of Canada. He stewards a donor f...
Social media isn’t working for most nonprofits.If you’re watching your engagement drop while spending hours on content creation, you're likely about ready to give up on social media for good.And no one would blame you.That’s why we’re continuing our series on new donor acquisition by talking about these challenges head-on.We’re talking to Brynne Krispin from Cause Fokus about how to tap into the power of empathy to actually find supporters online through social media.In our chat, we get into:...
In our ongoing series on new donor acquisition, we’re talking to one of Canada’s most sought after advertising specialists about how to use Google ads to boost your fundraising. Kevin Harwood manages more than $10m in ad spend for nonprofits across North America, and is at the forefront of what is working…and isn’t. On today’s show, we get into: How to think about online advertising (hint: it’s not about an immediate return on your investment) What options your nonprofit h...
We’re continuing our series on new donor acquisition—and today we’re getting into the basics of how you can use the Google Ad Grant to attract potential donors through digital content offers.The truth is, most nonprofits aren’t taking full advantage of the Google Ad Grant because they don’t know it works, or because they don’t have a clear strategy on how to use it. In today’s chat, Chris Barlow gets into everything you need to know to get started with the grant—and he also shares a simp...
Have you ever used paid Facebook and Instagram ads to support your fundraising? Ads can supercharge your donor acquisition strategy, but they can also be a little scary if you’re just starting out—and if you’re new to digital marketing.To continue our series on new donor acquisition, we’re chatting with Dana Snyder from Positive Equation, host of the Missions To Movements podcast and Creator of the Monthly Giving Mastermind. Her mission is to equip nonprofits with the knowledge of h...
So you want to find new donors online?Then this is a foundational podcast episode for you to listen to.We’re beginning our series on online new donor acquisition with a master of digital fundraising: Jeff Giddens from NextAfter.In our chat, we get into: Why sending prospective donors to a donation page might not be effective if you want to actually get a first gift from someone Why trying to understand donors is a better strategy than trying to get them to understand your cause ...
You need to retain donors if you want to grow sustainably—but you also need to find new donors. It seems simple enough, but we all want to skip to the “growing revenue” part without investing in both acquisition and retention. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried. You need to work on both, consistently and reliably. If you’re a listener of this show, you already know that listening to donors, engaging them, asking, celebrating and reporting is the best way to keep more of your donors connect...
Many nonprofits want to see 10-20% growth (or more!) year over year—and are tasking their fundraising team to make it happen without a clear-eyed view of what it takes. It’s not that sustained growth is unrealistic, but it becomes harder to raise more money year after year without investing resources (read: money and time!) in the right things to support that growth.On today’s podcast, we’re going to do a bit of easy math together to see if you’re prepared to meet your growth goals. ...
In today’s episode, we dive into the 5 key elements of crafting a winning and simple fundraising plan using the pre-loaded year methodology.It’s the same method we teach in the Fundraising Academy—and the same method we use with clients in our agency work.A lot of organizations struggle to create simple and actionable plans they can execute on. That’s because for most small-to-mid sized nonprofits, complicated plans are…well, too complex to actually want to take action on.But without a plan, ...
Do you feel like you have a focused fundraising strategy? Or does it feel like you’re being asked to do something else every few months?Have you—or your leadership—been so derailed by that shiny, new opportunity (looking at you, TikTok) that you lose sight of what's important?A strategic plan might help—if you approach it the right way.Now, let’s be honest, you might already have a plan in place. It might be sitting on a shelf. Gathering dust. It might just be a long list of lofty g...
Today’s show is a special episode—a bit of a global journey of fundraising and discovery with one of Canada’s well known fundraisers. Fresh off a trip to Europe—including stops in Romania, Slovakia and Holland—Michael Johnston joins us to have a chat about what the social impact sector outside of North America looks like. And what we can learn from it. Michael was trained as a NATO analyst but ended up a direct mail fundraiser in 1987. Many books and clients later, he now works in ...
What if you could create content for your ads, emails and social media that reached more people than organizations that have 10X your budget? In our part 2 with Cameron Bartlett, we’ll into the formulas he’s used to reach over 125,000,000 people for social good. And the best part? These frameworks work to build an engaged following, whether you have a team of 20—or it's just you. Cameron has helped hundreds of charities like yours fundraise way more, by creating journeys that g...
More people would give to your organization, if they could only find you.We know ads, emails, and organic social are great ways to reach new potential donors. But some of the scrappiest, most creative nonprofits use SEO to attract new supporters to grow their cause. How? On this week’s BuildGood Live, we’re revealing the playbook you can use to optimize your nonprofit’s online content so you can start attracting new donors. Cameron Bartlett has helped hundreds of charities...
We live in the golden age of digital fundraising—the most efficient ecosystem in which to test, learn and refine. Digital has immense power to drive strategies that scale and connect deeply with our donors. AND it plays nicely with so many other channels, including direct mail.Yet most organizations use it backwards.Instead of leading with digital, they’re bolting on digital strategies on the back end of other efforts, hoping to get a boost.So how can we learn to lead with digital?On tod...
Can the way you lead internally make your fundraising more effective? On today’s podcast, we chat with Evan Wildstein about 10 core behaviours of servant leaders—and how they might just improve the way you fundraise.Behaviours like listening, empathy, healing, building community, and much more. We’ll also get into some super practical ways to activate servant-leadership in your own shop to boost philanthropy.For 20 years, Evan has been a nonprofiteer, raising funds and developing inspiri...
You’ve likely heard that the donor should be the hero in your fundraising messaging. The phrase had a noble intent. It was meant to encourage us to shift our perspective away from meeting revenue targets, and toward finding alignment with our ideal donors’ goals and values. But over time, it became misunderstood. Misconstrued. And misapplied.The “donor as hero” metaphor turned into “the donor is always right”—causing some organizations to do real harm. So is it time to thi...
If you’ve ever tried running Facebook and Instagram ads to attract new donors, you may have realized it isn’t all that easy.Truth is, an effective paid ads strategy for nonprofits trying to attract new donors is a lot different than running ads for for-profits that are selling products. Yet most of the information you’ll find on running online ads is geared toward for-profits.On today’s BG Live, we’re getting into how you can start to acquire new donors with Meta ads—without wasting a ton of ...
Email remains one of the most effective digital fundraising channels—but how do you know you’re doing it right? How do you balance asking for money, showing gratitude, reporting back on impact and surveying your donors? How much email is too much…or too little? On this week’s BG Live, we’re helping you audit your email marketing strategy—and give you some surefire ways to increase donor engagement.We’re talking with Katelyn Baughan, the owner of KB Digital – a nonprofit email m...
How do you evaluate your email campaigns? If you’re a nonprofit—especially one that doesn’t raise tens of millions every year—you may have a hard time finding benchmarks from organizations like yours. Most of the data on benchmarks and proven practices comes from either very large organizations or from for-profit companies. Until now. On this week’s BuildGood Live, we’re talking to Tim Sarrantonio from Neon ONE about the new Nonprofit Email Report. Tim and his team a...