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The Light Inside

Author: Jeffrey Besecker

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Imagine living in a world of darkness, shrouded in mystery and confusion—a reality shaped by hidden factors that influence our beliefs, choices, and habits. For many, this is a daily experience.

We’re all on a journey to discover the light inside. For better or worse, every aspect of our lives is shaped by the patterns we keep.

Join us in the land beyond belief, as we explore the hidden pathways of our subconscious and unconscious currents. We dive into the deep mind dynamics that surface in our everyday behaviors, highlighting the complexity and movement within our inner domains.
202 Episodes
This episode of The Light Inside delves into the fascinating world of beliefs and how they impact our perceptions, decisions, interactions, and emotional well-being. Exploring the concept of psychological safety and ego development, the episode discusses how creating a safe space can help challenge limiting beliefs and foster personal growth. Join the host as they uncover the importance of embracing imperfections and learning from mistakes to not only survive but thrive in life. JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Today's episode explores the intricate world of our psyche and ego processes, shedding light on how they can sometimes lead to confusion. Drawing parallels to a bustling city, the psyche is likened to the city's infrastructure, with the ego as the mayor trying to maintain order. However, when the ego becomes overly ambitious, chaos ensues. The episode delves into how social and cultural conditioning further complicates our understanding of these aspects, creating inner conflicts akin to city planners with different backgrounds. Tune in to unravel the mysteries of the human psyche and ego with a wink and a smile. 00:00:00 - Introduction by Anna00:00:10 - Exploring Psyche and Ego00:00:31 - Social and Cultural Conditioning00:00:42 - Psyche as a City, Ego as the Mayor00:01:04 - Ambitious Ego and Resulting Confusion00:01:16 - Cultural Influences on Inner World00:01:37 - Conflict Between Psyche and Ego00:01:48 - Societal Expectations vs. Core Values00:02:08 - Achieving Balance Between Psyche and Ego00:02:29 - Questioning Motivations00:02:50 - Journaling and Mindfulness Practices00:03:11 - Embracing the Journey00:03:22 - Conclusion and Farewell Credits: Featured Guest:  Anna Getz   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this episode of The Light Inside, we delve into the pervasive issue of distractions in our modern world, particularly focusing on how our tech habits can dominate our lives. I, Jeffrey Besecker, explore the concept of mindfulness as a powerful tool to disrupt impulsive tech use and foster intentional awareness and emotional regulation. We are joined by Emmanuel Rose, an author, outdoorsman, and marketing expert, who shares insights from his book, The Seven Principles of the Magic Rock. Emmanuel discusses how practices like clarification, solitude, meditation, and spending time in nature can help us mindfully disconnect from our devices and re-engage with life more thoughtfully. Discover how mindfulness can help you develop healthier tech habits and disconnect from digital overload in today's world. Join author Emmanuel Rose as he shares insights from his book, "The Seven Principles of the Magic Rock," guiding us on how to anchor mental health, improve leadership skills, and unleash creativity through solitude and time in nature.  Learn how to mindfully reconnect with life and those around you in the era of constant distractions. Tune in to The Light Inside for more on fostering intentional awareness and conscious tech use. Timestamps: [00:00:31] Mindfulness and tech usage. [00:05:27] Compulsive tech use and mindfulness. [00:10:29] Impact of tech on generation. [00:14:31] Technology integrated into daily life. [00:15:47] Impulse control and habit formation. [00:20:18] Accepting the unknown. [00:25:02] Feedback and emotional intelligence. [00:29:40] Ego Development. [00:32:27] Impact of tech on loneliness. [00:37:57] Creating stress responses. [00:39:48] Healthy procrastination and productivity. [00:44:38] Healthy habit of reconnecting. [00:47:28] Living a purposeful life. Credits: Featured Guest:  Emanuel Rose   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this episode of The Light Inside, host Jeffrey Besecker explores how our mental constructs shape our perception of life, delving into the benefits and adverse effects they bring.  He discusses the importance of reframing beliefs and perspectives to foster growth, drawing insights from guest Khalid Weidauer’s story of overcoming family abandonment and abuse. Khalid illustrates how he transformed these adversities into empowering life lessons, developing resilience and adaptability. We explore the concept of cognitive appraisal, which allows us to reassess past experiences and turn them into fuel for exponential growth. Khalid's story is a testament to the power of reframing challenging experiences and using them as a catalyst for personal development. Join them as they uncover how to turn challenging experiences into valuable life lessons on The Light Inside. Timestamps: [00:00:32] Reframing beliefs and perspectives. [00:05:32] Life in North Africa. [00:09:50] Control and influence in life. [00:13:55] Implicit Memory and Conscious Access. [00:18:22] Family dynamics and alcoholism. [00:21:41] Coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms. [00:26:22] Science and adaptability. [00:29:29] Neural responses and reasoning. [00:31:33] Doing what you hate to do. [00:37:31] Hedonistic path and dopamine receptors. [00:40:17] Belief and self-perception. [00:45:27] Pretending to pretend. [00:49:32] Defense and survival instincts. [00:52:32] Who cares more? [00:57:36] Understanding emotions and perspectives. [00:58:14] Insecurities in the body [01:03:46] Exchanging ideas as a superpower. [01:07:40] Changing perspectives and beliefs. [01:09:30] Cognitive appraisal for resilience. Featured Guest:  Khaled Weidauer   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this episode of The Light Inside, we delve into the intricate world of belief perseverance and its impact on our adaptability, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Belief perseverance can be likened to painting ourselves into a box, creating a glass barrier that confines our potential and stifles our growth. We revisit our ongoing series with Limitless Coach Mark Fournier, exploring how deeply ingrained beliefs shape our perception of reality. Mark shares insights on how to break free from these self-imposed confines and step into a world of endless possibilities. Key topics discussed include: The concept of belief perseverance and its effects on our lives. The metaphor of living inside a glass box filled with sticky notes representing our beliefs and perceptions. The importance of questioning our beliefs to gain a more profound understanding of our personal perceptions and the world around us. The four pillars of self-awareness: know thyself, accept thyself, be true to thyself, and speak thy truth. The practice of metacognition, or reflecting on our own thought processes, to choose beliefs that best serve us. The seven Ds of willful blindness: denial, distortion, dissociation, dissonance, dilution, delusion, and disillusion. Mark emphasizes the importance of questioning everything, including our own opinions, to dismantle limiting beliefs and foster a growth mindset. He shares personal anecdotes and practical advice on how to repurpose beliefs and experiences that no longer serve us. This episode encourages listeners to step out of their glass boxes, embrace new perspectives, and continuously question their beliefs to lead a more fulfilling and enlightened life. Timestamps: [00:01:11] Belief perseverance limits adaptability. [00:06:18] The power of self-discovery. [00:08:12] Authenticity and self-expression. [00:13:01] Dissolving limiting beliefs. [00:15:28] Repurposing beliefs and emotions. [00:19:02] Embracing change and opportunity. [00:23:45] Stepping out of the box. [00:27:02] Questioning beliefs for self-growth. [00:30:37] Questioning beliefs and empowerment. [00:36:53] Questioning beliefs and opinions. [00:39:35] The Socratic method and metacognition. [00:42:26] Emotional rumination and questioning. [00:45:14] Optimists and chronic lateness. [00:49:51] Soliciting feedback through questions. [00:52:49] Growth through vulnerability and feedback. [00:55:59] Accepting limitless life possibilities. [01:00:22] Embracing the road less traveled. [01:04:10] Questioning everything for growth. Featured Guest:  Mark Fournier   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this episode of The Light Inside, we dive into the profound influence of belief systems on our self-concept, relationships, and perception of the world. Our beliefs shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, creating a framework through which we interpret our experiences and interactions. We explore how subconscious and unconscious patterns impact our belief systems and logical reasoning, introducing the concept of semantic analysis as a dialectic thinking model. This model encourages critical thinking and the integration of diverse viewpoints, fostering a dynamic and evolving understanding of the subject matter. Beliefs are fundamental in shaping our self-concept, influencing our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. In a podcast episode, Mark Fornier explores how our belief systems act as filters, shaping our perceptions and experiences in various ways. He shares a personal story about his upbringing and how his mother, despite facing challenges, instilled in him the power of the mind through books like Psycho-Cybernetics and Think and Grow Rich. This early exposure to the idea of shaping one's reality from within had a profound impact on Mark's perspective. By challenging our shared perspectives, Mark and I also parse out the concept of semantic analysis, which involves examining and interpreting the meaning of thoughts, associations, words, and phrases within their context. By considering multiple perspectives and relationships between concepts, semantic analysis encourages critical thinking and the integration of diverse viewpoints. This process enables us to challenge and reshape our adaptive belief systems, leading to a more dynamic and evolving understanding of consciousness and the world around us. Timestamps: [00:01:45] Semantic analysis as a therapeutic tool. [00:07:09] Polymath lifestyle. [00:08:31] The systemic approach to life. [00:13:18] Embracing neurotic psychological entropy. [00:16:21] Cognitive Dissonance and trauma-based influences after a tornado. [00:19:20] Transforming consciousness through personal experiences. [00:25:03] Silver Spoon and Perception. [00:27:13] Distorted sense of self. [00:32:55] Adaptability and growth in habits. [00:36:48] Limitless potential and adaptation. [00:39:33] Toxicity and adaptability. [00:43:35] Willful blindness and conflict-driven arguments. [00:45:22] Consciousness before birth. [00:51:33] Cognitive bias and belief perseverance. [00:52:49] Overcoming limiting beliefs. Featured Guest:  Mark Fournier   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this illuminating episode of The Light Inside, we delve into the intricacies of effective communication and the unseen barriers that often hinder our ability to connect meaningfully with others. Our focus is on understanding and overcoming parataxic distortion—a cognitive bias where we replace the intended meaning of someone's words with our own preconceived notions. We are joined by psychologist and relationship specialist Fred Talisman, who shares his expertise on the subconscious patterns and cognitive biases that can alienate our conscious connections. Fred provides practical strategies to become more aware of our filtering distortions and emphasizes the importance of active listening, empathy, and emotional intelligence in fostering deeper connections. Key takeaways from this episode include: Active Listening and Responsive Communication: These are essential for fostering mutual understanding and empathy in relationships. Being truly heard and understood helps us feel emotionally, physiologically, and psychologically safe, allowing us to open up in meaningful ways. Emotional Regulation: Addressing each other from an emotionally regulated state, rather than reacting from past wounds or traumas, allows for healthier interactions. Developing conscious awareness around emotional triggers and practicing gratitude can help create a regulated space for discussions. Establishing Core Values and Vision: Having open discussions about non-negotiable needs and the qualities we wish to embody in our relationships is crucial, especially early on. This alignment helps in co-creating a shared vision for the future. Fred also shares practical tips such as the power of respectful appreciation and gratitude, inner child healing practices like journaling and visualizations, and the importance of creating mutually satisfying agreements in relationships. Timestamps: [00:00:41] Effective communication in relationships. [00:05:41] Emotional dysregulation in relationships. [00:10:22] Emotionally reconnecting communication. [00:13:29] Safety in telling the truth. [00:15:25] Integrity within relationships. [00:20:22] Relationship dynamics and trauma responses. [00:24:50] Practicing kindness in relationships. [00:26:41] Reparenting your inner child. [00:31:46] Empowering children with flashlights. [00:35:08] Embracing emotional triggers. [00:38:07] Reframing trauma for empowerment. [00:43:00] Keys to creating connected relationships. [00:43:34] Cultivating secure functioning relationships. Featured Guest:  Fred Talisman   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Explore the often misunderstood world of narcissism with guest therapist Shannon Petrovich on The Light Inside. Discover the signs of narcissistic abuse, the impact of toxic relationship patterns, and strategies for healing.  Gain insights on navigating the fine line between love and manipulation in narcissistic relationships.  Key Topics of Discussion: Toxic Behaviors in Narcissistic Relationships Love bombing, gaslighting, and devaluing are toxic behaviors commonly seen in narcissistic relationships.  Love bombing involves overwhelming a partner with excessive affection and praise to manipulate and control them.  It is crucial to recognize that love bombing is a manipulative tactic, not genuine love.  Gaslighting manipulates a partner's perception of reality by denying their experiences, leading to confusion and self-doubt.  Devaluing undermines a partner's self-worth through criticism and belittlement, aiming to exert power and control. We explore why healing from narcissistic relationships involves healthy ego development, rebuilding a sense of self, setting boundaries, and prioritizingconscious-care. Understanding the difference between healthy esteem and narcissism is crucial. Tune in to uncover the truth behind these complex dynamics and find a path to healing. Timestamps: [00:00:23] What does narcissism really mean? [00:06:20] Narcissistic partner dynamics. [00:09:39] Toxicity in relationships. [00:15:18] Trauma bonding in relationships. [00:19:20] Love Bombing and Healthy Boundaries [00:22:22] Trauma bonds and relationships. [00:25:40] Gut instinct vs. intuition. [00:29:27] Narcissistic manipulation tactics. [00:33:43] Narcissistic behavior warning signs. [00:39:11] Self-sabotaging behaviors in relationships. [00:42:06] Rebuilding sense of self. [00:46:47] Embracing stillness and nature. [00:50:35] Narcissism and self-esteem discussion. [00:56:14] Embracing richness of emotions. [00:58:25] Emotional Intelligence and Narcissism. [01:03:00] Setting boundaries for safety. [01:08:05] The fog of abuse. [01:10:30] Rebuilding sense of self. [01:15:01] Gaslighting and its origins. [01:19:15] Narcissistic traits in our culture. [01:23:06] The thin gray arc of complexity. Featured Guest:  Shannon Petrovich   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Heroes. Are they born - or made? They touch our hearts, fill us with admiration, and make us reconsider our world view. As we look at the plethora of superhero movies these days and you can see how much our society values and loves its heroes. -Just what makes certain people take heroic actions in the face of great danger? According to the Heroic Imagination Project (HIP), a non-profit organization that focuses on teaching people to become heroes in their everyday lives, heroism involves a behavior or action on behalf of another person or for a moral cause. While many of us cower to the challenge of fear, heroes, those in the truest sense - rise to serve others. Beyond our conceptualization of superpowers, exceptional talent and true ability -lies something other. Genuine courage in the compassionate discernment of a loving heart. A love that sacrifices all - so that others may themselves rise again, to see another day. We set aside the coming weekend to honor and thank our veterans, let us be mindful that we should do this every day of the year and not just this one. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words; but to live by them . In honor of those whose sacrifices have been many, we take this week to pause … and hold reverence. As you enjoy the love and leisure of family friends and acquaintances this weekend. May we fondly remember those who gave it all, so that we may continue to see the coming light of a new day. To our active duty friends, service people and veterans. To all who served, sacrificed and especially to those who gave their lives — their all. A most sincere ‘thank you’ from all of us at The Light Inside Community. Because of you we may each enjoy this time to ourselves- a time of reflection and relaxation. May we always hold you in our hearts, and never forget. Credits: Musical Score by Epidemic Sounds JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Studio
This episode of The Light Inside reflects on the power of gratitude in the face of challenges, such as surviving a devastating tornado. The host, Jeffrey Besecker, expresses deep appreciation for the safety of their community and the support received during the aftermath. The Light Inside revisits a conversation with author Steven Crane about how gratitude helps us move beyond cynicism. Despite challenges like severe weather and prolonged power outages, the podcast will return with a new episode next week, thanking listeners for their ongoing support and encouraging them to embrace gratitude in their lives. Steven shares his personal journey of confronting his own cynicism through the lens of gratitude, inspired by a poignant question from his teenage son. His book, "I Can Appreciate That," explores the transformative power of reevaluating life's challenges to uncover hidden blessings and lessons. We discuss the nuanced definitions of appreciation and how it can evolve from mere acknowledgment to a deep, value-enhancing gratitude that enriches our lives and those around us. Steven's insights into relationships and their pivotal role in personal growth and understanding are particularly enlightening. This episode is a reminder of the strength found in gratitude and the profound impact it can have on our perspective and interactions.  Time stamps: [00:00:02] Gratitude and resilience. [00:04:50] Overcoming negative thought patterns. [00:08:38] The power of appreciation. [00:13:06] Embracing friction and fuel. [00:17:31] Overcoming challenges with spina bifida. [00:19:40] Embracing uniqueness and challenges. [00:24:10] The idea of discernment. [00:28:33] The power of relationships. [00:33:26] The power of relationships. [00:37:03] The impact of relationships. [00:39:14] Gratitude is a gateway to grace. Featured Guest:  Steven Crane   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Explore the origin of the word "OK" and embrace imperfection in this episode of The Light Inside. Join holistic coach Cristina Bonnet as she delves into the factors behind chronic perfectionism and offers insights on embracing a more free-flowing and healthy perspective of excellence. In this enlightening episode of The Light Inside we had the pleasure of diving deep into the concepts of perfectionism and healthy excellence with holistic coach Cristina Bonnet. Our discussion explored the nuanced differences between compulsive perfectionism and the pursuit of masterful excellence, providing listeners with insights into how they can lead more fulfilling and balanced