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Skull RPG: Game Masters Tell Your Story

Author: Dwight and Jacob Scull

Subscribed: 11Played: 160


Tabletop RPG's use story telling to create an immersive reality for a group of players across the world. We aim to provide you better ways to tell the story you want to tell in your DnD / Pathfinder / Gurps / Vampire / Shadowrun / or other tabletop RPG of your choice.Let's tell your story!
163 Episodes
Hey Storytellers,We started this channel in Sept 2020 and since then we have received 3000 downloads. That is really good for not advertising this channel and just getting organic reach.Because we do pay a premium for podcast hosting, publishing to numerous channels and helping iTunes audio quality we are switching over to just YouTube because of the costs.We noticed that as of 3/22/21 we have about 11 - 14 people that regularly download our material. For those of you that do this - we thank ...
Hey Storytellers,Sometimes you have a great idea but it isn't connected to anything at all, nor do you always know how to scale it up to use in a larger context.Visit to see what books, free courses, and other resources are available for you and your gaming needs.In today's episode, we cover how Olson Scott Card did this for Ender's Game and how you can do it as well in your tabletop RPG game.
Hey Storytellers,Have you ever noticed why most D&D / Pathfinder games occur in a place with definite boundaries?Visit to see what books, free courses, and other resources are available for you and your gaming needs.In this episode, we talk about ways to get out of places with definite boundaries and how the gaming mat has limited D&D to 2d combat that requires walls to work really well.
Hey Storyteller,Creating a fantasy race can be daunting. Are my players going to be in this race? Are they trying to save this race?How does this race fit into the larger campaign? Do they worship different gods? Who are their heroes, villains, economic structure, language?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in an...
Hey Storyteller,Creating a fantasy city can be daunting. Do you need a map? How many store owners and types of stores do I need to have created? What about guilds / factions / temples? Do I need to know what the tech / magic limit is for this city? Where do I even begin?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any T...
Hey Storyteller,Creating a fantasy kingdom can be daunting. How many people do you need to create? Do you need to flesh out one or more temple systems? What do you do about the economy or leadership or any number of things?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: thi...
Hey Storyteller,After reading many fantasy series it feels like in order to start a campaign some people feel like they have to recreate the Silmarillion. But do you?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: would say only have as much mythology as you feel you need. ...
Hey Storytellers,We have moved to posting every Monday/Wednesday/Friday.To finish up our how to play an RPG in ____ era. We turn to the modern era or the clay era. Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: current age of humanity is the clay era of humanity acco...
Hey Storytellers,We have moved to posting on Monday / Wednesday / Friday.The Silver era or age can be explained this way. Atlantis (golden age) has just fallen. The survivors have landed, scattered across the world. They don't have the technology or maybe even raw goods to bring Atlantis back but compared to the primitives they are now living among they are like gods.Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: https://www.ama...
Hey Storytellers,We are moving to a Monday / Wednesday / Friday publishing schedule at this point. We hope that lets you catch up and listen to each episode as they land.In today's episode, we talk about most of the RPG's we play. This is the bronze era using a Greco-Roman Mythology understanding of humanity. Your players are exploring a world that has fallen from the Golden and Silver eras. There are wondrous items, spells, and/or technology that cannot be recreated (or at least as easily as...
Hey Storytellers,Two episodes ago we talked about the different eras of games using the Greek understanding of creation. So there were the golden, silver, bronze, and clay ages of humanity. Today we explore playing a game at the height of magic or technology that your world will ever see. Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Gam...
Hey Storytellers,I don't know about you but when I first tried to write my own adventures as a Dungeon Master for D&D 3.5 I thought I needed a world map. The same was true when I tried my hand at GURPS.Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: what if I told you...
Hey Storytellers,In today's episode, we cover different eras as an overview. Using the Greek understanding of Golden, Silver, Bronze and Clay age of Humanity we talk about this in RPG terms.Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: does that mean? Great question.A ...
Hey Storytellers,In one of my campaigns, I wanted to tell a story about the players hunting down a particular villain. I didn't want this game to last more than about 8 months of real-time and I didn't want to spend a year of in-game time that didn't connect to the overarching storyline. So what did I do? Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG A...
GM 101: Combat Traps

GM 101: Combat Traps


Hey Storytellers,In our last episode, we covered if you should use traps or not. One really nasty thing to do is to incorporate them into a mini-boss encounter. Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: this episode, we talk about using things like a pit trap, p...
Hey Storytellers,Do you need traps in your RPG? Do you need to create a dungeon where every room somehow has a 20,000 GP trap designed to kill your players?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: answer to that is it is up to you. If you want to be trap heavy...
Hey Storytellers,Sometimes in the middle of a conflict, you realize that your players are running through it too fast. So what do you do about that?Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: today's episode, we cover how to scale up or down your conflict in order to m...
Hey Storytellers,In today's episode, we will cover how to scale the challenge rating of your encounters (up or down) depending on the players around your table. Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG:'s face it, if you have a min/max player and they are in th...
Hey Storytellers,Eventually, you may be ready to make your own custom RPG adventure and even campaign. This entire podcast is dedicated to helping you do just that and if you already make custom RPG's then our podcast is designed to give you more tools or maybe a way of using your current tools in a different way. Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book -...
Hey Storytellers,The next step to running a premade is learning how to string together one-off adventures if you want to run these cheaply either from free adventures on the internet or with some patreons dedicated to these.Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes: Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG: