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Awakened Conscious Conversations

Author: The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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To Help You Grow And Discover Who You Are! If you are looking to let go of stress and develop yourself via mindfulness, meditations and inspiring conversations, then this might just be the most important podcast out there! Healing the world one episode at a time by offering realistic solutions and connecting some of the most inspirational guests on the planet.Many of our guests have overcome significant obstacles and transformed their lives, overcoming pain and setbacks. A dark night of the soul followed by a significant turning point and, hence, a changed outlook on life. Rich with deep talks and joy we offer tips on living a more conscious life. Each episode ends with a bonus recorded meditation inspired by that days show.

202 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.What if a simple wave symbol could transform your emotional state instantly? Join us as we uncover the spiritual journey of Hope Fitzgerald, a visionary who brings profound insights into dowsing, inner guidance, and the mystical power of water. From her early fascination with spirituality to a life-changing visit to Findhorn in Scotland, Hope shares her remarkable experiences. She recounts a difficult year in 2010 that led her to sound healing workshops, where she recei...
Send us a Text Message.What happens when the magic of music collides with the harsh realities of the world? Join us for a heartfelt episode where we recount the profound life lessons and emotional experiences sparked by a Stevie Nicks concert. From her stirring tribute that moved an entire audience to tears to the unsettling news of an attempted assassination we explore the delicate balance between moments of beauty and the darker side of human nature. Unpacking these events, we delve into th...
Send us a Text Message.What if you could find hope and resilience even in the darkest times? Join us as we celebrate four years of our inspiring podcast journey, which began during the lockdown as a beacon of support and inspiration. We've connected with diverse audiences across 85 countries and 1109 cities, sharing transformative stories that reveal the incredible strength of the human spirit. Listen to heartfelt reflections on our beginnings, the invaluable lessons we've learned from our gu...
Send us a Text Message.Can life's noise teach us deeper lessons about patience and self-compassion? This week on the Conscious Conversations Podcast, I reflect on my struggle to maintain inner peace amidst the vibrant energy of summer solstice celebrations. I recount how the relentless drumming of the festivities disrupted my meditation practice, challenging me to find tranquility in unexpected ways. It was in the serene embrace of my garden that I discovered nature’s ability to soothe and ca...
Send us a Text Message.Join us for an intimate and transformative conversation with Dr. Joy Bracey, a celebrated authority on executive leadership and mental health. Dr. Bracey shares her deeply personal journey through obesity, shedding light on the emotional and psychological challenges she has faced and continues to overcome. Her candid insights from her podcast, Easy Weight Out, underscore the critical role of addressing inner critics and fostering a healthy relationship with food. This e...
Send us a Text Message.Ever had a day where everything seemed to go wrong, only to look back and understand it was a blessing in disguise? On this transformative episode, I recount an eye-opening experience when technical glitches halted my podcast recording, nudging me to step outside and relish the beautiful day. It was a powerful reminder to flow with life's currents rather than fight against them. This story underscores the incredible value of reframing our challenges as hidden oppo...
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt so drained that even the simplest tasks seem monumental? Join me as I navigate through the haze of post-travel fatigue and share a surprisingly simple yet effective technique to regain focus and serenity: tree-watching meditation. Instead of succumbing to the temptation of a midday movie, I explore how the quiet, rhythmic motion of nature can provide a perfect escape from the chaos of a busy mind.In this episode, I guide you through setting up your space for a...
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt like you're constantly juggling, trying to keep all your life's records playing harmoniously? Join me as we navigate the intricate dance of achieving balance and flow. I recount a tender tale from my garden, where a snail infestation became a lesson in empathy and resilience, a reminder that even in our smallest acts, we can find the rhythm of life. We then shift gears to discuss how carving out a space for personal growth can lead to profound healing...
Send us a Text Message.As the ebb and flow of the ocean provided a backdrop to my latest meditative escape, I was struck by the parallels between the tranquil sea and our own pursuit of inner peace. Season 16 of our podcast invites you on a transformative journey where we'll navigate the tumultuous waters of spiritual growth, uncovering the courage to match nature's sublime beauty with the everyday obstacles we encounter. While I share my reflections on the simple yet potent presence of natur...
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like you're standing at the edge of transformation, yet unsure how to take that leap? Join us as we traverse the landscapes of personal growth and self-discovery in this season Finale. We unearth the strength that lies in the aftermath of pain and the profound nourishment. If you've been feeling your motivation wane, we've got you covered with strategies to reignite your inner fire, be it through the tranquility of deep breathing or the joy of an impromptu dan...
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a transformative journey with me, the Gentle Yoga Warrior, as we unlock the secrets to a life led by the heart. This episode promises a tapestry of wisdom for simplifying your existence and aligning with your true self through the changing tides of life. We'll venture into the realms of stillness, meditation, and self-reflection, uncovering the subtle yet profound power of our energetic hearts. As your guide, I'll share insights on honoring the body as a sacre...
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a transformative journey with Jessie Tories, whose story of triumph over childhood abuse and marital discord exemplifies the indomitable human spirit. Her path to becoming a top-ranked performance coach and life strategist is not just a tale of success but a guide to turning your deepest struggles into your greatest assets. Jessie invites us to reconsider our understanding of trauma and mindset, revealing how both can intricately shape our personal development...
Send us a Text Message.Life's twists and turns often leave us yearning for a sense of victory, no matter how small. Join me, the Gentle Yoga Warrior, as we traverse the landscape of our lives, seeking out those wins that keep us grounded and moving forward. Whether you're wrestling with the balance sheet of your finances, the complexities of personal relationships, or the simple choice between a salad and a slice of cake, this episode is brimming with heartfelt advice on embracing authenticit...
Send us a Text Message.The world spins at a relentless pace, sometimes causing overwhelming feelings but in this session of the Gentle Yoga Warrior podcast, we embrace the energy of April and steer through the changing tides together. With an unexpected twist, our anticipated guest couldn't join, but the conversation flows richly, offering insights into the joy of turmeric lattes and the simple act of walking barefoot to reconnect with our planet's healing energies. Feel the stead...
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a tranquil journey with us as we navigate the gentle waters of self-care and balance. April, with its promise of renewal, invites us to tenderly embrace the ebb and flow of life's demands. The show unfolds as a tapestry woven with the threads of kindness and respect toward one another, revealing how these virtues serve as a soothing balm amidst societal discord. As we explore practical strategies for self-soothing, you'll discover how to create a harmonious at...
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a transformative exploration of energy and healing with Tom Paladino, a pioneering researcher in the field of Scalar Energy, Prepare to be enthralled as Tom unveils his instruments capable of powering light bulbs without traditional electricity, offering a tantalisng glimpse into the potential of tapping into the energy of the cosmos. As we traverse Tom's journey from a curious mind to a visionary scientist, we grapple with the complexities of widespread...
Send us a Text Message.Discover the tranquility that's been silently waiting for you, hidden behind the ceaseless chatter of everyday life. You'll learn how the simplicity of gratitude and the art of self-acceptance can amplify life's pleasures, transforming your reaction to the world into a mindful dance. Take a deep, healing breath as we introduce a practice that's as simple as it is profound: breath work for cultivating self-love and deeper connections. Join us, and let's embark on t...
Send us a Text Message.Discover the strength that lies within you as we journey alongside Sondra Harper, a yogi with over twenty years under her belt, who teaches us how to weave the four noble attitudes—friendliness, joy, compassion, and non-judgment—into the very fabric of our being. This episode is a sanctuary for those seeking to build emotional resilience and find solace in self-compassion, especially in the face of life's inevitable storms. Sondra and I will share the subtle art of brea...
Send us a Text Message.As the seasons change, so do we, evolving with the vibrant energy of spring. Together, we'll traverse the landscape of setting purposeful intentions, celebrating the triumphs of enhanced social bonds, rejuvenated health routines, and spiritual awakenings. I'll also reveal my own journey, including the lessons learned from venturing into new territories like guest appearances on other podcasts, underscoring the richness that lies in stepping beyond our comfort zones.Marc...
Send us a Text Message.As the Gentle Yoga Warrior, I found the snow moon of February to be a beautiful symbol of release and rejuvenation. I invite you to join me in exploring its majesty and the profound impact of lunar rituals on our lives. This month's musings are deeply rooted in my own journey with the crow pose—a testament to patience and the often unnoticed undercurrents of progress. Together, we'll embrace the snow moon's energy to cast off what no longer serves us, as I guide you thr...