lives. Timestamps: [00:00:31] The origin of "OK." [00:05:01] Exploring cultural aspects in psychology. [00:08:28] Cultural revolution of striving. [00:15:48] Zodiac personality traits. [00:18:31] Authenticity versus staging. [00:24:16] Somatics and spiritual alignment. [00:27:33] Perfectionism in Every Area [00:33:54] Healthy excellence. [00:36:53] Pursuit of healthy excellence. [00:44:37] Nervous system regulation and cohesion. [00:46:37] Window of tolerance. [00:51:33] Holistic approaches in therapy. [00:57:52] Consciousness and inquiry. [01:02:36] Embracing imperfection in perfectionism. [01:03:42] The impact of sleep levels. [01:08:58] Broadening perspectives on tolerance. [01:13:25] The middle way. [01:21:11] Letting go of perfectionism. [01:24:18] Moving away from perfectionism. [01:27:39] Rhythms of activity and rest. “The Birth of OK” —What began as a lame joke in a Boston newspaper morphed into one of the most ubiquitous expressions in the English language Featured Guest:  Cristina Bonnet   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: Epidemic Sound “Rough Around The Edges” - j. besecker © 2024 Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In today’s enlightening episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Josh George, a sixth-degree black belt martial arts instructor who has dedicated over 30 years to teaching martial arts. Josh has innovatively applied his expertise to assist neurodivergent individuals, particularly children, by developing a martial arts curriculum that focuses on enhancing proprioceptive and vestibular pathways. Josh shared his journey of how he began working with neurodivergent individuals about 20 years ago, initially feeling out of his depth but gradually gaining insight into the unique needs of these students. He emphasized the importance of understanding and developing the lesser-known internal senses such as proprioception, vestibular, and interoceptive senses, which play a crucial role in how individuals interact with their environment. This episode not only shed light on the innovative approaches to supporting neurodivergent individuals but also underscored the profound impact that tailored physical education can have on their lives. Josh’s dedication and innovative methods offer a fresh perspective on the potential of martial arts as a powerful tool for empowerment and inclusion. For anyone interested in understanding more about neurodiversity, sensory integration, and the potential of martial arts in therapeutic settings, this episode is a must-listen. Featured Guest:  Josh George   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score: J.Brian Besecker “Dangerous Line” © 2024 “Fortitude” © 2024 “Today’s Wine (Is Tomorrow’s Tequila)” © 2024 Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
In this episode of The Light Inside, host Jeffrey Besecker delves into the crucial topic of sleep and its impact on our health with neuroscientist and sleep research expert Chelsie Rohrscheib.  They explore the staggering statistics of sleep disorders globally and the significant long-term effects of sleep deprivation on overall well-being and longevity.  Chelsie highlights the importance of building a solid sleep routine focusing on consistency, regularity, quality, and quantity to promote optimal health. Tune in to discover valuable insights on overcoming sleep procrastination and prioritizing quality sleep for a healthier life. Key Points: Consistency, regularity, quality, and quantity are essential factors for achieving quality sleep, as discussed in the podcast episode. 1. Consistency: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is crucial for regulating the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps the body anticipate and prepare for sleep, leading to better overall sleep quality. 2. Regularity: Establishing a regular bedtime routine can signal to the brain that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Engaging in calming activities before bed, such as reading or listening to relaxing music, can help create a sense of routine that promotes better sleep. 3. Quality: Quality of sleep refers to the depth and restfulness of the sleep stages experienced throughout the night. Factors such as reducing exposure to blue light before bed, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or controlled muscle relaxation can contribute to improving sleep quality. 4. Quantity: The recommended amount of sleep for adults is typically 7 to 9 hours per night. Ensuring that you get enough sleep each night is vital for your overall health and well-being. Lack of sleep can lead to a range of health issues, including cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and mental health disorders. Timestamps: [00:01:28] The cost of sleep procrastination. [00:05:21] Sleep apnea rising quickly. [00:09:45] Signs of sleep apnea. [00:14:32] Healthy communication in relationships. [00:19:13] Reading for better sleep. [00:22:50] Controlled muscle relaxation. [00:25:32] Purposeful sleep deprivation technique. [00:29:12] Sleep affects everything. Featured Guest:  Chelsie Rohrscheib   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Explore the importance of sleep and its impact on our physical and mental health in this episode of The Light Inside.  Join neuroscientist and sleep expert Chelsea Rohrscheib as she delves into the ABCs of a solid sleep routine.  Discover how healthy sleep habits can help us wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.  Tune in to learn more about the crucial role of sleep in our overall well-being and how to cultivate habits that promote mental clarity amidst the distractions of modern life. Key Points: The Importance of Sleep Hygiene Circadian Rhythms and Their Role in Regulating Sleep Healthy Sleep Protocals Three Pillars of Good Sleep Quality QQRT and Quality Sleep Assessment How To Establish Healthy Habits of Sleep Consistency  Nutritional Factors for Quality Sleep The Impact of Technology on Sleep Patterns and Sleep Disruption Environmental Factors Influencing Sleep Stress and It’s Impact on Sleep The Importance of Non-sleep Deep Rest and Mediation Exercise and sleep habits Timeestamps: [00:02:00] Importance of healthy sleep habits. [00:04:16] Three pillars of good sleep. [00:08:27] Circadian rhythms and sleep habits. [00:13:42] Maintaining a consistent circadian rhythm. [00:15:48] Importance of light stimulation. [00:20:26] Ideal sleep environment. [00:27:24] Excess sugar and inflammation. [00:29:04] The impact of diet on sleep. [00:33:03] Gastric reflux in the U.S. [00:37:55] Acid reflux and gut health. [00:41:54] Dietary aids for quality sleep. [00:46:51] Melatonin and sleep quality. [00:49:28] Tech's impact on bedtime procrastination. [00:53:54] Cortisol and dopamine balance. [00:58:08] Non sleep deep rest. [01:00:51] Ideal exercise timing. Featured Guest:  Chelsie Rohrscheib   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
n this thought-provoking episode of The Light Inside, we dive deep into the fascinating world of human psychology, ego processes, and synesthesia with our guest, Heather Eck. We begin by drawing parallels between the traits of ravens and the human psyche, discussing how these birds reflect our own intelligence, wisdom, and duality. As we navigate the complexities of the ego, we consider how it can be both a hindrance and a source of insight, depending on our perspective.  Our conversation then shifts to the mystical and cultural significance of ravens, touching on their roles as messengers, tricksters, and symbols of transformation across various traditions. We explore how these birds embody adaptability and resilience, serving as guardians and guides in both the physical and spiritual realms. Heather Eck brings a unique perspective to the discussion with her experience of synesthesia, a condition where sensory perceptions overlap, creating a vivid and colorful world that most of us cannot perceive. We delve into the implications of synesthesia on understanding our processes of ego and gaining new insights into our personal perspectives. We examine the role of art as a therapeutic tool and how it can sometimes serve as a coping mechanism rather than addressing underlying emotional issues. Timestamps: [00:02:57] Ravens in mythology. [00:07:12] Synesthesia experience exploration. [00:10:11] Our notions of color. [00:14:41] Processing emotions through art. [00:18:06] Life complexity and simplicity. [00:22:08] The concept of ego versus spirit. [00:27:29] The impact of morning routines. [00:29:06] Authenticity in a digital age. [00:33:31] Embracing personal artistic style. [00:38:56] Layers of human consciousness. [00:42:52] Spirituality and self. [00:45:18] The concept of higher self. [00:50:37] Guilt and tension in chakra. [00:53:17] Mind-body-spirit connection. [00:56:41] Mirroring for self-reflection. [01:03:09] Understanding energetic boundaries. [01:05:47] Layers of human complexity. [01:10:25] Embracing fear and authenticity. [01:13:24] The battle between ego and spirit. [01:19:44] Relationships and business dynamics. [01:22:01] Understanding the roles of ego. [01:27:39] Working with the ego. [01:29:48] Life's pie-eating contest philosophy. Featured Guest:  Heather Eck   JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Executive Program Director: Anna Getz
Exploring the intricacies of human perception and judgment, this episode of The Light Inside unravels how we often form opinions about others based on limited information and personal biases. Through introspective narration, the host challenges listeners to look beyond surface impressions and preconceived notions, emphasizing the complexity and uniqueness of each individual. Tune in to unravel the layers of conscious reflection and societal conditioning that influence our understanding of others and ourselves. 00:00:00 - Introduction to Conscious Reflection00:00:11 - Encountering Others00:00:22 - Public Figures and Perceptions00:00:32 - Judging the Unfamiliar00:00:53 - The Fog of First Impressions00:01:04 - Crafting Mental Storylines00:01:15 - The Uniqueness of Individuals00:01:26 - Judgments Based on Appearances00:01:36 - Inner Narratives and Misjudgments00:01:47 - Self-Perception and Projection00:01:58 - Parataxic Distortion Explained00:02:09 - The Impact of Mental Shortcuts00:02:20 - Misunderstandings from Distortions00:02:30 - The Importance of Knowing Others00:02:51 - Challenging Misconceptions00:03:03 - Closing Remarks and Gratitude Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Senior Production Manager: Anna Getz
Explore the impact of psychological triggers on our perceptions with trauma recovery coach Joe Ryan in this episode of The Light Inside. Learn how to reframe emotional triggers in a more empowering way to navigate life's challenges. In this episode of The Light Inside, host Jeffrey Besecker revisits a conversation with trauma recovery coach Joe Ryan about the role of psychological triggers in shaping our perceptions. They discuss reframing emotional triggers in a more empowering way. This episode delves into how our reactions and resistance can influence our stories and perceptions. While the team takes a break for spring, listeners are encouraged to explore this insightful discussion. Key Topics Discussed: emotional triggers and trauma Setting boundaries Moving beyond blindspots Time stamps: [00:02:51] Emotional triggers. [00:04:50] The evolving definition of trauma. [00:10:26] Little T trauma and its impact. [00:12:38] Enmeshment in relationships. [00:18:09] Evolving past emotional processing. [00:20:51] Moving towards authorship and ownership. [00:24:20] Setting boundaries when triggered. [00:28:42] Self-discovery through desire and self-acceptance. [00:31:17] Self-sabotaging beliefs and trauma. [00:36:18] Childhood trauma and healing. [00:40:35] Blind spots as learning opportunities. [00:43:39] Overcoming fear and shame. [00:46:27] Discovering Personal Belief Systems. [00:50:08] Emotional maturity and self-acceptance. [00:54:41] Embracing deep emotional experiences. [00:56:48] Trauma recovery program details. Featured Guest: Joe Ryan JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production and Mastering: Aloft Media Senior Production Manager: Anna Getz
Tune in to The Light Inside to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on mental health with Karen Stevens, co-founder of the AI chatbot app EarKick. Discover how EarKick is revolutionizing mental health support by offering compassionate guidance and wisdom in a user-friendly way. Join us as we delve into the future of well-being and the potential of technology to transform the way we approach mental health challenges. Timestamps: 00:00:02 - Introduction to Mental Health Stigma00:01:06 - Introducing EarKick AI Chatbot00:01:32 - Mint Mobile Sponsorship00:03:08 - Addressing Mental Health with AI00:04:14 - Understanding AI in Mental Health00:04:35 - EarKick's Approach to Mental Health00:05:08 - Guest Introduction: Karen Stevens00:05:32 - Karen Stevens' Background and Inspiration00:06:36 - The Genesis of EarKick00:07:53 - The Concept of a Mental Health Sidekick00:08:17 - EarKick as an AI-Driven Chatbot Hybrid00:09:09 - Tracking Personal Data for Mental Health00:11:21 - Building Trust and Inclusion in EarKick00:13:23 - EarKick's Board of Advisors00:15:27 - EarKick's Data-Driven Feedback System00:17:36 - Cultural Availability and Accessibility00:21:00 - Addressing Subconscious Patterns with AI00:24:47 - Detecting Serious Mental Health Issues00:27:53 - Adapting Traditional Mental Health Approaches00:31:27 - Addressing Cultural Disparities in Mental Health Care00:37:18 - Future Growth and Reshaping Mental Health Care00:40:04 - How to Access EarKick Resources JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Featured Guest: Karin Stephan Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production, and Mastering: Aloft Media Studio Senior Program Director:  Anna Getz
Explore the intriguing relationship between emotions, perceptions, and memories on The Light Inside.  Our guest, Kim Korte, author of "Yucky, Yummy, Savory, Sweet: Understanding the Flavors of Emotions," joined us to discuss her innovative approach to emotional awareness through the lens of food and cooking. Kim shared insights on how we're not born with preset emotional responses, but rather have the ability to shape our emotions.  She introduced the concept of emotional recipes, which allows us to fine-tune our emotional predictions based on our perceptions. We discussed the importance of emotional granularity and how it can enhance our ability to understand and manage our emotions more effectively. Discover how our emotions are not pre-determined but can be shaped like a painter creating a masterpiece.  Learn how to create a new connection with your emotions using the familiar analogy of cooking recipes.  Delve into the idea that we have the power to choose our emotions based on our perceptions and context.  Gain insights on fine-tuning emotional predictions and expanding our emotional palette.  Join us on The Light Inside for a refreshing perspective on emotions and personal growth. Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Constructing Our Worlds 00:00:21 - The Role of Memories in Perception 00:00:43 - Emotions: Natural or Shaped? 00:01:16 - Born to Feel: Choosing Our Emotions 00:01:49 - Emotional Recipes for Perception 00:02:10 - Becoming a Michelin Chef of Experiences 00:03:14 - Exploring Perception and Emotional Context 00:03:48 - Perception Through the Senses 00:04:17 - Neural Imprinting and Emotional Responses 00:05:00 - Interoception and Bodily Sensations 00:06:10 - Emotional Granularity and Consciousness 00:07:09 - Constructing Our Internal World 00:08:38 - Emotional Ingredients and Perceptual Skills 00:09:56 - Energy, Consciousness, and Soul Imprinting 00:11:03 - Perception Management and Focus 00:12:19 - Interoception vs. Neuroception 00:13:29 - Mind-Body Connection and Emotional Processing 00:14:57 - Emotional Recipes and Neuronal Activity 00:16:22 - Missing Ingredients in Emotional Responses 00:17:03 - Interoceptive Development and Alexithymia 00:18:13 - Neural Imprinting and Critical Period Development 00:19:10 - Subconscious Patterns and Emotional Formulation 00:20:48 - Emotional Granularity and Interoceptive Awareness 00:21:42 - Consciousness Beyond Material Self 00:22:29 - Interoception, Neuroception, and Emotional Processing 00:23:45 - Contextual Frameworks and Emotional Outcomes 00:24:57 - Willful Blindness and Emotional Granularity 00:26:51 - Emotional Predictions and Cultural Programming 00:28:31 - Perception Drivers and Emotional Data Processing 00:29:27 - Introspection Illusion and Emotional Assessments 00:30:31 - Self-Constructs and Emotional Context 00:31:25 - Window of Tolerance in Emotional Processing 00:32:13 - Vulnerability and Emotional Cycles 00:33:44 - Willful Blindness and Emotional Granularity 00:34:07 - Contextualization in Emotional Processing 00:35:39 - Conditionality and Emotional Experiences 00:36:05 - Biological and Cultural Factors in Emotions 00:37:29 - Overcoming Conditioning and Emotional Recipes 00:38:53 - Expectations and Emotional Experiences Credits: JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Featured Guest: Kim Korte Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production, and Mastering: Aloft Media Studio Senior Program Director:  Anna Getz
Explore the hidden layers of existence in this episode of The Light Inside with host Jeffrey Besecker. We unravel the impact of past lives and parallel experiences on our present reality, challenging the notion of life as linear.  Join guest Alara Sage, a shaman, as she uncovers the subconscious belief structures inherited from our past lives and family dynamics. Discover the multi-dimensionality of life and how these insights shape our growth and transformation. Embracing the Simultaneity of All Perspectives In the podcast episode, the conversation delves into the concept of embracing the simultaneity of all perspectives and experiences. The host and guest explore the idea of allowing for the coexistence of seemingly opposing beliefs and emotions, highlighting the importance of being present in the moment and open to diverse viewpoints. Key Points from the Episode: Unity Consciousness: The episode emphasizes the idea that all perspectives and experiences can coexist within the framework of unity consciousness. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, individuals can embrace the diversity of beliefs and emotions without judgment. Simultaneous Truths: The conversation touches on the notion that multiple truths can exist simultaneously. It's not about choosing one perspective over another but rather acknowledging the validity of different viewpoints and allowing them to exist harmoniously. Tension and Relaxation: The episode discusses how tension in the body can hinder one's ability to accept opposing beliefs and emotions. By relaxing into the present moment and releasing tension, individuals can create space for a more expansive and inclusive understanding of reality. Feminine, Masculine, and Child Energies: The trinity of feminine, masculine, and child energies is explored as a representation of the different aspects of consciousness. Each energy brings a unique perspective and contributes to the overall tapestry of human experience. Complexity and Simplicity: The episode reflects on the balance between complexity and simplicity in life. While the universe may present itself as radically complex, there is also a vast simplicity that underlies all existence. Embracing both aspects allows for a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of reality. [00:01:36] Parallel lives and subconscious beliefs. [00:07:36] Ego processes in past lives. [00:10:05] Unity of opposites. [00:13:24] Love and Unity Consciousness [00:19:23] The growth of the universe. [00:22:22] Embracing positive and negative energies. [00:29:09] The power of feeling everything. [00:32:55] Perception and behaviors in interactions. [00:37:42] Perception and empathy in interactions. [00:41:31] Ego dynamicism and consciousness. [00:43:35] The ego and divine light. [00:48:23] The complexity of consciousness. [00:53:48] Embracing AI in Communication. [00:59:36] Parallel lives and gifts. [01:04:47] Deep desire to engage fully. [01:06:14] Levels of density exploration. [01:10:21] A beautiful, loving conversation. Credits: JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM: @thelightinsidepodcast SUBSCRIBE: Featured Guest: Alara Sage Credits: Music Score by Epidemic Sound Executive Producer: Jeffrey Besecker Mixing, Engineering, Production, and Mastering: Aloft Media Studio Senior Program Director:  Anna Getz